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    2025 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute
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    2019 AACAP Douglas B. Hansen, MD, 44th Annual Review Course
    2019 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute
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    2018 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute
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    2017 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute
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    2016 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute
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    2012 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute - All MP3 Download
    Suicide and Suicide Behavior in Children and Adolescents
    (Inactive) 040AB - Psychopharmacology: Focus on ADHD and OCD
    (Inactive) 060AB - Autism Update: Etiology and Treatment Update in Telemedicine
    (Inactive) 070 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychosis Disorders in Youth
    (Inactive) 080 - FDA Pediatric Advisory Committee Review of New Psychotropic Indications for Adult Medications for Children and Adolescents
    (Inactive) 2010 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute Audio CD Set
    (Inactive) 230 - Ethics in Child Psychiatry
    (Inactive) CON - Complete Review Course Audio Set
    (Inactive) 001 - Clinical Perspectives 1: Can Behavioral Health and Psychiatric Services Be Integrated Into Pediatric Primary Care?
    (Inactive) 002 - Clinical Perspectives 2: Multiphased Approach to Reducing Seclusion and Restraint on Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Units
    (Inactive) 003 - Clinical Perspectives 4: Military Children and Families: Wartime Challenges
    (Inactive) 004 - Clinical Perspectives 5: Nuances and Neglected Areas in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Youth
    (Inactive) 005 - Clinical Perspectives 6: Systems of Care and the Practice of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Opportunities and Challenges
    (Inactive) 006 - Clinical Perspectives 7: Mood Disorders and Elizabeth Weller, M.D.
    (Inactive) 007 - Clinical Perspectives 8: After a Suicide: Helping the Surviving Children Heal
    (Inactive) 008 - Clinical Perspectives 9: Child Psychiatric Leadership in the Public Sector: Multiple Perspectives, Multiple Roles
    (Inactive) 009 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Crossing Borders to Protect Children of the World: International Perspectives on Child Abuse and Maltreatment
    (Inactive) 010 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Bullies, Targets, and "Frenemies": Understanding and Preventing Bullying and Cyberbullying
    (Inactive) 010 - Normal Growth and Development: Infancy and Toddlerhood
    (Inactive) 010 - Opening Remarks Tics, Tourette's, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    (Inactive) 010AB - Recognizing Psychosis and Treating it Safely and Effectively
    (Inactive) 011 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Diagnostic and Treatment Issues for Adults with ADHD
    (Inactive) 012 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Having Children with Help: A Review and Discussion of Current Clinical and Ethical Issues Related to Assisted Reproductive Medicine
    (Inactive) 013 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Promoting Autonomy in Our Patients Transitioning to College: A Systems Approach
    (Inactive) 014 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Global Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Mental Health Needs of Children around the World
    (Inactive) 015 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Transitioning Adolescents with Autism Into Adulthood
    (Inactive) 016 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Life Members' Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: My Pathway to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (The Influence of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, and Anna Freud on my Clinical Orientation)
    (Inactive) 017 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Catatonia in Children and Adolescents
    (Inactive) 018 - Clinical Perspectives 19: High Conflict Custody: The Role of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    (Inactive) 019 - Clinical Perspectives 20: Telepsychiatry Models of Care and Their Challenges
    (Inactive) 020 - Clinical Perspectives 21: When a Child Chooses Death: Examining Youth Suicide and Prevention Programs II
    (Inactive) 020 - Normal Growth and Development in Middle Childhood and Adolescence
    (Inactive) 020 - Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    (Inactive) 020AB - Early Onset Schizophrenia: Relevant Topics for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    (Inactive) 021 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Five Years After Hurricane Katrina: A Multidimensional Perspective
    (Inactive) 022 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Mentalizing Therapy for Adolescents with Suicidality, Self-Harm, and Serious Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders
    (Inactive) 023 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Sleep Disturbances in Children and Adolescents: Interface with Psychiatric Disorders
    (Inactive) 024 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Child and Adolescent Patients in the General Hospital: Integrated Approaches by Physicians and Psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand
    (Inactive) 025 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Community-Based Suicide Prevention: Opportunities and Challenges
    (Inactive) 026 - Clinical Perspectives 27: The Evergreen Project: A National and International Collaboration towards a Child and Youth Mental Health Framework for Canada
    (Inactive) 027 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Treatment Challenges in the College-Aged Population
    (Inactive) 028 - Clinical Perspectives 29: When the Diagnosis Is Bipolar: Are There Other Explanations?
    (Inactive) 029 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Culturally Alert Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Youth
    (Inactive) 030 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Malpractice and the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    (Inactive) 030 - Psychological Testing and Learning Disabilities
    (Inactive) 030AB - Update on Ethics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Guidelines for Managing Conflicts of Interest
    (Inactive) 031 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Opening Pandora's Box Safely: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Traumatized Inpatient Teens
    (Inactive) 032 - Systems of Care Special Program: Early Childhood Mental Health Systems of Care: Evidence Base and Best Practices
    (Inactive) 033 - Research Forum: Perspectives on Current Pediatric Psychopharmacology Research Needs
    (Inactive) 034 - Karl Menninger, M.D. Plenary: Transforming Urban Education: The New York City Experience
    (Inactive) 035 - Joseph Noshpitz Memorial History Lecture: Pediatric Psychopharmacology: Too Much or Too Little?
    (Inactive) 036 - Perils in Psychiatric Drug Development
    (Inactive) 037 - Honors Presentation 1: Understanding and Managing Loss in Adoption: Developmental and Clinical Issues
    (Inactive) 038 - Honors Presentation 2: The Path to Diagnosis, Treatment, Education and Research of Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Poor Rural Southern State
    (Inactive) 039 - Honors Presentation 3: Building Better Brains: How Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Can Shape Local Schools Today to Promote Mental Health
    (Inactive) 040 - Basic Concepts in Epidemiology, Statistics, and Research Design
    (Inactive) 040 - Presidential Interview
    (Inactive) 040 - Psychopharmacological Treatment of ADHD in Childhood
    (Inactive) 042 - Mental Health and Substance Abuse in the Medical Home as It Pertains to Rural Settings
    (Inactive) 043 - Honors Presentation 4: Using Context to Treat Traumatized Children
    (Inactive) 044 - Honors Presentation 5: When Parenting Becomes Unthinkable: Intervening with Traumatized Parents and Their Toddlers
    (Inactive) 045 - Honors Presentation 6: Substance Use and the Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents
    (Inactive) 046 - Resident as Teacher: Teaching Skills for Residency and Beyond
    (Inactive) 047 - Honors Presentation 7: Anxiety and Neuroscience: Relevance for Prevention
    (Inactive) 048 - Honors Presentation 8: Psychiatric Services for Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities: Present Needs and Future Directions
    (Inactive) 049 - Honors Presentation 9: Implications of Extending the ADHD Age-of-Onset Criterion to Age 12: Results From a Prospectively Studied Birth Cohort
    (Inactive) 050 - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Older Adolescents and Adults with ADHD: Treatments and Dealing with Substance Use Disorder
    (Inactive) 050 - Teaching for Success: Rewards and Challenges of Educating In the Internet Era
    (Inactive) 050AB - Update on Autism
    (Inactive) 051 - Honors Presentation 10: An Early Childhood Mental Health System of Care: From Idea to Reality
    (Inactive) 052 - Increasing Recruitment Into Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A 10-Year Update From the Steering Committee on Workforce Issues
    (Inactive) 053 - Report From the National Advisory Mental Health Council Workgroup on Interventions Research
    (Inactive) 054 - Honors Presentation 11: The Long War and Parental Combat Deployment: Effects on Military Children and Parents
    (Inactive) 060 - Medication Side Effects in Children and Adolescents Treated with Antipsychotics
    (Inactive) 070 - Genetics and Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Practice
    (Inactive) 070AB - Current Issues in Juvenile Justice and Substance Abuse
    (Inactive) 080 - Child Maltreatment and Diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociative Disorders
    (Inactive) 090 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    (Inactive) 090 - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Psychotic Disorders, Including the Efficacy and Safety Data of Second Generation Antipsychotics
    (Inactive) 100 - Neuroimaging 101: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), Morphometry, Volumetrics, and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)
    (Inactive) 101 - Neuropsychology 101
    (Inactive) 102 - The Architecture of Neurobehavioral Comorbidities in Children with Epilepsy
    (Inactive) 103 - Late Cognitive and Behavioral Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury Incurred in Early Childhood
    (Inactive) 104 - Psychiatric Assessment of Children and Adolescents with Demyelinating Disorders
    (Inactive) 105 - Roundtable Discussion: The Clinical Evaluation of a Complex Pediatric Central Nervous System (CNS) Case
    (Inactive) 106 - Global Vertigo: Rethinking the New Migration
    (Inactive) 107 - Learning in a New Land: Contextual Factors of the Immigrant Child
    (Inactive) 108 - Dual Language Development in Young Immigrant Children
    (Inactive) 109 - Low Linguistic Competence and Other Risk Factors for Psychopathology in Latino Immigrant Children
    (Inactive) 110 - ConsultLiaison Psychiatry
    (Inactive) 110 - Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs in the Era of Personalized Medicine
    (Inactive) 110 - Impact of Acculturation on the Mental Health of Immigrant Children
    (Inactive) 111 - Delivering Evidence-Based Treatments for Immigrant Children
    (Inactive) 112 - Management of Pediatric Depression in a Primary Care Setting
    (Inactive) 113 - Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy for ADHD
    (Inactive) 115 - Ten Things a Primary Care Physician Needs to Know about Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and Aggression in Autism
    (Inactive) 116 - Pediatric Psychopharmacology Case Presentations: Practical Applications
    (Inactive) 117 - Symposium 2: Early Interventions for Children Exposed to Traumatic Events
    (Inactive) 118 - Symposium 3: Mental Health, Child Protection, and Human Rights of Vulnerable Youth in the U.S. and Worldwide
    (Inactive) 119 - Symposium 4: Dissemination of Interventions for Reducing Child Maltreatment and Associated Impairment
    (Inactive) 120 - Mental Retardation, Developmental Disability, Genetic Disorders
    (Inactive) 120 - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
    (Inactive) 120 - Symposium 5: International Symposium: Integrated Psychosocial and Mental Health Services for Children in Emergency Situations
    (Inactive) 121 - Symposium 6: Autism as a Dysconnection Syndrome: From Microscopic Abnormalities to Developmental Trajectories
    (Inactive) 122 - Symposium 7: Founders Symposium: Stress, Anxiety, and the Developing Brain
    (Inactive) 123 - Symposium 8: Challenging Traditional Concepts of ADHD: Evidence From Brain Imaging and Longitudinal Follow-up Studies
    (Inactive) 124 - Symposium 9: Dynamic Factors of Treatment in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    (Inactive) 125 - Symposium 10: Evolution and Psychiatry: Adaptation or Disorder?
    (Inactive) 126 - Symposium 11: Adolescent Substance Abuse and Internalizing Disorders: Moving Beyond the Myths
    (Inactive) 127 - Symposium 13: Community-Based Participatory Research and Mental Health Service Delivery in American Indian Communities
    (Inactive) 128 - Symposium 14: Etiologies and Treatment Management of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Youth with Severe Mental Disorders
    (Inactive) 129 - Symposium 15: Simon Wile Symposium: Reaching Difficult Children with Difficult Problems
    (Inactive) 130 - AutismSpectrum Disorders
    (Inactive) 130 - Symposium 16: An Update on Adaptations and New Research on Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (IPT-A)
    (Inactive) 131 - Symposium 17: Beyond Main Findings of NIDA Multi-Site Treatment Trials for Youth with Substance Use Disorders: What Works and for Whom?
    (Inactive) 132 - Symposium 18: Joseph Noshpitz's Journey of Child Development
    (Inactive) 133 - Symposium 19: ADHD Genes, Scans, and Acronym Studies: What Is in Them for the Clinician?
    (Inactive) 134 - Symposium 20: New Research in Juvenile Bipolar Disorder
    (Inactive) 135 - Symposium 21: Disadvantaged Schools and Mental Health: Developing and Expanding Capacity
    (Inactive) 136 - Symposium 22: Evidence-Based Evaluation and Treatment of Youth with Maladaptive Aggression
    (Inactive) 137 - Symposium 23: Informing the DSM-5: Examining Definitions for Youth Psychiatric Diagnoses Using Multiple Secondary Data Sources - the DiNG Project.
    (Inactive) 138 - Symposium 24: Long-Term Outcome in ADHD
    (Inactive) 139 - Symposium 25: The Emerging Role of Molecular Diagnoses in Child Psychiatry
    (Inactive) 140 - Pediatric Sleep Disorders
    (Inactive) 140 - Symposium 26: Using Functional Neuroimaging to Examine Social and Emotional Functioning in Pediatric Psychopathology
    (Inactive) 141 - Symposium 27: DSM-5 Update From the Child and Adolescent Disorders Work Group and the ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Work Group
    (Inactive) 142 - Symposium 28: Adult ADHD
    (Inactive) 143 - Symposium 30: Dysregulated but NOT Bipolar: New Insights Into Childhood Problems with Self-Regulation
    (Inactive) 144 - Symposium 31: Irritability: From Biology to Clinical Implications
    (Inactive) 145 - Symposium 32: Gene Camp: Understanding Genetic Studies of Childhood Psychiatric Disorders
    (Inactive) 146 - Symposium 33: Evidence-Based Family-Centered ADHD Care
    (Inactive) 147 - Symposium 35: Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder Offspring
    (Inactive) 149 - Symposium 38: DSM-5 Update From the Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ND) Work Group
    (Inactive) 150 - Bipolar Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    (Inactive) 150 - Symposium 39: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Post-Genome-Era: Reframing the Promise of Prevention
    (Inactive) 151 - Symposium 42: Gender Identity Disorder and the DSM-5: An Update
    (Inactive) 152 - Symposium 43: Pediatric Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Relationships Between Development, Neurobiology, and Treatment
    (Inactive) 153 - Symposium 44: Psychotropic Medication Use in Vulnerable Child and Adolescent Populations
    (Inactive) 154 - Symposium 45: Advances in Research on Burn Trauma and Outcomes
    (Inactive) 155 - Symposium 46: Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Update: Neuroimaging, Genetics, and Treatment
    (Inactive) 156 - Symposium 47: Pharmacotherapy in Autism: A Decade of Progress
    (Inactive) 157 - Symposium 48: "Resting-State" Functional Connectivity of Typical Development, Bipolar Disorder, and ADHD
    (Inactive) 158 - Symposium 49: Somatic and Life Skill Complaints Associated with ADHD: Beyond Core Symptoms
    (Inactive) 159 - Symposium 50: The Bucharest Early Intervention Project: Effects of Early Deprivation
    (Inactive) 160 - Neurological Disorders Seizures, Headaches, Brain Tumors, Neurodegenerative, and Neuromuscular Disorders
    (Inactive) 160 - Symposium 51: Gender Differences In ADHD, Substance Use, and Other Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders: Implications for Treatment of Adolescent and Young Adult Females
    (Inactive) 161 - Symposium 52: Cortical-Subcortical Circuits in the Pathogenesis of ADHD
    (Inactive) 162 - Symposium 53: New Topics in Eating Disorders
    (Inactive) 163 - Symposium 54: Non-Pharmacologic Neurocognitive Enhancing Interventions for Children with ADHD
    (Inactive) 164 - Symposium 55: Autism in Girls and Women
    (Inactive) 180 - Attention-DeficitHyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    (Inactive) 190 - Depressive Disorders
    (Inactive) 200 - Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Aggression, Violence, and Homicide
    (Inactive) 2010 AACAP 35th Annual Review Course Audio CD Set
    (Inactive) 2010 AACAP Lifelong Learning Institute Audio CD Set
    (Inactive) 210 - Child Forensic Psychiatry
    (Inactive) 220 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
    (Inactive) 240 - Cross-Cultural Child Psychiatry
    (Inactive) 250 - Eating Disorders
    (Inactive) 260 - Education-Based Psychiatric Consultation
    (Inactive) 270 - Systems of CareLevels of Care
    (Inactive) 301026 - 2010 57th Annual Meeting (CD Sing61 - Advanced Pharmacological Approaches to Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders
    (Inactive) 57 - Pharmacological Strategies in Treatment Refractory ADHD
    (Inactive) 58 - Tics, Tourette's Disorder, and Comorbidity: Strategies for Treatment Resistance
    (Inactive) 59 - Psychopharmacological Management of Youth with Major Depressive Disorder
    (Inactive) 60 - Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Youth
    (Inactive) 62 - Substance Use Disorder: A Pediatric Approach
    (Inactive) 63 - Religion and Spirituality in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A New Frontier
    (Inactive) 64 - Religion and Spirituality in Child and Adolescent Development
    (Inactive) 65 - Child and Adolescent Psychopathology: Spiritual and Religious Perspectives
    (Inactive) 66 - Religious and Spiritual Issues in Child and Family Assessment
    (Inactive) 67 - Religion and Spirituality in Medical Illness, Dying, and Death
    (Inactive) 68 - An Overview of Major World Faith Traditions: Relevance to Practice
    (Inactive) 69 - Religion and Spirituality as Resources: Working with Religious Professionals and Institutions
    (Inactive) 70 - Ethical Issues in Addressing Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Care
    (Inactive) 71 - Integrating Religious and Spiritual Issues in the Treatment of Children, Adolescents, and Families
    (Inactive) 72 - Diagnosis, Phenomonology, and Outcomes of Trauma in Children and Adolescents
    (Inactive) 73 - Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Community, Foster, and Residential Settings
    (Inactive) 74 - Interventions for Traumatized Children in Pediatric Settings
    (Inactive) 75 - Treating Traumatized Children in School Settings
    (Inactive) 76 - Rational Pharmacotherapy for Traumatized Children
    (Inactive) 77 - Monitoring the Use of Psychotropic Medications in Foster Children
    (Inactive) 78 - Treating Traumatized Children with Severe Comorbid Mental Disorders
    (Inactive) 80 - MedicalPsychiatric Interface: Factitious Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Somatoform Disorders
    (Inactive) 81 - Update on Bipolar Disorder
    (Inactive) 82 - Review of Pediatric and Neurologic Consultative Issues
    (Inactive) 83 - Mental Health Issues for Children with Hearing Impairments
    (Inactive) 84 - Update on Neuroscience
    (Inactive) 85 - Grief, Depression and Suicidality
    (Inactive) 86 - Update on ADHD, Conduct Disorder, and Psychopharmacology
    (Inactive) 87 - Differential Diagnosis of Autism and Related Disorders
    (Inactive) 88 - The Neural Basis of Social Awareness in Children with Autism
    (Inactive) 89 - Pharmacotherapy of Autism and Related Pervasive Developmental Disorders
    (Inactive) 90 - An Unexpected Life: Family Adjustment to Raising a Child with Autism through Adulthood
    (Inactive) 91 - Genetics and Autism for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Practitioner
    (Inactive) 92 - Behavioral and Educational Approaches for Increasing Adaptive Functioning Skills
    (Inactive) 93 - Considering Complimentary, Alternative, and Biomedical Approaches to Autism Assessment and Treatment with Families
    (Inactive) 94 - The Biobehavioral Family Model (BBFM): Application to Pediatric Stress-Related Illness
    (Inactive) 95 - Stress, Depression, and Pediatric Asthma
    (Inactive) 96 - Pediatric Somatoform Disorders
    (Inactive) 97 - Pediatric Cancer
    (Inactive) 98 - Psychiatric Strategies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    (Inactive) 99 - Pediatric Transplant: Assessing Psychosocial Risks
    (Inactvie) 2010 AACAP 57th Annual Meeting Audio CD Set
    000 - Welcome
    000-020 - Welcome / Generalized Anxiety Disorder.../ Q&A 1
    001 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Disorders of Sex Development: Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Behaviors
    001 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Disorders of Sex Development: Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Behaviors
    002 - Clinical Perspectives 02: New Psychosocial Treatment in ADHD Through the Life Span
    002 - Clinical Perspectives 02: New Psychosocial Treatment in ADHD Through the Life Span
    003 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Growing up with Chronic Illness: Transition to Adult Medical Care and Adulthood for Adolescents with Chronic Medical and Developmental Conditions
    003 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Growing up with Chronic Illness: Transition to Adult Medical Care and Adulthood for Adolescents with Chronic Medical and Developmental Conditions
    004 - Clinical Perspectives 04: International Perspectives on Resident Training in Child Psychopharmacology
    004 - Clinical Perspectives 04: International Perspectives on Resident Training in Child Psychopharmacology
    005 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Treating Children and Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders and Complex Comorbidities
    005 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Treating Children and Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders and Complex Comorbidities
    006 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Genes to Novel Therapeutics
    006 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Genes to Novel Therapeutics
    007 - Clinical Perspectives 07: Child-Focused Computer Applications for Child Psychiatric Practice
    007 - Clinical Perspectives 07: Child-Focused Computer Applications for Child Psychiatric Practice
    008 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Treating Abused Children: A Practical Approach for the Child Psychiatrist
    008 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Treating Abused Children: A Practical Approach for the Child Psychiatrist
    009 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Exercise As Treatment for Depression
    009 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Exercise As Treatment for Depression
    010 - AACAP's Recertification Efforts Update on Neuroscience
    010 - Adolescent Substance Use Disorders Update: Neurobiology, Psychosocial, and Medication Treatments
    010 - Attachment Relationships and Relationship Disturbances in Young Children
    010 - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Substance Abuse (Part 1 & 2)
    010 - Beyond Elementary: Advanced Approaches to the Treatment of ADHD Under DSM-5
    010 - Children With Outbursts: Who Are They, What Happens to Them, and What Can We Do About Them?
    010 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Pediatric Catatonia: New Findings in An Old Syndrome
    010 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Pediatric Catatonia: New Findings in An Old Syndrome
    010 - Current Controversies in the Medication Management of ADHD
    010 - Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Movement Disorders
    010 - Gold-standard Treatment for Early Psychosis and Research on Schizophrenia Prevention
    010 - OCD and Tic Disorders: What To Do Next When Treatments Don't Work
    010 - Opening Remarks
    010 - Principles of Psychopharmacology in Children and Adolescents
    010 - Tricks for Tics: Can We Predict a Fix?
    010 - Welcome
    010 - Welcome Remarks
    010 - Welcoming Remarks
    010 - Welcoming Remarks
    010 - Welcoming Remarks
    010 - Welcoming Remarks
    010 - Welcoming Remarks
    011 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Pediatric Topics in Child Psychiatry: Epilepsy, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and Gynecological Health
    011 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Pediatric Topics in Child Psychiatry: Epilepsy, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and Gynecological Health
    012 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Skills for Psychological Recovery: A Modular Approach to the Later Phases of Disaster
    012 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Skills for Psychological Recovery: A Modular Approach to the Later Phases of Disaster
    013 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Examining Youth Suicide and Prevention Programs III
    013 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Examining Youth Suicide and Prevention Programs III
    014 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Operation BRAVE Families: A Preventive Approach to Lessening the Impact of War on Military Families From a Pre-Clinical Standpoint
    014 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Operation BRAVE Families: A Preventive Approach to Lessening the Impact of War on Military Families From a Pre-Clinical Standpoint
    015 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Reflections: Wisdom and Hindsight
    015 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Reflections: Wisdom and Hindsight
    016 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Juvenile Antisocial Behavior: From Science to Treatment and Prevention
    016 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Juvenile Antisocial Behavior: From Science to Treatment and Prevention
    017 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Importance of An Integrated Medical Approach to Children's Health in the Hospital Setting
    017 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Importance of An Integrated Medical Approach to Children's Health in the Hospital Setting
    018 - Clinical Perspectives 18: The Scope of Suicidality in Gender and Sexual Minority Youth: Risk Factors, Clinical Issues, and Intervention Strategies
    018 - Clinical Perspectives 18: The Scope of Suicidality in Gender and Sexual Minority Youth: Risk Factors, Clinical Issues, and Intervention Strategies
    019 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Managing the Complexities of Caring for Young Children Who Have Been Traumatized
    019 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Managing the Complexities of Caring for Young Children Who Have Been Traumatized
    020 - Advanced Psychopharmacological Treatments for the Child and Adolescent Patient with Refractory Repetitive Behaviors: Tics, Tourette's, Trichotillomania, Pans and Pandas
    020 - Advanced Treatment Strategies for Early Onset Psychosis with a DSM-5 Twist
    020 - Bipolar Disorder and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder: Treatment Update
    020 - Clinical Perspectives 20: Mental Health Needs and Solutions in Child Welfare: Cross-National Perspectives
    020 - Clinical Perspectives 20: Mental Health Needs and Solutions in Child Welfare: Cross-National Perspectives
    020 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    020 - Harnessing Pharmacogenetic Testing to Optimize Treatment
    020 - Neuroscience-Based Psychopharmacology and Nomenclature
    020 - Normal Development: A Context for Understanding Disorders
    020 - Normal Development: A Context for Understanding Disorders Part 1
    020 - Opening Remarks by the Past President of AACAP: The Trouble With Outbursts
    020 - Practical Approaches to ADHD Pharmacotherapy: What's Easy, What's New, What's Complicated
    020 - Psychiatric Assessment of the Very Young Child
    020 - Questions and Answers 1
    020 - Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Traumatic Grief
    020 - Treating the Child and Adolescent with Refractory ADHD
    020 - Treatment of Eating Disorders
    020 - Update on Bipolar Disorder
    020 - Update on Residential Treatment, Wraparound Treatment, Seclusion and Restraint, Ethics, and Risk Management
    020 - Welcoming Remarks Consulting with Primary Care Practitioners: The Art and the Science
    020 - Welcoming Remarks / Treating Mood and Anxiety Symptoms in High-Risk Youth
    020 - When and How to Treat Youth at High Risk to Develop Bipolar Disorder
    020 - Where Evidence Meets Practice - Navigating "Next Steps": Psychopharmacologic Options in Pediatric Anxiety
    021 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Pediatric Palliative Care: A New Frontier for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    021 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Pediatric Palliative Care: A New Frontier for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    022 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents: Origins in Attachment, Repair Through a Mentalizing Treatment Framework
    022 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents: Origins in Attachment, Repair Through a Mentalizing Treatment Framework
    023 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Social Media and Adolescent Sexuality
    023 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Social Media and Adolescent Sexuality
    024 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Children of Immigrants: North American and European Perspectives
    024 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Children of Immigrants: North American and European Perspectives
    025 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Promoting Mental Health on College Campuses
    025 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Promoting Mental Health on College Campuses
    026 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Science and Art of Pediatric Sleep Medicine
    026 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Science and Art of Pediatric Sleep Medicine
    027 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Emergency Child Psychiatry: An Update on Policies, Services, and Practice
    027 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Emergency Child Psychiatry: An Update on Policies, Services, and Practice
    028 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Frenemies In the Classroom: Working with Parents and Educators to Prevent Bullying and Cyberbullying
    028 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Frenemies In the Classroom: Working with Parents and Educators to Prevent Bullying and Cyberbullying
    029 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Intersex Mental Health
    029 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Intersex Mental Health
    030 - Advanced Psychopharmacology Treatments for the Child and Adolescent with ADHD
    030 - Aggression as a Transdiagnostic Symptom: Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and Aggression Unspecified
    030 - Antagonists and Agonists: Medications for Psychosis
    030 - Attachment Relationships and Relationship Disorders
    030 - Autism Spectrum Disorder
    030 - Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence-based Treatments and What to Do Next
    030 - Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
    030 - Disruptive Behavior Disorders and Dysfunctional Aggression: When Might Pharmacotherapy be Considered?
    030 - Evidence-Based Clinical Assessment
    030 - Irritability, Outbursts, and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorde
    030 - Management of Acute Agitation
    030 - Normal Development: A Context for Understanding Disorders Part 2
    030 - Panel Discussion 1
    030 - Panel Discussion 1
    030 - Pediatric Eating Disorders
    030 - Psychopharmacological Treatment of ADHD and Substance Use Disorders
    030 - Systems of Care Special Program: Unclaimed Children 2011: Best Practices In Mental Health for Children In Child Welfare
    030 - Systems of Care Special Program: Unclaimed Children 2011: Best Practices In Mental Health for Children In Child Welfare
    030 - Targeting Psychotic Symptoms in Children and Adolescents: A Treatment Update
    030 - Treating the Child and Adolescent Patient with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
    030 - Typical Development from Conception to Adulthood
    030 - Update on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Child Psychiatric Disorders
    030 - Update on Mental Disorders Among Children with Hearing Impairments Update on Bereavement, Death and Dying
    031 - Research Forum: Advancing Biomarker Sciences in Pediatric Psychiatry
    031 - Research Forum: Advancing Biomarker Sciences in Pediatric Psychiatry
    032 - Karl Menninger, M.D. Plenary: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
    032 - Karl Menninger, M.D. Plenary: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
    033 - Joseph Noshpitz Memorial History Lecture: Should Moral Development Compete with Concern about Social-Emotional and Cognitive Development in Our Efforts to Prevent Mental Health Problems?
    033 - Joseph Noshpitz Memorial History Lecture: Should Moral Development Compete with Concern about Social-Emotional and Cognitive Development in Our Efforts to Prevent Mental Health Problems?
    034 - Teaching the Community In Times of Crisis: Responding to Teen Suicide
    034 - Teaching the Community In Times of Crisis: Responding to Teen Suicide
    035 - Honors Presentations 1: Legacy of Human Research Involving Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities
    035 - Honors Presentations 1: Legacy of Human Research Involving Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities
    036 - Honors Presentations 2: Sweet Home Alabama: A Systems of Care Memoir
    036 - Honors Presentations 2: Sweet Home Alabama: A Systems of Care Memoir
    037 - Presidential Interview: Laurence L. Greenhill, M.D. Interviews Russell J. Schachar, M.D., FRCPC
    037 - Presidential Interview: Laurence L. Greenhill, M.D. Interviews Russell J. Schachar, M.D., FRCPC
    038 - Honors Presentations 3: Living and Embracing Diversity
    038 - Honors Presentations 3: Living and Embracing Diversity
    039 - DSM-5 Program
    039 - DSM-5 Program
    040 - Advanced Psychopharmacology Treatments for the Child and Adolescent with Anxiety Disorder: A Modern Perspective
    040 - An Overview of Psychological Testing and Learning Disabilities
    040 - Clinical Pearls for the Pharmacological Management of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    040 - Eating Disorders - Clinical Presentation, Epidemiology, Neurobiology, and Treatment
    040 - Honors Presentations 4: Using Basic Science to Integrate Child Mental Health Services Into Primary Care
    040 - Honors Presentations 4: Using Basic Science to Integrate Child Mental Health Services Into Primary Care
    040 - Keeping Our Schools Safe: A Safety Assessment Approach to Violence Prevention
    040 - Mechanistic Approaches to Autism
    040 - Medication Management of Preschoolers and Children with ADHD
    040 - Panel Discussion 1
    040 - Pediatric and Neurologic Consultative Issues
    040 - Pediatric Anxiety Disorders in Clinical Practice
    040 - Psychiatric Assessment and Diagnosis of the InfantPreschool Child
    040 - Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, and PTSD
    040 - Q&A Panel
    040 - Q&A Panel 1
    040 - Question and Answer Session for Drs. McGough and Weaver
    040 - SSRIs and Beyond: Medication Management to Help Kids Talk Back to OCD
    040 - The Impact of DSM-5 on Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents
    040 - Ticked Off!! Explosive Outbursts in Tics/Tourette's Disorder
    040 - Tics, Twitches, and More: Update on Tools for our Medication Toolkits
    040 - Tonic and Phasic Irritability: Where Did They Come From and How Do We Manage Them?
    040 - Update on Pharmacologic and Biomedical Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorders
    040 - Update on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: From Very Young Children Through Adolescence
    041 - Training Forum
    041 - Training Forum
    042 - Honors Presentations 5: Quality of Care for Childhood ADHD in a Managed Care Medicaid Program
    042 - Honors Presentations 5: Quality of Care for Childhood ADHD in a Managed Care Medicaid Program
    043 - Honors Presentations 6: Adult Outcomes of Childhood Dysregulation: A 14-Year Follow-up Study
    043 - Honors Presentations 6: Adult Outcomes of Childhood Dysregulation: A 14-Year Follow-up Study
    044 - Honors Presentations 7: Validity of Evidence-Derived Criteria for Two Forms of Reactive Attachment Disorder
    044 - Honors Presentations 7: Validity of Evidence-Derived Criteria for Two Forms of Reactive Attachment Disorder
    045 - Honors Presentations 8: Improving the Odds for Children's Safety In Schools: Lessons Learned
    045 - Honors Presentations 8: Improving the Odds for Children's Safety In Schools: Lessons Learned
    046 - The Development of Treatment Recommendations for Metabolic Complications Associated with Second Generation Antipsychotic Use In Children
    046 - The Development of Treatment Recommendations for Metabolic Complications Associated with Second Generation Antipsychotic Use In Children
    047 - Resident As Teacher: The Art of Effective Feedback
    047 - Resident As Teacher: The Art of Effective Feedback
    048 - Lawrence A. Stone, M.D. Plenary: Is Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Ready for Personalized Medicine?
    048 - Lawrence A. Stone, M.D. Plenary: Is Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Ready for Personalized Medicine?
    049 - Advanced Pharmacological Approaches to Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders
    049 - Advanced Pharmacological Approaches to Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders
    050 - Addressing Substance Use Disorders in Youth: What Works and What Doesn't
    050 - Aggression and Irritability: Just Like It, Only Different
    050 - An Update on Management of Impulsive Aggression in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    050 - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Substance Abuse (Part 1 & 2)
    050 - Attention-DeficitHyperactivity Disorder
    050 - Basic Concepts in Epidemiology, Statistics, and Research Design
    050 - Child and Adolescent Depression
    050 - Controversies in Tic Disorder and Related Comorbidities
    050 - Diagnosing and Treating PANS/PANDAS in Youth: What Is Known and Not Known
    050 - Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for Adolescents: Treatment Rationale, Empirical Support, and Clinical Applications
    050 - Evidence-Based Identification and Intervention for People at Risk for and with Early Phase Psychosis (Includes Q&A)
    050 - New Psychotropic Agents
    050 - Obesity, Psychiatric Diagnosis, and Psychiatric Medications in Youth
    050 - Pharmacologic Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Early Psychosis: Do's, Don'ts, and What's New in the Field
    050 - Recertification
    050 - Sleepless in Psychiatry
    050 - Treating the Child and Adolescent Patient with Refractory Repetitive Behaviours: Tics, Tourette's, Trichotillomania
    050 - Treatment Mechanisms in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    050 - Treatment of Anxiety: A Modern Neuroscience Perspective
    050 - Update on ADHD Medication Treatment: Opportunities and Issues
    050 - Update on ADHD Medication Treatment: Opportunities and Issues
    050 - Update on ADHD, Conduct Disorder, and Psychopharmacology
    051 - Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: Present Approaches and Future Directions
    051 - Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: Present Approaches and Future Directions
    0510 - 9.1 Psychiatric Assessment of Serious Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Identity Disorder
    0510 - 9.1 Psychiatric Assessment of Serious Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Identity Disorder
    052 - Pharmacotherapy for Youth with Bipolar Disorder
    052 - Pharmacotherapy for Youth with Bipolar Disorder
    053 - Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    053 - Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    054 - Pharmacotherapeutic Interventions in Adolescent Substance Abuse
    054 - Pharmacotherapeutic Interventions in Adolescent Substance Abuse
    055 - Medicolegal Issues in Prescribing Medications to Children and Adolescents
    055 - Medicolegal Issues in Prescribing Medications to Children and Adolescents
    056 - Introduction and ADHD in DSM-5: Revisions under Consideration in the Field Trials
    056 - Introduction and ADHD in DSM-5: Revisions under Consideration in the Field Trials
    057 - Molecular Genetics of ADHD for the Clinician: Past, Present, and Future
    057 - Molecular Genetics of ADHD for the Clinician: Past, Present, and Future
    058 - Neuroimaging of ADHD: The Shift from Neuropsychology to Neuroscience-Based Perspectives
    058 - Neuroimaging of ADHD: The Shift from Neuropsychology to Neuroscience-Based Perspectives
    059 - ADHD and Associated Conditions: Focus on Learning and Language
    059 - ADHD and Associated Conditions: Focus on Learning and Language
    060 - ADHD and Bipolar Disorder
    060 - ADHD and Bipolar Disorder
    060 - ADHD Treatment Update: What Works, What's Promising, and What's Not
    060 - An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
    060 - Can We Re-Regulate Dysregulated Children With Medication?
    060 - Child Parent Psychotherapy: Repairing the Impact of Trauma in Infancy and Early Childhood
    060 - Developmental Aspects of Bipolar Disorder and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
    060 - Efficacy and Safety of Psychopharmacological Treatments for Psychotic Disorders in Youth
    060 - Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Movement Disorders (Part 1 & 2)
    060 - How to Think About Mood and Aggression
    060 - MedicalPsychiatric Interface (Factitious Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Somatoform Disorders)
    060 - Panel Discussion 2
    060 - Panel Discussion 2
    060 - Pharmacotherapies for Early Onset Psychosis and Psychotic Symptoms
    060 - Phenomenology and Treatment of Disruptive Behavior Disorders
    060 - Psychosis: What to Do Next When Standard Treatments Do Not Work
    060 - Psychotic and Schizophreniform Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    060 - Q&A Panel Discussion
    060 - Question and Answer Panel
    060 - Questions and Answers 2
    060 - Suicide and Suicide Behavior in Children and Adolescents
    060 - Telepsychiatry, Behavioral Treatments, and Cognitive Prodrome to Schizophrenia
    060 - Treating the Child and Adolescent with Refractory Anxiety Disorder: A Modern Perspective
    060 - Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: How Early, with What, and for How Long (Includes Q&A)
    061 - Current Controversies in the Medication Management of ADHD
    061 - Current Controversies in the Medication Management of ADHD
    062 - Evidence-based Nonpharmacological Treatments for ADHD
    062 - Evidence-based Nonpharmacological Treatments for ADHD
    063 - Language and Associated Learning Disorders: Conceptual Overview and Definitions
    063 - Language and Associated Learning Disorders: Conceptual Overview and Definitions
    064 - Neuroimaging Studies of Reading and Language Development: An Update on Recent Findings
    064 - Neuroimaging Studies of Reading and Language Development: An Update on Recent Findings
    065 - Long Term Outcome of Language and Learning Disorders
    065 - Long Term Outcome of Language and Learning Disorders
    066 - Psychotherapy for Children with Language and Learning Disorders
    066 - Psychotherapy for Children with Language and Learning Disorders
    067 - Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic Challenges of Language Disorders
    067 - Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic Challenges of Language Disorders
    068 - Clinical Assessment and Treatment of Speech and Language Disorders
    068 - Clinical Assessment and Treatment of Speech and Language Disorders
    069 - Effective Intervention for Children and Adolescents with Reading Disabilities
    069 - Effective Intervention for Children and Adolescents with Reading Disabilities
    070 - Advanced Pharmacotherapy for Pediatric Depression
    070 - Advanced Psychopharmacology Treatments for Youth with Depression, Bipolar, Mood, or Temper Dysregulation Disorder
    070 - Beyond the Usual Suspects: Genes, Environment, and the Endless Interplay Across Development
    070 - Child Maltreatment Diagnosis and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociative Disorders
    070 - Clinical Approach to the Treatment of Pediatric Depression
    070 - DSM-5 Repetitive Behavior Disorders: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tic Disorders, Trichotillomania, and Skin Picking
    070 - How Best to Consult With Others About Medication Management
    070 - Infant Mental Health
    070 - Infant Mental Health
    070 - Interventional Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    070 - Learning Disability and Interpreting Testing
    070 - Psychosis
    070 - Q&A Panel
    070 - Q&A Panel 2
    070 - Q&A Panel 2 (Cancelled)
    070 - Research Advances in Treating Adolescents with Co-occuring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders
    070 - Reuptake Inhibitor and Releasers: Direct and Indirect Agonists for ADHD
    070 - Tic's, Tourette's, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    070 - Treating the Child and Adolescent with Refractory Bipolar, Mood, or Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
    070 - Update on ADHD, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Electroconvulsive Therapy, and Genetics
    070 - Update on Pharmacological Treatment of Anxiety in Children and Adolescents
    071 - ADHD, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Electroconvulsive Therapy, and Genetics
    071 - ADHD, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Electroconvulsive Therapy, and Genetics
    072 - Update on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Child Psychiatric Disorders
    072 - Update on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Child Psychiatric Disorders
    073 - Telepsychiatry, Behavioral Treatments, and Cognitive Prodrome to Schizophrenia
    073 - Telepsychiatry, Behavioral Treatments, and Cognitive Prodrome to Schizophrenia
    074 - Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, and PTSD
    074 - Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, and PTSD
    075 - Modalities of Treatment and Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    075 - Modalities of Treatment and Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    076 - Adolescent Substance Use Disorders Update: Neurobiology, Psychosocial, and Medication Treatments
    076 - Adolescent Substance Use Disorders Update: Neurobiology, Psychosocial, and Medication Treatments
    077 - Differential Diagnosis of Autism and Related Disorders
    077 - Differential Diagnosis of Autism and Related Disorders
    078 - The Neural Basis of Social Awareness in Children with Autism
    078 - The Neural Basis of Social Awareness in Children with Autism
    079 - Pharmacotherapy of Autism and Related Pervasive Development Disorders
    079 - Pharmacotherapy of Autism and Related Pervasive Development Disorders
    080 - Advanced Psychopharmacology for Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    080 - An Unexpected Life: Family Adjustment to Raising a Child with Autism Through Adulthood
    080 - An Unexpected Life: Family Adjustment to Raising a Child with Autism Through Adulthood
    080 - Attention-DeficitHyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    080 - Bipolar Disorder
    080 - Early Intervention Strategies for Eating Disorders
    080 - Exposure Therapy for OCD Spectrum and Anxiety Disorders
    080 - Genetic Drug Response Testing: What It Can (and Can't) Tell You
    080 - Major Depression Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Suicidal Behavior, and Bipolar Disorder (Part 1 & 2)
    080 - New Mechanisms of Action: Ketamine
    080 - Panel Discussion 2
    080 - Pediatric Anxiety Disorders in Clinical Practice
    080 - Pharmacotherapy in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder)
    080 - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Autism
    080 - Question and Answer Session for Drs. Berkowitz and Walkup
    080 - Recognition and Treatment of Children and Adolescents at Risk for Bipolar Disorder
    080 - Selecting the 'Right' Medication in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    080 - What To Do When Depression Persists Despite Treatment?
    080 - When, Why, and How: Starting and Stopping ADHD Pharmacotherapy
    080 - Will Redefinition of Autism Spectrum Disorders Change Our Targets of Treatment?
    081 - Gentics and Autism for the Practicing Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    081 - Gentics and Autism for the Practicing Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    082 - Novel Mechanisms and Models for Understanding and Treating Autism: Complementary and Alternative MedicineBiomedical Approaches
    082 - Novel Mechanisms and Models for Understanding and Treating Autism: Complementary and Alternative MedicineBiomedical Approaches
    083 - Behavioral and Educational Approaches for Increasing Adaptive Functioning Skills
    083 - Behavioral and Educational Approaches for Increasing Adaptive Functioning Skills
    084 - Bullying-Related Morbidity: Prevention, Detection, and Intervention
    084 - Bullying-Related Morbidity: Prevention, Detection, and Intervention
    085 - Bullying-Related Suicide: Strategies for Its Prevention
    085 - Bullying-Related Suicide: Strategies for Its Prevention
    086 - Efficacy of Bullying Prevention and Intervention Programs
    086 - Efficacy of Bullying Prevention and Intervention Programs
    087 - Socio-Ecological Model of Preventing Bullying and Related Health Risks
    087 - Socio-Ecological Model of Preventing Bullying and Related Health Risks
    088 - Cyberbullying
    088 - Cyberbullying
    089 - Bullying in the Home Milieu
    089 - Bullying in the Home Milieu
    090 - Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment: Finding the Needles of Evidence in the Haystack of Fantasy
    090 - Bullying at the Workplace
    090 - Bullying at the Workplace
    090 - Catecholamine Reuptake Inhibitors and Norepinephrine Receptor Antagonists: Treating Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma
    090 - Managing ADHD After an Inadequate Response to Initial Medication Treatment
    090 - Mental Retardation, Developmental Disabilities, and Genetic Disorders
    090 - Panel Discussion #2: Tics, Tourette's, Autism, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Use of Second Generation Antipsychotics
    090 - Panel Discussion 3
    090 - Panel Discussion 3
    090 - Pharmacogenetics of Second-Generation Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizer Medications
    090 - Questions and Answers 3
    090 - School Consultation
    090 - Substance Use Disorders Among Youth
    090 - Substance Use Disorders in Young People: A Combustible Mixture
    090 - The Challenge of Diagnosing Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    090 - Tips for Consultation of Moody Adolescents with Temper Outbursts
    090 - Treating Depression in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    090 - Treating the Child and Adolescent Patient with Refractory Depression
    090 - Update on the Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    091 - Public Policy for the Prevention of Bullying Related Morbidity
    091 - Public Policy for the Prevention of Bullying Related Morbidity
    092 - NCCAM Overview: Exploring the Science of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    092 - NCCAM Overview: Exploring the Science of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    093 - What Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments Are My Patients Using? Current Practices, Demographics, Trends, Scams, and Safety Concerns in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    093 - What Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments Are My Patients Using? Current Practices, Demographics, Trends, Scams, and Safety Concerns in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    094 - Ethical Issues of Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine
    094 - Ethical Issues of Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine
    095 - Complementary and Alternative Medicine: The Research Challenge
    095 - Complementary and Alternative Medicine: The Research Challenge
    096 - Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments for Major Depression in Youth
    096 - Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments for Major Depression in Youth
    097 - Ingestible (Biological) Alternative and Complementary Treatments for ADHD
    097 - Ingestible (Biological) Alternative and Complementary Treatments for ADHD
    09723 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Assessing and Integrating with Local Subcultures: A Primer for the Rural Child Psychiatrist
    09723 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Assessing and Integrating with Local Subcultures: A Primer for the Rural Child Psychiatrist
    09773 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Innovative Systemic Interventions in Child Welfare and Foster Care
    09773 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Innovative Systemic Interventions in Child Welfare and Foster Care
    09777 - Other Programs : System of Care Special Program: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists in Juvenile Justice: From Individual Care to System Approaches
    09777 - Other Programs : System of Care Special Program: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists in Juvenile Justice: From Individual Care to System Approaches
    098 - Essential Fatty Acids and Their Relevance to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Research
    098 - Essential Fatty Acids and Their Relevance to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Research
    09807 - Symposium 07: Healthy Brain, Healthy Body: Integrative Research in Youth with and At-Risk for Bipolar Disorder
    09807 - Symposium 07: Healthy Brain, Healthy Body: Integrative Research in Youth with and At-Risk for Bipolar Disorder
    09843 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Electroconvulsive Therapy in Youth: History, Optimum Use, and Knowledge
    09843 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Electroconvulsive Therapy in Youth: History, Optimum Use, and Knowledge
    09861-3 - 4.3 The Therapeutic Alliance and the State of the Art of Mentalizing-Based Therapy With Adolescents and Families
    09861-3 - 4.3 The Therapeutic Alliance and the State of the Art of Mentalizing-Based Therapy With Adolescents and Families
    09861-4 - 4.4 Behavioral, Biological, and Epigenetic Consequences of Differences in Early Social Experience in Primates
    09861-4 - 4.4 Behavioral, Biological, and Epigenetic Consequences of Differences in Early Social Experience in Primates
    09861-5 - 4.5 Family-Based Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Preadolescents: Treatment Development and Results from a Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial
    09861-5 - 4.5 Family-Based Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Preadolescents: Treatment Development and Results from a Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial
    09861-6 - 4.6 The Impact of Relational Factors on Psychotherapies Targeting Gastrointestinal Disorders: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus Supportive Therapy
    09861-6 - 4.6 The Impact of Relational Factors on Psychotherapies Targeting Gastrointestinal Disorders: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus Supportive Therapy
    09872 - Symposium 37: New Findings from the Course and Outcome of Bipolar Youth Study
    09872 - Symposium 37: New Findings from the Course and Outcome of Bipolar Youth Study
    09887 - Symposium 32: Treatment Outcome Research in Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    09887 - Symposium 32: Treatment Outcome Research in Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    09891 - Clinical Perspectives 35: "Unexplained" Abdominal Pain: An Update on Phenomonology and Treatment
    09891 - Clinical Perspectives 35: "Unexplained" Abdominal Pain: An Update on Phenomonology and Treatment
    09894 - Symposium 09: Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid and Glutamate Dysregulation in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
    09894 - Symposium 09: Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid and Glutamate Dysregulation in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
    099 - Dietary Supplements, Natural Products, and Mind-Body Interventions Used for "Mental Energy" (MoodFatigue, Motivation and Cognition), and Performance Enhancement
    099 - Dietary Supplements, Natural Products, and Mind-Body Interventions Used for "Mental Energy" (MoodFatigue, Motivation and Cognition), and Performance Enhancement
    09920 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Mentalization-Based Treatments for Self-Destructive Behaviors in Adolescents
    09920 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Mentalization-Based Treatments for Self-Destructive Behaviors in Adolescents
    09921 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Integrating Health and Mental Health in School-Based Health Centers
    09921 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Integrating Health and Mental Health in School-Based Health Centers
    09962 - Clinical Perspectives 20: The Supervision of Trainees in the Practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents
    09962 - Clinical Perspectives 20: The Supervision of Trainees in the Practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents
    09982 - Clinical Perspectives 43: The Forest Through the Trees: Recognizing and Treating Child Abuse in Complex Clinical Settings
    09982 - Clinical Perspectives 43: The Forest Through the Trees: Recognizing and Treating Child Abuse in Complex Clinical Settings
    09990-1 - 2.1 Neurobiology of Substance Use Disorders: Scientific Advances Relevant to the Clinic
    09990-1 - 2.1 Neurobiology of Substance Use Disorders: Scientific Advances Relevant to the Clinic
    09990-2 - 2.2 Commonly Abused Substances: Prevalence, Phenomenology, and Clinical Considerations
    09990-2 - 2.2 Commonly Abused Substances: Prevalence, Phenomenology, and Clinical Considerations
    09990-3 - 2.3 Addressing ADHD and Related Disorders in Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
    09990-3 - 2.3 Addressing ADHD and Related Disorders in Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
    09990-4 - 2.4 Is It Real Or Substance Induced?: Clinical Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Co-Occurring Mood Disorders in Adolescents with Substance Use Disorder
    09990-4 - 2.4 Is It Real Or Substance Induced?: Clinical Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Co-Occurring Mood Disorders in Adolescents with Substance Use Disorder
    09990-5 - 2.5 Co-Occurrence of Substance Use and Psychotic Disorders in Youth
    09990-5 - 2.5 Co-Occurrence of Substance Use and Psychotic Disorders in Youth
    09990-6 - 2.6 Addressing Adolescent Substance Use in Clinical Practice: Practical Evidence-Based Strategies
    09990-6 - 2.6 Addressing Adolescent Substance Use in Clinical Practice: Practical Evidence-Based Strategies
    09993 - Symposium 35: Brain Developmental Trajectories in Childhood-Onset Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    09993 - Symposium 35: Brain Developmental Trajectories in Childhood-Onset Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    09994 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Immigration Stories: How Our Journeys Do or Do Not Define Us
    09994 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Immigration Stories: How Our Journeys Do or Do Not Define Us
    09996 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Child Mental Health and Human Rights in Marginalized Populations
    09996 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Child Mental Health and Human Rights in Marginalized Populations
    100 - Current Evidence Base for Complementary and Alternative MedicineBiomedical Treatments for Autism
    100 - Current Evidence Base for Complementary and Alternative MedicineBiomedical Treatments for Autism
    100 - Emerging Schizophrenia: Caring for Young People with First-Episode Psychosis
    100 - Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs
    100 - Ketamine and Other Novel Treatments for Mood Disorders in Youth
    100 - Key Components of Substance Use Disorder Treatment for the Child Psychiatrist
    100 - Major Depressive Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation, and Bipolar Disorder (Part 1 & 2)
    100 - Opening Remarks
    100 - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    100 - Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    100 - Q&A Panel
    100 - Q&A Panel 3
    100 - Q&A Panel 3
    100 - Q&A Panel Discussion
    100 - Question and Answer Panel
    100 - Suicidal Self-Injurious Behavior: Treatment Strategies for DSM-5
    100 - Tips for Consultation of Youth with Comorbid ADHD and Anxiety
    100 - Translating Advances in Neuromodulation into Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Brain Networks, Stimulation Technology, and Therapeutic Applications
    100 - Treating the Child and Adolescent Patient with Difficult-to-Manage Suicidality
    100 - Treatment of Affective Disorders and ADHD in Early Childhood: The Optimal and the Pragmatic
    100 - Welcoming Remarks
    10021 - Clinical Perspectives 34: The Changing Face of Infant Mental Health: Integrated Programs for Preschoolers Across the United States
    10021 - Clinical Perspectives 34: The Changing Face of Infant Mental Health: Integrated Programs for Preschoolers Across the United States
    10033 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Telepsychiatry: Challenges and Successes Across Settings
    10033 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Telepsychiatry: Challenges and Successes Across Settings
    10046-2 - 9.2 Emotion Regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    10046-2 - 9.2 Emotion Regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    10046-3 - 9.3 Behavioral Treatment Outcomes for Self Injury in Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10046-3 - 9.3 Behavioral Treatment Outcomes for Self Injury in Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10046-4 - 9.4 Aggression and Self Injury in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10046-4 - 9.4 Aggression and Self Injury in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10046-5 - 9.5 Pharmacotherapy for Serious Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    10046-5 - 9.5 Pharmacotherapy for Serious Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    10046-6 - 9.6 Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment of Serious Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10046-6 - 9.6 Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment of Serious Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10046-7 - 9.7 Communication Approaches to Serious Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10046-7 - 9.7 Communication Approaches to Serious Behavioral Disturbance in Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10077 - Symposium 18: Clinical, Neurocognitive, and Neuroimaging Characteristics of Bipolar and Schizophrenia Offspring
    10077 - Symposium 18: Clinical, Neurocognitive, and Neuroimaging Characteristics of Bipolar and Schizophrenia Offspring
    10081 - Symposium 03: Psychotropic Medication Prescribing Patterns in Very Young Foster Care Children: Implications for Clinical Care, Research, and Advocacy
    10081 - Symposium 03: Psychotropic Medication Prescribing Patterns in Very Young Foster Care Children: Implications for Clinical Care, Research, and Advocacy
    10099 - Symposium 36: The Interface of Impulsivity and Emotional Control: New Insights on Mechanism and Treatment
    10099 - Symposium 36: The Interface of Impulsivity and Emotional Control: New Insights on Mechanism and Treatment
    100AB - Neurology for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    101 - Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders
    101 - Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders
    10101 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Applying the AACAP Practice Parameter
    10101 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Applying the AACAP Practice Parameter
    10103 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Commonalities Between Bullying and Maltreatment
    10103 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Commonalities Between Bullying and Maltreatment
    10119 - Symposium 02: Modern Approaches to Managing ADHD: A European Perspective
    10119 - Symposium 02: Modern Approaches to Managing ADHD: A European Perspective
    10123 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Opportunities for Cross-Cultural Experiences for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    10123 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Opportunities for Cross-Cultural Experiences for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    10124 - Symposium 05: Adolescent and Adult Outcome in ADHD: Similarities and Differences in Various Studies
    10124 - Symposium 05: Adolescent and Adult Outcome in ADHD: Similarities and Differences in Various Studies
    10152 - Symposium 06: Cognition or Reward? Neuroimaging to Study Brain Function in Adolescents with Eating Disorders
    10152 - Symposium 06: Cognition or Reward? Neuroimaging to Study Brain Function in Adolescents with Eating Disorders
    10164 - Symposium 10: Progress in Human Maternal Brain Research
    10164 - Symposium 10: Progress in Human Maternal Brain Research
    10165 - Symposium 38: Emotion Dysregulation Across Disorders of Youth
    10165 - Symposium 38: Emotion Dysregulation Across Disorders of Youth
    10178 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Integrating Behavioral and Medical Findings from Studies Assessing Risk, Efficacy, Tolerability, and Safety for Children Receiving Antipsychotic Medications
    10178 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Integrating Behavioral and Medical Findings from Studies Assessing Risk, Efficacy, Tolerability, and Safety for Children Receiving Antipsychotic Medications
    10182 - Symposium 28: Understanding the Role of the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Pediatric Emotion Dysregulation
    10182 - Symposium 28: Understanding the Role of the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Pediatric Emotion Dysregulation
    10188 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sleep but Were Too Tired to Ask
    10188 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sleep but Were Too Tired to Ask
    102 - Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy for ADHD
    102 - Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy for ADHD
    10222 - Clinical Perspectives 11: International Clinical Perspectives: Task Shifting: A New Frontier in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
    10222 - Clinical Perspectives 11: International Clinical Perspectives: Task Shifting: A New Frontier in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
    10223-1 - 6.1 Maltreatment, Adoption and Foster Care, and Custody and Divorce
    10223-1 - 6.1 Maltreatment, Adoption and Foster Care, and Custody and Divorce
    10223-2 - 6.2 Attachment, Deprivation, and Recovery: Clinical, Ethical, and Systems Issues
    10223-2 - 6.2 Attachment, Deprivation, and Recovery: Clinical, Ethical, and Systems Issues
    10223-3 - 6.3 Borderline Personality and Other Attachment-Related Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: An Update
    10223-3 - 6.3 Borderline Personality and Other Attachment-Related Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: An Update
    10223-4 - 6.4 Updates on Autism and Schizophrenia
    10223-4 - 6.4 Updates on Autism and Schizophrenia
    10223-5 - 6.5 Update on Mood Disorders, Aggression, and Neuroscience in the Courts
    10223-5 - 6.5 Update on Mood Disorders, Aggression, and Neuroscience in the Courts
    10223-6 - 6.6 Update on Psychopharmacology
    10223-6 - 6.6 Update on Psychopharmacology
    10225 - Symposium 20: Spreading the Word: Using Technology to Help Teachers Help Children with ADHD and Learning Problems
    10225 - Symposium 20: Spreading the Word: Using Technology to Help Teachers Help Children with ADHD and Learning Problems
    10253 - Symposium 08: The Children's Telemental Health Treatment Study: Results of the Randomized Trial
    10253 - Symposium 08: The Children's Telemental Health Treatment Study: Results of the Randomized Trial
    10256-1 - 7.1 Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    10256-1 - 7.1 Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    10256-2 - 7.2 Rational Use of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers in Youth with Aggression in Autism, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia
    10256-2 - 7.2 Rational Use of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers in Youth with Aggression in Autism, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia
    10256-3 - 7.3 Management of Pediatric Depression in a Primary Care Setting
    10256-3 - 7.3 Management of Pediatric Depression in a Primary Care Setting
    10256-4 - 7.4 The Treatment of ADHD
    10256-4 - 7.4 The Treatment of ADHD
    10256-5 - 7.5 Case Studies in Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    10256-5 - 7.5 Case Studies in Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    10276 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Challenges and Opportunities Working with International Medical Graduates
    10276 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Challenges and Opportunities Working with International Medical Graduates
    10279-2 - 8.2 Language Development: Implications for Clinical Practice
    10279-2 - 8.2 Language Development: Implications for Clinical Practice
    10279-3 - 8.3 Communication Disorders: A DSM-5 Update
    10279-3 - 8.3 Communication Disorders: A DSM-5 Update
    10279-4 - 8.4 Behavioral and Neural Risk Markers for Language Disorders
    10279-4 - 8.4 Behavioral and Neural Risk Markers for Language Disorders
    10279-5 - 8.5 Early Development of Nonverbal Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    10279-6 - 8.6 Early Speech and Language Interventions for Children with Autism
    10279-6 - 8.6 Early Speech and Language Interventions for Children with Autism
    10279-7 - 8.7 Language Deficits and ADHD
    10279-7 - 8.7 Language Deficits and ADHD
    10279-8 - 8.8 Environmental Influences on Language Development and the Specific Case of Bilingual Development: Clinical and Policy Implications
    10279-8 - 8.8 Environmental Influences on Language Development and the Specific Case of Bilingual Development: Clinical and Policy Implications
    10290 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Adolescents and Adults with Autism: Opportunities and Challenges
    10290 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Adolescents and Adults with Autism: Opportunities and Challenges
    10292 - Symposium 22: The Biological Embedding of Early Adversity: Merging Old and New Concepts of Risk, Resilience, and Adaptation
    10292 - Symposium 22: The Biological Embedding of Early Adversity: Merging Old and New Concepts of Risk, Resilience, and Adaptation
    103 - Management of Pediatric Depression in a Primary Care Setting
    103 - Management of Pediatric Depression in a Primary Care Setting
    10315 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Feeding Disorders and DSM-5
    10315 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Feeding Disorders and DSM-5
    10317 - Symposium 15: Simon Wile Symposium: The Future of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in Education, Academics, and Healthcare Systems
    10317 - Symposium 15: Simon Wile Symposium: The Future of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in Education, Academics, and Healthcare Systems
    10329 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Managing Risks of Stimulant Treatment
    10329 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Managing Risks of Stimulant Treatment
    10347 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Pediatric Medicine Updates for Child Psychiatrists: Cardiovascular Health, Endocrine Disorders, and Atopic Illness
    10347 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Pediatric Medicine Updates for Child Psychiatrists: Cardiovascular Health, Endocrine Disorders, and Atopic Illness
    10366-1 - 1.1 Medication Treatments of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    10366-1 - 1.1 Medication Treatments of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    10366-3 - 1.3 Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10366-3 - 1.3 Autism Spectrum Disorders
    10366-4 - 1.4 Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders
    10366-4 - 1.4 Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders
    10366-5 - 1.5 DSM-5 and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
    10366-5 - 1.5 DSM-5 and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
    10366-6 - 1.6 Office-Based Management of ADHD
    10366-6 - 1.6 Office-Based Management of ADHD
    10366-7 - 1.7 Medications for Sleep in Children and Adolescents
    10366-7 - 1.7 Medications for Sleep in Children and Adolescents
    10374-1 - 5.1 Early Onset Schizophrenia
    10374-1 - 5.1 Early Onset Schizophrenia
    10374-2 - 5.2 Assessment and Interventions During the Psychosis Prodrome
    10374-2 - 5.2 Assessment and Interventions During the Psychosis Prodrome
    10374-3 - 5.3 Affective Psychosis in Youth
    10374-3 - 5.3 Affective Psychosis in Youth
    10374-4 - 5.4 Psychosis in Youth and Comorbid Conditions: Psychosis and Autism, Psychosis and Trauma
    10374-4 - 5.4 Psychosis in Youth and Comorbid Conditions: Psychosis and Autism, Psychosis and Trauma
    10374-5 - 5.5 Neurocognition and Neuroimaging in Youth at Risk for Psychosis
    10374-5 - 5.5 Neurocognition and Neuroimaging in Youth at Risk for Psychosis
    10374-6 - 5.6 Evidence-Based Treatments for Psychosis in Youth
    10374-6 - 5.6 Evidence-Based Treatments for Psychosis in Youth
    10374-7 - 5.7 Community Rehabilitation of Youth With Psychosis
    10374-7 - 5.7 Community Rehabilitation of Youth With Psychosis
    10381 - Symposium 13: Developmental Pathways to Addiction: Origins of Risk Connected to Interventions within a Patient-Centered Framework
    10381 - Symposium 13: Developmental Pathways to Addiction: Origins of Risk Connected to Interventions within a Patient-Centered Framework
    10393 - Clinical Perspectives 07: Innovative Interventions for Youth with Chronic Illness
    10393 - Clinical Perspectives 07: Innovative Interventions for Youth with Chronic Illness
    104 - Ten Things a Primary Care Physician Needs to Know about Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and Aggression in Autism
    104 - Ten Things a Primary Care Physician Needs to Know about Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and Aggression in Autism
    10404 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Promoting Mental Health on Campus: Focus on Diverse Student Populations
    10404 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Promoting Mental Health on Campus: Focus on Diverse Student Populations
    10410 - Clinical Perspectives 01: 60 Years of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Educational Systems: Old School, Now School, New School
    10410 - Clinical Perspectives 01: 60 Years of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Educational Systems: Old School, Now School, New School
    10412 - Clinical Perspectives 40: The Role of Mental Health in Promoting Safe and Supportive Schools
    10412 - Clinical Perspectives 40: The Role of Mental Health in Promoting Safe and Supportive Schools
    10414 - Symposium 21: States’ Monitoring of Psychotropic Medication Use in Children: Opportunities to Improve Clinical Systems in the Context of Limited Resources
    10414 - Symposium 21: States’ Monitoring of Psychotropic Medication Use in Children: Opportunities to Improve Clinical Systems in the Context of Limited Resources
    10424 - Other Programs : Previews from the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
    10424 - Other Programs : Previews from the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
    10432 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Disorders of Sex Development, Gender Dysphoria, and Beyond: The Role of the Child Psychiatrist
    10432 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Disorders of Sex Development, Gender Dysphoria, and Beyond: The Role of the Child Psychiatrist
    10438 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Toward the Integration of Mental Health into Pediatric Primary Care in a Public Sector, Urban, Hospital-Based System
    10438 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Toward the Integration of Mental Health into Pediatric Primary Care in a Public Sector, Urban, Hospital-Based System
    10444 - Other Programs : Research Forum: Sensitive Periods in Brain Development: Implications for Child Psychopathology and Therapeutics
    10444 - Other Programs : Research Forum: Sensitive Periods in Brain Development: Implications for Child Psychopathology and Therapeutics
    10455 - Symposium 17: Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome: Moving Past Controversy to Clinical Research
    10455 - Symposium 17: Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome: Moving Past Controversy to Clinical Research
    10456 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Bedside Psychotherapeutics in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
    10456 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Bedside Psychotherapeutics in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
    10468 - Symposium 39: Treatment of Aggressive Children: Findings from the Treatment of Severe Child Aggression Study
    10468 - Symposium 39: Treatment of Aggressive Children: Findings from the Treatment of Severe Child Aggression Study
    10469 - Symposium 19: Real-World Applications of New ADHD Clinical Trials
    10469 - Symposium 19: Real-World Applications of New ADHD Clinical Trials
    10498 - Other Programs : Resident as Teacher: Educational Survival Guide for Your First Year on Faculty
    10498 - Other Programs : Resident as Teacher: Educational Survival Guide for Your First Year on Faculty
    10499 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Jeanne Spurlock Clinical Perspectives: Diversity in Children and Adolescents and Their Psychiatrists
    10499 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Jeanne Spurlock Clinical Perspectives: Diversity in Children and Adolescents and Their Psychiatrists
    105 - Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
    105 - Pediatric Psychopharmacology Case Presentations: Practical Applications
    105 - Pediatric Psychopharmacology Case Presentations: Practical Applications
    10546 - Symposium 30: Brain Connectivity in Adolescents with and At-Risk for Mood Disorders
    10546 - Symposium 30: Brain Connectivity in Adolescents with and At-Risk for Mood Disorders
    10556 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning About Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    10556 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning About Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    10574 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Awareness and Screening for Suicide Risk in Non-Psychotic and Non-Mood Conditions
    10574 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Awareness and Screening for Suicide Risk in Non-Psychotic and Non-Mood Conditions
    10578 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Crossing the Borders, Ethically! Understanding Global Ethical Principles and Dilemmas
    10578 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Crossing the Borders, Ethically! Understanding Global Ethical Principles and Dilemmas
    10594 - Other Programs : Training Forum
    10594 - Other Programs : Training Forum
    106 - Symposium 01: A Systems of Care Approach: Models for Inpatient, Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, and Intensive In-Home As a Continuum of Care
    106 - Symposium 01: A Systems of Care Approach: Models for Inpatient, Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, and Intensive In-Home As a Continuum of Care
    10604 - Symposium 29: Update on Tourette's Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Neuroinflammatory Processes as Targets for New Treatments?
    10604 - Symposium 29: Update on Tourette's Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Neuroinflammatory Processes as Targets for New Treatments?
    10605 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Understanding ADHD and Smoking: Current Issues and Perspectives
    10605 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Understanding ADHD and Smoking: Current Issues and Perspectives
    10613 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Integrative Research, Consultation, and Treatment Lessons from American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
    10613 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Integrative Research, Consultation, and Treatment Lessons from American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
    10620 - Symposium 31: Compulsive Hoarding in Children: Emerging Evidence Regarding Genetics and Clinical Correlates
    10620 - Symposium 31: Compulsive Hoarding in Children: Emerging Evidence Regarding Genetics and Clinical Correlates
    10621 - Symposium 11: Building Bridges Between Psychiatric Classification, Science, and Clinical Practice: The Case of Irritability
    10621 - Symposium 11: Building Bridges Between Psychiatric Classification, Science, and Clinical Practice: The Case of Irritability
    10630 - Clinical Perspectives 04: Empathy and Psychopathology: What Do We Really Know?
    10630 - Clinical Perspectives 04: Empathy and Psychopathology: What Do We Really Know?
    10654 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives "Plays Well With Others" vs. "My Way or the Highway": The Revolutionary Evolution of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's Relationship with Pediatrics and Schools
    10654 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives "Plays Well With Others" vs. "My Way or the Highway": The Revolutionary Evolution of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's Relationship with Pediatrics and Schools
    10668 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Evidence-Based Treatment of Preschool ADHD
    10668 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Evidence-Based Treatment of Preschool ADHD
    10699 - Symposium 14: Is There a Crisis in New Drug Development in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry?
    10699 - Symposium 14: Is There a Crisis in New Drug Development in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry?
    107 - Symposium 02: Childhood Neurocognitive and Physiological Precursors of Affective and Non-Affective Psychosis and Anxiety Disorder: Developmental Trajectories Toward Disease State
    107 - Symposium 02: Childhood Neurocognitive and Physiological Precursors of Affective and Non-Affective Psychosis and Anxiety Disorder: Developmental Trajectories Toward Disease State
    10709 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Bringing Parents to the Table: The Role of Parent Training in Child Psychiatry
    10709 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Bringing Parents to the Table: The Role of Parent Training in Child Psychiatry
    10713 - Other Programs : Medical Student and Resident Breakfast: Inspiration for Success in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    10713 - Other Programs : Medical Student and Resident Breakfast: Inspiration for Success in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    10719 - Symposium 34: Animal Model Systems Advancing the Field of Child Psychiatry
    10719 - Symposium 34: Animal Model Systems Advancing the Field of Child Psychiatry
    10726 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Assessment and Management of Psychiatric Comorbidity in Intellectual Disability
    10726 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Assessment and Management of Psychiatric Comorbidity in Intellectual Disability
    10728 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Improving the Quality of Care for Patients with Early Onset Psychosis
    10728 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Improving the Quality of Care for Patients with Early Onset Psychosis
    10729 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Contemporary Issues in Risk Management
    10729 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Contemporary Issues in Risk Management
    10745 - Other Programs : Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Through the Looking Glass Brightly: 60 Years of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    10745 - Other Programs : Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Through the Looking Glass Brightly: 60 Years of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    10751 - Other Programs : Presidential Interview
    10751 - Other Programs : Presidential Interview
    10754 - Other Programs : Karl Menninger, M.D., Plenary: Partnering for the World's Children
    10754 - Other Programs : Karl Menninger, M.D., Plenary: Partnering for the World's Children
    10756 - Other Programs : Town Meeting: How the Affordable Care Act Will Affect You and Your Patients
    10756 - Other Programs : Town Meeting: How the Affordable Care Act Will Affect You and Your Patients
    10757 - Symposium 04: Founders Symposium
    10757 - Symposium 04: Founders Symposium
    10765 - Other Programs : Lawrence A. Stone, M.D., Plenary: From Psychiatry to Clinical Neuroscience
    10765 - Other Programs : Lawrence A. Stone, M.D., Plenary: From Psychiatry to Clinical Neuroscience
    10787 - Other Programs : Town Meeting: Back to Project Future: Defining the Coming Decade
    10787 - Other Programs : Town Meeting: Back to Project Future: Defining the Coming Decade
    108 - Symposium 03: Implications of WHO mhGAP Report for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    108 - Symposium 03: Implications of WHO mhGAP Report for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    10811 - Other Programs : The Poster Docent: A Guided Tour of Selected AACAP Posters
    10811 - Other Programs : The Poster Docent: A Guided Tour of Selected AACAP Posters
    10831 - Symposium 27: Treatments for Emerging Young Adults with Psychiatric Needs
    10831 - Symposium 27: Treatments for Emerging Young Adults with Psychiatric Needs
    10832 - Symposium 12: Depression and Ketamine
    10832 - Symposium 12: Depression and Ketamine
    10834 - Symposium 23: Tourette's Disorder: What is New in Epidemiology and Genomics?
    10834 - Symposium 23: Tourette's Disorder: What is New in Epidemiology and Genomics?
    10836 - Symposium 26: Research Update in Early-Onset Depression
    10836 - Symposium 26: Research Update in Early-Onset Depression
    10837 - Symposium 16: Treatment of Adult ADHD
    10837 - Symposium 16: Treatment of Adult ADHD
    10847 - Other Programs : 60th Anniversary Program Part 1: Looking Ahead from the Past: Perspectives from AACAP Committees
    10847 - Other Programs : 60th Anniversary Program Part 1: Looking Ahead from the Past: Perspectives from AACAP Committees
    10848 - Other Programs : 60th Anniversary Program Part 2: Looking Ahead from the Past: Perspectives from AACAP Regional Organizations and the History and Archives Committee
    10848 - Other Programs : 60th Anniversary Program Part 2: Looking Ahead from the Past: Perspectives from AACAP Regional Organizations and the History and Archives Committee
    10851 - Symposium 01: International Symposium: Violence and
    10851 - Symposium 01: International Symposium: Violence and
    109 - Symposium 04: International Symposium: Global Perspectives on Child Protection and Children's Rights
    109 - Symposium 04: International Symposium: Global Perspectives on Child Protection and Children's Rights
    110 - Bipolar Disorder and Mood Dysregulation
    110 - Bipolar Disorder, Mood, Temper Dysregulation
    110 - DSM-5 and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder - To Be or Not To Be
    110 - Infant and Child Development
    110 - Intellectual Disabilities
    110 - Intervening with Youth at-Risk for Suicide
    110 - Neurology for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    110 - New Trends in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    110 - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    110 - Panel Discussion 3
    110 - Q&A Discussion 1
    110 - Saturday Q&A and Self-Assessment Sessions
    110 - Structural and Systemic Racism - What Can We Do About It?
    110 - Supreme Court of the United States and the Adolescent Brain: How Neuroscience is Changing Juvenile Sentencing
    110 - Symposium 05: The Role of Prenatal Adversity and Post Natal Care and Intervention in the Outcome of Early Childhood Psychopathology
    110 - Symposium 05: The Role of Prenatal Adversity and Post Natal Care and Intervention in the Outcome of Early Childhood Psychopathology
    110 - The Role of Genomics and Pharmacogenomics
    110 - Tips for Consultation of Youth with Repetitive Movements and Delayed Speech
    110 - Use of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
    110 - Welcome/Introduction
    110 - What's New in Treatment of Tics, Tourette's and OCD? Myths, Mother Knows Best, or Just the Facts, Ma'am?
    11063 - Symposium 24: A Child Psychiatrist for Our Time: The Life and Work of David Mrazek, M.D.
    11063 - Symposium 24: A Child Psychiatrist for Our Time: The Life and Work of David Mrazek, M.D.
    111 - Symposium 06: Founders Symposium: Phenotypes, Genetics, Imaging, and Networks
    111 - Symposium 06: Founders Symposium: Phenotypes, Genetics, Imaging, and Networks
    11118 - Honors Presentations 05: Late Preterm Birth, Maternal Depression, and Risk of Preschool Psychiatric Disorders
    11118 - Honors Presentations 05: Late Preterm Birth, Maternal Depression, and Risk of Preschool Psychiatric Disorders
    11119 - Honors Presentations 06: Towards Predicting Autism: Science and the Implications for Training in Child Psychiatry
    11119 - Honors Presentations 06: Towards Predicting Autism: Science and the Implications for Training in Child Psychiatry
    11132 - Honors Presentations 04: Neutrality, Abstinence, and the Therapist’s Sexual Orientation: Complex Meanings for the Adolescent in Treatment
    11132 - Honors Presentations 04: Neutrality, Abstinence, and the Therapist’s Sexual Orientation: Complex Meanings for the Adolescent in Treatment
    11134 - Honors Presentations 03: The Preschool ADHD Treatment Study (PATS) Six-Year Follow-Up
    11134 - Honors Presentations 03: The Preschool ADHD Treatment Study (PATS) Six-Year Follow-Up
    11135 - Honors Presentations 02: Some Questions About Children and Trauma
    11135 - Honors Presentations 02: Some Questions About Children and Trauma
    11142 - Honors Presentations 07: Pediatric Trichotillomania
    11142 - Honors Presentations 07: Pediatric Trichotillomania
    11190 - Honors Presentations 08: From Development through Dissemination to Quality Improvement: The 15-year Trajectory of an Effective School Mental Health Program for Trauma-Exposed Students
    11190 - Honors Presentations 08: From Development through Dissemination to Quality Improvement: The 15-year Trajectory of an Effective School Mental Health Program for Trauma-Exposed Students
    11191 - Honors Presentations 01: New Directions and Opportunities in Consultation Psychiatry
    11191 - Honors Presentations 01: New Directions and Opportunities in Consultation Psychiatry
    112 - Symposium 07: Applications of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    112 - Symposium 07: Applications of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    113 - Symposium 08: From Brain Networks to Community Networks: Integrating Neuroscience and Intervention in Pediatric Trauma
    113 - Symposium 08: From Brain Networks to Community Networks: Integrating Neuroscience and Intervention in Pediatric Trauma
    114 - Symposium 09: Innovations for Integrating Translational Neuroscience and Adolescent Drug Abuse Treatment
    114 - Symposium 09: Innovations for Integrating Translational Neuroscience and Adolescent Drug Abuse Treatment
    115 - Symposium 10: The Early Natural History of Bipolar Disorder: Complementary Findings From Longitudinal High-Risk Studies
    115 - Symposium 10: The Early Natural History of Bipolar Disorder: Complementary Findings From Longitudinal High-Risk Studies
    116 - Symposium 11: Childhood Onset Schizophrenia, Autism, ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Recent Genetic Findings and Speculations about Overlap
    116 - Symposium 11: Childhood Onset Schizophrenia, Autism, ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Recent Genetic Findings and Speculations about Overlap
    11643 - Institute 02: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    11643-01 - Institute 02.1: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    11643-02 - Institute 02.2: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    11643-03 - Institute 02.3: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    11643-04 - Institute 02.4: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    11643-05 - Institute 02.5: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    11643-06 - Institute 02.6: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    11643-07 - Institute 02.7: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    11643-08 - Institute 02.8: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    11646 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Schools: Status and Promise
    11669 - Symposium 03: Epigenetics, Evolution, and Stress: Treatment Considerations
    11670 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Child Maltreatment: A Look at Outcomes, Prevention, and Treatment for the Community Mental Health Setting
    11679 - Clinical Perspectives 55: Implementing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Community Settings
    117 - Symposium 12: New Frontiers in the Treatment of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Developmental and Biopsychosocial Perspectives
    117 - Symposium 12: New Frontiers in the Treatment of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Developmental and Biopsychosocial Perspectives
    11705 - Institute 07: Parent—Child Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    11705-01 - Institute 07.1: Parent—Child Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    11705-02 - Institute 07.2: Parent—Child Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    11705-03 - Institute 07.3: ParentChild Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    11705-04 - Institute 07.4: ParentChild Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    11705-05 - Institute 07.5: ParentChild Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    11705-06 - Institute 07.6: ParentChild Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    11705-07 - Institute 07.7: Parent—Child Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    11708 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Gender Dysphoria: Complex Issues and Patient Populations for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    11709 - Institute 01: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    11709-01 - Institute 01.1: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    11709-02 - Institute 01.2: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    11709-03 - Institute 01.3: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    11709-04 - Institute 01.4: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    11709-05 - Institute 01.5: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    11709-06 - Institute 01.6: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    11709-07 - Institute 01.7: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    11709-08 - Institute 01.8: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    11716 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Models of Clinical Practice: Patient Care Outside of an Urban Center
    11730 - Institute 04: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    11730-01 - Institute 04.1: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    11730-02 - Institute 04.2: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    11730-03 - Institute 04.3: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    11730-04 - Institute 04.4: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    11730-05 - Institute 04.5: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    11730-06 - Institute 04.6: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    11730-07 - Institute 04.7: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    11731 - Symposium 19: Neurobiology of Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Translational Evidence for Disruptions in Fear Circuitry
    11737 - Other Programs 01: Perspectives Meet TED Talks: (Clinical) Ideas Worth Spreading
    11757 - Symposium 26: The Impact of Early Adversity on Child Neurodevelopment, Socio-Emotional Functioning, and Psychopathology: Distinguishing Mediators and Moderators of Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure
    11775 - Symposium 04: Family Matters: The Role of Parents in the Treatment of Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Tic Disorders
    11779 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Fatherhood: Socio-Cultural Clinical Considerations
    11785 - Symposium 01: Beyond the Prescription Pad: Psychotherapy Interventions for Youth With Severe Mental Illness
    11791 - Symposium 17: Inflammatory Markers in Youth
    11794 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Practicing Telepsychiatry Across Cultures
    118 - Symposium 13: New Pediatric Regulations and Cutting Edge Issues Involving Clinical Trials in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    118 - Symposium 13: New Pediatric Regulations and Cutting Edge Issues Involving Clinical Trials in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    11817 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Rocks of Ages in the Sands of Time: Clinical Wisdom Across Generations of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    11819 - Clinical Perspectives 52: Advances in the Assessment and Treatment of Adolescents With Borderline Personality Disorder
    11837 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Trajectories and Transitions: Caring for College Students With Eating Disorders
    11844 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Project Good Enough: Family Interventions in the Medically Ill
    11850 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Different Conditions in Children and Adolescents
    11862 - Symposium 33: Irritability and DSM-5 Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder in Youth
    11892 - Symposium 30: Irritability and Aggression in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence From Characterization to Treatment
    11896 - Symposium 34: Risk, Resilience, and Neural Correlates in the Early Development of Autism Spectrum Disorder: New Insights From High-Risk and Infant Studies
    119 - Symposium 14: Social Skills in Pediatric Epilepsy
    119 - Symposium 14: Social Skills in Pediatric Epilepsy
    11937 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Identifying and Treating Internet-Related Mental Health Problems: An Evidence-Based Approach
    11961 - Institute 08: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    11961-01 - Institute 08.1: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    11961-02 - Institute 08.2: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    11961-03 - Institute 08.3: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    11961-04 - Institute 08.4: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    11961-05 - Institute 08.5: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    11961-06 - Institute 08.6: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    11961-07 - Institute 08.7: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    11961-08 - Institute 08.8: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    11966 - Symposium 41: Simon Wile Symposium: Current State and Future Directions for Inpatient Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
    11975 - Clinical Perspectives 04: Developing Partnerships to Create Integrated Trauma Informed Care for Young Children
    11997 - Symposium 18: Lessons From the Cutting-Edge: An Update About Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Children and Adolescents
    120 - ADHD: The Evidence Base and Most Important Clinical Questions in Treatment for Future Study
    120 - Adolescent Development
    120 - Advanced Psychopharmacological Treatments for the Child and Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    120 - Best Practices in Transgender Mental Health: Addressing Complex Issues for Gender Dysphoric and Gender Diverse Youth
    120 - Cutting Edge Treatment for Anxiety Disorders: Facts and Fads-the Whole Picture!
    120 - Developmental Approaches to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Pharmacotherapy in Youth
    120 - Eating Disorders
    120 - Irritability Is so Annoying: How It Starts and Where It Goes
    120 - Neuroimaging Technology
    120 - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Tic Related Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    120 - Panel Discussion 4
    120 - Panel Discussion 4
    120 - Psychopharmacologic Approaches in Autism
    120 - Q&A Discussion 2
    120 - Question and Answer Session for Drs. Call and Carlson
    120 - Sunday Q&A and Self-Assessmnet Sessions
    120 - Symposium 15: Cortisol and Mental Health Outcomes in Infants and Children
    120 - Symposium 15: Cortisol and Mental Health Outcomes in Infants and Children
    120 - Trauma-Informed Approaches in Schools
    120 - Treating the Child and Adolescent with Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs
    12001 - Symposium 14: Novel Methods to Assess Risk Factors in Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    12003 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Pediatric Delirium: Current Practice and New Directions
    12004 - Clinical Perspectives 21: When Drugs and Mental Illness Collide: Practical Clinical Approaches to Dually Diagnosed Youth
    12005 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Partnering With Nurse Practitioners To Meet The Challenges of Health Care Reform
    12007 - Clinical Perspectives 44: School-Wide Positive Behavior Support: A Framework for the Integration of Mental Health Services in Schools
    12014 - Clinical Perspectives 12: What is the Scientific Evidence of Harm to Adolescents Using Cannabis? A Critical Review of the Data
    12070 - Clinical Perspectives 53: Bridging the Gap: Clinical and Ethical Issues in Transitioning Youth to Adult Psychiatric and Medical Services
    12072 - Symposium 28: Fragile X-Associated Disorders: Illuminating the Spectrum of Disease Through Molecular, Clinical, and Therapeutic Advances
    12088 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Ads, Regs, Meds, and Prescribing: Getting the Most out of Medication Information
    12095 - Institute 09: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Clinician
    12095-01 - Institute 09.1: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Clinician
    12095-02 - Institute 09.2: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Clinician
    12095-03 - Institute 09.3: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Clinician
    12095-04 - Institute 09.4: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Clinician
    12095-05 - Institute 09.5: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Clinician
    121 - Symposium 16: Identifying Psychobiological Vulnerability in the Offspring of Parents with Bipolar Disorder
    121 - Symposium 16: Identifying Psychobiological Vulnerability in the Offspring of Parents with Bipolar Disorder
    12110 - Other Programs 02: Research Forum: The Use of Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) for the Study of Psychopathology
    12114 - Symposium 13: New Pharmacological Research in ADHD
    12115 - Symposium 12: Characterizing Children With Elevated Symptoms of Mania: New Data From the Longitudinal Assessment of Manic Symptoms Study
    12126 - Clinical Perspectives 43: Pediatric Palliative Psychiatry: How to Work With Children With Life-Threatening Illnesses
    12128 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Innovative Practices for the Community-Based Care of Children and Adolescents With Developmental Disabilities
    12132 - Symposium 20: Animal Model Systems Advancing the Field of Child Psychiatry
    12156 - Symposium 27: Dare to Delay? The Impact of Adolescent Cannabis Use Onset on Brain Development
    12162 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Bedtime Stories: Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Disorders
    12167 - Institute 03: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    12167-01 - Institute 03.1: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    12167-02 - Institute 03.2: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    12167-03 - Institute 03.3: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    12167-04 - Institute 03.4: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    12167-05 - Institute 03.5: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    12167-06 - Institute 03.6: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    12167-07 - Institute 03.7: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    12167-08 - Institute 03.8: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    12170 - Clinical Perspectives 20: Pediatric Medicine Updates for Child Psychiatrists: Gastrointestinal Illness, Renal Disease, and Obesity
    12175 - Symposium 31: Mental Health Services in the Emergency Department: Meeting the Needs of Children and Youth
    12176 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Dyslexia: Integrating New Knowledge Into Mental Health Treatment
    12178 - Symposium 43: Implementing Treatment for Anxiety and Depression in Pediatric Primary Care
    12184 - Symposium 23: Neural Markers of Risk and Resilience in Bipolar Disorder
    12188 - Symposium 02: Quality of ADHD Care Using a National Measure: Lessons Learned and Questions Raised
    122 - Symposium 17: Moderators and Predictors of Treatment Outcome for Youth with Anxiety and Mood Disorders
    122 - Symposium 17: Moderators and Predictors of Treatment Outcome for Youth with Anxiety and Mood Disorders
    12205 - Other Programs 03: Systems of Care Special Program: Youth and Young Adults in Transition: Issues for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists and Service Systems
    12228 - Symposium 16: Genomic and Neural Plasticity of Trauma in the RDoC Era
    12235 - Clinical Perspectives 45: The Affordable Care Act and How We Think About Systems, Care, Quality, and Ethics
    12236 - Institute 06: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    12236-01 - Institute 06.1: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    12236-02 - Institute 06.2: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    12236-03 - Institute 06.3: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    12236-04 - Institute 06.4: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    12236-05 - Institute 06.5: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    12236-06 - Institute 06.6: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    12236-07 - Institute 06.7: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    12242 - Symposium 07: Novel Therapeutics in Childhood Onset Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    12254 - Clinical Perspectives 08: On and Off the Field: The Role of Sports in Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Development
    12259 - Other Programs 04: Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
    12260 - Clinical Perspectives 51: The Magic of Music: Bringing Science and the San Diego Youth Symphony Together at AACAP
    12262 - Symposium 25: Prescription Stimulant Use and Misuse in Youth: Clinical Practice Implications
    12272 - Symposium 06: Links Between Depression and Pediatric Chronic Illness: Mechanisms, Pathways, and Clinical Implications
    12289 - Institute 05: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 11: Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    12289-01 - Institute 05.1: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 11: Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    12289-02 - Institute 05.2: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 11: Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    12289-03 - Institute 05.3: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 11: Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    12289-04 - Institute 05.4: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 11: Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    12289-05 - Institute 05.5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 11: Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    12289-06 - Institute 05.6: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 11: Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    12297 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Telemental Health Interventions: Expanding Our Repertoire
    12298 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Talking About Sex and Gender: Challenging Conversations in a Developmental Framework
    12299 - Symposium 11: Alternatives to Inpatient Care for Youths With Suicidality and Other Psychiatric Emergencies
    123 - Symposium 18: New Research on ADHD and Sleep
    123 - Symposium 18: New Research on ADHD and Sleep
    12314 - Clinical Perspectives 01: School Mental Health: An International Perspective
    12325 - Symposium 09: Prodromal Symptoms in Bipolar Offspring: Cross-National Comparisons
    12329 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Adverse Childhood Experiences: Toxic and Traumatic Stress: Biological Impacts and Clinical Integration
    12336 - Symposium 42: Cells to Neurons to Neighborhoods: Rethinking Adversity and Child Health
    12346 - Clinical Perspectives 22: When Patients Call Everything Bullying: Identifying Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Trauma
    12351 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Neuropsychopharmacological Nomenclature
    12357 - Other Programs 05: Medical Student and Resident Breakfast: Inspiration for Success in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    12358 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Focusing the Indigenous Cultural Lens on Social Determinants of Health
    12371 - Symposium 44: International Perspectives on Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Is Research Leading to More Standardized Practice?
    12382 - Clinical Perspectives 35: The Recovery of Newtown: Mental Health Responses to the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School
    12388 - Clinical Perspectives 50: Recognizing the Emergence of Borderline Personality Features in Adolescents With Emotional Dysregulation
    12392 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Clinical Approaches in the Treatment of Complex ADHD
    124 - Symposium 19: Simon Wile Consultation Psychiatry Symposium
    124 - Symposium 19: Simon Wile Consultation Psychiatry Symposium
    12414 - Symposium 10: Riveting Research in Nordic Countries
    12420 - Clinical Perspectives 40: Facing the Challenge: Building an Emergency Psychiatric System That Works for Kids
    12422 - Symposium 36: Atomoxetine, Placebo, and Parent Training in Autism
    12430 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning About Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    12431 - Clinical Perspectives 56: School Mental Health Assessment and Intervention to Support Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities: Examples From the United States and United Kingdom
    12438 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Refugees in America: Mental Health Implications, Interventions, and Culturally Rooted Practices
    12459 - Symposium 21: Clinical, Epigenetic, Neuropsychological, and Neuroimaging Perspectives on Traumatic Brain Injury in Children and Adolescents
    12460 - Symposium 32: Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics: Innovations to Explore Brain Connectivity Across Development
    12461 - Clinical Perspectives 54: Contemporary Issues in Risk Management
    12472 - Symposium 45: Irritability in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Inroads to Predicting Outcomes and Therapeutic Response
    12473 - Symposium 37: Childhood Determinants of the Risk Trajectory Toward Adult Mental Disorders: Implications for Pre-Clinical Staging, Clinical Practice and Service Delivery
    12480 - Clinical Perspectives 03: International Clinical Perspectives: Developing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Worldwide: Continuity and Innovation
    12488 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Language Development and Disorders
    12489 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Expanding Behavioral Healthcare Access for Children and Adolescents: Psychiatric Consultation and Support Services With Primary Care Providers
    12495 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Neurogenetic Syndromes Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    125 - Symposium 20: The Genetic Architecture of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Recent Findings From the Autism Genome Project and Beyond
    125 - Symposium 20: The Genetic Architecture of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Recent Findings From the Autism Genome Project and Beyond
    12500 - Symposium 22: Medical Marijuana Impacts
    12502 - Symposium 15: Psychosocial Treatment for Youth With Bipolar Disorder: Research Updates to Inform Clinical Practice
    12505 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Building Bridges: A Multidimensional Approach to Mental Health-Primary Care Integration
    12515 - Symposium 35: Unpacking Trauma History Profiles: A Key to Improving Clinical Care and Services
    12517 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Tools for Transcultural Studies, Overcoming Stigma and Language Barriers: Cultural Realities Seen Through Children's Drawings From Spain, Mexico, Peru, and the USA
    12525 - Symposium 08: PANDASPANS: Answered Questions and Questions to Be Answered
    12529 - Symposium 39: Objective Measures to Predict Suicidal Behavior Among Youth
    12530 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Diagnosis and Treatment of Children With Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome
    12531 - Clinical Perspectives 17: The Medical and Psychiatric Evaluation of the Nonverbal Child
    12537 - Symposium 29: Health Promotion and Illness Prevention in Child Psychiatry
    12538 - Clinical Perspectives 49: Improving Student Mental Health and Decreasing Youth Suicide in South Korea: An International Collaboration
    12541 - Symposium 38: International Perspectives on Psychiatric Comorbidity, Global Functioning, and Quality of Life in Tourette's Disorder
    12546 - Clinical Perspectives 07: New Developments in Complementary and Integrative Psychiatric Treatments for Youth
    12548 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Is This Student Safe to Return to School? The Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist's Role in Threat Assessments for Students at Risk for Violence
    12564 - Other Programs 06: Resident as Teacher: Mastering Feedback Skills From Problem Learners to Patient Education
    12565 - Symposium 40: Prevention of Depression in At-Risk Youth: Long-Term Outcomes, Moderators, Mediators, and Process Findings
    12567 - Symposium 05: Founders of the Research Initiative Symposium
    12588 - Other Programs 07: Presidential Interview: Maryland Pao, MD
    12591 - Other Programs 08: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: The Future of Mental Health Services in the 21st Century
    12592 - Other Programs 09: Karl Menninger, MD Plenary: Pamela Y. Collins, MD, MPH (invited): Grand Challenges for Child Mental Health
    12593 - Other Programs 10: Lawrence A. Stone, MD Plenary: Conducting Research and Interventions for Children in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
    126 - Symposium 21: Cardiometabolic Risk Quantification, Monitoring, and Management in Antipsychotic Treated Youth: Scientific Update
    126 - Symposium 21: Cardiometabolic Risk Quantification, Monitoring, and Management in Antipsychotic Treated Youth: Scientific Update
    12622 - Symposium 24: Open Data: Neuroimaging and Sharing
    12625 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Neurofeedback, LORETA, Quantitative EEG, and Personalized Medicine
    127 - Symposium 22: The Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders in Preschool Children: How Far Have We Come?
    127 - Symposium 22: The Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders in Preschool Children: How Far Have We Come?
    128 - Symposium 23: New Clinical Research in Adults with ADHD
    128 - Symposium 23: New Clinical Research in Adults with ADHD
    12889 - Honors Presentations 08: Pseudohallucinations in an Adolescent: Considerations for Diagnosis and Treatment
    12890 - Honors Presentations 02: Mapping Clinical Phenotypes Onto Pathophysiological Mechanisms: Opportunities and Challenges
    129 - Symposium 24: Optimizing the Treatment of Adolescent Depression
    129 - Symposium 24: Optimizing the Treatment of Adolescent Depression
    12907 - Honors Presentations 04: Seizing The Day: An Intergenerational Structure for Higher-Impact Prevention in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    12908 - Honors Presentations 01: Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Social Communication Disorder in a Total Population: Plus Ça Change, Plus C'est la Même Chose
    12909 - Honors Presentations 05: "Mama Just Won't Accept This": The Maverick's Guide to Faith-Based Mental Health Promotion, Depression, Black Youth, and Families
    12910 - Honors Presentations 06: Child and Adolescent Development: The Missing Foundation Piece in Education
    12911 - Honors Presentations 07: The Clinical Child Psychiatrist and Prevention: Where the Art Meets the Road
    12913 - Honors Presentations 03: The Revolution has Begun: Autism, Genetics, and the Transformation of the Science of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
    130 - Addressing Impulsivity and Aggression in Adolescents With Substance Use Disorders
    130 - Attention-DeficitHyperactivity Disorder
    130 - Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs
    130 - Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Movement Disorders, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    130 - Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Aggression, Temper Dysregulation Disorder
    130 - Psychosis
    130 - Q&A Panel
    130 - Q&A Panel 4
    130 - Q&A Panel 4
    130 - Symposium 25: The Next Step in TemperamentPsychopathology Interactions: Shared Genes and New Profiles
    130 - Symposium 25: The Next Step in TemperamentPsychopathology Interactions: Shared Genes and New Profiles
    130 - Treating the Child and Adolescent with Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs
    130 - Treating the Child and Adolescent with Refractory Psychotic Disorders
    130 - Working With the Child Welfare System: Fostering Better Care / Q&A 4
    130 - Youth Suicide
    13010 - Other Programs 11: The Poster Docent: A Guided Tour of Selected AACAP Posters
    131 - Symposium 27: Bio-Signatures of Pharmacotherapy in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: fMRI Studies
    131 - Symposium 27: Bio-Signatures of Pharmacotherapy in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: fMRI Studies
    132 - Symposium 28: Child and Family Values: Do They Drive Continuity of Care?
    132 - Symposium 28: Child and Family Values: Do They Drive Continuity of Care?
    133 - Symposium 29: Maltreated Children and Their Outcomes: Longitudinal Research in Canada
    133 - Symposium 29: Maltreated Children and Their Outcomes: Longitudinal Research in Canada
    13323 - Symposium 23:The ADHD Diagnosis: A Multidimensional De-Construction From Developmental, Psychodynamic, and Neurobiologic Perspectives
    13386 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: A Portrait of E. James Anthony, MD: A Life and Career Highlighting Resilience
    13389 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Training Practitioners in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With Youth: Blueprints for Effective Supervision and Consultation
    134 - Symposium 30: The Evergreen Framework: The Necessity, Implications, and Practical Realities of Developing a Child and Youth Mental Health Framework for Canada
    134 - Symposium 30: The Evergreen Framework: The Necessity, Implications, and Practical Realities of Developing a Child and Youth Mental Health Framework for Canada
    13406-01 - Institute 03.1: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
    13406-02 - Institute 03.2: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
    13406-03 - Institute 03.3: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
    13406-04 - Institute 03.4: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
    13406-05 - Institute 03.5: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
    13406-06 - Institute 03.6: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
    13406-07 - Institute 03.7: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
    13406-08 - Institute 03.8: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
    13409 - Clinical Perspectives 45: Tech Tools for Trauma Treatment
    13412 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Beyond the Prescription Pad: Psychotherapy Interventions for Transitional Age Youth
    13413 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Antipsychotic Medication Treatment in Clinical Practice: Beyond the Trends and Headlines
    13420 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Virtual Lives, Real Dilemmas: When Online Behavior Impacts Mental Health
    13448 - Clinical Perspectives 60: Caught in the Net: How Electronic Media Affects Mental Illness
    13455 - Clinical Perspectives 02: How to Choose, Find, or Build a Career Path: Unlimited Options Beyond Academia, Inpatient, or Outpatient
    13456 - Symposium 14: Investigating Key Symptom Domains and Neurofunctional Dysregulation in Youth With or At-Risk for Bipolar Disorder
    13457 - Symposium 07: Treating Military Families in the Post-Combat Transition
    13471 - Clinical Perspectives 04: We Can Do Better: The Medication of Foster Children
    13473 - Symposium 13: The Dangerous Liaison Between Affect Dysregulation and Addiction
    13476 - Symposium 05: Adolescent Sexting: Aberrant, Adverse, or Average?
    13486 - Clinical Perspectives 12: The Meaning of Father in Contemporary Families: Presence, Absence, and the Construction of "Father"
    13496 - Symposium 36: Anxious Depression in Adolescents: From Risk to Remission
    135 - Symposium 31: The Parent-Infant Dyad: Conversations on Brain and Behavior
    135 - Symposium 31: The Parent-Infant Dyad: Conversations on Brain and Behavior
    13500 - Symposium 11: Obesity: Challenging the Assumptions of Weight-Focused Approaches to Health in Children and Teens
    13502 - Other Programs 16: Medical Student and Resident Breakfast: From Learner to Leader in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    13508 - Clinical Perspectives 31: MindfulnessMeditation in Children and Adolescents
    13520-01 - Institute 07.1: Treating the Sickest Kids
    13520-02 - Institute 07.2: Treating the Sickest Kids
    13520-03 - Institute 07.3: Treating the Sickest Kids
    13520-04 - Institute 07.4: Treating the Sickest Kids
    13520-05 - Institute 07.5: Treating the Sickest Kids
    13520-06 - Institute 07.6: Treating the Sickest Kids
    13520-07 - Institute 07.7: Treating the Sickest Kids
    13520-08 - Institute 07.8: Treating the Sickest Kids
    13520-09 - Institute 07.9: Treating the Sickest Kids
    13535 - Clinical Perspectives 55: Gender and Sexuality Clinical Competence: Training and Education Issues for All Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    13542 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Don't Know Where to Start? Practical Clinical Guidelines for the Care of Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria Including Family, Community, and Medical Systems
    13545 - Symposium 10: Novel Approaches to Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents
    13556 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Playing With Fire: Clinical Approaches to Using Controlled Substances in Adolescents With Substance Use Disorders
    13567 - Clinical Perspectives 26: TED Talks Meet Perspectives: (Clinical) Ideas Worth Spreading
    13569 - Clinical Perspectives 10: International Clinical Perspectives: Cultural Variations in Parenting: Insights From Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean
    13575 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Creating Trauma-Informed Schools: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective
    13579 - Symposium 34: Adult Outcome in the Multisite Multimodal Treatment Study
    13582-01 - Institute 02.1: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
    13582-02 - Institute 02.2: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
    13582-03 - Institute 02.3: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
    13582-04 - Institute 02.4: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
    13582-05 - Institute 02.5: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
    13582-06 - Institute 02.6: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
    13582-07 - Institute 02.7: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
    13582-08 - Institute 02.8: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
    13596 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Integrated Emergency Mental Health Care: Canadian and American Perspectives
    136 - Symposium 32: What Have We Learned about ADHD in the First Decade of the Genomic Age?
    136 - Symposium 32: What Have We Learned about ADHD in the First Decade of the Genomic Age?
    13603-01 - Institute 08.1: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
    13603-02 - Institute 08.2: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
    13603-03 - Institute 08.3: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
    13603-04 - Institute 08.4: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
    13603-05 - Institute 08.5: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
    13603-06 - Institute 08.6: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
    13603-07 - Institute 08.7: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
    13603-08 - Institute 08.8: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
    13603-09 - Institute 08.9: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
    13605 - Clinical Perspectives 56: Innovative Use of Technologies to Improve Quality of Child Mental Health Care
    13608 - Symposium 21: Dysregulation in Childhood: Clinical Characteristics and Developmental Trajectories
    13623 - Symposium 04: Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: Translating Research Findings Into Clinical Practice
    13639 - Clinical Perspectives 58: Sustaining Youth Experiencing Armed Conflict and Terror
    13640 - Symposium 09: Neuroimaging Studies of Moderators, Predictors, and Outcomes Associated With Early Life Stress and Maltreatment
    13642 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Charting a Course to Child Wellness Through the Family
    13643 - Symposium 03: Human Trafficking: Combatting the International and Domestic Sex Trade of Children in Mexico and the United States
    13662 - Clinical Perspectives 13: The Next Best Treatment: When First-Line Treatment Fails. Overview of Standard Treatment and Alternative Treatment of Depression, Bipolar, Early-Onset Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder,
    13672 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Working With Families and Teens About Using Social Media Wisely
    13680-01 - Institute 09.1: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    13680-02 - Institute 09.2: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    13680-03 - Institute 09.3: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    13680-04 - Institute 09.4: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    13680-05 - Institute 09.5: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    13680-06 - Institute 09.5: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    13682 - Symposium 25: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Biomarker Discovery and Treatment Innovation in Children and Youth With Psychiatric Illness
    13689 - Symposium 35: Omega-3 and Therapy Studies: OATS for Depression and Bipolar Disorder in Children
    13698 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Recognizing the Emergence of Borderline Personality Features in Adolescents With Emotional Dysregulation
    137 - Symposium 33: Gender Identity Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Theoretical and Empirical Advances
    137 - Symposium 33: Gender Identity Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Theoretical and Empirical Advances
    13707 - Clinical Perspectives 07: Addressing Challenges in the Medical Care of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    13716 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Ethics, Professionalism, and Clinical Dilemmas in the Age of the Internet
    13719 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Challenges and Opportunities for Transition to Adulthood
    13727 - Clinical Perspectives 63: Neurogenetic Syndromes Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Three Syndromes That Include Atypical Social Interaction
    13733 - Clinical Perspectives 05: What Test Should I Run? An Update on Laboratory Evaluation in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    13742 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Collaborative Care Models: Experiences in Embedding Services Within Pediatrics
    13744 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Model for Scientist—Clinician—Family Collaboration: Translation of Science to Service Via AACAP Resources
    13752 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Cambridge's Code of the Street: Preventing Violence Among At-Risk Urban Youth
    13775 - Symposium 19: Psychopathology and the Developing Brain: New Directions in Neuroscience
    13777 - Symposium 20: The Effects of Violence and Loss on Infants, Young Children, and the Parent—Child Relationship: Implications for Intervention
    13778 - Clinical Perspectives 35: Best Practices for Inpatient Treatment of Children With Autism and Intellectual Disability: Applications for the General Psychiatry Unit
    13788-01 - Institute 01.1: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-02 - Institute 01.2: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-03 - Institute 01.3: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-04 - Institute 01.4: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-05 - Institute 01.5: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-06 - Institute 01.6: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-07 - Institute 01.7: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-08 - Institute 01.8: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-09 - Institute 01.9: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-10 - Institute 01.91: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-11 - Institute 01.92: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-12 - Institute 01.93: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-13 - Institute 01.94: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    13788-14 - Institute 01.95: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
    138 - Symposium 34: Psychotropic Medication Use in Vulnerable Child and Adolescent Populations: Making Appropriate Clinical and Ethical Treatment Decisions
    138 - Symposium 34: Psychotropic Medication Use in Vulnerable Child and Adolescent Populations: Making Appropriate Clinical and Ethical Treatment Decisions
    13808 - Clinical Perspectives 62: Models of Collaborative Care and Intraprofessional Education Within Child Psychiatry Access Programs
    13810 - Clinical Perspectives 32: The Rhythm of Healing
    13812 - Symposium 15: Management of ADHD in Complex Presentations
    13814 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Towards Establishing Best Practices in Inpatient Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    13815 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Ethical Dialectics and Dilemmas in Using Electronic Medical Records in Child Psychiatry Practice
    13818 - Symposium 12: Promising Complementary and Integrative Health Strategies in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    13822 - Clinical Perspectives 59: Asian Americans: The Silence You Bear
    13847 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Unaccompanied Latino Youth: Who Is Taking Care of Them?
    13874-01 - Institute 06.1: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    13874-02 - Institute 06.2: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    13874-03 - Institute 06.3: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    13874-04 - Institute 06.4: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    13874-05 - Institute 06.5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    13874-06 - Institute 06.6: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    13875 - Clinical Perspectives 57: Models for Trauma-Informed Screening, Prevention, and Care for Children and Families Within Medical and Community Systems of Care
    13878 - Symposium 02: Do You Like Me or Not? The Neural Circuitry of Social Cognition in Adolescent Mood and Anxiety Disorders
    13884 - Clinical Perspectives 51: Pediatric Medicine Updates for the Child Psychiatrist: Normal Development (4YO-14YO), Adolescent Sexual Health 101, and Dermatology for the Child Psychiatrist
    13889 - Clinical Perspectives 50: Ethical Considerations in Assessment and Treatment of DeafHard of Hearing Youth
    13896 - Clinical Perspectives 21: The Affordable Care Act and Pediatric Mental Health Care: Changes in the Practice of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    13899 - Clinical Perspectives 54: Ethics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Hot Topics in 2015
    139 - Symposium 35: Risk, Resilience, and Intervention in Bipolar Offspring
    139 - Symposium 35: Risk, Resilience, and Intervention in Bipolar Offspring
    13907 - Clinical Perspectives 44: Pax Good Behavior Game: Using a Population-Based Pediatric Mental Health Intervention as a Support to an Accountable Care Organization
    13910 - Symposium 30: Update on Tourette's Disorder: Hot Topics in Tics
    13911 - Clinical Perspectives 43: Parenting 201: When Historical Trauma Becomes Current Events
    13912 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Building a Multidisciplinary Treatment Model for Pediatric Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures
    13914 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Youth Suicidality Amongst Diverse Populations
    13915 - Clinical Perspectives 20: Integrating Behavioral Health Care Services in Pediatric Primary Care
    13929 - Symposium 39: Parent Training for Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Multisite Randomized Trial
    13934 - Other Programs 13: Implementing Culturally Sensitive Care Into My Training: A Session for Medical Students, Residents, and Child Fellows
    13947 - Symposium 28: International Perspectives on Youth at Risk for Bipolar Disorders: Focus on Research and Clinical Management of Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, and Autism (Supported by the World Psychiatric Associatio
    13950-01 - Institute 05.1: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    13950-02 - Institute 05.2: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    13950-03 - Institute 05.3: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    13950-04 - Institute 05.4: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    13950-05 - Institute 05.5: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    13950-06 - Institute 05.6: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    13950-07 - Institute 05.7: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    13950-08 - Institute 05.8: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    13950-09 - Institute 05.9: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    13968 - Clinical Perspectives 24: New Directions in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
    13989 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Cannabis Explained: Answers to Questions You "Crave" to Ask
    13994 - Clinical Perspectives 52: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Pediatric Chronic Pain
    13995 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Electroconvulsive Therapy in Children With Serious Mental Illness: Ethical, Safety, and Efficacy Considerations
    140 - Disruptive Behavior Disorders
    140 - Early Onset Psychosis
    140 - Family Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy
    140 - Panel Discussion #3: Internalizing Disorders
    140 - Panel Discussion 4
    140 - Pediatric Consult Liasion Psychiatry and Somatoform Disorders
    140 - Question and Answer Panel
    140 - Questions and Answers 1
    140 - Questions and Answers 4
    140 - Symposium 36: Obesity and the Course and Treatment of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    140 - Symposium 36: Obesity and the Course and Treatment of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    140 - Treating Aggression in Early Onset Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
    140 - Using Pediatric Psychopharmacology Treatments in Primary Care: Issues and Worries
    14007 - Clinical Perspectives 64: Strategies to Bridge the Clinical, Scientific, and Policy Worlds to Effect Wellness and Health Promotion in Children and Families
    14010 - Symposium 37: Improving Identification and Treatment of Child Mental Health Conditions Through Pediatrician Education: Two Regional Responses
    14015 - Symposium 29: Physical Activity and the Adolescent Brain: Impact on Neurodevelopment, Executive Function, and Mood Across Diagnosis
    14025-01 - Institute 04.1: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    14025-02 - Institute 04.2: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    14025-03 - Institute 04.3: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    14025-04 - Institute 04.4: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    14025-05 - Institute 04.5: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    14025-06 - Institute 04.6: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    14025-07 - Institute 04.7: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    14025-08 - Institute 04.8: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    14028 - Symposium 26: Novel Animal Model Investigations Contributing to Child Psychiatry
    14034 - Clinical Perspectives 61: Mineral-Vitamin Combinations as Primary Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms in Youth
    14036 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Critical Components of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies: How to Discuss High Quality Planning, Implementation, and Fidelity in Practice
    14041 - Symposium 40: Collaborative Clinical Care for Youth in Child Welfare: A Comparison of Two Innovative Models
    14047 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Gender Identity Variations of Childhood and Psychiatry: The International Classification of Diseases-11 Controversy
    14055 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Limitations and Ways to Make It Work
    14067 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Approaches to Family-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Inpatient and Residential Units
    14068 - Symposium 38: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Autism: From Bench to Bedside
    14070 - Clinical Perspectives 65: Juvenile Miranda Waiver and Competency to Stand Trial
    14075 - Clinical Perspectives 14: The Nuts and Bolts of Training Child Psychiatrists to Do School Mental Health
    14078 - Other Programs 26: Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
    14084 - Symposium 32: Gut Microbiota and Psychopathology
    141 - Symposium 37: International Perspectives on School-Based Mental Health Services
    141 - Symposium 37: International Perspectives on School-Based Mental Health Services
    14106 - Clinical Perspectives 53: The Child Refugee Crisis on the US-Mexico Border: Mental Health Factors and Consequences
    14109 - Other Programs 03: Resident as Teacher: Developing Your Media Toolkit From Twitter to Television
    14116 - Clinical Perspectives 49: Beyond Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Complexities in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatized Youth
    14119 - Symposium 17: Simon Wile Symposium: Innovations and Directions in Behavioral Health Integration and Collaborative Care
    14121 - Symposium 16: Maternal Trauma and Depression and the Infant's Mental Health: From Animal Models to Clinical Studies
    14135 - Symposium 18: An International Perspective on Comorbidity in Tourette's Disorder: Prevalence and Impact of Mood and Anxiety Disorders
    14138 - Symposium 24: Tic-Related Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Clinical Implications of the New DSM-5 Specifier
    14145 - Symposium 22: Circuit-Based Disturbances in Control and Reward Processes Across Pediatric Disorders
    14167 - Symposium 33: Potential Biomarkers of Social Cognition in Autism and Schizophrenia
    14180 - Clinical Perspectives 33: When Should Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Infections or Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Be Considered? What Then?
    14184 - Clinical Perspectives 40: Binge Eating Disorder and Dysregulated Eating in Youth With Psychiatric Disorders: A Path Towards Understanding and Treating Obesity
    14186 - Symposium 01: An Update on Research and Treatment in Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Infections and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome
    142 - Symposium 38: Interventions for Preschoolers with ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders: What Works?
    142 - Symposium 38: Interventions for Preschoolers with ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders: What Works?
    14210 - Symposium 06: Neuroscience of Irritability
    14211 - Symposium 08: Research Symposium
    14226 - Symposium 27: Risk and Benefit: Weighing in on Adverse Effects of Psychotropic Medication in Kids
    14228 - Symposium 31: Findings From the Collaborative Lithium Trials
    143 - Symposium 39: Marijuana Law and Its Impact on Youth and Families: From Policy to Practice
    143 - Symposium 39: Marijuana Law and Its Impact on Youth and Families: From Policy to Practice
    144 - Symposium 41: New Data on Children At Risk for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: From Risk to Intervention
    144 - Symposium 41: New Data on Children At Risk for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: From Risk to Intervention
    14415 - Other Programs 25: Presidential Interview: Paramjit T. Joshi, MD Interviews Savita Malhotra, MD, PhD
    14416 - Other Programs 14: Karl Menninger, MD Plenary: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Era of Healthcare Reform
    14417 - Other Programs 33: Lawrence A. Stone, MD Plenary: An Invitation to Think Globally About Child Psychiatry
    14418 - Other Programs 10: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Making Global Child Mental Health a Political Priority
    14420 - Other Programs 24: Training and Education Lunch
    145 - Symposium 42: Update on Tourette's Disorder: From Brain to Bedside
    145 - Symposium 42: Update on Tourette's Disorder: From Brain to Bedside
    14574 - Honors Presentations 09: Emotional Lability in ADHD: Neurobiology and Treatment Implications
    14579 - Other Programs 34: The Poster Docent: Addressing the Challenges to Effective Psychiatric Emergency Care for Children and Adolescents
    146 - Symposium 43: Adolescent Depression: Phenotypic Complexity and Implications for Treatment
    146 - Symposium 43: Adolescent Depression: Phenotypic Complexity and Implications for Treatment
    14606 - Honors Presentations 06: Telehealth Technologies to Improve the Quality of Care and Outcomes for Children with ADHD Living in Underserved Communities
    14613 - Honors Presentations 02: Traumatically Skewed Intersubjectivity
    14615 - Honors Presentations 04: Efficacy Trial of Two Psychotherapies for Depression in Youth with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    14617 - Honors Presentations 08: Prescribing Wellness: The Role of Music, Mindfulness, and Exercise in Child Psychiatry
    14633 - Honors Presentations 01: Risk, Resilience, and Intervention in Autism: Implications of Quantitative Trait Studies Across the Lifespan
    14634 - Honors Presentations 03: 30 Years of Helping Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQQ) Youth and Professionals: The Importance of Family, Mentors, Students, Colleagues, and Our Academ
    14636 - Honors Presentations 07: Early Experience and Brain Development: Opportunities for Treatment
    14641 - Honors Presentations 05: Creating a School District Mental Health Plan that Meets the Needs of Students Who Have Psychiatric Disorders
    14651 - Honors Presentations 10: The Michigan Child Collaborative Care Program
    147 - Symposium 44: Advances in Family-Centered Treatment for Adolescent Eating Disorders
    147 - Symposium 44: Advances in Family-Centered Treatment for Adolescent Eating Disorders
    148 - Symposium 45: Co-Occurrence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD
    148 - Symposium 45: Co-Occurrence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD
    149 - Symposium 46: New Findings in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    149 - Symposium 46: New Findings in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    14958 - Clinical Perspectives 28: A Road Map to Establish and Sustain a Telepsychiatry Practice
    14978 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Children of Divorce: Breaking News for Clinicians and Forensic Practitioners
    14994 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Updates in Global, Indigenous, and Cross-Cultural Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: The Legacy of Dr. John F. McDermott, Jr.
    150 - Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability
    150 - Child and Adolescents' Care of Transgender Youth
    150 - Development, Autism, Learning Disabilities, and Intellectual Disabilities
    150 - Gender Issues/Gender Dysphoria
    150 - Q&A Panel Discussion
    150 - Suicide and Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents
    150 - Symposium 47: Traumatic Brain Injury: Neuropsychiatric and Neurocognitive Findings
    150 - Symposium 47: Traumatic Brain Injury: Neuropsychiatric and Neurocognitive Findings
    150 - Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
    15001 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Beyond the Prescription Pad: Psychotherapy Interventions for Youth With Severe Mental Illness and Treatment Nonadherence
    15004-0 - Institute 1.0: Introductory Remarks
    15004-1 - Institute 1.1: Complex Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Focus on Pharmacotherapy
    15004-2 - Institute 1.2: The Pharmacotherapy of Conduct Disorder and Related Conditions
    15004-3 - Institute 1.3: Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15004-4 - Institute 1.4: Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    15004-6 - Institute 1.6: Treatment Strategies for Youth With and At-Risk for Bipolar Disorder
    15004-7 - Institute 1.7: Pharmacotherapy for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
    15009 - Clinical Perspectives 27: TED Talks Meet Perspectives: (Clinical) Ideas Worth Spreading
    15043 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Pediatric Medicine Updates for the Child Psychiatrist: Headache, Concussion, and Child Physical Abuse
    15046 - Symposium 50: Sexting, Revenge Pornography, and Digital Dating Abuse: New Research on Adolescent Digital Behaviors
    15080 - Symposium 12: Health Prevention and Promotion: More Than Common Sense?
    15081 - Symposium 14: Overcoming Obstacles to Implementing Evidence-Based Trauma Treatment
    15088 - Clinical Perspectives 45: Treatment Challenges and Opportunities in the College-Age Population
    151 - Symposium 48: Deficient Emotional Self-Rgulation in ADHD Across the Lifespan
    151 - Symposium 48: Deficient Emotional Self-Rgulation in ADHD Across the Lifespan
    15105 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Life Members Wisdom: Clinical Perspectives on Integrated Care, Health, Resilience, and the Future of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    15114 - Symposium 23: Genetics, Epigenetics, Genomics, and Dynamic Neuroimaging: Research Base for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Twenty-First Century?
    15119 - Symposium 42: Anxiety in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Clinical Assessment, Biology, and Treatments
    15148 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Deprescribing in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Where, When, and How to Safely Reduce Polypharmacy in Clinical Settings
    15163 - Symposium 51: Treatment Updates in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
    15177 - Clinical Perspectives 44: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study and Beyond
    15181 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Therapeutic Possibilities of Neurofeedback: New Developments and Findings
    152 - Symposium 49: Monitoring Safety of Second Generation Antipsychotics in Children: The CAMESA Guideline
    152 - Symposium 49: Monitoring Safety of Second Generation Antipsychotics in Children: The CAMESA Guideline
    15205 - Clinical Perspectives 51: Systems of Care for Youth With Physical Illness
    15209-0 - Institute 7.0: Introductory Remarks
    15209-1 - Institute 7.1: Clinical Perspective: Caregiver Stress in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15209-2 - Institute 7.2: Diagnostic Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15209-3 - Institute 7.3: Genetic Work-Up of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Clinical Setting
    15209-4 - Institute 7.4: Behavioral Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of the Evidence
    15209-5 - Institute 7.5: Assessment and Management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15209-6 - Institute 7.6: Assessment and Management of Anxiety in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15209-7 - Institute 7.7: Assessment and Management of Irritability/Aggression in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15220 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Improving Emergency Department Care for Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15230 - Clinical Perspectives 20: An Exploration of Pharmacogenomics: Are We Ready to Incorporate Personalized Medicine Into Clinical Practice?
    15247 - Symposium 33: Clinical Implications of Biomarkers in Severe Mood Disorders
    15250 - Symposium 40: Individual Differences in Environmental Sensitivity: Differential Susceptibility and the Role of Sensory-Processing Sensitivity
    15256 - Symposium 10: Advances in the Neurobiology of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Related Disorders
    15264 - Symposium 08: Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder and Other Psychopathology: Present and Future
    15279 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Asynchronous Telehealth Technologies to Improve the Quality of Children's Mental Health Care
    15284 - Symposium 28: Emerging Measures of Change in Core Features of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15295 - Clinical Perspectives 36: From Persecution to Resilience: Examining the Mental Health Supports for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth Across the Globe
    153 - Symposium 50: Ties That Bind: Strengthening the Mental Health System for Transitional Youth
    153 - Symposium 50: Ties That Bind: Strengthening the Mental Health System for Transitional Youth
    15316 - Other Programs 05: Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
    15317 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression: Understanding the Core of the Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents Model and Its Adaptations
    15325 - Symposium 49: Quality of U.S. Child Mental Health Care: National Trends and Target Areas for Improvement
    15346 - Symposium 17: Treatment-Resistant Depression in Adolescents: Neurobiology and Novel Approaches for Treatment
    15371 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Confidently Approaching Borderline Personality Disorder in Young People: A Primer for the General Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    15378 - Clinical Perspectives 50: Is War Ever Really Over? War-Affected Youth From Home to Host Country
    15383 - Clinical Perspectives 52: Transgender Identities Emerging During Adolescents' Struggles With Mental Health Problems
    15384 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorders: Science and the Sobering Truth
    15389-0 - Institute 3.0: Introductory Remarks
    15389-1 - Institute 3.1: Screening, Diagnosis, and Comorbidity of Eating Disorders
    15389-2 - Institute 3.2: Developmental Perspectives of Eating Disorders
    15389-3 - Institute 3.3: Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    15389-4 - Institute 3.4: When Nutrition and Therapy Aren't Enough: Use of Psychotropic Medications in the Treatment of Eating Disorder
    15389-5 - Institute 3.5: Integrating Higher Levels of Care as an Effective Component in Treating Children and Adolescents With Eating
    15389-6 - Institute 3.6: Neurobiology and Genetics of Eating Disorders
    15389-7 - Institute 3.7: Overview on Obesity: Cultural Factors, Epidemiology, and Treatment Considerations
    15390-0 - Institute 5.0: Introductory Remarks
    15390-1 - Institute 5.1: Is This Child Safe to Return to School? A Practical Approach to Threat Assessment
    15390-2 - Institute 5.2: Suicide Risk and Prevention in Youth: Effects of Suicide-Specific and Broader Community Interventions
    15390-3 - Institute 5.3: Community Resilience and Disaster Readiness
    15390-4 - Institute 5.4: Not Invincible: How Adolescents Make Decisions and Why They Take Risks
    15390-5 - Institute 5.5: The Positive Approach to the Diagnostic Interview: Is Talking About What's Wrong Necessarily Right?
    15390-6 - Institute 5.6: Practice and Policy Tools to Support Schools in Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
    15399 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Will You Friend Me? Understanding the Complex Interplay Between Social Media, Online Gaming, and Technology in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    15407 - Symposium 52: Youth At-Risk for Depression: Evidence for Early Neural Abnormalities in Processing Motivationally Salient Information
    15408-0 - Institute 8.0: Introductory Remarks
    15408-1 - Institute 8.1: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Focus on Pharmacotherapy
    15408-2 - Institute 8.2: Depression in Children and Adolescence: Pharmacotherapy for Primary Care Practitioners and Early Career Psychiatrists
    15408-3 - Institute 8.3: Anxiety Disorders: Assessment and Treatment by Primary Care Practitioners and Early Career Psychiatrists
    15408-4 - Institute 8.4: Rational Use of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers in Youth With Aggression in Autism and Bipolar Disorder
    15408-5 - Institute 8.5: Case Studies in Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    15417 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Microaggressions Versus Macroaggressions: Injury and Healing
    15418-1 - Institute 2.1: A Tale of Telomeres
    15418-2 - Institute 2.2: Early Life Experiences, Epigenetics, and the Developing Brain
    15418-3 - Institute 2.3: Using Epigenetics to Understand How Distress During Pregnancy Impacts Fetal Behavioral Outcomes
    15418-4 - Institute 2.4: Integrating Epigenetic and Genetic Risk in Postmortem Brain Research
    15418-5 - Institute 2.5: From One Experience to Another: A Molecular Analysis for Smoking and Subsequent Drug Use
    15418-6 - Institute 2.6: Age-Related DNA Methylation Changes Are Associated With Abnormal Behavior in Offspring
    15429 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Is the Next School Shooter Sitting Before Me? Critical Issues in School Threat Assessment
    15431 - Symposium 36: Early Morning Functioning in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Impact, Measurement, and Treatment Considerations
    15481 - Symposium 43: Longitudinal Perspectives on Brain Structure and Function in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
    15502 - Other Programs 06: Talking to Parents About...
    15510 - Symposium 41: Predictors of Adult Outcome in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    15511 - Symposium 24: New Investigations on the Relationship Between Working Memory and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    15517 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations in Psychiatric Treatment of Youth With Health Care Disparities: Interplay of Multiple Minority Identities Including Ethnically Diverse Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth
    15520 - Symposium 02: Intergenerational Aspects of Mood Disorder Development in Children and Adolescents at High-Risk: An International Perspective (Supported by the Child and Adolescent Section of the World Psychiatric Association)
    15528 - Symposium 04: Using SMART Methodology to Tailor Evidence Based Treatments
    15532 - Symposium 25: The Role of Social Involvement in Ameliorating Fear, Anxiety, and Depression: Findings in Mice and Humans
    15543 - Symposium 01: Causes, Comorbidities, and Consequences of Chronic Tic Disorders: New Findings and Implications for Research and Treatment
    15578 - Symposium 13: New Intervention Approaches for Disruptive Behavior Disorders: Considering Risks and Underlying Mechanisms
    15584 - Symposium 16: From Community to Clinic and Back: What Population-Based Samples Can Tell Us About the Genetics of Psychopathology in Youth
    15588 - Clinical Perspectives 42: New Disorders of Early Childhood From DC:0-5™
    15590 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Clinical Perspectives on Tourette's Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcus, and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome: Update
    15607 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Mental Health Challenges for American Muslim Youth in an Age of Terrorism
    15623 - Clinical Perspectives 41: My Family and Me and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Applications of Evidence-Based Models to the Treatment of Military and Civilian Families With Young Children
    15637 - Symposium 32: Big Data in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Will It Really Allow Us to Go Where No Man Has Gone Before?
    15641 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Bringing Evidence-Based Treatment to Emerging Adults With Anxiety Disorders in Three Clinical Settings: The Youth Anxiety Center
    15648 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Clinical Assessment to Novel Treatments
    15655 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Cultural Competence: Training Through Exploration of Individual Bias as It Impacts Our Understanding of and Service Provision to Diverse College Students
    15664 - Symposium 44: Neural Circuitry Underlying Three Common and Often Co-Occurring Childhood Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Learning Disorder
    15665 - Clinical Perspectives 40: Mental Health Care for Medically Complex Children: Focus on the Rehabilitation Setting
    15671 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Childhood Trauma: Personalized Medicine, Community, and Global Developments Led by Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    15676 - Symposium 38: Building the Evidence on Diversity, Culture, and Development of Mental Illnesses: New Findings From the Boricua Youth Study
    15677 - Symposium 35: Early Environmental Exposures as Shared and Unique Risk Factors in Childhood Mental Illness: Results From Large-Scale Epidemiological Studies
    15682 - Symposium 46: Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Research Strategies in Pediatric Mental Health
    15724 - Symposium 34: Community Crisis and Community Resilience: The Children of Flint, Michigan
    15725 - Symposium 07: Is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Onset Limited to Childhood?
    15730-0 - Institute 6.0: Introductory Remarks
    15730-1 - Institute 6.1: There's an App for That: Evidence-Based Assessment and Rating Scales
    15730-2 - Institute 6.2: Structured Diagnostic Interviews
    15730-3 - Institute 6.3: Decision Science and Evidence-Based Assessment to Improve Diagnostic Decision Making
    15730-4 - Institute 6.4: Evidence-Based Assessment to Improve Assessment of Suicide Risk, Ideation, and Behavior
    15730-5 - Institute 6.5: Evidence-Based Assessment to Improve Psychopharmacological Treatment Outcomes
    15730-6 - Institute 6.6: Evidence-Based Monitoring of Medication Adverse Effects
    15734 - Symposium 19: Bullying and Adverse Outcomes: An International Perspective
    15735 - Symposium 45: Nonpharmacological Interventions for Preschool Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    15737 - Symposium 39: How to Break the Vicious Cycle of Violence in Early Childhood: Integrating Recent Advances in Neuroscience and Child Development Research
    15747 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Telemedicine Wellness, Intervention, Triage, and Referral Project: A Unique Intervention Strategy to Prevent School Violence
    15749 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Political Violence and Religious Extremism: What Can Be Done to Help Children in Need?
    15751 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Working With Children and Families Affected by Cancer
    15761 - Symposium 26 Trajectories and Treatment Neuroscience in Pediatric Mania
    15803 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Indigenous Youth and Mental Health and Psychosocial Disparities in the United States and Pacific: A Focus on Native Hawaiian, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Maori Youth
    15825 - Other Programs 03: Resident As Teacher: Teaching the Twenty-First Century Learner
    15827 - Symposium 18: "Prodromal" or "Just a Phase"? Early Indicators of a Trajectory Toward Serious Mental Illness
    15880 - Clinical Perspectives 07: International Clinical Perspectives: School-Based Resilience-Building Interventions for Youth Exposed to Trauma in Resource-Poor Settings
    15886 - Symposium 30: Tic Talk: Research Updates in the Phenomenology and Treatment of Tic Disorders
    15887 - Symposium 20: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Bench to Bedside
    15912 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Bath, Bed, and Beyond: Treating Sleep Problems in Children and Adolescents
    15918 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Approaches to Population Health Management for Youth With Behavioral Health Problems
    15928 - Clinical Perspectives 43: Pharmacotherapies for Cannabis Use Disorder: Emerging Research Findings
    15948 - Symposium 48: New Developments in the Treatment of Youth Depressive Symptoms and Disorders
    15949 - Symposium 21: Abnormal Neural Substrate for Performance Monitoring in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Implications for Understanding Treatment Response
    15950 - Symposium 31: Transmission of Major Depression Across Three Generations: Search for Biomarkers
    15951 - Symposium 27: Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder: Neural and Immunological Markers of Risk, Stress, and Psychotherapeutic Response
    15952 - Clinical Perspectives 49: Evaluating and Implementing Complex Psychosocial Interventions for Children and Youth
    15953 - Symposium 47: Emerging Biomarkers for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Using Technology to Revolutionize Clinical Trials and Establish Novel Therapeutics
    15957 - Clinical Perspectives 35: Can Brain Imaging Change the Game for Child and Adolescent Mental Health? A Look at Today and Tomorrow
    15962 - Clinical Perspectives 04: The Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist: Novel Models of Perinatal Mental Health Care to Improve Maternal—Infant Outcomes
    15975 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Concerted Care for Foster Children: Results of the Anne E. Casey Bridging the Way Home Study
    15983-0 - Institute 4.0: Welcoming Remarks
    15983-1 - Institute 4.1: Suicidality, Feeding Problems, Nocturnal Enuresis, Early Intervention, and the Social and Emotional Brain in Childhood: Review of Recent Advances in the Literature
    15983-2 - Institute 4.2: Improving Outcomes for Youth At-Risk for Psychosis or With First-Episode Psychosis
    15983-3 - Institute 4.3: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: From Diagnosis to Pharmacology: What’s New?
    15983-4 - Institute 4.4: Childhood Adversity, Trauma, and Psychiatric Disorders: Developmental Outcomes and Effective Interventions
    15983-5 - Institute 4.5: AACAP's Recertification Efforts
    15983-6 - Institute 4.6: Update on Mood Disorders, Psychopharmacology, and Prevention
    15983-7 - Institute 4.7: Updates on Co-Occurring Conditions With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Recognition and Treatment
    15983-8 - Institute 4.8: Update on Anxiety Disorders, Gender Variance, Narcissism, and Video Gaming
    15984 - Symposium 15: Advances in Understanding and Assessing Communication and Language Disorders in Clinical Populations
    15987 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Updates on the Impact of Families in the Treatment of Child and Adolescent Mood Disorders
    15994 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Targeting Adolescent Tobacco Use
    160 - Advanced Psychopharmacological Treatments of Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    160 - Child and Adolescent Depression
    160 - Developmental Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, and Intellectual Disabilities (Part 1 & 2)
    160 - Genetics and Pharmacogenomics
    160 - Pediatric Consultation Liaison Psychiatry
    160 - Psychiatric Disorders of Infants and Preschoolers
    160 - Questions and Answers 2
    16003 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Addressing the Crisis of Indigenous Youth Suicide: Opportunities and Challenges
    16040 - Symposium 11: Balancing Weaknesses and Strengths in Dimensional Psychiatry
    16041 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Social Skills Training Approaches for Children and Youth: Theory, Research, and Practice
    16047 - Symposium 03: The Sixth Annual Child Mind Institute On the Shoulders of Giants Symposium
    16049 - Symposium 37: Animal Models for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    16050 - Clinical Perspectives 15: System-Based Practice and Minority Populations: Bringing Our Differences to Practice
    16052 - Symposium 06: Inflammation in Child and Adolescent Mental Illnesses
    16074 - Symposium 29: Simon Wile Symposium: Screening, Adhering, and Dying: A Collaboration With Subspecialty Pediatrics
    16075 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Multidisciplinary Interventions for Pediatric Chronic Pain
    16101 - Other Programs 04: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century
    16103 - Other Programs 02: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: A Common Struggle: A Personal Journey Through the Past and Future of Mental Illness and Addiction
    16114 - Other Programs 08: Training and Education Lunch
    16115 - Other Programs 09: Presidential Interview: Gregory K. Fritz, MD, AACAP President, Interviews Thomas F. Anders, MD
    16116 - Other Programs 10: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Child Psychiatry: Population Health's Reluctant Driver
    16123 - Symposium 09: Research Symposium: Behavioral Neuroscience
    16439 - Other Programs 07: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Understanding Autism in Families: From Leo Kanner to Developmental Neurobiology
    16628 - Honors Presentations 03: The Cultural Formulation and Academic Psychiatry
    16633 - Honors Presentations 04: Leveraging Partnerships to Strengthen Local Child and
    16636 - Honors Presentations 01: Suicidal Cognitions and Behaviors in Early Childhood: Why Does It Arise and What Does It Mean?
    16649 - Honors Presentations 05: High-Quality Foster Care Mitigates Callous-Unemotional Traits Following Early Deprivation in Boys: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    16660 - Honors Presentations 07: Impact of a Mental Health Curriculum on Knowledge and Stigma Among High School Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    16666 - Symposium 53: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Evidence-Based Developmental Psychopathology: Honoring the Contributions of David Shaffer
    16677 - Honors Presentations 06: Brain-Gut-Axis as a Therapeutic Target for Psychotherapy
    16697 - Honors Presentations 09: The Tarjan Legacy of Prevention: An Update
    16727 - Honors Presentations 08: Cultural Considerations in School Mental Health: Lessons Learned From Diverse Settings
    16912 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Pediatric Autoimmune Encephalopathies: What Should a Child Psychiatrist Know?
    16923 - Symposium 10: Behavioral, Biological, and Epigenetic Consequences of Early Life Adversity in Children, Adolescents, and Monkeys
    16925 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Beyond the Prescription Pad: Psychotherapy Interventions for Parents/Caregivers of Youth With Serious Mental Illnesses and Treatment Nonadherence
    16933 - Clinical Perspectives 50: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Care Integration for Childhood Sexual Abuse: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Heroin, and Other Adverse Outcomes
    16937 - S.C.S.P: Systems of Care Special Program: Making An Impact in What Matters: Risk, Resiliency, and Systemic Approaches to Social Determinants of Behavioral Health in Youth
    16937-01 - S.C.S.P: Welcome
    16937-02 - S.C.S.P: Systems of Care and Socioecological Approaches to Behavioral Health
    16937-03 - S.C.S.P: Federal Initiatives to Address the Needs of Diverse and Under-Resourced Populations in Child and Adolescent Health
    16937-04 - S.C.S.P: Epidemiology and Social Determinants of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
    16937-05 - S.C.S.P: Assessment and Inclusion of Social Ecological Factors in Clinical Practice and Prevention for Latino Youth
    16937-06 - S.C.S.P: Panel: Roles for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    16937-07 - S.C.S.P: Questions & Discussion (16937-7)
    16937-08 - S.C.S.P: Current Status of Empirical Knowledge About Violence Prevention in High Risk Urban Communities: Progress Made and Continuing Challenges
    16937-10 - S.C.S.P: Living in the Country: Rural Environments and Children's Mental Health
    16937-11 - S.C.S.P: Community-Based Strategies to Promote Child Well-Being Using a Collective Impact Approach
    16937-12 - S.C.S.P: Intervening in the Social Environment to Address Child Traumatic Stress: A Trauma Systems Therapy Approach
    16937-13 - S.C.S.P: Discussion & Questions (16937-13)
    16942 - Symposium 14: Found in Translation: Clinical Relevance of Imaging Findings in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    16960 - Clinical Perspectives 78: Part 1: Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders: Fact, Fiction, and Challenges in Clinical Education and Residency Training
    16996 - Symposium 4: As Needed Medications (PRNs): Do We Know What to Do When All Else Fails?
    170 - ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Substance Abuse
    170 - Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder
    170 - Collaboration with Pediatricians: Models and Tools
    170 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Tourette's Disorder, Tic Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    170 - Neurology for Child Psychiatrists Part 1
    170 - Panel Discussion #4: Genetics and Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Medication
    170 - Question and Answer Session for Drs. Benton, Reeves, Wachtel, and Ortiz-Aguayo
    170 - Tips for Consultation of Youth with Sleep Disorders and Treatment Emergent Adverse Events
    17016 - Clinical Perspectives 75: Child Psychological Abuse: An Old Concept, a New Diagnosis
    17031 - Clinical Perspectives 76: Sex Talk: Promoting Healthy Outcomes by Facing Difficult Discussions
    17036 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Clinical Guidelines for Navigating Media Use
    17044 - Institute 4: Family-Based Psychiatric Interventions for Physically Ill Children
    17044 - Institute 4: Family-Based Psychiatric Interventions for Physically Ill Children
    17044-1 - Institute 4.1 Family-Based Integrated Care for Complex Medical Illness: The Hasbro Childrens' Partial Hospital Model
    17044-2 - Institute 4.2 Family-Based Prevention and Interventions for Obesity and Eating Disorders
    17044-3 - Institute 4.3 Family-Based Treatment for Youth With Chronic Pain
    17044-4 - Institute 4.4 Becoming an Adult With an Illness: Systematic Approach to Families
    17044-5 - Institute 4.5 Family-Based Psychosocial Assessment and Intervention in Pediatric Oncology
    17044-6 - Institute 4.6 Family Approaches to Palliative Psychiatry for Children and Young Adults With Life-Limiting Medical Conditions
    17044-7 - Institute 4.7 Family-Based Evaluation and Treatment of Medical Child Abuse
    17055 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Is Integrated Care the Answer for Childhood Trauma? Approaches, Challenges, and Future Directions
    17061 - Clinical Perspectives 67: TED Talks Meets Perspectives: (Clinical) Ideas Worth Spreading
    17062 - Clinical Perspectives 53: Risky Business: Clinical Management of Problematic Substance Use in College-Aged Youth
    17064 - Clinical Perspectives 71: From the Bedside to State-Wide: A Tour of Integrated Care Models Across the Country
    17066 - Clinical Perspectives 84: Psychotropic Polypharmacy: A Serious Concern Among Children and Adolescents in the United States of America Foster Care System
    17070 - Clinical Perspectives 26: An Exploration of Pharmacogenomics (2017 Update): How Do We Apply Current Science to Our Clinical Practice?
    17073 - Residents as Teachers: Establishing an Inclusive Professional Identity in an Age of Divisiveness
    17082 - Clinical Perspectives 43: Tell Me About Your Motherboard: Diagnosing and Treating Internet Gaming Disorder and Other Online Addictions
    17100 - Clinical Perspectives 35: When Prevention Is Not Enough: Treatment and Empowerment of Pregnant Teens and Teen Moms
    17113 - Symposium 7: The Story of Risk and Resilience in Youth With Bipolar Disorder, High-Risk Youth, and Low-Risk Youth:
    17115 - Symposium 15: New Approaches to the Study of Irritability
    17122 - Clinical Perspectives 63: Pathways and Protocols in Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders: Putting the Functional in Functional Disorders
    17132 - Institute 8: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for Pediatricians and Non-Child Psychiatrists
    17132 - Institute 8: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for Pediatricians and Non-Child Psychiatrists
    17132-1 - Institute 8.1 Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    17132-2 - Institute 8.2 Major Depressive Disorder in Children and Adolescents
    17132-3 - Institute 8.3 Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    17132-4 - Institute 8.4 Treatment of Bipolar Disorder and Irritability in Autism
    17132-5 - Institute 8.5 Case Studies in Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    17137 - Clinical Perspectives 04: Sexts, Lies, and Video Chat: Evaluating and Addressing High-Risk Online Behaviors
    17144 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Integrating Care Across the Specialty Pediatric Continuum: Outcomes-Driven Engagement of Families and Teams
    17152 - Clinical Perspectives 77: Individualized Deferred Disposition Docket: Addressing Mental Illness in the Juvenile Court
    17172 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Caught in the Net: How Electronic Media Affects Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents
    17176 - Clinical Perspectives 07: What Primary Care Providers Really Want: Four Models of Collaboration in Early Childhood Mental Health Care
    17183 - Clinical Perspectives 81: Positive Use of Digital Technology to Reach and Treat Youth in the Modernized Era
    17186 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Understanding Comorbid Symptom Dimensions in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    17196 - Symposium 6: Childhood Adversity and Psychiatric Disorders: Advances in Neurobiological Research
    17197 - Institute 7: Intellectual Disability and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Forensic Issues
    17197 - Institute 7: Intellectual Disability and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Forensic Issues
    17197-1 - Institute 7.1 Understanding the Intellectual Developmental Disorder Adaptive Reasoning Paradigm Shift in DSM-5
    17197-2 - Institute 7.2 Diagnosing Co-Occurring Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents With Intellectual Disability/Intellectual Developmental Disorder
    17197-3 - Institute 7.3 Recognizing the Behavioral Phenotype in Neurogenetic Syndromes and Potential Interventions
    17197-4 - Institute 7.4 Behavior Analytic Approaches to Problem Behavior in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
    17197-5 - Institute 7.5 Pharmacotherapy for Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions in Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder
    17197-6 - Institute 7.6 Family Interventions for Children With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Co-Occurring Behavioral and Mental Disorders
    17197-7 - Institute 7.7 Legal, Ethical, and Forensic Issues in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
    17200 - Symposium 9: Scientific Update on Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents: Assessment, Comorbidites, and Treatments
    17203 - Clinical Perspectives 61: Interventions for Child Psychiatrists to Support Children, Adolescents, and Their Families in the Midst of the Opioid Epidemic
    17206 - Clinical Perspectives 68: Working With Vulnerable Youth and Families
    17217 - Clinical Perspectives 57: Getting Children to Accept Limits: Developmental and Family Perspectives on the Regulation of Behavior and Emotion
    17221 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Personality Disorders in Young People: A Primer for the Generalist
    17248 - Symposium 25: Subclinical Mood Symptoms: Working Toward a Better Understanding of Phenomenology and Treatment
    17249 - Symposium 2: Hidden Risk Factors for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders: Caffeine Use, Sleep Disturbances, and Their Interplay
    17251 - Clinical Perspectives 56: A Tale of Two Departments: How Implicit Bias Divides Us and Can Unite Us
    17256 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Failure to Launch: What Every Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Needs to Know to Help Facilitate Successful College Transition
    17258 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Suicide Prevention and Resilience at Children's (SPARC) Program: An Innovative Program Aimed to Reduce Suicide Events in Adolescents With Suicidal Behaviors
    17271 - Clinical Perspectives 44: Treating Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Using a Multidisciplinary Approach: Tales From the Trenches
    17272 - James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum:
    17276 - Clinical Perspectives 60: Integrating Child Maltreatment Exposure and Impact in Comprehensive Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Child Psychiatry
    17277 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Predicting Violence: The Why, the How, and the What to Do: A Best-Evidence Guide for the Mental Health Practitioner
    17285 - Clinical Perspectives 74: Unwanted Youth: Unaccompanied Minors and Family Detention in the United States
    17287 - Clinical Perspectives 58: Global Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
    17292 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Application of Advances in Developmental Research in Infants to Psychotherapeutic Work With Children and Adolescents
    17307 - Clinical Perspectives 54: Sexting and Social Media: Risk-Taking Behavior in the 21st Century
    17308 - Symposium 8: Biological Underpinnings of the Development of Psychotic and Bipolar Disorders: What Do We Learn From High-Risk Studies?
    17315 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Romance on the Internet: A Clinical Perspective
    17319 - Clinical Perspectives 73: The Hidden Message: How Implicit Bias Impacts Girls and How Clinicians Can Help Them
    17320 - Symposium 16: The What, Where, and When of Childhood Psychopathology: First Steps Towards Identifying the Etiological Factors That Shape Brain Development
    17323 - Clinical Perspectives 40: Shame, Stigma, and Challenges for Mental Health Providers: Foundations for Understanding the Burden of Stigma in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Across Three Continents
    17326 - Clinical Perspectives 79: Psychotherapy Techniques for Treating the Medically Ill or Injured Child
    17329 - Institute 5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 14: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    17329 - Institute 5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 14: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    17329-1 - Institute 5.1 Irritability and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
    17329-2 - Institute 5.2 Ethical Dilemmas: What Connects Whole Genome Sequencing, Management of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures, and Psychiatrists' Use of Social Media?
    17329-3 - Institute 5.3 Conduct Disorder, Violence, and the Treatment of Aggression
    17329-4 - Institute 5.4 Social Determinants of Child Mental Health
    17329-5 - Institute 5.5 What's New in Substance Use Disorders, Cigarette Use, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescents?
    17329-6 - Institute 5.6 Childhood and Adolescence Update: Gender-Nonconforming Youth and Sex Exchange Among Youth
    17329-7 - Institute 5.7 Update on Depression Treatment, Antipsychotic Efficacy, and Side Effect Management; Eating Disorders;
    17335 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Developing a Community-Based Continuum of Care for Children With Developmental Disabilities
    17336 - Clinical Perspectives 59: Healing Arts: Cultural Symbolism in Children's Art in Chinese, Islamic, Middle Eastern, Native American, and African American Cultures
    17344 - Symposium 13: Advancing Sex- and Gender-Based Research to Understand Mechanisms and Developmental Trajectories of Depression:
    17345 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Health Promotion in Pediatric Mental Health
    17346 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Management of Agitation/Aggression in the Pediatric Emergency Department, Inpatient Pediatrics Floor, and Beyond
    17365 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Update on Early Childhood Regulation: Emotion, Sleep, and Feeding
    17367 - Clinical Perspectives 49: Impact on Caregivers Working With Refugee Populations
    17377 - Clinical Perspectives 69: Children of Incarcerated Parents
    17392 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Should I Use Genetic Data to Guide My Practice?
    17398 - Clinical Perspectives 45: Common Medical Comorbid Clinical Conundrums: Diagnostic Clarification and Treatment Implications
    17399 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Stimulants: Issues in Clinical and Ethical Usage
    17401 - Clinical Perspectives 62: #NoFilter: Social Media Tips From the AACAP Youth Connection and Media Committee
    17403 - Symposium 3: Medical Traumatic Stress: Risk, Resilience, and Response
    17409 - Institute 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Clinical Practice to Cutting-Edge Research
    17409 - Institute 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Clinical Practice to Cutting-Edge Research
    17409-1 - Institute 3.1 Clinical Diagnosis and Gold Standard Assessment
    17409-2 - Institute 3.2 Evidenced-Based Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions
    17409-3 - Institute 3.3 Novel Pharmacological Interventions
    17409-4 - Institute 3.4 Gene Discovery: Understanding the Architecture of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    17409-5 - Institute 3.5 Models Systems: Understanding Neurobiology
    17409-6 - Institute 3.6 Biomarker Discovery: The Key to Developing New Treatments
    17409-7 - Institute 3.7 Experimental Therapeutics
    17412 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Somatic Symptom Disorders: Update on Diagnosis and Treatment
    17414 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Human Sex Trafficking: A Modern Day Slavery
    17424 - Clinical Perspectives 83: Psychiatric Crisis Services for Children and Families: Mobilizing Resources and Thinking "Outside the Box" to Meet Community Needs
    17427 - Clinical Perspectives 70: Electroconvulsive Therapy in Youth With Serious Mental Illness: Indications, Efficacy, and Ethical Considerations, and a Case Study in Catatonia
    17432 - Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
    17434 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Considerations in the Assessment and Treatment of Transitional Age Youth Across the Diagnostic Spectrum
    17442 - Clinical Perspectives 51: Microaggressions, Macroaggressions, Injury, and Healing: An Update
    17451 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Impact on Youth by Marijuana's Changing Legal Status and Access: Implications for Clinicians
    17455 - Symposium 1: Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    17466 - Symposium 12: When Depression Strikes in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: From Recognition to Treatment
    17473 - Symposium 18: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Autism: From Bench to Bedside
    17475 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Pediatric Medicine Update for the Child Psychiatrist: Medical Therapies for Transgender Youth, Postural Tachycardia Syndrome, and Updates on Contraceptives
    17477 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Creative Psychotherapies in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    17487 - Clinical Perspectives 66: The Sibling Effect
    17498 - Symposium 22: Animal Models Advancing the Field of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    17505 - Symposium 11: Results From the Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Extended Long-Term Study (CAMELS)
    17507 - Institute 6: Insomnia: The Sleeping Giant of Pediatric Public Health
    17507 - Institute 6: Insomnia: The Sleeping Giant of Pediatric Public Health
    17507-1 - Institute 6.1 Epidemiology of Insomnia and Neurobehavioral Consequences of Insufficient Sleep
    17507-2 - Institute 6.2 Sleep Requirements Throughout Development and Etiology of Insomnia: Screening and Evaluation of Insomnia in Children and Adolescents
    17507-3 - Institute 6.3 Physiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms
    17507-4 - Institute 6.4 Sleep Education and Hygiene
    17507-5 - Institute 6.5 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
    17507-6 - Institute 6.6 Medications for Insomnia
    17507-7 - Institute 6.7 Treating Sleep Disorders in Children With Psychiatric Diagnoses: A Case-Based Approach
    17532 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Neurogenetic Syndromes Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Three Syndromes That Include Atypical Social Interaction
    17537 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Current Developments in Quality Improvement
    17539 - Symposium 17: Developmental Perspectives on Aggression and Disruptive Behaviors and Implications for Treatment
    17547 - Clinical Perspectives 39: CImplementing Clinical Pathways for Acute Behavioral Health Issues in Pediatric Medical Settings
    17548 - Clinical Perspectives 82: Protecting Youth Online: The Law, the Risks, and Clinicians' Roles
    17553 - Clinical Perspectives 20: Innovative Interdisciplinary Approaches to Community Violence in Youth
    17556 - Symposium 23: Clinical Management of Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome: Part I - Psychiatric and Behavioral Interventions, Part II - Treatment and Prevention of Infections and Part III- Use of Immunomodulatory Therapies
    17563 - Symposium 21: Adult Follow-Up of the Multimodal Treatment Study of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (MTA): Participants' Substance Use and Growth Trajectories
    17564 - Institute 2: Research Institute: This Is Your Brain on Child Psychiatry. Any Questions? A Practical Update on the Impact of Neuroimaging Findings in Child Psychiatry
    17564 - Institute 2: Research Institute: This Is Your Brain on Child Psychiatry. Any Questions? A Practical Update on the Impact of Neuroimaging Findings in Child Psychiatry
    17564-1 - Institute 2.1 Making Neuroimaging More Reproducible and Transparent
    17564-2 - Institute 2.2 Clinically Useful Brain Imaging for Neuropsychiatry: Can We Get There?
    17564-3 - Institute 2.3 Childhood-Onset Psychosis and Typical Development: Insights From Neuroimaging Studies
    17564-4 - Institute 2.4 Neural Markers of Treatment Effects and Response in Youth With First-Episode Mania
    17564-5 - Institute 2.5 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
    17564-6 - Institute 2.6 Using Brain-Based Mechanisms to Inform Novel Treatments for Severe Irritability
    17564-7 - Institute 2.7 Everyone Likes Candi: Data Sharing and Neuroinformatics to Address Big Data Questions
    17571 - Symposium 26: Public Health Interventions in Schools for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    17572 - Clinical Perspectives 72: Implementing and Operating Pediatric Telepsychiatry Programs
    17574 - Symposium 24: From Prodrome to Psychosis: Prevention and Evidence-Based Treatment
    17577 - Clinical Perspectives 65: The Future of Training: International Opportunities and Partnerships in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    17582 - Clinical Perspectives 12: International Clinical Perspectives: International Models of Pediatric Integrated Care: Obstacles and Innovations
    17584 - Clinical Perspectives 64: Preadolescent Moodiness and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Effective Strategies for Assessment and Treatment
    17588 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Engaging Youth in Preparation for and Recovery From Disasters and Traumatic Events
    17594 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Psychiatric, Cognitive, Legal, and Public Health Challenges Facing Refugee Children: An Integrated Approach
    17595 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Update on Epilepsy for Child Psychiatrists
    17597 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Inpatient Treatment of Children With Autism and Intellectual Disability: Three Innovative Models
    17599 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Clinical and Research Insights Into the Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    17604 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Skill Building in Family-Centered Pediatric Integrated Care
    17623 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Identifying, Preventing, and Treating Suicidal Youth
    17629 - Symposium 27: Using the Newest Antidepressants: A Conversation for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    17630 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists and Attorneys: Advocating Together for the Best Interests of Children
    17640 - Clinical Perspectives 85: Communication and Language Disorders in Clinical Populations From a Broad Perspective
    17645 - Symposium 20: Simon Wile Symposium: Super-Powered Child Psychiatry Access Programs! Adding Value From
    17654 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Management of Severe Psychopathology in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability Who Present to an Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic
    17655 - Clinical Perspectives 55: Social Media Use in Disaster Response: What Helps and What Harms
    17686 - Clinical Perspectives 03: School Refusal Across the Lifespan: Childhood, Adolescence, and Young Adulthood
    17688 - Institute 1: Advanced Psychopharmacology Update: Balancing Benefits and Risks
    17688 - Institute 1: Advanced Psychopharmacology Update: Balancing Benefits and Risks
    17688-1 - Institute 1.1 Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    17688-2 - Institute 1.2 Psychopharmacology of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Weighing the Evidence Versus the Risk
    17688-3 - Institute 1.3 Anxiety Disorders in Youth: Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Psychopharmacologic Interventions
    17688-4 - Institute 1.4 Advanced Psychopharmacologic Treatment for the Child and Adolescent With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    17688-5 - Institute 1.5 Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Moods, Episodes, and Outbursts
    17688-6 - Institute 1.6 Recognition and Management of Second-Generation Antipsychotic-Associated Adverse Effects
    17688-7 - Institute 1.7 Pharmacologic Strategies in Treatment-Refractory Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    17688-8 - Institute 1.8 Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Tics and Tourette's Disorder
    17696 - Clinical Perspectives 52: Moodiness in Adolescents and Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Strategies for Assessment and Treatment
    17713 - Symposium 19: Not Fake News: Gun Violence is a Serious Public Health Problem
    17714 - Symposium 5: Research Symposium: Social Neuroscience and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research Priorities at the National Institute of Mental Health
    17740 - Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Depression Awareness and Screening in Youth
    17748 - Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: How Have Longitudinal Study Findings Changed Our Thinking About Families and Children Over the Last 50 Years?
    17757 - Training and Education Lunch
    17758 - Presidential Interview: Gregory K. Fritz, MD Interviews Charles H. Zeanah, Jr., MD
    17759 - Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Child Psychiatry: This is Where We Build Healthy Brains
    17969 - Clinical Perspectives 80: Part 2: Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders: Fact, Fiction, and Challenges in Clinical Education and Residency Training
    180 - Genetics
    180 - Major Depression Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Suicidal Behavior, and Bipolar Disorder
    180 - Neurology for Child Psychiatrists Part 2
    180 - Question and Answer Panel
    180 - Questions and Answers 5
    180 - School Consultation
    18216 - Honors Presentation 1: Child Psychiatry Inspired Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Goes to College
    18242 - Honors Presentation 5: And Then There Was Intersubjectivity: Treating Child Self and Mutual Dysregulation During Traumatic Play
    18249 - Honors Presentation 3: Improving Primary Care Access and Quality of Care for Children with Mental Health Needs: The CAP PC Experience
    18253 - Honors Presentation 4: Now Is the Time! Expanded Roles for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists in School-Based Mental Health
    18354 - Honors Presentation 2: TED Talks
    18603 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Understanding Commonly Occurring Movement Disorders in Children: Identification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    18627 - Clinical Perspectives 57: Building Resilience in Depressed LGBTQ Youth: An Integrated Approach
    18628 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Telebehavioral Health Interventions: Diverse Populations and Settings
    18634 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Working With Complex Families and Gender Dysphoria: Preventing Depression and Navigating Gender Transition
    18642 - Clinical Perspectives 45: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Off the Beaten Path of Child Psychiatry: Interesting People, Interesting Careers, Interesting Lives
    18645 - Symposium 18: Biological Roots of Child Psychiatry and Health: Neuroscience, Transgenerational Effects, and Social Factors
    18657 - Symposium 24: Neurobiological Mechanisms of Resilience and Vulnerability to Childhood Adversity
    18698 - Clinical Perspectives 40: The Importance of Trauma and Adversity in the Treatment of Child Psychiatric Disorders
    18699 - Clinical Perspectives 76: Pharmacogenomics 2018: A Closer Look at Relevant Genes and Current Guidelines
    18700 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Autoimmune Encephalopathy: Evaluation, Treatment, and Management
    18703-1 - Institute 6.1: Brief Psychosocial Intervention for Teens With Major Depression
    18703-2 - Institute 6.2: Therapy Apps: What They Can and Can't Do
    18703-3 - Institute 6.3: Talk the Talk: Intensive Behavioral Treatment for Children With Selective Mutism
    18703-4 - Institute 6.4: Ketamine: An Emerging Treatment for Adolescent Depression
    18703-5 - Institute 6.5: The Good Behavior Game: How It Works and What It Does for Psychiatric Disorders
    18703-6 - Institute 6.6: Telemental Health: Facilitating Innovative Mental Health Interventions
    18707 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Integrating Clinical Genetics into Child Psychiatry: Lessons from Neurogenetics Clinics
    18712-1 - Institute 8.1: Screening and Diagnostic Assessment for ASD in Psychiatrically Referred Youth
    18712-2 - Institute 8.2: The Genetics of ASD: Relevance for Clinical Practice in the Era of Precision Medicine
    18712-3 - Institute 8.3: Behavioral Interventions for ASD: A Review of the Evidence and Emerging Technologies
    18712-4 - Institute 8.4: Assessment and Management of ADHD in Youth With ASD
    18712-5 - Institute 8.5: Assessment and Management of Anxiety in Youth With ASD
    18712-6 - Institute 8.6: Assessment and Management of Emotional Dysregulation and Aggression in Youth With ASD
    18712-7 - Institute 8.7: Management of Irritability/Aggression in ASD in the Clinical Setting
    18714 - Symposium 21: Pharmacogenetic Testing and Antidepressants in Youth With Depressive and Anxiety Disorders
    18715 - Symposium 28: A Genotype-First Approach for Defining Phenotypic Subtypes in ASD
    18722 - Clinical Perspectives 73: The Exploitation of Children: Understanding Human Sex Trafficking
    18724 - Clinical Perspectives 71: Pathways in Clinical Care (PaCC): Addressing Important Clinical Issues Through Multidisciplinary Workflow Development
    18727 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Online and in Treatment: Logging on to the Positive Use of Technology in Psychiatric Practice
    18733 - Symposium 08: The Importance of Symptom Dimensions and Insight in Pediatric OCD
    18737 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Approaches for Managing Youth With Suicidality and Self-Harm in a Trauma-Informed Framework
    18738 - Symposium 19: College Mental Health: Prevalence, Etiology, and New Directions
    18739 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Balancing the Competitive Edge Among Young Athletes: Understanding Mental Health and Addiction Within This Population
    18782 - Clinical Perspectives 77: The Interplay Between Sleep and Neurobehavioral Functioning in Youth With Psychiatric and Chronic Health Conditions
    18789 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Wellness interventions in Child Psychiatry: How Exercise, Good Nutrition, and Meditation can Help Prevention and Improve Outcomes
    18795 - Symposium 23: The Life Within: The Unconscious Contributions of Gut Microbiota to Our Lives
    18804 - Symposium 13: Simon Wile Symposium: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Caring for Colleagues: Innovations in Supporting Nonpsychiatric Colleagues
    18809 - Clinical Perspectives 61: TED Talks Meets Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas Worth Spreading
    18811 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Development of a Unified System of Care for Adolescent Depression in an Academic Medical Center
    18816 - Residents as Teachers: Teaching to the Many, the Few, and the One
    18824 - Clinical Perspectives 35: Championing Youth With Chronic Illness in the Transition to Adulthood
    18826 - Clinical Perspectives 56: Using Outcome and Quality Measures to Drive Improvement in Care
    18827 - Clinical Perspectives 07: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Case Studies: A Broad Range of Ethical Dilemmas
    18829 - Clinical Perspectives 49: Aggression, Translationally Considered
    18832 - Clinical Perspectives 54: State Oversight of Prescribing Psychotropic Medications: Practice Enhancements and Unintended Consequences
    18836-1 - SAMHSA Program Initiatives for Youth With ASD/Intellectual Disability
    18836-2 - Mental Health Crisis in Youth With ASD and Intellectual Disabilities
    18836-3 - Part 1: Innovative Practices
    18836-4 - Part 2: Transitions and Systems
    18836-5 - Panel Discussion
    18836-6 - Part 3: Systems Navigation and Advocacy
    18836-7 - Part 4: Collaborative Care
    18836-8 - Panel Discussion
    18836-9 - Discussion
    18838 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Catastrophic Events in 2017: A Comparative Approach to Unique Challenges and Recovery From Disasters in the United States
    18858-24 - CPT 101: An Introduction to Coding and Reimbursement
    18860-1 - Institute 7.1: Epidemiology of Substance Use Disorders Among Youth and Parents
    18860-2 - Institute 7.2: High Times for Cannabis: Epigenetic Imprint and Its Legacy on Brain and Behavior
    18860-3 - Institute 7.3: Neurobiology of Substance Use Disorder Risk and Initial Exposure to Drugs
    18860-4 - Institute 7.4: Substance Use in Pregnancy and Its Impact on Child Development
    18860-5 - Institute 7.5: Psychotherapies for Substance Use Disorders in Youth
    18860-6 - Institute 7.6: The Impact of Parents and Family in the Prevention and Treatment of Adolescent Substance Use Disorders: Developmental and Transgenerational Perspectives
    18860-7 - Institute 7.7: Pharmacotherapies for Youth Substance Use Disorder: Rationale, Evidence-Base, and Practical Strategies
    18864 - Clinical Perspectives 43: Foster Care Transitions: Filling Potholes on the Road to Adulthood
    18874 - Symposium 31: Applications of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Understand and Treat Adolescents With Depressive Disorders and ASD
    18878 - Clinical Perspectives 15: The Multiple Faces of Deportation: Understanding the Challenges and Becoming Part of the Solution for Asylum Seekers, Mixed Status Families, and DREAMers
    18882 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Risk Assessment: From the Clinic to the Courtroom
    18886 - Clinical Perspectives 53: Psychosis and Psychotic Disorders: Prediction and Prevention
    18895 - Clinical Perspectives 70: Overcoming Crises in Hospital and Residential Care
    18903 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Ethical and Clinical Decision-Making When Consulting on Infants and Children With Delirium
    18905 - Clinical Perspectives 66: Medical Marijuana: A Potpourri of the Evidence Base, Clinical, Neurodevelopmental, Legal, Ethical, and Research Issues
    18911-1 - Institute 2.1: Diagnostic Interviews and Rating Scales 101: Supporting Your Clinical Decision Making
    18911-2 - Institute 2.2: Evidence-Based Screening and Assessment in Primary Care: A Decade of Experience
    18911-3 - Institute 2.3: Evidence-Based Identification of Depression
    18911-4 - Institute 2.4: Evidence-Based Assessment and Rating Scales at the Beginning, Middle, and End of Treatment
    18911-5 - Institute 2.5: Evidence-Based Assessment to Improve Psychopharmacological Treatment Outcomes
    18911-6 - Institute 2.6: The Monitoring of Adverse Events During Psychopharmacological Treatment
    18917 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Disaster Communication Using Social Media: Trends and Best Practices
    18918 - Clinical Perspectives 31: School Mental Health Services as a Safety Net for Children in Vulnerable Communities in 2018
    18919 - Symposium 17: ASD and ADHD: Overlapping Symptoms and Shared Biology
    18920 - Clinical Perspectives 67: Mental Health Needs of Blind and Visually Impaired Youth and Their Families
    18921 - Symposium 07: New Research on the Assessment and Management of the Adverse Events With Central Nervous System Stimulants for the Treatment of ADHD in Children
    18928 - Symposium 10: 22q11 Deletion Syndrome as a Genetic High-Risk Model for Developmental Neuropsychiatric Disorders: From Circuitry to Treatments
    18932 - Clinical Perspectives 68: Movement Disorders and Atypical Antipsychotics: Are We Missing the Biggest Issue?
    18942 - Clinical Perspectives 13: The Four-Phase Model for Pediatric Somatization: Applications for Clinical Care and Systemwide Strategies
    18947-3 - Becoming Effective Family Psychiatrists: A Clinician's Guide to Family Assessment and Creative Interventions
    18950 - Clinical Perspectives 64: Caught in the Net: How Digital Media Shapes Mental Illnesses in Youth and How Psychiatrists Should Respond
    18958 - Clinical Perspectives 55: Struggles and Strife: Treating American Muslim Youth in 2018
    18962 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Telemental Health and Support/Service Animals: Resources from the Higher Education Mental Health Alliance (HEMHA)
    18972 - Symposium 29: Big Data in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Is It Taking Us Where No Man Has Gone Before?
    18978 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Healing From the Indigenous Community: Traditional and Modern Wisdom and Complementarity
    18984 - Symposium 01: Coordinated Specialty Care for First-Episode Psychosis
    190 - Depressive Disorders
    190 - Developmental Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, and Intellectual Disabilities (Part 1 & 2)
    190 - Eating Disorders
    190 - Pediatric Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Somatoform Disorders
    190 - Questions and Answers 3
    19003-1 - Institute 4.1: Transition to Adulthood, Telepsychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's Therapeutic Identity: Treatment of Anxiety, DMDD, and Weight Gain on Antipsychotics
    19003-2 - Institute 4.2: What's New in Substance Use Disorders and ADHD in Adolescents and Adults?
    19003-3 - Institute 4.3: Identification and Treatment of Mental Disorders in Early Childhood
    19003-4 - Institute 4.4: Environments, Epigenes, Brains, and Behavior
    19003-5 - Institute 4.5: The How To's: The Use and Monitoring of Atypical Antipsychotics in Youth
    19003-6 - Institute 4.6: Co-Occurring Medical Issues in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    19009 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Common Clinical Challenges in the Care of Transitional-Age Youth (TAY): Engagement, Families, Substances, and Suicide
    19012 - Clinical Perspectives 44: Intersections of Race, Sex, and Politics: Meeting the Needs of Racial and Sexual Minority Youth
    19053 - Clinical Perspectives 51: Gender Diversity Meets the 21st Century: Social Media and Peer Influences on Adolescent Gender Identity Formation
    19055 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Perspectives on Culture and Diversity: Insights From Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Who Are Mothers and Racial or Sexual Minorities
    19063 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Update on Innovative and Evidence-Based Therapeutic Interventions for Infants and Preschoolers
    19072 - Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
    19073 - Clinical Perspectives 62: #Uh-Oh: How Teens Get Into Trouble Online and What We Can Do About It
    19082 - Clinical Perspectives 14: The Lion Sleeps Tonight: Treating Sleep Problems in the Context of Psychiatric Disorders
    19087 - Clinical Perspectives 75: Outrunning Stigma: How Do Advancements in Neuroscience and Genetics Inform Our Ability to Reduce Child Mental Health Stigma?
    19089 - Symposium 05: From Bench to Bedside: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
    19096 - Symposium 26: Trajectories of Offspring of Parents With Bipolar Disorders
    19101 - Symposium 22: The Bipolar Prodrome: Current Knowledge and Challenges
    19105 - Clinical Perspectives 72: Pediatric Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (Anti-NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis, Malignant Catatonia, and the Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy
    19108 - Clinical Perspectives 59: Managing Adverse Effects of Psychotropics in Children
    19109 - Symposium 09: What Is the Evidence for Neurofeedback for ADHD?
    19111 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Challenges in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Prodromal and Early-Onset Psychosis in the Community Care Settings
    19124 - Clinical Perspectives 69: One Size Does Not Fit All: Programs Supporting Best Practices in Psychotropic Prescribing
    19132 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Clinically Relevant Genetic Findings in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Case-Based Approach
    19136-1 - Institute 1.1: Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism: What Expert Clinicians Should Know
    19136-2 - Institute 1.2: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD
    19136-3 - Institute 1.3: Psychopharmacology of ASD
    19136-4 - Institute 1.4: Pharmacological Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders
    19136-5 - Institute 1.5: Pharmacological Strategies for Managing Pediatric Depression
    19136-6 - Institute 1.6: Polypharmacy, Maintenance, and Depression Beyond Elementary Management of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    19136-7 - Institute 1.7: What's the Evidence for Medications to Treat Adolescent Substance Use Disorders?
    19141 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa: An Updated Review of Evidence-Based Treatments
    19144 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Challenges and Resiliency With Mental Illnesses and Wellness as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    19145 - Clinical Perspectives 50: Can a Behavior Be Addictive? How Can the Field of Substance Use Inform Treatment of Problematic Video Gaming and Internet Use?
    19148 - Symposium 30: Toward Unraveling ADHD Pathophysiology: ADHD Endophenotypes, Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Measures, and Molecular Genetic Approaches
    19151 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Partnering With Pediatricians to Promote Early Childhood Mental Health
    19182 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Untangling OCD and Tics: A Focus on Tic-Related OCD
    19183 - Clinical Perspectives 30: It's Worth It: The Use of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in Early Psychosis
    19185 - Symposium 14: Treatment and Mechanisms of Child and Adolescent Depression
    19192 - Symposium 33: Pediatric Trichotillomania
    19193 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Online Interventions for Youth and Parents
    19198 - Symposium 11: Conversion and Anxiety: New Neuroimaging Evidence and Clinical Correlates
    19201 - Symposium 06: Research Symposium: Opioids From the Receptor to the Clinic
    19204 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Pediatric Medicine Update for the Child Psychiatrist: Palliative Care and Chronic Pain
    19206 - Symposium 16: Antidepressant Use in Youth Across the Years, Trial Reassessment, and New Safety Concerns
    19209 - Symposium 27: Advances in Pediatric Bipolar Offspring Research
    19212 - Clinical Perspectives 65: Difficulty Transitioning to College for ADHD and Learning Disabled Students
    19218 - Symposium 02: Maturation of Complex Cognition and the Risk for Psychopathology in Transition-Age Youth
    19219 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Innovations in Emergency Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk
    19223 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Completing the Puzzle: Strategies on How to Link the Pieces of Evaluation, Treatment Planning, and Collaborative Care for Children in the Foster Care System
    19238 - Symposium 03: Mental Health Crisis in Youth With ASD
    19239-34 - Family-Focused Treatment for Adolescents and Young Adults With Bipolar Disorders
    19248-15 - DC:0-5TM Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood: An Overview
    19251 - Clinical Perspectives 60: Religion and Spirituality in Vulnerable Child Psychiatric Populations
    19263 - Clinical Perspectives 58: Global Perspectives and Challenges in Treating Children With ASD
    19265 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Intensive Treatment of OCD: Understanding the Landscape Including Specific and Novel Strategies to Enhance Effectiveness
    19271 - Symposium 35: Adult Findings in the Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD (MTA) Follow-Up: Medication and Physical Maturation, ICD-10 and Comorbidity, Substance Use and Depression, and Car Crashes
    19278 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Violent Video Exposure and Its Impact on Youth of Color
    19279-1 - Institute 5.1: Update: Antidepressant Trials for Depression in Children and Adolescents
    19279-2 - Institute 5.2: SSRIs and Suicidality: Cause or Cure?
    19279-3 - Institute 5.3: Ketamine Across the Lifespan: An Emerging Treatment for Depression and Suicidality
    19279-4 - Institute 5.4: Computerized Adaptive Screen for Teen Suicide Risk: Development and Three-Month Prediction of Suicide Attempts
    19279-5 - Institute 5.5: Youth Suicide: How Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Gender-Nonconforming Status Shape Risk and Inform Intervention Strategies
    19314 - Symposium 04: Talking Tics: Research Updates on the Genetics, Phenomenology, and Treatment of Tourette's Disorder
    19317 - Symposium 20: Contemporary Issues in Diagnosing and Treating Adolescent ADHD: Stimulant Diversion, Late-Onset Symptoms, Sleep Problems, and Teenage Impulsivity
    19330 - Resiliency in Residency and Beyond: Promoting Wellness in Yourself and Your Workplace
    19335 - Clinical Perspectives 74: From BuzzFeed to the Clinic: Addressing Youth Depression Through Novel Approaches to Identification, Training, and Care Delivery
    19340 - Symposium 25: Novel Approaches in ADHD Clinical Trials: Implications for Studies of Currently Available and Emerging Treatments
    19348 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Applying Advances in Developmental Research in Infants: Developmentally Informed Psychotherapeutic Work With Children and Adolescents
    19353 - Symposium 15: Animal Models for Child Psychiatry
    19354 - Symposium 32: Computational Child Psychiatry: New Methods to Address the Complexity of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
    19356 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Interdisciplinary Children's Digital Health: Moving From Ideas to Population-Level Impact
    19364 - Clinical Perspectives 63: Acting Up (and Out) on the Unit: Psychotherapy Training in the Inpatient Setting Through the Concept of Enactments
    19379 - Stop Child Psychiatrist Burnout: Unconscious Gender Bias in the Child Psychiatry Workplace
    19380 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Teaching Pediatric Integrated Care: A Review of Best Practices for Structuring, Implementing, and Evaluating the Educational Experience for Trainees
    19393 - Clinical Perspectives 52: Project ECHO™: Child and Adolescent Mental Health
    19397 - Clinical Perspectives 04: From Tuskegee to Trayvon
    19399 - James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Understanding Neuropsychiatric Outcomes and Psychotherapeutic Treatments
    19401 - Symposium 34: Adolescence, Trauma, and Attachment: Translating Research Into Practice
    19402 - Establishing Training Guidelines for Advanced Psychiatry Trainees in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders in Youth
    19405 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Elements of Integrated Treatment of Refractory Major Depression in Youth
    19406 - Symposium 12: Innovative Treatments in Child Psychiatry
    19440-22 - Theory to Practice: Incorporating Positive Parenting Strategies Into the Daily Routine
    19480 - Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Saving Holden Caulfield
    19481 - Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: What Has Happened to Fifty Years of Child Abuse Reporting Laws? The One-Hundred-Forty Million Dollar Mistake
    19483 - Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary
    19484 - Presidential Interview: Karen Dineen Wagner, MD, PhD Interviews Joan Luby, MD
    19624-1 - Institute 3.1: Gender Dysphoria: Ethics, Evidence, and Efficacy of Transition across Development
    19624-2 - Institute 3.2: Biological Determinants of Gender Identity
    19624-3 - Institute 3.3: Hormone Management of Transgender Youth and Adolescents
    19624-4 - Institute 3.4: Gender Confirming Surgical Care in Adolescence: Evidence, Timing, Options, and Outcomes
    19624-6 - Institute 3.6: The Psychological Developmentally-Informed Assessment for Gender Dysphoric Youth: Rationale for a Comprehensive Approach
    19624-7 - Institute 3.7: Gender Dysphoria and Co-Ocurring Psychiatric Disorders: The Evidence and Approach
    19937 - Training and Education Lunch
    200 - Forensic Issues in Child Psychiatry
    200 - Pediatric Sleep Disorders
    200 - Sleep Disorders
    2009 AACAP 34th Annual Review Course Audio CD Set
    2009 AACAP 34th Annual Review Course Full Online Access Set
    2009 AACAP 56th Annual Meeting Audio CD Set
    2009 AACAP 56th Annual Meeting Full Online Access Set
    2009 AACAP Lifelong Learning Institute Audio CD Set
    2009 AACAP Lifelong Learning Institute Full Online Access Set
    2009 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute Audio CD Set
    2009 AACPA Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Online Access
    2010 AACAP 35th Annual Review Course Full Online Access Set
    2010 AACAP 57th Annual Meeting Full Online Access Set
    2010 AACAP Lifelong Learning Institute Full Online Access Set
    2010 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Online Access Set
    2011 AACAP Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. 36th Annual Review Course and Training Session for the Oral Exams Audio CD Set
    2011 AACAP Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. 36th Annual Review Course and Training Session for the Oral Exams Full Online Access
    2011 AACAP Lifelong Learning Institute Audio CD Set
    2011 AACAP Lifelong Learning Institute Full Online Access Set
    2011 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute - Controversies in Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Audio CD Set
    2011 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute - Controversies in Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Full Online Access Set
    2011 AACAP+CACAP Joint Annual Meeting Audio CD Set
    2011 AACAP+CACAP Joint Annual Meeting Full Conference Online Access Set
    2012 AACAP 59th Annual Meeting (2012) Full Online Set
    2012 AACAP 59th Annual Meeting Full Conference CD Set
    2012 AACAP Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 8: Modalities of Non-Pharmacological Treatments and Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Audio CD Set
    2012 AACAP Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 8: Modalities of Non-Pharmacological Treatments and Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Full Online Access Set
    2012 AACAP Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. 37th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Training Session for the Oral Exams Audio CD Set
    2012 AACAP Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. 37th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Training Session for the Oral Exams Full Online Access Set
    2012 AACAP Lifelong Learning Institute
    2012 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute: Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology: Integrating Current Data into Clinical Practice Audio CD Set
    2012 AACAP Psychopharmacology Update Institute: Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology: Integrating Current Data into Clinical Practice Full Online Access Set
    2012 Psychopharmacology Update Institute: Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology: Integrating Current Data into Clinical Practice Full Conference Set
    2013 AACAP Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. 38th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Training Session for the Oral Exams Audio CD Set
    2013 AACAP Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. 38th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Training Session for the Oral Exams MP3 Set
    2013 Psychopharmacology Update Institute - Audio CD Set
    2013 Psychopharmacology Update Institute - MP3 Set
    2013 Psychopharmacology Update Institute - Synched Conference Set (Video+PPT)
    20131 - Honors Presentations 3: Borders and Belonging, Culture and Community: From Adversity to Diversity in Transcultural Child and Family Psychiatry
    20137 - Honors Presentations 7: Creating Effective Psychiatric Services for High Acuity Children and Families: May the Force Be With Us
    20138 - Honors Presentations 4: Placebo-Controlled Pilot Data for Three Complementary/Alternative Treatments in Autism
    2014 Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    20144 - Honors Presentations 1: Thinking Across Generations: Unique Contributions of Maternal Early Life and Prenatal Stress to Infant Physiology
    2015 Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    2016 Douglas B. Hansen, MD 41st Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Full Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    2016 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Online Access Set
    20160 - Honors Presentations 2: Striatal Activation Predicts Differential Therapeutic Responses to Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine
    2016-01 - Welcoming Remarks
    2016-02 - Welcoming Remarks / Psychopharmacological Strategies for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
    2016-03 - Evidence-Based Management of Common Adverse Effects of Psychotropic Medications in Youth
    2016-04 - Q&A Panel
    2016-05 - Clinical Trials That Guide the Psychopharmacological Treatment for Children and Adolescents With ADHD
    2016-06 - Reviewing the Evidence Base to Select Psychopharmacological Treatments for the Child and Adolescent With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    2016-07 - Treatment Strategies for Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    2016-08 - Q&A Panel
    2016-09 - Clinical Studies That Shape the Psychopharmacological Treatment for the Child With Anxiety Disorder
    2016-10 - Recent Evidence-Based Psychopharmacologic Treatments for Youth With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    2016-11 - Q&A Panel
    2016-12 - Guidance From the Evidence: Advanced Psychopharmacology Treatment Strategies to Treat Youth With Biplolar, Mood, or Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
    2016-13 - Guidance From the Evidence: Psychopharmacological Treatments for Children and Adolescents With Major Depressive Disorders
    2016-14 - Q&A Panel
    20162 - Honors Presentations 6: The Time Has Come: Integrating Trauma-Informed Prevention Within Systems of Care
    2017 Douglas B. Hansen, MD 42nd Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Full Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    2019 Douglas B. Hansen, MD 44th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Full Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    2021 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Conference Online Access Set
    2022 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Conference Online Access Set
    2024 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute Online Access Set
    20570 - Clinical Perspectives 20: Transforming Traumatic Impacts for LGBTQ Youth
    20580 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Life Members' Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Four Unique Perspectives on the Physician-Patient Relationship in Child Psychiatry:
    20583 - Symposium 19: Biological Roots 2019: Neurocircuitry of Anxiety Disorders and PTSD Conclusions From Human and Nonhuman Primate Studies
    20605 - Clinical Perspectives 75: Considering Context: Family and Culturally Relevant Engagement in the Clinic
    20618 - Clinical Perspectives 67: Embracing Discomfort and Distress: Conventional and Innovative Applications of Exposure Treatment
    20632 - Symposium 36: Effective Interventions for Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Youth
    20634 - Clinical Perspectives 80: Logging on to the Positive Role of Technology in Psychiatric Practice
    20641 - Clinical Perspectives 78: For Better and For Worse: Gender and Sexuality Online
    20646 - Clinical Perspectives 68: Implementing Youth Suicide Risk Screening and Intervention in Pediatric Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency Room Settings: Evidence From Across the United States
    20674 - Clinical Perspectives 77: Evidence-Based Treatments in Action: Adolescent Eating Disorders
    20680 - Clinical Perspectives 43: Practical Approaches to Addressing Mental Health Stigma in Ethnically Diverse Youth and Families Suffering From Depression
    20680 - Clinical Perspectives 52: Working With Complex Families and Gender Dysphoria: Preventing Depression and Navigating Gender Transition
    20695 - Clinical Perspectives 59: Kids and Cannabinoids: What Is the Evidence?
    20698 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Current Epidemiological and Treatment Findings on Pediatric Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
    20708 - Clinical Perspectives 12: One Young Child, Three Experts, and Three Therapies
    20709 - Symposium 38: Nowhere Else to Go: Multidisciplinary Solutions to the Psychiatric Boarding Crisis
    20723 - Symposium 45: Advances in the Diagnosis of Mood Dysregulation in Children
    20732 - Institute 8: Impact of Child Maltreatment: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Role in Risk, Resiliency, and Systems of Care
    20732-1 - Institute 8.1: Neurobiological Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment: Importance of Sensitive Periods and Network Architecture
    20732-2 - Institute 8.2: Maltreatment in Early Childhood
    20732-3 - Institute 8.3: Collaboration Between Child Psychiatry and Primary Care
    20732-4 - Institute 8.4: Adoption: Working With Families to Promote Connections and Competence
    20732-5 - Institute 8.5: Child Maltreatment to Prison Pipeline: Crossover Youth in Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems
    20732-6 - Institute 8.6: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry as Partners and Leaders in Child Welfare Systems
    20732-7 - Institute 8.7: The Impact of Child Maltreatment on Transitioning to Adulthood
    20737 - Institute 7: ASD Update for the Clinician: From Diagnosis to Clinical Management
    20737-1 - Institute 7.1: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Assessment of ASD in Psychiatrically Referred Youth
    20737-2 - Institute 7.2: The Genetics of ASD and Relevance for Clinical Practice
    20737-3 - Institute 7.3: Behavioral Interventions for ASD: A Review of the Evidence and Emerging Technologies
    20737-4 - Institute 7.4: Managing Anxiety in Youth With ASD: Empirical Findings and Clinical Pearls
    20737-5 - Institute 7.5: Assessment and Management of ADHD in Youth With ASD
    20737-6 - Institute 7.6: Assessment and Management of Irritability and Agitation in ASD
    20737-7 - Institute 7.7: Systems of Care and the Mental Health Crisis for Children and Adolescents With ASD
    20742 - Symposium 25: What Is the Impact of Prenatal Substance Exposure on Child Development?
    20746 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Meeting Children "Where They Are At": Models for the 21st Century School-Based Mental Health Clinic
    20749 - Clinical Perspectives 55: An Update on Pharmacogenomics (PGX) for 2019: What Should a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Know?
    20752 - Symposium 21: Co-occurrence of ADHD and Substance Use Disorder With ASD in Intellectually Capable Individuals: Prevalence, Presentation, and Management
    20756 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Mobilizing Clinical Informatics to Improve Child Mental Health Care
    20760 - Clinical Perspectives 57: Ethical Twists and Turns in Caring for Transgender Youth
    20761 - Clinical Perspectives 09: All About Parenting: Science You Can Use in Daily Practice
    20763 - Symposium 29: Sleep Mechanisms in Typical Development and Pediatric Affective Disorders
    20765 - Symposium 20: Complementary and Integrative Medicine and Depression: Role of the Gut-Brain Axis, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Micronutrients, and Light Therapy
    20769 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Insomnia 101: Diagnosing and Treating Insomnia in Youth
    20785 - Clinical Perspectives 35: Hate, Disillusionment, and Pain: The Impact of Islamophobia on American Muslim Youth
    20790 - Clinical Perspectives 45: Child Psychiatry International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in the United States and Beyond: Barriers and Opportunities
    20792 - Institute 2: Autoimmune Brain Disorders: Beyond the Basics
    20792-1 - Institute 2.1: Autoimmune Brain Disorders: History in the Making
    20792-2 - Institute 2.2: Demystifying the Demyelinating Disorders
    20792-4 - Institute 2.4: Child Psychiatry in Autoimmune Brain Disease
    20792-5 - Institute 2.5: The Role of Imaging in Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    20792-6 - Institute 2.6: Catatonia and Autoimmune Conditions in Children and Adolescents: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge
    20792-7 - Institute 2.7: The Role of Neuropsychological Testing in Autoimmune Brain Disorders
    20795 - Symposium 30: Children and Screens: New Research Reveals How Digital Media Affects Mental Health
    20796 - Clinical Perspectives 56: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: Clinical Ideas Worth Sharing
    20807 - Symposium 22: In the Face of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
    20811 - Clinical Perspectives 63: Tip of the Iceberg: Clinical and Administrative Challenges to Managing Polypharmacy Across the Continuum of Care
    20825 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Approaches to the Treatment of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
    20828 - Clinical Perspectives 58: Get Them in the Door: Updates on the Assessment and Treatment of School Refusal
    20867 - Symposium 05: Systematic Review of Polypharmacy Studies in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    20902 - Clinical Perspectives 49: Advanced Sleep Course: Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Disorders
    20908 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Vulnerable Populations in Juvenile Justice
    20927 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Reaching Vulnerable Youth and Families in Schools, Transitional Housing, and Clinics to Bolster Resilience and Reduce Depression and Stress
    20932 - Symposium 12: Complementary and Integrative Treatments for ASD and ADHD: Selected Recent Research
    20936 - Clinical Perspectives 25: When the Meds Aren't Working: Rethinking Medication Regimens for Youth With a Focus on Deprescribing
    20942 - Clinical Perspectives 73: Antipsychotic Medications: Use and Misuse
    20946 - Symposium 47: The Gut Microbiota, Stress, and Internalizing Disorders: From Bench to Bedside
    20947 - Clinical Perspectives 11: I'm Just Trying to Treat My Patient, but the Parent/Guardian Is Not on Board: Staying on Top of Clinical, Ethical, and Risk Management Concerns
    20954 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Reinforcing Resilience in Medically Ill Young Children
    20958 - Symposium 48: The Oxytocin and Vasopressin Systems: Modulators of Social Function Across Species and Potential Targets for ASD Treatment
    20966 - Symposium 01: Adolescent Psychopathology and Competence Following Severe Early Deprivation
    20969 - Clinical Perspectives 07: The Birds and the Bees: Speaking to Children, Adolescents, and Families About Gender and Sexuality
    20970 - Clinical Perspectives 79: "It's a Psych Issue, Not Medical!" Bridging the Gap on the Medical Floor for Patients Needing Psychiatric Treatment
    20981 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Management of Aggressive Behavior in Inpatient Units
    20982 - Symposium 40: No Reason to Get Irritable: Standardizing the Approach to Agitation and Aggression in Youth in Emergent and Inpatient Settings and the Pediatric Best Practices for Evaluation and Treatment of Agitated Children and Adolescents (B
    20984 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Emotional and Cognitive Development for Young Children Within and Beyond the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
    210 - Child Forensic Psychiatry
    210 - Consultation Models
    210 - Forensic Issues in Child Psychiatry
    210 - Learning DisabilitiesPsychological Testing
    210 - Pharmacotherapy of Aggression: When Might It be Indicated?
    21048 - Symposium 09: New Findings From the Multimodal Treatment of ADHD (MTA) Study Follow-up
    21055 - Symposium 08: Meditative Interventions in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    21062 - Symposium 31: Interpreting the Multiple Facets of Pediatric Bipolar Spectrum Disorders: Clinical and Biological Models
    21064 - Symposium 41: Are Risk for and Resilience From Bipolar Disorder Two Sides of the Same Neurobiology?
    21111 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Positive Psychiatry and Positive Psychology: Translation to Clinical Practice
    21118 - Symposium 26: Anxiety in ASD: New Research on Measurement and Treatment
    21120 - Symposium 24: Understanding How to Treat and Prevent Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    21121 - Symposium 28: Predicting the Onset of Mood Disorders
    21125 - Clinical Perspectives 61: Psychosis in Children and Adolescents: What You Need to Know
    21131 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Improving Emergency Care for Youth at Risk for Suicide
    21132 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Sex Talk: Difficult Discussions for Promoting Healthy Outcomes
    21158 - Institute 4: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 16: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    21158-1 - Institute 4.1: Gender Dysphoria: Ethics, Evidence, and Efficacy of Transition Across Development
    21158-2 - Institute 4.2: Digital Media Use Among Youth: A Clinical Update for Child Psychiatrists
    21158-3 - Institute 4.3: Losses and Gains in Work With Children and Adolescents
    21158-4 - Institute 4.4: AACAP's Recertification Efforts
    21158-5 - Institute 4.5: Madness, Sadness, and Badness: An Update on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mood, Irritability, and Psychotic Disorders
    21158-6 - Institute 4.6: Conduct Disorder, Parenting, and Substance Use
    21158-7 - Institute 4.7: Anxiety Disorder, OCD, and Pharmacotherapy
    21168 - Other Programs 04: The Impact of Patient Suicide on Trainees and Early Career Psychiatrists: How Do We Respond?
    21217 - Other Programs 01: Systems of Care Special Program: The Opioid Epidemic, Parents With Substance Use and Abuse, and the Child Welfare System: Creating Responsive Systems of Care
    21217-01 - Other Programs 01.01: Welcome
    21217-02 - Other Programs 01.02: Reflections from a 25 Year Advocate
    21217-03 - Other Programs 01.03: Parental Substance Use in Pregnancy and Child Development: What is a Systems Response?
    21217-04 - Other Programs 01.04: Opioids and the Pediatric Population: Role of the American Academy of Pediatrics
    21217-05 - Other Programs 01.05: The Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE): A Focus on Child and Family Welfare
    21217-06 - Other Programs 01.06: Speaking from Lived Experience: Two Parent's Perspectives
    21217-07 - Other Programs 01.07: Medication Assisted Treatment, Parenting Skills, and the Courts: A Proposed Pilot Project for Integrated Care
    21217-08 - Other Programs 01.08: Under the Radar: Children and Families of the Opioid Epidemic
    21217-09 - Other Programs 01.09: Speaker Panel
    21217-10 - Other Programs 01.10: A Model of Integrated Care For Families Affected by Substance Use
    21217-11 - Other Programs 01.11: Addressing Substance Use Disorders Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women
    21217-13 - Other Programs 01.13: Closing Discussion
    21231 - Institute 3: A Clinical Update of Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Assessment and Management of Core and Co-occurring Features
    21231-1 - Institute 3.1: DSM-5 Intellectual Developmental Disorder: New Paradigm and Implications for Patient Care
    21231-2 - Institute 3.2: Current Diagnosis and Assessment of Intellectual Developmental Disorder
    21231-3 - Institute 3.3: Assessment and Treatment of Common Psychiatric Concerns in Individuals With Intellectual Disability Disorder
    21231-4 - Institute 3.4: The Neurobehavioral Model for Challenging Behaviors in Intellectual Developmental Disability
    21231-5 - Institute 3.5: Psychosocial Treatment for Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disability and Co-occurring Psychopathology: Beyond Applied Behavioral Analysis
    21231-6 - Institute 3.6: Community-Based Crisis Management for Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disabilities and Complex Mental Health Needs
    21231-7 - Institute 3.7: Insomnia in Youth With Intellectual Developmental Disorder
    21231-8 - Institute 3.8: Sexuality and Social Boundaries
    21243 - Institute 6: An Update on Advances in Psychiatric Care of Children With Epilepsy
    21243-1 - Institute 6.1: An Update on Advances in Psychiatric Care of Children With Epilepsy
    21243-2 - Institute 6.2: Current Epilepsy Diagnostic Methods With Focus on Genetic Testing
    21243-3 - Institute 6.3: Treatment of Children With Epilepsy: Focus on Seizures
    21243-4 - Institute 6.4: Cognitive Comorbidities and Neuropsychological Assessment of Childhood Epilepsy
    21243-5 - Institute 6.5: ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment in Children With Epilepsy
    21243-6 - Institute 6.6: Comprehensive Care of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide in Children With Epilepsy
    21243-7 - Institute 6.7: Implementing Comprehensive Management of Comorbid Psychopathology in Children With Epilepsy: A Collaborative Care Model
    21252 - Symposium 02: Improving the Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: New Directions for Research and Practice
    21253 - Other Programs 10: Resiliency in Residency and Beyond: Promoting Wellbeing in Yourself and Your Workplace
    21259 - Clinical Perspectives 71: Towards an Immune (Inflammation)-Mediated Subtype of ASD
    21263 - Clinical Perspectives 72: When Diverse Patients Meet Diverse Providers: Addressing Discrimination With Education, Engagement, and Advocacy
    21268 - Symposium 39: Pediatric Integrated Behavioral Health Care Models: Transforming Vision Into Practice
    21291 - Clinical Perspectives 40: Psychological and Sexual Health in Vulnerable Populations
    21302 - Clinical Perspectives 50: Teen Vaping Boom: Electronic Cigarette Use, Associated Outcomes, and Efforts in Prevention
    21307 - Symposium 34: Animal Models for Child Psychiatry
    21308 - Institute 1: Advanced Psychopharmacology
    21308-1 - Institute 1.1: Emerging Neuroscience-Based Psychopharmacology in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    21308-2 - Institute 1.2: Pediatric Depression: How to Detect, Diagnose, and Treat in Children
    21308-3 - Institute 1.3: Long-Term and Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
    21308-4 - Institute 1.4: Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: An Update
    21308-5 - Institute 1.5: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD
    21308-6 - Institute 1.6: Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    21308-7 - Institute 1.7: Pharmacological Treatment of Sleep Disorders
    21311 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Promoting Digital Citizenship in Transitional-Aged Youth (TAY) and College Students
    21315 - Clinical Perspectives 31: The Truth About Suicide Revisited: Prevention and Postvention in High School, College, and Transitional-Age Youth (TAY)
    21332 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Complex Presentations of ASD: Beyond the Core Features
    21356 - Symposium 23: Thinking Outside the Box: Broadening Perspectives to Improve Research, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Youth With Mental Illness
    21360 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Race, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Politics 2.0: Meeting the Ongoing Needs of LGBTQ and Racial Minority Youth
    21363 - Clinical Perspectives 51: Ticcy, Sticky, and Picky: How to Understand, Disentangle, and Manage Childhood Onset Repetitive Behaviors
    21365 - Clinical Perspectives 82: Partnering With Parents: Evidence-Based Strategies for Parents of Teens With Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
    21378 - Symposium 14: Federal Efforts to Improve Mental Health and Substance Use Outcomes for Youth
    21394 - Symposium 06: Understanding and Predicting Psychopathology in Young People Exposed to Trauma
    21401 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Funding Models to Enable Implementation of Innovative Interventions in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    21405 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Identifying Disparities and Implementing Novel Interventions to Overcome Inequities in ASD
    21414 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Rural Mental Health for Children and Adolescents: Challenges and Opportunities
    21418 - Symposium 03: Novel Approaches to Inform Treatment Decisions in Child Psychiatry: Steps Toward Personalized Medicine
    21419 - Clinical Perspectives 81: Measurement-Based Care in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    21439 - Symposium 04: Screening Tools in the Emergency Department
    21453 - Symposium 32: Promoting Well-Being in Children Facing Adversity: What Can US Military Children Teach Us?
    21456 - Clinical Perspectives 74: Challenges in Eating Disorder Treatment: Inpatient, Outpatient, Comorbid, and Beyond
    21457 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Gender-Diverse Young Adults: Narratives and Clinical Considerations
    21459 - Clinical Perspectives 64: Adolescent Cannabis Use: An Update on the Science of Harm and an Intro to the Art of Effectively Informing Teens
    21461 - Clinical Perspectives 21: It's All Relative: Integrating Family Therapy Into the Treatment of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
    21483 - Symposium 43: Refugee and Immigrant Experience and Innovative Clinical and Community Responses
    21491 - Symposium 13: Digital Health: Games, Applications, and Smartphones for Engagement and Adherence to Care
    21497 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Managing High-Risk Patients in the Community
    21501 - Symposium 27: Dimensions of Adversity Exposure and Psychopathology: Deprivation and Threat
    21503 - Symposium 16: Infant Brain Development in ASD: Potential Implications for Clinical Practice
    21508 - Other Programs 06: Residents as Teachers: Fix It! How to Take Outdated Material, Make it Relevant and Memorable, and Then Make it Stick
    21518 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder: Where Have We Come From and Where Are We Going
    21524 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Systematically Addressing Family Variables in Comorbid Psychiatric Presentations With a Brief Transdiagnostic Parent Training Across Childhood, Adolescence, and Young Adulthood
    21529 - Clinical Perspectives 62: The Clairvoyant Clinician: Can We Really Predict Poor Outcomes in Youth?
    21533 - Other Programs 05: Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
    21540 - Symposium 17: New Technologies to Gain Insights Into Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
    21541 - Symposium 07: From Constructs to Circuits: How Can the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Framework Inform Our Clinical Practice?
    21542 - Symposium 11: Research Symposium: Advances in the Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Translating Findings to the Clinic
    21543 - Clinical Perspectives 53: Development of a Neurobehavioral Psychiatry Continuum of Care for Children With ASD, Intellectual Disability, Severe Behaviors, and Mental Illness
    21558 - Symposium 44: Treating Tourette's Disorder: Neurocognitive Predictors and Novel Therapeutic Approaches
    21563 - Symposium 10: Pediatric Trichotillomania: An Update on Screening, Genetics, and Treatment
    21592 - Clinical Perspectives 60: Lack of Interest in Eating or Food, a Subtype of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID): Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-up From Infancy to Late Childhood
    21594 - Clinical Perspectives 70: The Many Faces of Trauma Across Chicago: Stories of Innovative Programs of Assessment, Treatment, and Resilience
    21612 - Clinical Perspectives 69: The International Perspectives on Bipolar Disorder
    21614 - Institute 5: Research Institute: Techno-Psychiatry: Child Psychiatry in the Digital Age
    21614-1 - Institute 5.1: Digital Phenotyping and Youth Mental Health: Hype Versus Hope
    21614-2 - Institute 5.2: What Does Machine Learning Offer to Child Psychiatry?
    21614-3 - Institute 5.3: Screen Time: The Mental Health Effects of Social Media and Gaming
    21614-4 - Institute 5.4: Parent Engagement Using Digital Health Tools
    21614-5 - Institute 5.5: Rethinking Our Approach to Digital Mental Health Intervention Research
    21614-6 - Institute 5.6: Children's Digital Mental Health: A Design and Ethical Framework
    21614-7 - Institute 5.7: Youth Perspective on Technology and Youth: Hacking the Adolescent Brain to Stop Cyberbullying
    21614-8 - Institute 5.8: Innovative Translational Approaches and Smart Behavioral Services for Youth
    21616 - Clinical Perspectives 19: The Overview of the Use of Lithium in Children and Adolescents
    21621 - Clinical Perspectives 54: Addressing Ethical Dilemmas and Legal Issues in the Treatment of Transitional-Age Youth (TAY) Suffering From Chronic Medical Illnesses and Psychiatric Comorbidities
    21628 - Symposium 46: Perspective on the Impact on Adolescents and Emerging Adults of Marijuana's Changing Legal Status and Access
    21631 - Symposium 35: DMDD and Borderline Personality Disorder: In Search of the Missing Link
    21636 - Clinical Perspectives 18: The Developmental Understanding of Identity and Gender Diversity in Adolescents and Transitional-Age Youth (TAY) With ASD
    21670 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Outpatient Care That Works Better: Novel Methods of Improving Access, Efficiency, and Provider Satisfaction
    21681 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Promoting Evidence-Based Medical Decision Making in the Use of Pharmacologic Treatments of Children and Adolescents With a History of Prenatal Alcohol and Drug Exposure
    21699 - Symposium 15: EEG Biomarkers of Treatment Response in Developmental Disorders
    21700 - Clinical Perspectives 15: International Clinical Perspectives: A Global Mental Health Perspective of School-Based Mental Health Interventions for Youth in Limited-Resource Settings
    21701 - Symposium 42: From Bench to Bedside: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
    21729 - Other Programs 07: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Research Advances in Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    21743 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Black Children's Mental Health Matters
    21774 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Using Collaborative Care Models to Increase Engagement, Training, and Support for Primary Care Physicians in the Screening and Treatment of Adolescent Depression
    21806 - Clinical Perspectives 83: Raising Our Voices for Families Separated at the Border: Understanding and Responding to the Crisis
    21808 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Integrated Care for Children With Depressive Disorders
    21809 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Outpatient Management of Irritability, Impulsive Aggression, and Other Severe Behaviors in Youth With ASD
    21811 - Symposium 18: Simon Wile Symposium: Costs? Benefits! Effectiveness! Making the Value Case for Pediatric Integrated Care
    21828 - Clinical Perspectives 04: Peer Support/Mentors Impacting Substance Use and Mental Health Care in Adolescents and Young Adults
    21831 - Clinical Perspectives 66: Comprehensive Care for the Management of ADHD: Psychostimulants Alone Don't Cut It
    21871 - Clinical Perspectives 65: ASD and Neuropsychiatric Nuances: Understanding Variants in Phenomenology
    21881 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Ending Corporal Punishment in the United States
    21893 - Symposium 37: Executive Function in ADHD and Related Disorders: Multiple Perspectives
    21911 - Clinical Perspectives 44: Bad Boys (and Girls): Addressing School Violence
    21913 - Symposium 33: Social (Pragmatic) Communication Deficits in Pediatric Psychiatry Populations: Clarifying Issues for Clinical Practice
    220 - Ethics in Child Psychiatry
    220 - Forensic Issues
    220 - Questions and Answer Session/Closing Remarks
    220 - Substance Abuse
    22074 - Other Programs 02: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Emotion Regulation in Children and Adolescents
    22075 - Other Programs 03: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: The Emerging Genetics and Neurobiology of Mental Disorders: Interdisciplinary Challenges for Child Psychiatry
    22077 - Other Programs 09: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Progress and Priorities in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research
    22078 - Other Programs 11: Presidential Interview: Karen Dineen Wagner, MD, PhD, interviews Neal D. Ryan, MD
    22240 - Other Programs 08: Training and Education Lunch
    22548 - Honors Presentations 01: Lightening Round
    22599 - Honors Presentations 04: School Mental Health in 2020: Emerging Opportunities for Child Psychiatry in Schools
    22606 - Honors Presentations 03: Caring at Columbia: A Preventive Community Program for Disfranchised Culturally Diverse Children
    22608 - Honors Presentations 02: Making Meaning Through Play: A Psychotherapeutic Intervention in a Preschool Child With Global Developmental Delay
    230 - Questions and Answers 4
    230 - Substance Abuse in the Pediatric Population
    23006 - Symposium 18: The Gut Microbiota in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Bench to Bedside
    23010 - Other Programs 10: 2020 Vision: Field Trip to the San Francisco Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
    23012 - Symposium 10: Iron Deficiency and Mental Health: An Under-Recognized Association
    23013 - Clinical Perspectives 52: Training Others to Deliver a Proper Dose of CBT to Youth
    23014 - Clinical Perspectives 44: Life Members' Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Physician Burnout, a Generational Perspective
    23015 - Symposium 48: Complementary and Integrative Medicine Research: Role in PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Behavior Regulation in Youth and Young Adults
    23026 - Symposium 37: New Developments in Evidence-Based Trauma Treatments and Relevance for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    23029 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Chronic Pain and Its Impact on Pediatric Mental Health
    23041-01 - Institute 1.1: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD: Focus on Comorbid Mood Dysregulation
    23041-02 - Institute 1.2: Psychopharmacological Treatment of Maladaptive Behaviors of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    23041-03 - Institute 1.3: Psychopharmacological Treatment of OCD/OCD Spectrum
    23041-04 - Institute 1.4: Bipolar Disorder, DMDD, and Severe Mood Dysregulation
    23041-05 - Institute 1.5: Psychopharmacological Treatment of Depression
    23041-06 - Institute 1.6: Management of Adverse Effects (Including Metabolic) of Second-Generation Antipsychotics/Mood Stabilizers
    23041-07 - Institute 1.7: Psychopharmacological Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
    23046 - Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, Youth, and Their Families - Introduction from Dr. Gabrielle A. Carlson and the Chairs
    23047 - Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, Youth, and Their Families - Affirmative Mental Health Care for LGBTQ Youth: An Overview to Promoting Best Outcomes for These at
    23048 - Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, Youth, and Their Families - Legal Rights and Issues Affecting LGBTQ Youth
    23049 - Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, Youth, and Their Families - Spirituality, Culture, and Supporting Diverse Families of LGBTQ Youth
    23049 - Symposium 36: Biological Roots 2020: Biological Aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder, the Placental Barrier, Early-Life Adversity, and Incest Avoidance
    23050 - Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, Youth, and Their Families - Trauma-Focused CBT for LGBTQ Youth Across Systems of Care
    23051 - Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, Youth, and Their Families - Best Practices for Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in the Child Welfare System
    23052-1 - Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, Youth, and Their Families - Addressing the Needs of Transgender Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
    23052-2 - Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, Youth, and Their Families - LGBTQ Visibility and Supports in K-12 Schools
    23069 - Clinical Perspectives 04: "My Daddy Never Woke Up": Complex Childhood Trauma Related to Parental Opioid Use Disorder
    23075 - Clinical Perspectives 74: Outpatient Management of Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, and Aggression in Young Children (Ages 2-7)
    23098 - Clinical Perspectives 10: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas Worth Sharing
    23118 - Symposium 13: Suicide Research in the Emergency Department: Screening, Risk Assessment, and Interventions
    23133-01 - Institute 6.1: Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Transition-Age Youth: Epidemiology, Etiology, and Psychological Assessment
    23133-02 - Institute 6.2: Evidence-Based Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa
    23133-03 - Institute 6.3: Evidence-Based Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder
    23133-04 - Institute 6.4: Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
    23133-05 - Institute 6.5: Medical Assessment, Monitoring, and Nutritional Repletion
    23133-06 - Institute 6.6: Overweight and Obesity
    23133-07 - Institute 6.7: Concepts to Understand the Brain and Behavior in Eating Disorders
    23133-08 - Institute 6.8: Psychotropic Medication Options for Eating Disorders
    23133-09 - Institute 6.9: Eating Disorders in Males
    23133-10 - Institute 6.10: Eating Disorders in Transgender Youth
    23133-11 - Institute 6.11: Special Considerations for Treating Eating Disorders in Transition-Age Youth
    23134 - Clinical Perspectives 63: Targets of Bias and Hate Speech and Youth Recruitment Into Hate Groups
    23137 - Clinical Perspectives 58: Physically Ill Child and Depression
    23152 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Mind-Body Interventions for Youth in Schools, Juvenile Halls, and Clinical Settings
    23161 - Symposium 41: The Good, the Bad, and the Risky: Sexual Behaviors Online
    23163 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Treatment and Ethical Implications for Caring for College Students With Eating Disorders
    23165 - Other Programs 22: Poetry and Patient Care: Fine-Tuning Our Listening
    23167 - Other Programs 24: Excelsior! Virtual Wisdom for Medical Students and Residents: Advancing Your Career as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    23204 - Symposium 30: Measurement-Based Care Across the Continuum: Screening, Diagnosis, and Tracking Care Over Time
    23260 - Other Programs 30: Walk Me Through a Virtual CSE: The Art of Sexual History Taking in Diverse Youth Through a Screen
    23275 - Clinical Perspectives 19: "Sometimes, It's Lupus": What You Should Know About Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (NP-SLE)
    23278 - Clinical Perspectives 25: International Clinical Perspectives: Global Climate Change Effects on the Health and Mental Health of Children and Families
    23285 - Institute 7: Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges: An Autism Spectrum Disorder Update for Clinicians
    23285-01 - Institute 7.1: Psychopathological Profile and Clinical Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth
    23285-02 - Institute 7.2: Transition-Age Youth Challenges in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Framework for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    23285-03 - Institute 7.3: Talk to Me: A Review of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Technology
    23285-04 - Institute 7.4: Clinical Phenotypes of Depression in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    23285-05 - Institute 7.5: Autism Spectrum Disorder and Psychosis: A Challenging Intersection for Clinician, Patient, and Caregivers
    23285-06 - Institute 7.6: Assessment and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Young People With High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder
    23285-07 - Institute 7.7: When the Going Gets Tough: Vignettes From the Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic
    23311 - Other Programs 28: Reimagining Excellence: Achieving Equity as the Outcome
    23316 - Clinical Perspectives 40: The Rhythms of Well-Being: Treatment of Insomnia and Circadian Rhythm Disturbances in Youth With Mental Health Disorders
    23347 - Clinical Perspectives 54: Neurogenetic Syndromes Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    23360 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Intercepting Poor Outcomes: An Innovative Clinical Approach for Reducing Mental Health Disparities Among Vulnerable Populations
    23368 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Kids With Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Medical Hospital: Special Challenges for the Patient, Provider, and Hospital System and How to Address Them
    23374 - Clinical Perspectives 28: The Dawn of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Myanmar
    23375 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Medical Traumatic Stress: Innovations, Investigations, and Interventions in the Setting of Chronic Illness
    23379 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Caring for Families of Children and Adolescents With Neurodevelopmental Disorders
    23389 - Clinical Perspectives 21: The Effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) on Mental Health Disorders Among Adolescents and Young Adults: Accurately and Effectively Informing Patients and Families
    23396 - Clinical Perspectives 70: Empowering the Parents of Preschoolers: Approaches to Promoting Positive Parenting
    23410 - Symposium 22: Findings From the Multisite Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD and Follow-Up: Clinical Pearls and Challenges
    23413 - Clinical Perspectives 71: Multimodal Approaches to Support Family-Based Care Across Medical Settings
    23414 - Clinical Perspectives 60: Approaches to Training Clinicians in Perinatal, Infant, and Preschool Mental Health From Academia to Pakistan
    23415 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Pediatric Delirium in Special Populations: Expanding the Roadmap
    23452 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Treating Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Across Multiple Settings: Challenges/Innovative Strategies/Creative Solutions
    23453-01 - Institute 4.1: What's New in ADHD and Substance Use Disorders?
    23453-02 - Institute 4.2: Lifelong Learning on Trauma, Resiliency, and Approaches for Serving Diverse Populations of Children and Families
    23453-03 - Institute 4.3: Smartphones, Medicines for Extreme Mood States, Spin in Science, and Parenting
    23453-04 - Institute 4.4: Topics on Youth Suicide and Violence Prevention
    23453-05 - Institute 4.5: Current Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    23453-06 - Institute 4.6: Depression, Psychosis, and Catatonia in Children and Adolescents: The Role of ECT and Neuromodulation
    23463 - Symposium 33 Assessing the Impact of Stimulants on Functional Outcomes in ADHD
    23474 - Symposium 12: Research Symposium: Developments In Irritability: An Old Phenotype With New Frontiers
    23498 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Pediatric Medicine Update: Pediatric Growth, the Large and the Small of It!
    23501 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Creating a Unicorn: Developing a Perfect Partial Hospitalization Program
    23508 - Clinical Perspectives 16: State and Health System Approaches to Integrated Behavioral Health Care in Rural Communities
    23509 - Clinical Perspectives 07: Everything You Want to Know About Medication Supply: Economics, Distribution, Pricing, Prior Authorizations, Regulation, and Alternatives
    23513 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Impulsive Behavior or Legitimate Warning?: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats
    23514 - Other Programs 7: Uncovering the Blind Spots: Addressing Unconscious Bias to Diversify the Physician Workforce in the United States for Better Patient Outcomes
    23517 - Clinical Perspectives 38: The Importance of Sibling Relationships in Foster Care and Adoptive Placements: Clinical, Policy, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives
    23548 - Symposium 35: Advancing Sex- and Gender-Based Research: Transitions Over the Life Course for Understanding Young Women's Risk for Affective Psychopathology
    23549-01 - Institute 2.1: Epidemiology of Youth Suicide and Priorities for Prevention: Focus on the School Setting
    23549-02 - Institute 2.2: Detecting and Managing Patients at Risk for Suicide in Medical Settings
    23549-03 - Institute 2.3: Translating Evidence-Based Suicide Risk Screening to Real-World Settings: Practical Steps and Evidence for Implementing Clinical Pathways
    23549-04 - Institute 2.4: Assessing for Suicidality in COVID-19 Times- With the Use of Technology
    23549-05 - Institute 2.5: Novel Approaches to the Assessment and Treatment of Suicidal Adolescents
    23549-06 - Institute 2.6: Beyond Screening: Specific Suicide Prevention Interventions
    23549-07 - Institute 2.7: Caring for the Caretakers: The Impact of Losing a Patient to Suicide
    23576 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Youth at the Border: Do NO MORE Harm
    23599 - Clinical Perspectives 64: The Teachable Moment: Partnering With Pediatricians to Expand Integrated Youth Mental Health Care
    23606 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Collaboration or Bust! A Multidisciplinary, Patient-Centered Approach to Delivering High-Quality Care for Transgender Youth, Part 1: Comprehensive Assessment and Ethical Considerations
    23612 - Clinical Perspectives 57: ECT in Pediatrics: New Frontiers for Collaborative Care
    23619 - Clinical Perspectives 35: Collaboration or Bust! A Multidisciplinary, Patient-Centered Approach to Delivering High-Quality Care for Transgender Youth, Part 2: Treatment and Interventions
    23631 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Embracing the Golden Rule in School Mental Health Services: How Ethical Principles Can Help in Challenging Times
    23640 - Clinical Perspectives 43: The Global Climate Crisis and Child Mental Health: Known Consequences, Current Research, and Preparing for the Future
    23641 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Restoring Harmony With Authenticity: LGBTQ Asian-American Youth Mental Health
    23644 - Clinical Perspectives 62: Individuals With Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder) Have Sexuality Too
    23649 - Clinical Perspectives 69: A Public Health Emergency for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists: Gun Violence and What Can We Do?
    23652 - Other Programs 6: Rapid Fire Trainee Case Presentation 1
    23655 - Other Programs 32: Rapid Fire Trainee Case Presentation 2
    23669 - Symposium 08: Youth Self-Harm and Suicide: Causes and Prediction
    23679 - Clinical Perspectives 55: Pharmacogenomics 2020: What Have We Learned?
    23681 - Other Programs 18: Master Class: Early Childhood Consultation
    23687 - Symposium 19: Epigenetics and Inflammation in Childhood Psychiatric Disorders: Evidence From Animal Models
    23689 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Two Generations of Mental Health Care: The Importance of Treating the Dyad in Vulnerable Caregiver-Child Relationships
    23696 - Symposium 25: Characterizing Biological and Behavioral Markers of the Prodrome to Bipolar Disorder
    23697 - Symposium 03: Integrating Mind, Brain, and Body in the Research and Treatment of Pediatric Mood Disorders
    23717 - Symposium 06: The Benefits and Potential Harms of Technology: An International Perspective
    23723-01 - Institute 3.1: Physiology of the Endogenous Cannabinoid System: Basic Science for the Clinician
    23723-02 - Institute 3.2: Black Market Economics 101: How Youth Acquire Cannabis, What They Pay for It, and What It Means for You
    23723-03 - Institute 3.3: The Nexus of Cannabis Use and Psychosis in Youth
    23723-04 - Institute 3.4: Practical Family-Based Prevention and Treatment Approaches for Youth Cannabis Use
    23723-05 - Institute 3.5: Using Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment to Build Inroads With Adolescents
    23723-06 - Institute 3.6: Treatment of Adolescents With Co-Occurring Mental Health and Cannabis Use Disorders
    23723-07 - Institute 3.7: Nuts and Bolts: Wisdom for the Busy Clinician Addressing Youth Cannabis Use
    23723-08 - Institute 3.8: How to Communicate Cannabis and Cannabinoid Science, Myths, Risks, Benefits, and Marketing to Patients, Families, and Allied Professionals: An AACAP Training and Education Committee Perspective
    23727 - Clinical Perspectives 59: All Hands on Deck: Addressing the Crisis of Youth and Family Homelessness as Mental Health Clinicians
    23736 - Clinical Perspectives 67: Electronic Vaping Device Use in Youth: Predictors and Risk Factors, Innovative Prevention Strategies, and How to Effectively Identify Users
    23742 - Symposium 07: Integrating Recent Research Findings Into the Care of Children and Adolescents With Anxiety Disorders
    23743 - Clinical Perspectives 61: The Long and Winding Road: Navigating From Childhood and Adolescence to Adulthood With Tourette's Disorder
    23744 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Working With Patients With Limited Communication Skills and Severe Problem Behavior: Reducing Staff and Patient Safety Risks in Community and Various Medical Settings
    23753 - Other Programs 8: Clinical Practicum: University of California, San Francisco Translational Research Growth and Application: Dyslexia and Autism
    23758 - Other Programs 12: The Power of Vulnerability and the Solutions to Keep Us Well: Using Self-Compassion as a Means to Combat Maladaptive Perfectionism
    23781 - Clinical Perspectives 34: The Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist's Role After Loss and Tragedy: Suicide Postvention and Prevention as a Best Practice Model
    23812 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Managing Emotional and Behavioral Dysregulation in Children Exposed to Maltreatment
    23818 - Other Programs 34: "To Thine Own Self Be True": Ethics, Professionalism, and Religion/Spirituality in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    23851 - Other Programs 21: The Impact of Patient Suicide on Trainees and Early Career Psychiatrists: How Do We Respond?
    23857 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Key Principles for Caring for Young Adults With Substance Use Disorders
    23859 - Clinical Perspectives 23: For Better and For Worse: Exploration of Gender and Sexuality in a Virtual World
    23863 - Symposium 34: Strategies to Mitigate Second Generation Antipsychotic-Related Metabolic Alterations in Youth With Mood and Psychotic Disorders: Design of and Findings From Explanatory and Pragmatic Trials
    23867 - Other Programs 31: Resident as Teacher: How to Win Followers and Influence People: Helping Your Message Reach the Public
    23872 - Clinical Perspectives 68: What's Going on? Increased Suicidality in Young African American Children
    23882 - Symposium 28: Pediatric Bipolar Disorder and Severe Emotional Dysregulation: New Research Findings
    23895 - Clinical Perspectives 20: Dysregulation in Children and Adolescents: Lessons Learned So Far From the Presidential Taskforce
    23899 - Symposium 09: Predictors of Course and Outcomes in Youths and Young Adults With Bipolar Spectrum Disorders
    23903 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Barriers and Solutions to Treating Teenagers With ADHD: Perspectives From Clinical Researchers
    23907 - Clinical Perspectives 53: Zero Suicide Strategies in Pediatric Health Care Settings
    23910 - Symposium 49: Global Perspectives on Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Research: Navigating International Waters From Clinical Symptomatology to Cognitive, Neurophysiological, and Neural Biomarkers
    23922 - Clinical Perspectives 72: Psychiatric and Psychosocial Challenges in the Clinical Management of Somatic Intersexuality
    23924 - Clinical Perspectives 75: Antidepressants and the Black Box Warning. Where Are We Now?
    23925 - Other Programs 1: Is Screen Time Good for Children's Mental Health? A Debate on Technology Use
    23926 - Symposium 01: Pathways Leading to Mental Health Phenotypes and Their Treatments: Insights From Neurogenetic Syndromes
    23970 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Improving Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Regarding Racial Bias in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    23990 - Symposium 24: OCD in Children and Adolescents: Treatment Outcomes, Family Presentation, and Predictors of Treatment Outcomes
    23994 - Symposium 46: Healing From Developmental Trauma: A Perspective on Familial Rejection and Change Efforts
    23998 - Clinical Perspectives 65: Understanding Child Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation: From Residency Training to Intersectoral Collaboration
    240 - Autism Spectrum Disorders
    240 - Neurology for the Psychiatrist
    24008 - Symposium 43: Family Engagement and Support in Mental Health Treatment: Caregiver Perspectives and New Approaches to Care Delivery
    24017-01 - Institute 5.1: Training the Brain: Targeting the Error-Related Negativity to Treat Anxiety in Preschoolers
    24017-02 - Institute 5.2: Treatment of Executive Function Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder With Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled, Pilot Trial
    24017-03 - Institute 5.3: Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation for ADHD: Clinical Applications and Neural Mechanisms
    24017-04 - Institute 5.4: Neuroscience-Informed Cognitive Training for Early-Onset Psychosis Prevention and Treatment
    24017-05 - Institute 5.5: Neuroethics Related to Deep Brain Stimulation in Adolescents With Treatment-Resistant Conditions
    24017-06 - Institute 5.6: Neuromodulation in Children and Adolescents: The Devil Is in the Dosing
    24066 - Symposium 02: Changing Face of Suicidal Behaviors and Suicide
    24073 - Other Programs 4: Creating a Well-Being Plan for Yourself... and for Your Patients
    24088 - Clinical Perspectives 13: "Help, My Son Is Addicted to Fortnite": Treatment Approaches for Internet Gaming Disorder and Problematic Internet Use in the Clinical Setting
    24097 - Symposium 42: Novel Advances in Technology Enhancements to Mental Health Treatment for Children and Adolescents
    24099 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Integrating Targeted Parent Support Into the Care of Children and Young Adults With Chronic Health Conditions Across the Spectrum of Care
    24100 - Symposium 04: Novel Early Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Basic Principles and New Research
    24102 - Clinical Perspectives 45: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Managing Aggression, Affective Lability, Self-Injurious Behavior, and Suicidality in the Outpatient Setting
    24108 - Symposium 45: Do Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs Work? Results From an Evaluation of the Second Step Child Protection Unit
    24116 - Clinical Perspectives 30: "There Must be Something Else": Diagnostic Dilemmas: ADHD, Anxiety, and Resulting Social Deficits? Or High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder?
    24122 - Symposium 40: From Neuroscience to Evidence-Based Treatments: An Update on Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors Research
    24128 - Other Programs 27: The PGAA Tour: Parenting, Guilt and Adapting in Academia
    24158 - Symposium 05: Made to Measure: Perspectives on Promoting Outcome Quality to Enhance Care for Adolescent Depression
    24227 - Symposium 29: Neurocognitive Markers and Predictors of Clinical Outcomes in ADHD: Latest Research and Clinical Implications
    24240 - Symposium 47: Children and Screens Research Update: How New Media Habits Impact Mental Health
    24261 - Symposium 44: Psychosomatic Biomarkers for Detection and Monitoring Response to Adolescents' PTSD
    24262 - Symposium 16: Window of Opportunity: Reducing Youth Substance Use and Addressing Mental Needs at Time of First Justice Contact
    24268 - Clinical Perspectives 39: From Bedrest to Bonding: The Role of Collaborative Consultation Teams in Maternal and Infant Health
    24279 - Symposium 20: Supporting Infant Mental Health Through Early Interventions With Caregivers Who Experienced Toxic Stress and Early Adversity
    24297 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Can You Truly See and Understand Me? Innovative, Preventive, and Interventional Approaches for Youth Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation
    24299 - Symposium 17: Psychosocial Predictors of Self-Harm, Stalking Perpetration, and Dating Violence Among Justice-Impacted Youth
    24303 - Symposium 11: How Telomere Biology Informs the Mental Health Problems of Children
    24307 - Clinical Perspectives 56: Trauma-Informed Evidence-Based Screening Procedure and Early Intervention for Youth With PTSD
    24309 - Clinical Perspectives 50: The Role of Collaborative Care in the Treatment of Severely Mentally Ill Youth
    24321 - Other Programs 11: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
    24335 - Symposium 15: Ghost Busters in the Nursery: Cost-Effective Solutions to the Effects of Early Environmental Trauma
    24356 - Symposium 38: Risky Decision Making in Youth: Subtypes, Neurobiology, and Treatment
    24383 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Navigating Racial Identity Development for Transracially Adopted Children and Families
    24387 - Symposium 14: Infections, Immune Function, and Psychopathology in Youth
    24396 - Symposium 27: The Relationship Between Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behavior: Recognition, Interventions, and Prevention
    24418 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Cyberbullying and Related Entities: How the Internet Has Changed Risk Behaviors, and New Legal Consequences
    24419 - Symposium 31: Bridging the Gap From Bench to Bedside in Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    24421 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Language Deprivation and the Impact on Mental Health of Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Blind/Low-Vision Children
    24464 - Clinical Perspectives 66: Caring for the Forgotten Children: Rebuilding Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria, Earthquakes, and COVID-19
    24466 - Other Programs 25: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Understanding the Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Premature Birth: Key Findings and Their Implications for Clinical Practice
    24495 - Clinical Perspectives 51: Important Co-Occurring Problems in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Strategies for Characterization and Treatment
    24509 - Clinical Perspectives 73: ECHO-ing Support for Pediatricians Managing Mental Health
    24526 - Symposium 32: Help Now: Understanding Adolescent Distress, Diagnosis, and Help-Seeking in 2020
    24529 - Symposium 21: Simon Wile Symposium: The Boarder Crisis: Innovative Bridges Breaking Down Walled-Off Care in Pediatric Boarding
    24530 - Symposium 23: Addressing the Complexities of "the Syndrome" in Youth With Persistent Tic Disorders
    24533 - Symposium 26: Intergenerational Transmission of Psychopathology and Early Identification of Risk: New Insights From the Study of Child and Adolescent Offspring of Parents Living With Depression, Bipolar Disorde
    24565 - General Sessions 03: Town Meeting: Transforming Child Psychiatry Care Delivery: Necessities and Opportunities
    24804 - General Sessions 01: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Empathy, Understanding, and Anti-Racism
    24812 - General Sessions 02: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Thrown Under the Bus: Addressing the Mental Health Impacts of the Pandemic on Young People Globally
    24826 - Other Programs 2: Training and Education Summit
    24828 - General Sessions 04: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Stigma, Mental Illness, and Families. New Frontiers
    24956 - Honors Presentations 01: School Mental Health: A Barometer for Our Times
    24962 - Honors Presentations 02: Addressing Racism and Disparities in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Diversifying Leadership for the Workforce
    24967 - Honors Presentations 03: Effects of the Mother-Child Education Program on Parenting Stress and Disciplinary Practices Among Refugee and Other Marginalized Communities in Lebanon: A Pilot Randomized Controlled T
    24971 - Honors Presentations 04: Regularity of IQ Rise With an Interpersonal Preschool Treatment: 81 Treated Preschoolers vs 63 Comparison and Controls
    24976 - Honors Presentations 05: Setting the Stage for Mental Health: Promoting Early Childhood Mental Health in and Beyond Traditional Child Psychiatry Settings
    24978 - Honors Presentations 06: Building Programs That Increase Access to Mental Health Care for Children and Youth, While Expanding the Evidence Base to Enhance Access and Improve Diagnosis and Treatment
    24979 - Honors Presentations 07: A Story of Hope: Leading Change Beyond Borders Through a Culturally Informed Focus
    24983 - Honors Presentations 08: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Citalopram Adjunctive to Stimulant Medication in Youth With Chronic Severe Irritability
    24997 - Honors Presentations 09: Association Between the Release of Netflix's 13 Reasons Why and Suicide Rates in the United States: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis
    24998 - Honors Presentations 10: The Story of the First Twin Study of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    250 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Evidence-Based Treatment
    250 - Sleep and Sleep Disorders
    25254 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Young, Black, and Queer: Addressing Intersectional Identities in Trauma and Resilience Interventions
    25264 - Symposium 35: Successful Strategies for Treating Traumatized Children in Challenging Circumstances
    25290-01 - Institute 8.1: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care - Review of Progress in the Classification of Intellectual Developmental Disorder in DSM-5
    25290-02 - Institute 8.2: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care - Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents With Intellectual Developmental Disorder
    25290-03 - Institute 8.3: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care - Genetic Conditions Associated With Intellectual Developmental Disorders
    25290-04 - Institute 8.4: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care - Hurtling Toward Precision Medicine in Syndromic Intellectual Disability Disorders: Insights From Mouse to Man
    25290-05 - Institute 8.5: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care - Co-Occurring Medical Issues in Intellectual Developmental Disorders: Management of Patients Within Multidiscipl
    25290-06 - Institute 8.6: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care - Integrated Care Across the Lifespan for Children and Adolescents With Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD)
    25290-07 - Institute 8.7: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care - "Medication Management" Practice: Psychopharmacology and Beyond for Individuals With Intellectual Developmental
    25296 - Symposium 33: Recent Work With Contemporary Computational Methods and Artificial Intelligence to Advance the Practice of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    25301 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Not Just for Hippies Anymore: A Review of the Use of Psychedelics in Treatment, Research, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues, and Implications for the Pediatric Population
    25302 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Evidence-Based Screening, Assessment, and Treatment of Sexually Abused Children: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
    25303 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Diverse Family Structures: LGBTQ Parents, Polyamory, and the Psychosocial Impacts of COVID-19
    25314 - Clinical Perspectives 32: The Role of Parenting in Childhood Well-Being and Psychopathology: How to Assess, Support, and Intervene in Parenting From Behavioral, Mindful, and Reflective Perspectives
    25322 - Clinical Perspectives 43: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: From Macro to Micro: A Review of Interventions for Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Restraints, Surgeries, Neuromodulation Therapies, Psychotherapies, and Pharmaceuticals to Mole
    25329 - Symposium 10: Underrecognized Metabolic and Hormonal Side Effects of Psychotropics
    25330 - Clinical Perspectives 44: Growing up Different: The Impact of Racism on Adolescent Identity
    25331 - Clinical Perspectives 73: Bringing Families Together in Crisis: Family-Based Interventions Across Different Settings of Care
    25337 - Clinical Perspectives 72: Residential Treatment From a Systems of Care Framework: Past, Present, and Future
    25344 - Clinical Perspectives 51: iCARE, SPACE, I-PCIT, and Online Mindful Parenting: Improving Access by Internet-Delivered Therapies for Young Children and Families
    25345 - Symposium 15: Anxiety Disorders in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Recent Research and Treatment Advances
    25347 - Clinical Perspectives 59: Common Psychiatric Comorbidities in Autism Spectrum Disorder: ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and Catatonia
    25356 - Symposium 36: Reaching for Resilience: New Data on Overcoming Adversity in Youth
    25363 - Other Programs 14: Debate: Are Problematic Screen Habits a Behavioral Addiction?
    25374 - Symposium 09: Parental ADHD and Their Offspring From the Perinatal Period to Early Childhood
    25375 - Symposium 03: Gun Laws and Youth Suicide by Firearms Symposium: What the Clinician Needs to Know
    25376 - Clinical Perspectives 57: Families and Transitioning Youth: Working With Transgender Youth and Their Families in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond
    25384 - Clinical Perspectives 52: Pharmacogenetics 2021: An Exploration of the Evidence for Relevant Genes and Gene-Medication Pairs
    25390 - Clinical Perspectives 66: Buprenorphine Training 2.0: Next Steps After Waiver
    25398 - Clinical Perspectives 28: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas Worth Sharing
    25403-01 - Institute 7.1: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Serious Emotional Outbursts: What Are They? Who Has Them?
    25403-02 - Institute 7.2: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Measurement of Emotion Dysregulation in Children and Adolescents
    25403-03 - Institute 7.3: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Using a Trauma-Informed Lens for Dysregulation and Outbursts
    25403-04 - Institute 7.4: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Dysregulation and Suicidality in Children and Adolescents
    25403-05 - Institute 7.5: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Managing Explosive Outbursts at School
    25403-06 - Institute 7.6: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Psychosocial Treatment of Youth Irritability From an Evidence-Based Perspective: Matching the Therapy to the Problem
    25403-07 - Institute 7.7: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - The Pharmacological Treatment of Outbursts
    25403-08 - Institute 7.8: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Inpatient and Residential Treatment of Emotion Dysregulation and Outbursts
    25403-09 - Institute 7.9: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Outbursts in the Aftertime: Where Do We Go From Here?
    25408 - Clinical Perspectives 68: Outpatient Management of Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, and Aggression in Young Children (Ages 2-7)
    25411 - Symposium 26: Children and Screens: Youth Digital Media Use and Mental Health Outcomes
    25441-01 - Institute 4.1: The Psychiatrist's Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - School Safety Assessments: How Psychiatrists Can Help Schools Assess Risk, Build a Culture of Safety, and Support Educators
    25441-02 - Institute 4.2: The Psychiatrist's Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - Student Threat Assessment as a Standard School Safety Practice
    25441-03 - Institute 4.3: The Psychiatrist's Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - When the School Threat Is "Serious and Scary": How to Assess It and What to Do
    25441-04 - Institute 4.4: The Psychiatrist's Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - Learning From a Failure in Threat Assessment: Strategies for Sharing Information to Promote Safety
    25441-05 - Institute 4.5: The Psychiatrist's Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - Walking Through a Safety Assessment
    25441-06 - Institute 4.6: The Psychiatrist's Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - Digital Dangers: How to Think About Incorporating Assessment of Digital Media Into School Threat Assessments
    25441-07 - Institute 4.7: The Psychiatrist's Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - Personal Experiences of Safety Assessment: Student and Family Voices
    25463 - Clinical Perspectives 26: "My Kid's Always Online, But What Can I Do About It?" Helping Families Manage Media
    25464 - Clinical Perspectives 62: Transplant Psychiatry: Opportunities for Innovation, Intervention, and Improved Outcomes
    25466 - Clinical Perspectives 45: In Search of the Holy Grail: What Is the Right Number of Inpatient Beds?
    25488-01 - Institute 2.1: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Importance of Medication Adherence Among Adolescents and Young Adults With Bipolar Disorder
    25488-02 - Institute 2.2: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia: From the Prodrome to Treatment Resistance
    25488-03 - Institute 2.3: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Adolescents With Cannabis Use Disorder
    25488-04 - Institute 2.4: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Pediatric Delirium: Addition and Subtraction in Pharmacologic Management and Goals of Treatment
    25488-05 - Institute 2.5: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Patients With ADHD
    25488-06 - Institute 2.6: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    25488-07 - Institute 2.7: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Pharmacotherapy of Aggression: When Might It Be Indicated?
    25501 - Symposium 07: Broad-Spectrum Multinutrients for ADHD and Emotional Dysregulation: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    25504 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Spotlight on Sibling Relationships: The Relevance of Sibling Dynamics on the Child and Family
    25507 - Symposium 30: Biomarkers of ADHD and Moderators/Mediators of Neurofeedback Response
    25508 - Clinical Perspectives 71: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs: LGBTQ Youth and Experienced Homelessness
    25511 - Clinical Perspectives 35: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child: Addressing Corporal Punishment Across Cultures and Contexts
    25520 - Symposium 28: Transdiagnostic Applications and Targets of Mindfulness Interventions in Youth
    25526 - Clinical Perspectives 75: Autoimmune Brain Disorders: Advancing the Standard of Care
    25555 - Clinical Perspectives 22: The Many Faces of Pediatric Catatonia: Beyond Waxy Flexibility and Echo Phenomena
    25562 - Other Programs 12: The Unintended Consequences of Diversity Training: K—12
    25580 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Political Extremism and Hate Group Recruitment of Adolescents
    25597 - Clinical Perspectives 69: Recognizing and Managing Distorted/Disabled Cognition in Delirium
    25603 - Other Programs 01: Heroes Fail Too: The Power of Vulnerability and Self-Compassion
    25628 - Symposium 27: Moving Upstream: Primary and Secondary Prevention Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Exposure to Adverse Experiences in Early Childhood
    25638 - Clinical Perspectives 04: Intervene Early, Intervene Quickly, No Distress: Standardized, Evidence-Based Management Approaches to Pediatric Agitation in Hospital-Based Settings
    25647 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Child and Adolescent Tele-Partial Hospitalization Programs (Tele-PHP): Opportunities and Challenges
    25649 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Management of Complex Pediatric ADHD
    25662 - Other Programs 08: The Impact of Systemic Racial Inequality, Immigration Policies, and Racially Motivated Violence on Children: Intersection of Law, Civil Rights, Public Policy, and Public Health
    25670-02 - Institute 1.2: Systems of Care Special Program: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Building a Framework for Understanding and Addressing Racial and Ethnic D
    25670-03 - Institute 1.3: Systems of Care Special Program: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Intersection of Race and Ethnicity With Mental Health Service Utilization
    25670-04 - Institute 1.4: Systems of Care Special Program: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Understanding Systemic Racism and Racial Inequity Juvenile Justice System
    25670-05 - Institute 1.5: Systems of Care Special Program: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Racial Disparities in the Education System: Opportunities to Improve Ment
    25670-06 - Institute 1.6: Systems of Care Special Program: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Black Youth and Suicide Risk: A Tale of Disparities in Suicide Care and T
    25670-07 - Institute 1.7: Systems of Care Special Program: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Improving Substance Use Services and Outcomes for Racially Minoritized Ad
    25670-08 - Institute 1.8: Systems of Care Special Program: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Giving Hope and Recovery a Voice: Understanding How Nonmedical Challenges
    25672 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Tourette's Disorder: Pathways to Resilience
    25681 - Clinical Perspectives 60: Love in Quarantine: Addressing Online Sexual Behaviors in Clinical Practice
    25684 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Assessment and Treatment of Transition-Age Youth Living With HIV
    25685 - Clinical Perspectives 65: A Phoenix Rises: Novel Approaches to Teaching and Supervising Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Child and Adolescent Residency Training Programs
    25700-01 - Institute 5.1: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists - What's New in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, and DMDD?
    25700-02 - Institute 5.2: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists - Psychosis Workup, Measurement-Based Care, Medication Safety, Deep Brain Stimulation, Insomnia, and Youth and COVID-19
    25700-03 - Institute 5.3: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists - Review of Papers on Violence, Mood Disorders, and Suicidal Behavior
    25700-04 - Institute 5.4: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists - Psychiatric, Medical, and Quality-of-Life Updates on Autism Spectrum Disorder
    25700-05 - Institute 5.5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists - Risk Factors, Co-Occurrence, and Management of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
    25700-06 - Institute 5.6: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists - Emerging Topics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    25702 - Clinical Perspectives 07: School's Out: What Happened to School-Based Mental Health Services (SBMHS) in the COVID-19 Era?
    25726 - Other Programs 10: Should We Raise (or Lower) the Drinking Age? A Debate on the Effect of a Minimum Legal Age on Child and Adolescent Mental Health
    25731 - Clinical Perspectives 61: Psychiatric Evaluation of Child and Adolescent Asylum Seekers: Clinic Models and Best Practices
    25748 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Health Equity in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for Black and Latinx Children and Families: What Is My Role?
    25751 - Clinical Perspectives 42: The Growing Impact of Climate Change on Pediatric Mental Health, Ways to Address It, and What Psychiatry Can Do to Decrease Its Carbon Footprint
    25754 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Children and Gun Violence During the Pandemic
    25762 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Technology to the Rescue During COVID-19 Pandemic: Implementation of Virtual Technologies Opens New Avenues for Clinical Education, Support, and Care of Clinicians Who Provide Care to People Diagnosed With Autism Spe
    25763 - Clinical Perspectives 29: The Lights Are Still ON! How Child Psychiatrists and Psychologists Leveraged Networks to Promote Children's Mental Health in 2020
    25767 - Symposium 12: Can We Differentiate Between Unipolar and Bipolar Courses in Pediatric Mood Disorder?
    25768 - Clinical Perspectives 70: After Substance Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): You've Screened, Now What?
    25769 - Clinical Perspectives 49: It Takes a Village...a Campus, and More: Examining the Impact of Programs for Youth With History of Foster Care Transitioning to Adulthood
    25773 - Other Programs 11: The Impact of Patient Suicide on Trainees and Early Career Psychiatrists: How Do We Respond?
    25775 - Clinical Perspectives 40: Stimulant Use Disorder in Teens and College Students: Problems and Treatment
    25782 - Symposium 02: Bipolar Disorder in Youth: New Findings on Biomarkers, Illness Course, and Treatment
    25805 - Symposium 13: Advances in Neuroimaging Research
    25808 - Other Programs 09: Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: Master Class
    25819 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Addressing Childhood Maltreatment: A Practical Approach for the Child Psychiatrist in a Changing Healthcare System
    25825 - Clinical Perspectives 63: Understanding the Overlap and Therapeutic Opportunities in Youth With Substance Use and Autism Spectrum Disorder
    25855 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Impact of COVID-19 on Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorders (IDDs): Current Implications and Lessons for the Future
    25858 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Managing Adolescents With ADHD: Developmental Issues, Emerging Comorbidity, and the Impact of COVID-19
    25864 - Clinical Perspectives 30: When a Video Game Becomes the Treatment: Harnessing Digital and Screen Technology as Therapeutic Modalities in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    25873 - Clinical Perspectives 56: Systems of Care: A Primer for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    25887 - Clinical Perspectives 50: Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: Building Sustainable Systems
    25914 - Symposium 19: Understanding Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    25934 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Pivoting With the Pandemic: Challenges and Successes of Child Psychiatry Access Programs Nationwide
    25935 - Clinical Perspectives 67: Early Identification of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Trauma Preparedness, Accurate Diagnosis, and Treatment in Children With Intellectual Developmental Disorders (IDDs)
    25940 - Symposium 04: ADHD and PTSD
    25944 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Appealing Applications for Adolescent Mental Health: Social Media's Transformation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    25952 - Other Programs 18: Thinking About Prescribing: What the Therapeutic Alliance, Evidence-Based Psychotherapy, and Relational Principles Teach Us About Psychopharmacology With Diverse Youth and Families
    25962 - Clinical Perspectives 11: The Mental Health Challenges Facing Muslim Youth in the Era of COVID-19
    25978 - Symposium 01: Identifying and Addressing Childhood Trauma in Primary Care
    25983 - Symposium 21: Novel Findings From the ABCD Study: How Neuroscience Can Inform the Clinic
    25985 - Symposium 08: Pediatric Treatment-Resistant Depression: The Evidence Base for Interventional Psychiatric Modalities
    260 - Pediatric Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
    260 - Psychotic Disorders
    26010 - Other Programs 15: Clinical Practicum: Best Practices in the Assessment and Treatment of Neurobehavioral Disorders Associated With Prenatal Alcohol and Drug Exposure
    26023 - Symposium 32: Further Validating Profiles of Impulsive Aggression in Youth
    26031 - Symposium 11: Research Symposium: Leveraging National Data Sources to Rapidly Identify the Early Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    26032 - Symposium 25: The Early Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Mental Health Service Utilization and Disparities in Care
    26038 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Opening Pandemic's Box: Supporting Developing Adolescents
    26041 - Symposium 17: Neural Pathways Linking Childhood Trauma and Adolescent Substance Use: The Role of Learning and Decision-Making
    26042-01 - Institute 3.1: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - Clinical Profile of Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    26042-02 - Institute 3.2: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - ADHD Comorbidity With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Burden of Traits of Autism Spectrum Disorder in ADHD
    26042-03 - Institute 3.3: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - Clinical Genetic Testing, Precision Medicine, Patient Registry Enrollment, and Risk-Based Counseling in Autism Spectrum Dis
    26042-04 - Institute 3.4: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - Tackling Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidality in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    26042-05 - Institute 3.5: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - Balancing Risk and Benefit in Managing Irritability and Agitation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    26042-06 - Institute 3.6: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - Parent Training for Disruptive Behaviors in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
    26042-07 - Institute 3.7: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - Burning Issues in the Assessment and Management of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    26045 - Symposium 34: New Evidence-Based Approaches to Measuring Emotion Dysregulation
    26074 - Symposium 31: COVID-19, Child Mental Health, and Social Determinants
    26078 - Clinical Perspectives 27: The Sleepless Child: Sleep Disorders and Treatments Across Development
    26086 - Symposium 29: Can Genetic Underpinnings Inform Clinical Practice?
    26088 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Therapist Self-Disclosure (TSD) During Times of Uncertainty
    26089 - Other Programs 05: Spotlight Conversations: Addressing Unconscious Bias to Diversify the Physician Workforce in the United States for Better Patient Outcomes
    26092 - Other Programs 19: Let's Talk About War: A Discussion on the Place of Armed Conflicts in the Psychiatric Curriculum
    26102 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Parental Alienation: A Simple but Potentially Harmful and Poorly Supported Explanation for the Complex Problem of Parent Contact Resistance/Refusal
    26105 - Symposium 05: Advances and Trends in Neuromodulation for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Intellectually Capable Populations
    26107 - Symposium 14: Peer Supports, Coaching, and Group Interventions to Improve Treatment Engagement and Academic Persistence and Functioning of Transitional-Age Youth (TAY)
    26134 - Symposium 18: ADHD: Neurobiological and Psychosocial Approaches to Prevention and Treatment
    26145 - Symposium 06: Crisis Through the Screen: Virtual Emergency Care During the Pandemic and Beyond
    26153 - Other Programs 07: "My PATH to CHILD Psychiatry": Global Perspectives
    26177 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Translating Evidence-Based Practices for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders in Rural Systems of Care
    26186 - Clinical Perspectives 53: New Perspectives on ADHD: Filling a Cultural and Technological Knowledge Gap in Child Mental Health
    26215 - Clinical Perspectives 64: "Telenovela": Filling a Knowledge Gap in Perinatal Mental Health (Perinatal MH)
    26220 - Clinical Perspectives 58: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Management of Severe Behavioral and Mood Disorders
    26231 - Clinical Perspectives 55: Pediatric Chronic Pain Management During COVID-19
    26245 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Pediatric Medicine Update: COVID-19: Virology, Vaccines, and Pediatric Illness
    26249 - Clinical Perspectives 48: The Observation of Feeding and Play in the Diagnosis of Three Subtypes of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
    26255 - Symposium 22: Reexamining the Overlap Between Conduct Disorder and Bipolar Disorder in Pediatric Psychiatry: Clinical, Scientific, and Therapeutic Implications
    26314 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Irritability and Reactive Aggression: Implications for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Equity
    26316 - Other Programs 17: Telling Stories: Effective Communication of Neuroscience for and by Child Psychiatrists
    26320 - Symposium 20: International Symposium: Reciprocal Learning in Global Mental Health
    26326 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Transgender Youth: Understanding "Detransition," Nonlinear Gender Trajectories, and Dynamic Gender Identities
    26329 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Mental Health Integration With Primary Care: Unique Opportunities and Responses in the Face of a Global Pandemic
    26355 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Movement Disorders Secondary to Psychotropic Medication Prescription: The Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists' Dilemma!
    26365 - Clinical Perspectives 74: Trauma and Stressor-Related and Substance Use Disorders in Adolescence: A Practitioner's Guide to Understanding and Treating These Co-Occurring Disorders
    26369-01 - Institute 6.1: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - Black American Youth's Lived Experiences With Racism
    26369-02 - Institute 6.2: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - Ethnic/Racial Identity and Discrimination: Implications for Adolescent and Young Adult Development
    26369-03 - Institute 6.3: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - Specifying Opportunity to Resolve Race-Based Mental Health Inequity in Early Childhood
    26369-04 - Institute 6.4: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - Systemic Racism and Mental Health Disparities: Call to Action for Child and Adolescent Researchers, Practitioners and Po
    26369-05 - Institute 6.5: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - Human Rights and Children’s Mental Health: A Multilink Bond
    26373 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Looking at Adult Outcome of Children With ADHD Via Different Lenses
    26379 - Clinical Perspectives 54: Friend or Foe? The Virtual World and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Era of COVID-19
    26386 - Symposium 24: From Bench to Bedside: Investigating Biological Mechanisms of Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    26392 - Other Programs 02: Resident-As-Teacher Program Presents Clinical Teaching Three Ways: Nourishing Our Learners While Caring for Our Patients
    26395 - Other Programs 03: Conducting Rigorous and Safe Clinical Research: Lessons From the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
    26428 - Clinical Perspectives 20: An Aspirational Goal of Zero Suicide: Preventing Suicide Deaths Within the Healthcare System Through Individual and Organizational Change
    26432 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Antiracism in Clinical Care: A Liberation-Based Health Approach
    26440 - Other Programs 06: The Well Toolkit: Helping Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Meet the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Well-Being Requirements Meaningfully!
    26447 - Other Programs 16: Telepsychiatry in Clinical Practice: Continuing to Provide Quality Care During a Pandemic and Looking Toward the Future
    26449 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Physician Burnout and Maintaining Wellness: The Other Pandemic
    26473 - Symposium 23: Simon Wile Symposium: Focus on Diversity and Equity Through a Pediatric Collaborative and Integrated Care Lens
    26488 - Symposium 16: Precision Medicine and Genomically-Guided Treatment in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Are We There Yet?
    26489 - General Session 03: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Identification and Treatment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the United States
    26490 - Other Programs 04: Clinical Practicum: The Student Health and Wellness Center at Morehouse School of Medicine
    26533 - General Session 02: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Breaking Ground: Building a Different Future
    26534 - General Session 01: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary
    26538 - General Session 04: Town Meeting: 2021: A Year of Hate, Intolerance, and Healing - Where Do We Go From Here?
    26539 - General Session 05: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Mania and Character
    26598 - Other Programs 13: Training and Education Summit
    26713 - Honors Presentations 03: Public Health + Human Rights = Health Justice: The Youth Equity Science (YES) Project for LGBT Youth
    26728 - Honors Presentations 04: "Is the Next School Shooter Sitting Before Me?" Lessons Learned Over Two Decades of Psychiatric Threat Assessment
    26755 - Honors Presentations 02: Prevention: The Magic of the Early Years
    26829 - Honors Presentations 01: Honors Presentation Highlights
    270 - Case Studies
    270 - Eating Disorders
    27192 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Developmentally and Culturally Informed Strategies for Treating Traumatic Stress Reactions to COVID-19—Related Deaths
    27207 - Symposium 05: The Importance of Individually Rare But Collectively Common Genetic Disorders for Lifespan Mental Health
    27225 - Symposium 01: Cannabis Use Across the Lifespan: Implications for Prenatal and Adolescent Neurodevelopment
    27227 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Training Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows to Deliver CBT and DBT: Improved Strategies and Competency Metrics
    27236 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: A Lifetime of Lessons Learned: Careers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    27239 - Symposium 34: TikTok Teens: New Research Reveals How Social Media Affects Mental Health
    27244 - Clinical Perspectives 57: How to Implement Measurement-Based Practice (MBP) in Child and Adolescent Inpatient Unit: Benefits and Obstacles
    27246 - Clinical Perspectives 03: The New Normal: Diverse Family Systems and Their Roles in Identity Formation in Adolescents
    27259-01 - Institute 4.1: Adolescent Social Media and Social Comparison: Implications for Clinicians
    27259-02 - Institute 4.2: Social Media as the Contemporary Medium for Exploration of Adolescent “Self” (Identity) and “Other” (Sexuality)
    27259-03 - Institute 4.3: Sex Education or Miseducation? Adolescents and Sexually Explicit Online Materials
    27259-04 - Institute 4.4: Social Media Contagion in Adolescents
    27259-05 - Institute 4.5: Sexting, Cyberbullying, and Risk Assessment
    27259-06 - Institute 4.6: Assessing and Addressing Digital Distraction, Misinformation, and Disarray
    27259-07 - Institute 4.7: Cultivating Healthy Social Media Habits in Adolescents
    27259-08 - Institute 4.8: Psychoeducation: All About TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, and How Psychiatrists Leverage Social Media for Public Health
    27262 - Clinical Perspectives 69: Teens, Screens, and COVID-19: How the Pandemic is Changing Youth's Relationships With Media and Their Psychiatrists
    27270 - Symposium 16: Pharmacogenetics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Clinical Update
    27325 - Clinical Perspectives 70: Being Out and Proud: Therapist Self-Disclosure of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
    27328 - Clinical Perspectives 82: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Developments in Intellectual Developmental Disorder: What's Next?
    27330 - Clinical Perspectives 49: Successfully Navigating the Often Uncharted Seas of the System of Care for Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disorders: Strategies for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    27331 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Moving Beyond Red Light, Green Light: 2022 Update on Pharmacogenetics and Its Emerging Role in Antidepressant Treatment
    27333 - Other Programs 01: Learning From Each Other: Comparing Advocacy From Canada and the United States
    27335 - Symposium 18: Longitudinal Factors Associated With Improvement and Risk in Youths and Young Adults with Bipolar Spectrum Disorders
    27347 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Antiracist Evidence-Based Practices When Caring for Children and Families During the Early Years
    27351 - Clinical Perspectives 76: Humor in the Psychiatric Treatment of Children and Adolescents
    27358 - Clinical Perspectives 73: Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Long-Term Treatment With Stimulants in ADHD
    27363 - Other Programs 02: Cracking the Code: Breathing Life Into AACAP's Code of Ethics
    27365 - Clinical Perspectives 64: Implementing Trauma-Informed Care on Inpatient Psychiatric Units: From Catch Phrase to Culture Change
    27369-01 - Institute 1.1: Advocacy, Policy, and Humanitarian Perspectives
    27369-02 - Institute 1.2: Understanding the Legal Rights and Mental Health Needs of Immigrant Children in US Government Custody and Beyond
    27369-03 - Institute 1.3: Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Unaccompanied Children in the Office of Refugee Resettlement Care
    27369-04 - Institute 1.4: The Social Determinants of Migrant and Refugee Children's Mental Health: Grounding Advocacy and Care
    27369-05 - Institute 1.5: A Review of Two Studies on Immigrant and Refugee Youths' Mental Health in Canada: Implications for Policy and Practice
    27369-06 - Institute 1.6: Treating Migrant and Refugee Children: Understanding Their Past to Advance Their Future
    27369-07 - Institute 1.7: Cultural Considerations and Response to Trauma Exposure for Latina/o Children at the Border
    27369-08 - Institute 1.8: Understanding the Challenges and Resilience of Immigrant Children and Youth
    27387 - Clinical Perspectives 01: An Update on Common Comorbidities in ASD: Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors, and Irritability
    27397 - Clinical Perspectives 80: Mobile and Wearable Artificial Intelligence in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Are We Going to Be Replaced by the Machines?
    27399 - Clinical Perspectives 83: Nonpharmacological Management of Agitation in Child and Adolescent Inpatient Setting
    27409 - Symposium 06: Children's Narratives of Forced Migration: Cultural Factors, Resilience, and Treatment Considerations for Children at the Border
    27414 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Out of Control and Out of Reach: Addressing Delirium in Vulnerable Children
    27431 - Clinical Perspectives 07: Creating Our Own Tables: Innovations in Mental Health Equity
    27441 - Clinical Perspectives 44: Bridging the Cultural Divide: The Creative Use of Digital Media to Engage Adolescents and Their Families Around Mental Health
    27451 - Symposium 15: Treating Children in Foster Care: Trends, Oversight, Quality Improvement, and Future Directions
    27469 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Good Cop, Bad Cop: What Should We Do About Security, Tasers, Mace, and 911?
    27481 - Clinical Perspectives 06: Recognizing and Responding to Psychological Maltreatment: Role of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in Working With the Child Welfare System
    27483-01 - Institute 3.1: Evaluation of Sleep
    27483-02 - Institute 3.2: Sleep Education and Sleep Hygiene
    27483-03 - Institute 3.3: O Gentle Sleep: Treating Insomnia in Younger and Older Children
    27483-04 - Institute 3.4: Pharmacologic Management of Insomnia in Children
    27483-05 - Institute 3.5: Circadian Rhythms Sleep Disorders
    27483-06 - Institute 3.6: Trauma and Sleep
    27485 - Symposium 30: Neurophysiology of ADHD in EEG, Eye Tracking, Pupil Response, Breadth of Perception, and Neurofeedback and Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation (TNS) Effects: New ICAN and Other Data
    27490 - Clinical Perspectives 55: Beyond the Basics: Prescribing Practices and Clinical Challenges in Early Psychosis
    27495 - Symposium 31: Following Pediatric Bipolar Symptoms Through Developmental Transitions: New Findings and Directions
    27499 - Symposium 09: From Prevention to Intervention: Advances in Early Psychosis
    27505 - Symposium 11: Methodological Advances in Adolescent Schizophrenia Treatment Research
    27506 - Clinical Perspectives 66: Cultural Influences on Father-Child Relationships From Around the World
    27511 - Clinical Perspectives 62: Diagnostic, Systems-Level, and Treatment Advances in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
    27519 - Symposium 04: Micronutrients as Treatment and Prevention: New Findings From 2 RCTs (MADDY and NutriMum) for ADHD, Emotional Dysregulation, and Antenatal Depression
    27531 - Clinical Perspectives 17: The Art of Liaison: Modeling Effective Communication and Multidisciplinary Collaboration in the Busy Consult-Liaison Environment
    27532 - Clinical Perspectives 59: Tics and Tic-Like Behaviors: Social Contagion in Pandemic Times
    27534 - Symposium 24: Brain Stimulation Interventions in ASD: Efforts for the Development of a Promising Intervention Approach
    27547 - Symposium 36: Child Welfare and COVID-19: An Examination of Impact and Equity
    27557 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Improving the Conceptualization, Identification, and Diagnosis of Traumatized Children, Youth, and Families
    27561 - Clinical Perspectives 45: Child Welfare Interventions and System Transformation to Improve the Lives of Children and Families Who Experience Trauma
    27562 - Other Programs 03: The Impact of Patient Suicide on Trainees and Psychiatrists: How Do We Respond?
    27565 - Clinical Perspectives 65: Messy and Effective: Digging Into Family-Based Approaches
    27576 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Before It's Too Late: From Novel Assessments to Evidence-Based Interventions for Suicide Prevention
    27586-01 - Institute 6.1: Genetic Concepts You Need to Know
    27586-02 - Institute 6.2: Sparking Research to Understand the Complexities of ASD
    27586-03 - Institute 6.3: Evaluation of Early-Onset Psychosis Should Include Genetic Testing
    27586-04 - Institute 6.4: Rare and Common Variants: Multimodal Evaluations of Pathways to Psychosis
    27586-05 - Institute 6.5: Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Illness as Seen Through the Lens of Genetics: Today and Tomorrow
    27586-06 - Institute 6.6: Genetic Testing in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: US Clinicians’ Practices, Knowledge, and Attitudes
    27586-07 - Institute 6.7: Translating Gene Discovery into Treatments in ASD
    27590 - Clinical Perspectives 74: Building Psychological Resiliency Within Multidisciplinary Teams: Addressing Secondary Traumatic Stress Among High-Risk Child-Serving Professionals and the Role of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Team Member
    27592 - Clinical Perspectives 77: Social Media Contagion: A Parallel Pandemic?
    27594 - Clinical Perspectives 21: To Transition or Not to Transition: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Families With Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth
    27597 - Symposium 29: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts on Child Mental Health, Service Use, and Delivery
    27604 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Transgender Youth: Evolving Gender Identities and "Detransition"
    27609 - Other Programs 04: Resident as Teacher: Fostering a Learning Environment Throughout the Lifespan of a Clinical Rotation
    27662 - Symposium 28: Complex Comorbidity in Bipolar Disorder: Implications for Treatment and Prognosis
    27663 - Symposium 20: Understanding the Mental Health and Psychosocial Challenges of Children and Adolescents Living With HIV: Lessons From AMPATH Kenya
    27665 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Postsecondary Education in People With ADHD and Controls
    27666 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Identification and Assessment of Suicidality in Patients With Neurodevelopmental Disorders and ASD
    27678 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Innovative and Collaborative Ways to Address the Children's Mental Health Crisis: Meeting Patients Where They Are Through Community-Academic Partnerships
    27687-01 - Institute 8.1: ASD and ADHD: Diagnosis and Treatment
    27687-02 - Institute 8.2: Molecular Genetic Diagnostics and ASD: Relevance for Clinical Practice in the Era of Precision Medicine
    27687-03 - Institute 8.3: Anxiety and Mood Disorders in ASD
    27687-04 - Institute 8.4: Assessment and Management of Irritability and Agitation in ASD
    27687-05 - Institute 8.5: Sleep in ASD
    27687-06 - Institute 8.6: Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®)
    27687-07 - Institute 8.7: Hot Topics in the Area of ASD: A Review of the Evidence
    27688 - Symposium 25: Predicting Progression Along a Bipolar Trajectory in At-Risk Offspring
    27690 - Clinical Perspectives 40: Emergency Department Boarding Crisis
    27692 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Tics and Tourette's Disorder: Recent Developments and Clinical Implications
    27702 - Clinical Perspectives 04: Coming Full Circle (Virtually): Parent, Pediatrician, and Child and Adolescent Perspectives in Collaborating to Support Attachment and Early Relationships
    27711 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Talking to Each Other: Opportunities and Challenges of Care Coordination Between Hospitals, Clinics, and Schools
    27730 - Clinical Perspectives 02: "Are the Boys Alright?": Raising Emotionally Intelligent Boys
    27748 - Clinical Perspectives 43: The Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-up of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Subtype: Lack of Interest in Eating or Food
    27751 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Asian American Youth Mental Health and Suicide: Impact of Stigma, Portrayals of Suicide in Popular Anime/Manga, and Social Advocacy Movements During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    27752 - Symposium 26: The Extraordinary Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and Its Long-Term Sequelae: The Role of Inflammation and Epigenetic Events That May Decrease Treatment Effectiveness; And Promising Research on Possible Effective Treat
    27783 - Symposium 23: and Substance Use Disorder: Emerging Concepts
    27815 - Symposium 21: Management of Suicidality in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
    27824 - Symposium 33: Teen Substance Use and the ABCD Study: Recent Data and Its Relevance for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    27829 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Informed Consent Model of Gender-Affirming Health Care for Transgender Youth
    27841 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Immigrant Stories: Popular Film as a Tool for Cultural Humility
    27842 - Symposium 07: Teens at Risk: Connections Between Adolescent Mental Health and Environmental Chemical Exposures
    27846 - Symposium 17: Eveningness and Psychiatric Disorders: From Mechanisms to Clinical Care
    27848 - Other Programs 05: A Data Blitz Featuring Early-Career Investigators
    27912 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Ethical Dimensions of Infant Mental Health
    27916 - Clinical Perspectives 54: Beyond Cultural Competence: Addressing Mental Health Needs in Youth of Color, Immigrant, LGBT, and Refugee Populations in Schools
    27932 - Other Programs 06: Master Class: Early Childhood Consultation
    27946 - Symposium 37: NIDA-Funded Research Updates on the Nature and Management of Prescription Stimulant Medication Misuse Among Youth
    27947 - Clinical Perspectives 18: COVID-19 and Tic Disorders: A Story in Motion
    27950 - Clinical Perspectives 28: The Prevalence, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pediatric Catatonia
    27975 - Other Programs 07: A Tale of Two Countries: Expert Perspectives on Eating Disorder Treatment for Children and Adolescents in the United States and Canada
    27979 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Sexuality in Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorders: Development, Gender, and Vulnerability
    27988 - Clinical Perspectives 78: The Effects of Our Changing Climate on the Health and Mental Health of Indigenous Children and Families Globally: Psychological and Ethical Considerations
    27990-01 - Institute 5.1: Epidemiology and Systems of Care Approaches for Addressing Structural Disparities in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    27990-02 - Institute 5.2: What’s New in ADHD, Substance Use Disorders, and Suicide Prevention?
    27990-03 - Institute 5.3: Review of Papers About Risk to Develop and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder, Recognizing Psychosis, Irritability and Depression, Disparities Treating Suicidality, and Consequences of COVID
    27990-04 - Institute 5.4: Impairing Emotional Outbursts: Diagnosis and Treatment
    27990-05 - Institute 5.5: Updates on Gene-Environment Interactions, Preterm Infants, Obesity, at-Risk Youth, Functional Symptoms, and Anxiety Disorders in Children
    27990-06 - Institute 5.6: Online Trends and Mental Health Implications
    27995 - Other Programs 08: An Antidote to Burnout and the "Great Resignation": Navigating Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Careers With Creativity and Core Values
    27999 - Clinical Perspectives 60: With Liberty and Justice for All: Systems-Involved Youth, Past, Present, and Future
    280 - Questions and Answers 5
    28024 - Clinical Perspectives 75: Building Trust Through Innovative Community Engagement: Lived Experience to Promote Mental Health
    28050 - Symposium 03: Irritability: A Critical Dimension of Psychopathology
    28054 - Symposium 10: Getting Set Up for Meaningful Measurement-Based Care: Outcomes, Instrument Selection, and Implementation
    28055 - Clinical Perspectives 51: Training the Trainers: Supervising the Next Generation of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Supervisors
    28059 - Clinical Perspectives 71: Harnessing Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Expertise Through Behavioral Health Education in Collaborative Care Programs and Pediatrics Residency Training Interventions
    28071 - Clinical Perspectives 67: Internet-Based Interventions for Young Children and Families: Mindfulness, iCARE, I-PCIT, and SPACE
    28074 - Symposium 32: Innovative Trials for Complex Times
    28080 - Symposium 35: Children's Service Use: Correlates and Proposed Solutions to Disparities in Access
    28081 - Symposium 22: Genetics of Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    28090 - Symposium 19: The Renaissance of Psychedelics in Psychiatry: Evidence, Ethics, and Potential in Mental Health Treatment for Adolescents
    28093 - Clinical Perspectives 56: Digital Behavioral Addictions: How Can Clinicians Understand and Manage Screen Use in the Age of Social Media and Video Gaming?
    28100 - Symposium 08: Research Symposium: A Real Treat: Advances in Implementation and Treatment Trial Methodology and Design for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    28102 - Other Programs 09: How Can Educational Institutions Promote Recovery and Resilience After a Student Suicide?
    28112 - Other Programs 10: "We Refuse to Hate": Promoting Harmony Among Religion and Race Through Caring for Children and Adolescents
    28114 - Other Programs 11: Filling the Pipeline: Supporting Child and Adolescent Psychiatry—Oriented Applicants in the Residency Match
    28118 - Other Programs 12: Implementing Integrated Mental Health Care in the Pediatric Subspecialty Setting: Where We Are Going and How We Can Get There
    28151 - Other Programs 13: Show Me the Money: Getting Private and State Funders to Invest in Your Innovative Work, Research, and Clinical Services That Address Disparities in Family Mental Health
    28157 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Suicidality in Black Children and Adolescents: A Second Look
    28159 - Symposium 13: Don't Worry, the Genetics of OCD Is Finally Catching Up
    28174 - Symposium 14: Improving Collaborative Care for Individuals with ASD, Intellectual Disability, and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders Within a Psychiatric Medical Home
    28177 - Symposium 02: Diagnosis and Classification of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology in the ICD-11: New Developments and New Data
    28186 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Partial Hospitalization for Youth With ASD and Other Developmental Disorders
    28192 - Clinical Perspectives 61: Development and Implementation of Acute Care Psychiatric Services Within Outpatient Mental Health Settings
    28193 - Other Programs 14: What the First People Boarding Schools Experience Can Teach Us About Grief, Stigma, Resilience...and Ourselves
    28202 - Clinical Perspectives 68: Maintaining Personal Wellness: A Review of the Problem and Practical Solutions
    28204 - Clinical Perspectives 14: A Multidimensional Approach to Managing Mood and Behavior in ASD
    28207 - Clinical Perspectives 58: Next Frontiers: Integration of Perinatal and Childhood Consultation Models to Address Mental Health Inequities
    28222 - Clinical Perspectives 37: An International Perspective on Care of Minoritized Children, Youth, and Families
    28239 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Rural Perspectives on Cannabis Use in Teens and Emerging Adults: Guidance for Clinicians, Administrators, Academia
    28247 - Other Programs 15: Our Culture Toward Self-Compassion and Vulnerability
    28249-01 - Institute 2.1: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD: Focus on Pragmatic Interventions
    28249-02 - Institute 2.2: Pharmacology of Conduct Disorders
    28249-03 - Institute 2.3: Treatment of Sleep Disorders
    28249-04 - Institute 2.4: Use of Psychopharmacology and Neurotherapeutics in Treatment-Resistant Adolescent Depression
    28249-05 - Institute 2.5: The Presentation and Treatment of Pediatric Catatonia
    28249-06 - Institute 2.6: Clinical Interventions for Adolescent Vaping of Nicotine and Cannabis
    28255 - Clinical Perspectives 35: Pediatric Mental Health Boarding Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Programs
    28263 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Clinical Aspects of Climate Change and Youth Mental Health: Therapeutic and Educational Approaches
    28267 - Symposium 12: Simon Wile Symposium: Pivoting in the Pandemic for Pediatric Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Services
    28276 - Clinical Perspectives 52: (TSD)2: Therapist Self-Disclosure Through Stages (of) Development
    28278 - Clinical Perspectives 20: Sticks, Stones, and Words Do Hurt: It Takes a Village to Respond to Bullying
    28280 - Clinical Perspectives 79: All in the Family: Improving Youth Mental Health Through Novel Models of Family-Centered Care
    28281 - Clinical Perspectives 10: The Pediatric-Child Psychiatry Alliance: Implementing a Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention
    28285 - Clinical Perspectives 53: An Epidemic Within a Pandemic: Cyberbullying in Children and Adolescents
    28286 - Clinical Perspectives 50: From the Family Dinner Table to Mental Health Court: Eating Disorder Interventions Across a Developmental Lifespan
    28288 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Early Childhood Mental Health Is Family Mental Health: Working With High-Risk Populations in Nontraditional Settings
    28294 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Long—COVID-19: Characteristics, Controversies, and Psychiatric Considerations
    28304 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Genetic Disorders in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: What Does the Clinician Need to Know?
    28314 - Clinical Perspectives 63: Functional Neurological Disorders: The Pivotal Role of Trainee and Interdisciplinary Education
    28328 - Symposium 27: Genomics to Therapeutics for ASD: Promise and Challenges
    28348 - Other Programs 16: 2022 James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Clinical and Translational Implications of a New Wave of Discovery in Neuropsychiatric Genetics
    28363-01 - Institute 7.1: Developmental Language Disorders: Implications for Clinical Practice
    28363-02 - Institute 7.2: Co-occurring Language Impairment in ASD as Prototype for Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Implications for Assessment and Practice
    28363-03 - Institute 7.3: Self-Report of Deficits in Receptive, Expressive, and Pragmatic Social Language by Youth Ages 11 to 18 Years
    28363-04 - Institute 7.4: Neurobiology of Communication Disorders: The State of the Science and New Insights from Social EEG
    28363-05 - Institute 7.5: The Relationship Between Communication Disorders, Learning Disorders, and Educational Rights Based on Federal Legislation
    28363-06 - Institute 7.6: Considerations and Directions to Support Children with Co-occurring Language and Emotional and Behavior Disorders
    28375 - Clinical Perspectives 72: The Yin and Yang of a Bicultural Identity: Exploring Eating Disorders in Asian American Youths
    28388 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Mental Health and Deaf Youth: Complexities, Challenges, and Solutions
    28396 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Addressing the Child Mental Health Crisis: Innovative Ways to Extend Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Expertise Through Hands-on Education of Pediatricians
    28407 - Clinical Perspectives 81: Sex Hormones and Psychiatry
    28438 - General Sessions 05: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Advocating for Child and Youth Mental Health: The Canadian Perspective From the Federal Side
    28439 - General Sessions 01: AACAP/CACAP Presidential Interview: A Call to Action: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Children and Youth
    28440 - General Sessions 02: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: The Road to Leadership: A Long Journey
    29016 - Honors Presentations 05: Helping Parents Spare the Rod: Addressing Their Unbearable Emotions
    29041 - Honors Presentations 03: My Burmese Days
    29042 - Honors Presentations 04: Everything's Not Fine: Innovative Community-Centered, Social Justice Response to Our Ongoing Child Mental Health Syndemic
    29122 - Honors Presentations 02: Developing an International School Mental Health Program for the WHO: Lessons Learnt
    29178 - Honors Presentations 01: Honors Presentation Highlights
    29594 - Symposium 51: Sleep and Mental Health From Infancy to Adolescents: Implications for Intervention
    29596 - Symposium 10: International Symposium: Innovating Across International Borders: Education and Training Initiatives in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    29605 - Clinical Perspectives 60: Children Traumatized by Inter- and Intra-National Violence: Ethical and Clinical Perspectives
    29611 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Evidence-Based Approaches to Managing Adverse Effects of Psychotropics in Children
    29630 - Clinical Perspectives 70: BIPOC LGBTQ Media Matters: Tools for Facilitating Discussions of Intersectionality and Mental Health
    29634-01 - Institute 7.1: Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Navigating Diagnosis and Assessments for Better Outcomes
    29634-02 - Institute 7.2: From Genes to Diagnosis: A Patient-Centered Approach to Medical Genetic Testing
    29634-03 - Institute 7.3: Transcending Disability: A Sociocultural Approach to the Management of Intellectual Developmental Disorder
    29634-04 - Institute 7.4: Diagnosing Psychiatric Disorders in Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorder: An Update on Clinical and Diagnostic Tools
    29634-05 - Institute 7.5: Modifications to Psychotherapy for Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorder
    29634-06 - Institute 7.6: Strategies for Choosing Psychotropic Medications in Treating Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorder
    29638 - Symposium 28: Integrating Trauma-Focused CBT and Racial Socialization for Traumatized Black Youth
    29652 - Symposium 55: Beyond the Sum of Its Parts: The Intersectionality of Chinese/Chinese American Sexual- and Gender-Minority Transitional-Aged Youth and Young Adults
    29658 - Clinical Perspectives 77: Approaches to Working With Families Around Youth Problematic Media Use
    29662 - Symposium 35: Amplifying and Diversifying Collaborative Care Implementation Through Demonstration of Meaningful Outcomes
    29679 - Symposium 36: Children With Irritability and Dysregulation: Multiple Targets and Psychotherapeutic Modalities for Intervention
    29688 - Clinical Perspectives 80: Is It Safe to Share? Stigmatized Topics in Training and Supervision
    29701 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Developing Consensus: A Look at the Up-to-Date Research, Guidelines, and Principles for the Integration of Pharmacogenetics (PGx) in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Care
    29707 - Clinical Perspectives 57: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: The Many Faces of Leadership in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    29712 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Evidence-Based Therapies for Young Children: How to Address Anxiety, Selective Mutism, Trauma, and Disruptive Behaviors
    29713 - Clinical Perspectives 4: When Young Children Need Psychotropic Medications: How to Address ADHD, Anxiety, and Disruptive Behaviors
    29722 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Celebrating Father Involvement in Diverse Cultures
    29723 - Clinical Perspectives 75: Beyond the Basics: Prescribing Practices and Clinical Challenges in Early Psychosis
    29725-01 - Institute 2.1: The Children's Advocacy Center Response to Crisis: Addressing Traumatic Stress and Suicidality Among Maltreated Youth
    29725-02 - Institute 2.2: Sharing Lived Experience: A Parent and a Young Adult Discuss Accessing Services
    29725-03 - Institute 2.3: Why Has the United States Adolescent Suicide Rate Been Increasing Since 2007?
    29725-04 - Institute 2.4: Transforming Systems to Meet the Needs of Youth and Families: The NJ Story
    29725-05 - Institute 2.5: Selected Innovations in Response to the Crisis Within Kentucky's System of Care
    29725-06 - Institute 2.6: The Child Welfare System's Response to the National Mental Health Crisis
    29725-07 - Institute 2.7: Inpatient and Residential Facilities: Building Better Connections With Family and Community
    29725-08 - Institute 2.8: The Youth Mental Health Crisis and a Systems of Care Approach: The Emerging Roles of Child Psychiatrists To Transform American Education
    29725-09 - Institute 2.9: Wraparound Is an Effective Strategy for Youth With Complex Needs. How Do We Take It to Scale?
    29725-10 - Institute 2.10: Crisis in Child and Youth Behavioral Health: What Are the Issues and What Is Our Federal Response?
    29725-11 - Institute 2.11: Multisystemic Therapy: An Intensive Community-Based Treatment and Real Option
    29746 - Clinical Perspectives 81: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders in Youth: Diagnostic Acceptance, Reduced Overmedicalization, and Capture of Medical Comorbidity, Through Enhanced Communication and Restructured Care
    29842 - Clinical Perspectives 20: A Potential Alternative to Inpatient or Residential Treatment: Multisystemic Therapy-Psychiatry
    29852 - Clinical Perspectives 5: Beyond Being a Good Enough Mother: The Role of Extended Maternal Figures in Clinical Practice Through a Cultural-Sensitive Lens
    29854-01 - Institute 1.1: Getting Started, Part I: Key Concepts and Clinical Pearls for Patient Care
    29854-02 - Institute 1.2: Getting Started, Part II: Gender-Affirming Interviews and Patient Perspectives
    29854-03 - Institute 1.3: Intersectional and Cultural Considerations When Working With Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth of Color
    29854-04 - Institute 1.4: Gender Dysphoria and Co-occurring Disorders: Complex Diagnostics and Treatment Planning
    29854-05 - Institute 1.5: Gender Diversity and Suicidality
    29854-06 - Institute 1.6: Mental Health and Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth After 2 Years of Hormones
    29854-07 - Institute 1.7: Younger vs. Older Adolescents Presenting for Transgender Care: Gender-Related and Mental Health Characteristics
    29854-08 - Institute 1.8: Separating Fact From Fiction: Using Scientific Evidence to Confront Bias and Misinformation About Gender-Affirming Care
    29854-09 - Institute 1.9: Adapting and Implementing Evidence-Based Psychotherapeutic Strategies With Families of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth
    29872 - Symposium 33: New Advances in Arts-Based Interventions to Support Mental Health and Well-Being in Adolescents
    29903 - Symposium 8: Irritability and Trauma: Understanding the Transdiagnostic Psychopathologic Implications of Traumatic Exposures
    29905 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Intergenerational Gaps in Adolescent Subcultures
    29918 - Symposium 26: Calculators and Compositions: Educational Supports and Services by a Hospital-Based School Program Across Outpatient and Inpatient Care
    29930 - Clinical Perspectives 66: Addressing Challenges in Caring for Gender-Diverse Youth in Rural Areas
    29964 - Clinical Perspectives 79: Family Friendly: Family Interventions Across Acute Care Systems
    29966 - Symposium 13: ADHD Characteristics, Differences, EEG Correlates, and Predictors of Response to Neurofeedback and Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation
    29975 - Clinical Perspectives 59: Challenges in Understanding and Supporting Gender Identity in Youth With ASD and/or Intellectual Developmental Disorder
    30004-02 - Institute 6.2: The Challenges and Opportunities of Big Data for Individual-Level Prediction: Illustration From the ABCD Study
    30004-03 - Institute 6.3: Individualized Prediction Models for Psychosis and Related Outcomes in Youth at Clinical High-Risk
    30004-04 - Institute 6.4: From Genes to Brain to Behavior in Early Childhood Development
    30004-05 - Institute 6.5: Bipolar Polygenic Risk and Person-Level Prediction
    30004-06 - Institute 6.6: Using New Technologies to Improve Individual-Level Prediction of Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior
    30007 - Clinical Perspectives 49: Coming of Age in 2023: Transitional-Age Youth With Anxiety and Depression Facing Lost Opportunities
    30008 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Diagnosis and Management of Comorbidities in ASD
    30025 - Clinical Perspectives 35: An Inclusive and Equitable Approach in ADHD Care
    30040 - Symposium 18: Trauma, Psychosis, and Systems-Involved Youth: Opportunities for Early Intervention
    30041 - General Sessions 2: Research Symposium: Psychedelics as Therapeutics: Research Advances and Implications for Practice
    30042-01 - Institute 9.1: Integrating Data-Driven and Pragmatic Approaches to Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder in Youth
    30042-03 - Institute 9.3: Bipolar Disorder Runs in Families: The Impact of Family History and Psychosocial Aspects
    30042-04 - Institute 9.4: Using Neuroimaging to Characterize Illness Onset and Course in Youth With and At Risk for Bipolar Disorder
    30042-05 - Institute 9.5: Stabilizing Youth Through Mania, Depression, and Everything in Between
    30042-06 - Institute 9.6: Diagnostic Stability for Bipolar Disorder With Psychosis in Youth
    30043 - Clinical Perspectives 53: Optimizing Higher Levels of Care for Individuals With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Bridging the Gap With Novel Clinical Programs
    30051 - Clinical Perspectives 11: Improving Community-Based Mental Health Services for LGBTQ Youth
    30056-01 - Institute 3.1: Psychopharmacology of ASD: A Review of the Evidence
    30056-02 - Institute 3.2: Pipeline Medications for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Psychotic Disorders
    30056-03 - Institute 3.3: Psychopharmacology for Pediatric Psychosis
    30056-04 - Institute 3.4: Frontiers in Pharmacology for Youth Depression
    30056-05 - Institute 3.5: Emerging Neurotherapeutics for the Treatment of Depression in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    30056-06 - Institute 3.6: Pharmacologic Management of Impulsive Aggression
    30059 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Repetitive Thoughts and Behaviors in ASD: Assessment and Treatment
    30081 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Why Is My Patient on 18 Different Medications? When to Question a Diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Clinical Approaches to Management
    30087 - Clinical Perspectives 71: Psychosis, Not Schizophrenia: Advanced Approaches to Differential Diagnoses and Treatment Considerations in Youth With Psychotic-Like Symptoms
    30089 - Clinical Perspectives 67: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists as Catalysts of Equity in Schools and Communities
    30106 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Opening a Dialogue on Psychopharmacologic Standards of Care for Youth
    30109 - Clinical Perspectives 44: How Can We Help? Successful Partnerships With Primary Care Using a Collaborative Multiagency Systems Approach: The Virginia Mental Health Access Program
    30110 - Symposium 11: ADHD and Health Problems Throughout the Lifespan
    30123 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Cannabis and Psychosis: What's Changed? What Do We Know? Where Are We Going?
    30128 - Symposium 43: How Do Youth Mental Health Interventions Change the Brain? Capturing the Malleability of Brain Development to Strengthen Brain Circuits in Young People
    30131 - Symposium 15: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Initiation, Progression, and Recovery From Substance Use Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults
    30135 - General Sessions 1: Presidential Interview: CAPture Belonging: Our Global Partners in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
    30136 - General Sessions 3: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Personal Reflections of a Wandering Pediatrician in Search of the Early Foundations of Healthy Development
    30137 - General Sessions 4: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Bringing the Village to Our Children: Child Psychiatry's Role in the Transformation of Children's Mental Health
    30139 - General Sessions 6: Town Meeting: Transforming Care for America's Children: Systemic Partnerships for Children's Mental Health
    30140 - General Sessions 7: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: The 15 White Coats Legacy: We Ain't Following The Rules
    30155 - Symposium 44: PANS: Research and Treatment Updates
    30172 - Symposium 54: How Online Experiences Impact Adolescent Mental Illness and What To Do About It
    30176 - Symposium 2: Beyond Our Own Backyard: The Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents
    30178-01 - Institute 8.1: Overview of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    30178-02 - Institute 8.2: Cognitive-Behavioral and Behavioral Interventions for Youth Anxiety Disorders
    30178-03 - Institute 8.3: Brain-Based Treatment for Childhood Anxiety Disorders and OCD: Can Cognitive Control Help Kids Grow Out of Illness?
    30178-04 - Institute 8.4: Navigating the Complexities of Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Closer Look at Response and Tolerability Differences
    30178-05 - Institute 8.5: Pharmacogenomics of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    30178-06 - Institute 8.6: Fears, Tears, and Tics: Impact and Interactions
    30178-07 - Institute 8.7: Measurement-Based Care of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    30185 - Clinical Perspectives 58: Media and Sexual Development in 2023 Among Sexually Diverse Youth
    30198 - Clinical Perspectives 3: Racism as Trauma: The Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on Black Youth
    30200 - Symposium 47: What Does Informant Disagreement Tell Us About Irritability?
    30212 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Empowering Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists: A Guide to Resources, Tools, and Strategies to Educate Learners Caring for Individuals With ASD and Intellectual and Developmental Disorders
    30220 - Clinical Perspectives 9: ADHD: Understanding and Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Diagnosis and Treatment
    30249 - Symposium 12: From Bench to Clinic to Public Policy: Recent Translational Research on the Psychobiological Mechanisms Underlying Intergenerational Transmission of Maltreatment and Associated Psychopathology During Early Sensitive Periods
    30253 - Clinical Perspectives 34: The Marvel-ous Life of Kamala Khan: Survivor of Historical and Intergenerational Trauma
    30261 - Clinical Perspectives 7: Shame, Blame, and Fame: The Impact of Substance Use Stigma on Patients, Parents, Providers, and the Public and What to Do About It
    30269 - Clinical Perspectives 27: The Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-up of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Subtype: Lack of Interest in Eating or Food
    30274 - Clinical Perspectives 17: The Privilege Paradox of Being a Boy
    30276 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Healing Postpandemic Children's and Family Mental Health: Novel Initiative Convergence of Clinical CHATogether Intervention With Community Art Bridge
    30277 - Clinical Perspectives 83: Navigating the Path to Success: A Guide to School Support and the Transition to College for Adolescents and Transitional-Age Youth With Early Psychosis
    30281 - Symposium 22: Digital Therapeutics in ADHD: Evidence, Research Standards, and Social Context
    30284 - Symposium 29: Spheres of Violence and Trauma Inside and Outside the Home: Prevention and Intervention in Child Maltreatment, Intimate Partner Violence, and School Violence
    30286 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Kids in the Courtroom: How Young Is Too Young? Perspectives on the Minimum Age for Juvenile Court Jurisdiction in the United States
    30289 - Clinical Perspectives 76: Young Children-Parent Clinic Models Across the Country: Data From Three Clinics With Different Treatment Models
    30290 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Detransition, Retransition, or Ongoing Gender Affirmation? Gender as a Journey
    30295 - Clinical Perspectives 12: The Changing Landscape of ADHD: Newer Medications, Neurostimulation, Digital Therapeutic, and International Consensus Statement
    30303 - Clinical Perspectives 1: Cross-Cultural Community-Based Interventions: Capturing Belonging and Building Resilience Between Race, Culture, and Mental Health
    30309 - Clinical Perspectives 2: Diagnosis, Disparities, and Missing Narratives of Complex Trauma in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Taking a Closer Look at What It Means to Be Trauma-Informed
    30321 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Emerging Needs in Pediatric Consultation-Liaison (CL) Psychiatry: Substance Use Disorder and Gender Dysphoria
    30322 - Symposium 30: Why Labeling, Assessing, and Treating Outbursts Should Be Part of Trauma-Informed Care
    30345 - Symposium 56: Cognition, Brain Development, and Sleep in Neurotypical and Neurodiverse Youth
    30369 - Symposium 19: Brain and Behavior in Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents
    30378 - Symposium 27: Pediatric Catatonia: Recent Updates, Trends, and Treatment Strategies
    30381 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Sleep Update: Behavioral and Pharmacological Treatments of Sleep Problems in Patients With Psychiatric Disorders
    30399 - Symposium 52: Exploring Polygenic Variation in Youth Mental Health: Setting the Stage for Clinical Risk Prediction
    30416 - Symposium 46: Suicide and Self-Harm Contagion in Traditional and New Media
    30420 - Symposium 25: Pediatric Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors: A Research Update on Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Strategies
    30428 - Symposium 40: Metformin for overweight and OBese chILdren with bIpolar spectrum disorders Treated with second-generation antipsYchotics (MOBILITY): Initial Findings and Lessons Learned From a Large Pragmatic Tr
    30434 - Clinical Perspectives 15: Effective Strategies for Working With Drug-Using Adolescents Who Are Unmotivated to Quit or Treatment Resistant
    30440 - Clinical Perspectives 45: "Lived Experiences" in the Emergency Department: Challenges in Providing Emergency Care to Youth Affected by Commercial Sexual Exploitation
    30443-01 - Institute 4.1: Looking Back and Moving Forward on Threat Assessment and Management in Schools: Research Evidence, Implementation Barriers, and Next Steps
    30443-02 - Institute 4.2: Dilemmas, Decisions, and Due Diligence in High-Risk School Threat Assessments
    30443-03 - Institute 4.3: Behavioral Threat Assessment as a Community-Level Intervention: Case Study #1
    30443-04 - Institute 4.4: The Standards of Care and Practice in Threat Assessment and Management
    30443-05 - Institute 4.5: Assessing Threat in the Clinical Setting: How to Avoid Common Pitfalls
    30443-07 - Institute 4.7: Behavioral Threat Assessment in the Digital Age: Case Study #2
    30446 - Clinical Perspectives 64: Logistics Involved in a Pediatric ECT Service
    30448 - Symposium 31: Novel Applications of Technology for Ecologically Valid Assessment of Sleep and Circadian Function in Youth With Mental Health Disorders
    30449 - Clinical Perspectives 74: The Use of ECT in Children and Adolescents
    30483 - Clinical Perspectives 78: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists in Schools: Practical Issues Related to Communication and Learning Deficits
    30491 - Symposium 6: Someday Is Now: Urgently Needed Emerging Treatments for Anorexia Nervosa
    30492 - Clinical Perspectives 86: Substance Use Prevention in Children and Adolescents: Evidence and Recommendations
    30493-01 - Institute 5.1: What's New in ADHD, Psychosis, Institute 5.2: Mood, and Nicotine Use Disorders?
    30493-03 - Institute 5.3: Examining the Barriers and Benefits to Gender-Affirmative Care in Transgender and Gender-Diverse Adolescents
    30493-04 - Institute 5.4: Social Media and Psychopathology, Chronic Pain and Somatization, Racial Bias, and Depression Guidelines
    30493-05 - Institute 5.5: Do You Really See Us? Holistic Approaches and the Ethics of Inclusive Practice With Children, Adolescents, and Families
    30493-06 - Institute 5.6: Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors in Minoritized Youth
    30493-07 - Institute 5.7: Equitable and Culturally Informed Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Practice Recommendations From the Experts
    30493-08 - Institute 5.8: AACAP's Recertification Efforts
    30494 - Clinical Perspectives 65: Overlap Between Behavioral Addictions and Substance Use and Potential Interventions in Pediatric Populations
    30523 - Clinical Perspectives 6: Building Bridges: Collaborative Curriculum Development in Pediatric Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
    30531 - Symposium 23: International Efforts to Study Trajectories of Psychosis Spectrum Symptoms and Their Impact on Child and Youth Mental Health
    30541 - Clinical Perspectives 22: The Many Faces of Pediatric Psychiatric Emergencies: Differential and Management
    30545 - Symposium 34: Updates From the Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD (MTA): Stimulant Treatment and Substance Use (SU), Driving Infractions and Crashes, and Social Skills
    30559 - Clinical Perspectives 72: Fentanyl and the Opioid Epidemic: Practical Guidance for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinicians
    30569 - Symposium 32: Leveraging Video Clips and Social Media: Enhancing Education, Reducing Stigma, and Fostering Behavior Change in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    30575 - Symposium 24: Needles in Haystacks: Mining Real-World Clinical Data to Find Children With Psychiatric Diagnoses and Neurodevelopmental Conditions
    30584 - Symposium 1: The Relationship Between Anxiety and Eating Pathology: Novel Insights From Genetics, Childhood Temperamental Traits, Neuroimaging, and Treatments
    30587 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Pediatric Medicine Updates for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist: Autonomic Dysfunction, Chronic Pain and Headaches, Concussion, and Epilepsy
    30591 - Symposium 14: Assessing Psychotic-Spectrum Experiences in Children, Adolescents, and Transitional-Aged Youth: Key Concepts and Novel Data
    30595 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Using Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports to Reduce Acuity and Enhance Skill Acquisition in School, Residential, Juvenile Justice, and ASD Settings
    30597 - Clinical Perspectives 43: Addressing the Complexity of Functional Neurological Disorders Through Multidisciplinary Training
    30600 - Symposium 53: From Traits to Catatonia in ASD: Accounting for Heterogeneity in Search of Treatments and Biomarkers for ASD
    30607 - Clinical Perspectives 63: From There to Here, From Here to There, Psychodynamics Are Everywhere!
    30619 - Clinical Perspectives 69: What You Can Do About Climate Change: An Interactive, Case-Based Session to Provide Psychiatrists Toolkits to Address Their Clinical, Organizational, and Advocacy Roles in the Climate Crisis
    30630 - Symposium 41: Optimizing and Personalizing ADHD Treatment: What We Have Learned and Where Do We Need to Go
    30632 - Symposium 38: Implications From a 20-Year Study of Romanian Orphans
    30640 - Symposium 9: Community Leading the Research: Partnering in Science for Youth Mental Health Equity
    30641 - Symposium 37: Family Intervention in the Early Phases of Mood, Anxiety, and Gender Dysphoric Disorders
    30646 - Clinical Perspectives 84: Cool, Calm, and Collected: Evidence-Based Strategies to Address Pediatric Aggression
    30652 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Helping Students Transition Back to School: Addressing School Avoidance and Absenteeism Through Collaboration
    30675 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Mental Health Impact of Mass Violence and Terrorism on Children and Adolescents: Insights From the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, and France
    30678 - Symposium 39: Neurobiological and Environmental Risk Factors for ADHD in Infants and Young Children
    30680 - Clinical Perspectives 56: Implementing, Sustaining, and Developing a Workforce: Pediatric Collaborative Care
    30684 - Clinical Perspectives 50: Suicidal Behaviors in Children and Adolescents: Synthesis of Issues and Solutions From Global Perspectives
    30686 - Symposium 50: Policy and Family Mental Health in Post-Roe America
    30690 - Symposium 3: Religiosity, Spirituality, and Substance Use Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Transitional-Aged Youth
    30699 - Clinical Perspectives 51: Novel Treatments on the Horizon: A Glimpse Into the Newer Pharmacological Treatments Under Investigation for the Treatment of Schizophrenia in Pediatric Patients
    30718 - Clinical Perspectives 54: Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: Acute and Inpatient Diagnosis and Management
    30720 - Clinical Perspectives 82: Family-Based Assessment and Treatment
    30728 - Clinical Perspectives 61: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas Worth Sharing
    30776 - Symposium 4: Addressing Severely Impairing Comorbidity in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    30781 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Therapeutic Use of Video Games: Positive Aspects of Gaming In and Out of the Office
    30811 - Clinical Perspectives 8: Statewide Initiatives to Address Youth Suicide Prevention
    30822 - Symposium 21: Suicide Screening and Disclosure: Current Update on Predictive Validity
    30823 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Assessment and Management of Functional Somatic Symptoms Across the Continuum of Care
    30824 - Symposium 20: Social Cognition: Novel Methods of Assessment and Biomarker-Driven Pharmacological Treatment
    30830 - Clinical Perspectives 85: Healthcare Systems as Facilitators of Universal Behavioral Health Prevention in Schools
    30838 - Clinical Perspectives 13: The Web of Connectivity: Challenging Silos of Care Within and Across Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Schools, and Adolescent Medicine
    30839 - Clinical Perspectives 14: An Unexpected Journey: Guiding Families of Children With ASD Postdiagnosis
    30845 - Symposium 48: Advancing Understanding of Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders Through Novel Assessments
    30848 - Clinical Perspectives 62: Comprehensive Treatment Planning for Children and Youth With ASD and Challenging Behaviors: The "Golden Ticket" to Better Outcomes
    30851 - Symposium 7: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children Hospitalized With Mental Illness: Depression, Anxiety, Family Functioning, Virtual School, and Impacts on Disadvantaged Populations
    30877 - Clinical Perspectives 55: Evolving Topics in Tourette's Disorder
    30893 - Symposium 42: Utilizing the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Framework to Advance Understanding of Social Deficits Across Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    30911 - Symposium 16: Intergenerational Psychiatry: Maternal Experiences and Infant Neurodevelopment in Contexts of High Adversity
    30913 - Clinical Perspectives 68: Power Trip-Ups: How Power Dynamics and Provider Bias Can Undermine Alliance and Outcomes in Teen Mental Health Treatment
    30922 - General Sessions 5: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Science, Art, and Community of Neurodevelopment Through the Lens of Fragile X
    30928 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Clinical Care for Suicidal Youth After Crisis: Beyond Inpatient Hospitalization
    30946 - Clinical Perspectives 52: Calling All Caregivers: Methods for Increasing Caregiver Involvement in Youth Mental Health Treatment
    30948 - Symposium 17: The Rare Variants Framework: Insights Into Neuropsychiatric Phenotypes Provided by Studies of Rare Genetic Variants
    30968 - Clinical Perspectives 40: Serving d/Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) Children, Adolescents, and Their Families: Perspectives on Current Issues and Providing Accessible and Culturally Competent Mental Health Services
    30975 - Symposium 45: Simon Wile Symposium ECHOs of Inspiration: Collaborative and Integrated Care Innovations for Historically Marginalized Pediatric Populations
    31014 - Clinical Perspectives 73: Implementing Selective and Indicated Prevention to Improve Population Behavioral Health: Barriers and Strategies
    31334 - Institute 4.6: Influencers, "Incels," Identity, and the Internet: What Schools and Parents Need to Know About Online Extremism When It Comes to Threat Assessments
    31364 - Institute 5.2: Psychiatric, Medical, and Quality-of-Life Updates on ASD & Asian Mental Health
    31434 - Institute 6.1: Digital Phenotyping — A Novel Approach to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment for Youth
    31744 - Institute 7.7: Supporting Youth With Intellectual Developmental Disorder Through the Challenges of Transition
    32089-1 - Institute 1.1: Addressing Sexual Trauma in Girls Across Systems of Care
    32089-2 - Institute 1.2: Addressing Eating Disorders in Girls Across Systems of Care
    32089-3 - Institute 1.3: The Double-Edged Sword: Impacts of Social Media on Adolescent Girls
    32089-4 - Institute 1.4: Black and Latinx Girls in the Juvenile Legal System: Ecodevelopmental Trajectories to Suicide Attempts
    32089-5 - Institute 1.5: Transforming Systems of Care for Girls: An Interactive Panel
    32089-6 - Institute 1.6: Youth and Family Voice and the Experience of Girls
    32089-7 - Institute 1.7: Breaking Down Barriers to Healthcare Needs of Commercial Sexually Exploited Adolescent Girls
    32133 - Symposium 30: Early Identification of Risk for ADHD From Pregnancy to Preschool: Findings From the Early ADHD Consortium
    32143 - Symposium 14: Advances in Precision Neuromodulation for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    32146 - Clinical Perspectives 10: "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child": Systems-Based Approach to Work With Family, School, and Community for Children Across Lifespans
    32153 - Clinical Perspectives 35: Healthy Sexuality in Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Practical Pearls for Clinical Practice
    32177 - Clinical Perspectives 62: Families With Guns: Strategies for Firearm Safety, Suicide Prevention, and Coping With the Aftermath of a Gun Suicide
    32194 - Clinical Perspectives 83: Supporting Justice-Involved Youth From Diverse Backgrounds Within the Community and Child-Serving Systems
    32209 - Symposium 38: New Research on Treating Traumatized Children
    32211 - Clinical Perspectives 86: Paging Doctor TikTok: Social Media Psychoeducation, Misinformation, and Contagion
    32224 - Clinical Perspectives 75: A Short Good Life: Reflections on Self-Care and Growth Through Bereavement
    32229 - Clinical Perspectives 54: Examining the Evolving Father-Daughter Relationship Across Cultures
    32276 - Clinical Perspectives 85: Moving the Needle: Opportunities for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists to Lead Systemic Change
    32284 - Symposium 19: Acute and Long-term Safety of Antipsychotics and Antidepressants: An Update
    32285 - Clinical Perspectives 40: Sleepless in Seattle — Getting Our Kids to Bed
    32290 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Children and War: Exposures, Outcomes, and Interventions
    32294 - Clinical Perspectives 11: It's Time for Autism to REALLY Speak: Neurodivergent Clinicians Deepen Our Understanding of How to Connect With Autistic Youth
    32301 - Clinical Perspectives 78: Very Young and Severely Underweight: International Perspectives on Treatment for Prepubertal Youth With Anorexia Nervosa
    32304 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Navigating Consensus: Exploring Current Research and Principles for Integrating Pharmacogenetics in Pediatric Psychopharmacology
    32309 - Clinical Perspectives 56: Neurogenetic Syndromes: A Comparison of Four Syndromes to Idiopathic ASD
    32329 - Clinical Perspectives 51: The Sooner, the Better: Why Diagnosing Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder Is Evidence-Based and Effective
    32337 - Symposium 25: Characterizing the Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on the Parent-Child Relationship and Developing Effective Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Country Settings
    32347 - Clinical Perspectives 36: Social Media and Substance Use: How Social Media Shapes and Fuels Adolescent Substance Use and How We Can Respond
    32349 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Social Media and Adolescent Sexual Development
    32372 - Symposium 07: CAPQual: Incorporating Youth Voices and Reclaiming the Humanities Through Qualitative Research
    32373 - Symposium 03: Mental Health Informatics and Data Science (MINDS) to Improve the Precision, Quality, and Equity of Suicide Prevention Strategies
    32386 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Untangling a Ball of Yarn: Working With the Impact of Early Attachment and Parent-Child Relationships in Families Experiencing Child Welfare
    32401 - Symposium 20: Sleep and Other Lifestyle Effects in RCTs for ADHD: New Neurofeedback and Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation Analyses
    32406 - Clinical Perspectives 88: Essential Insights: Assessment and Psychopharmacology Basics for Supporting Youth With Intellectual and Developmental Disorders
    32407-1 - Institute 8.1: Considering the Contexts of Treatment Planning in Preschoolers
    32407-2 - Institute 8.2: The Evaluation and Treatment of Traumatized Young Children and Caregivers: Paths to Resilience
    32407-3 - Institute 8.3: Big Fears in Little Kids: Evidence-Based Assessment and Treatments for Preschool Anxiety Disorders
    32407-4 - Institute 8.4: Treatment of ADHD in Young Children
    32407-5 - Institute 8.5: Treatment of ASD in Young Children
    32407-6 - Institute 8.6: Update on Disruptive Behavior, Mood/Anger, and Aggression in Preschoolers
    32407-7 - Institute 8.7: Evidence-Based Behavioral Interventions With Preschoolers
    32416 - Clinical Perspectives 39: Parasocial Relationships in Adolescents
    32423 - Clinical Perspectives 77: Screening With Meaning: Evidence-Based Practices Across Settings for Equity, Engagement, and Innovation
    32428 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Heeding the Psychological Trauma of Climate Change: Multiple Perspectives From Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Across America
    32431 - Clinical Perspectives 93: Navigating the Pediatric Mental Health Boarding Crisis: From Consensus to Care
    32453 - Symposium 02: Screen Media Behavior Patterns Impact Psychiatric Outcomes and Inform Innovative Interventions
    32456 - Symposium 05: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Catatonia: New Insights From a Large Multi-Site Cohort
    32474 - Clinical Perspectives 63: The Rise of Eating Disorders in Hispanic Communities
    32477 - Symposium 35: Mission Not Impossible: Innovations and Solutions in Pediatric Emergency Psychiatry
    32478 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Pediatric Medicine Update: Controversies in Pediatric Weight Management
    32486 - Symposium 37: Eating Disorders Screening, Prevalence, and Transition Outcomes in Children and Adolescents: The Current State of Evidence
    32487 - Clinical Perspectives 23: When the Waiting List Is Too Long to Wait: Novel Behavioral Interventions for Young Children and Families With Increased Access to Care
    32488 - Clinical Perspectives 69: Trauma of Pediatric Illness: Impact on the Developing Brain and on Caregivers
    32489 - Symposium 04: Practice-Based Suicide Prevention Research Centers: Research Methods to Accelerate Suicide Prevention and Recovery
    32511 - Clinical Perspectives 81: When the Parent Has Problematic Digital Media Use: Recognizing Caregiver Online Behaviors That Impact Youth Mental Health
    32515 - Clinical Perspectives 45: Advanced Practice Clinicians in Psychiatry: Pathways to Safe, Quality, and Accessible Care
    32524 - Symposium 26: Updates From the MTA Follow-Up: Fluctuation in Adulthood, Women in Adulthood, and Maintenance of Treatment Gains
    32535 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Understanding the Importance of Green Space to Improve Youth Mental Health From the Clinic to the Community
    32545 - Clinical Perspectives 66: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Childhoods and Societies: Clinical Pearls From the Lives of Four Internationally Famous Individuals
    32547 - Symposium 17: Partnering With Youth and Families for Child Mental Health Research
    32555 - Clinical Perspectives 82: Don't Let Patient Feedback Crush You: Learning to Tolerate, Address, and Grow From Negative Patient Feedback
    32560 - Symposium 27: Meeting the Moment: New Program Development for Adolescents With Acute Psychiatric Needs
    32567 - Clinical Perspectives 14: The Effects of Climate Change on Families Globally
    32577 - Symposium 06: Recent Trends in Psychopharmacology: How Pharmacoepidemiology Can Inform Practice in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    32580 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Navigating the Path to Success: A Guide to School Support and the Transition to College for Adolescents and Transitional-Age Youth With Early Psychosis
    32586 - Clinical Perspectives 71: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas to Share for Advancing Antiracism in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    32591 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Cross-Cultural Considerations for Mental Health Professionals on Climate Change and Youth Mental Health
    32594 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Ethical and Legal Considerations in the Care of Patients With Eating Disorders
    32607 - Clinical Perspectives 12: Just Because It's Common, Doesn't Mean It's Simple: Complex Topics in Bullying and School Policy
    32613 - Clinical Perspectives 74: Redefining Psychiatric Care: Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Youth Mental Health
    32616 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Updates in Current Evidence and Innovations in Pediatric Delirium
    32622 - Clinical Perspectives 87: Beyond the Basics: Prescribing Practices and Clinical Challenges in Early Psychosis
    32623 - Clinical Perspectives 08: Trauma in the Intellectual Developmental Disorder Spectrum: Empowerment Through Awareness
    32650 - Clinical Perspectives 60: Building Bridges and Moving Mountains: Practical Tips for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists to Promote Positive Change When Working With Youth and Families Who Are Child Welfare-Involved
    32657 - Symposium 24: From Impulse to Control: Clinical Markers, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Impulse and Disruptive Disorders in Youth
    32673 - Clinical Perspectives 73: Integrated and Multidisciplinary Medical and Psychiatric Units Through the Continuum of Care: From Inpatient Medical and Psychiatric to Intensive Outpatient
    32702 - Clinical Perspectives 22: Supporting Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth in the Era of Gender-Affirming Care Bans
    32704 - Plenary 2: Research Symposium: Heeding the Impact of Climate Change on Youth Mental Health
    32711 - Clinical Perspectives 68: Pharmacological Management of Maladaptive Behaviors in ASD With Comorbid Psychopathology
    32726-1 - Institute 7.1: Irritability and Aggression in Pediatric ADHD: Current Evidence and Treatment Options
    32726-2 - Institute 7.2: Mood Disorders in Youth With ADHD
    32726-3 - Institute 7.3: ASD and ADHD: Diagnosis and Treatment
    32726-4 - Institute 7.4: ADHD and Tics: What to Do When They Co-Occur
    32726-5 - Institute 7.5: ADHD and Substance Use Disorders (SUD): An Intoxicating Combination
    32726-6 - Institute 7.6: Clinical Implications of ADHD and CNS Stimulants on Weight Gain and Growth
    32726-7 - Institute 7.7: Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulants and Sleep
    32726-8 - Institute 7.8: Therapeutic Stimulant Class Medications and the Cardiovascular System
    32735 - Symposium 09: Changing the Landscape of Child and Youth Psychiatric Epidemiology
    32759 - Symposium 31: Leveraging Youth Co-Design for Mobile Applications to Impact Systems of Care
    32764 - Clinical Perspectives 55: Grassroots Systems Transformation
    32772 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Ethical Dilemmas in Individuals With ASD and Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD): Applying Four Pillars of Medical Ethics to Inform Decision Making in Clinical Practice
    32776 - Clinical Perspectives 64: How to Make Sense of All the Noise: An Explosion of Parenting Content and How to Navigate It
    32811-1 - Institute 4.1: ASD and Anxiety: Diagnosis and Treatment
    32811-2 - Institute 4.2: Identification and Treatment of Catatonia in ASD
    32811-3 - Institute 4.3: Depression and Suicide in ASD: Special Considerations in Females
    32811-4 - Institute 4.4: Evaluating and Treating Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity in the Context of ASD
    32811-5 - Institute 4.5: Clinical Management of Irritability and Bipolar Disorder in ASD
    32811-6 - Institute 4.6: Rethinking Social Competence to Advance More Humane Interventions for Youth With ASD
    32811-7 - Institute 4.7: ASD Hot Topics: Transition to Adulthood, Technology, and Neurodivergence
    32861 - Clinical Perspectives 92: Grief: It's Not a 4-Letter Word. Let's Talk About It
    32867 - Clinical Perspectives 44: Managing the Rise in College Students Seeking Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD
    32880 - Symposium 33: Phenotypic, Genetic, and Clinical Heterogeneity in Complex Neuropsychiatric Disorders
    32883 - Clinical Perspectives 09: Internet Addiction and ADHD: A Developmental Perspective
    32887 - Clinical Perspectives 89: Innovation in Child Psychiatry Access Programs: Three Examples From Two Different States
    32920 - Clinical Perspectives 15: The Phenomenology and Treatment of Anxiety in ASD
    32927 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Benefits and Challenges of Implementing DBT Across Multiple Levels of Care
    32950 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Bridging Gaps: Clinical Perspectives on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): A Hidden Neurobehavioral Disability
    32970 - Clinical Perspectives 84: How Controversies Shaped Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Learnings From the Past, Present, and Future Challenges
    32973 - Clinical Perspectives 67: Overcoming Rural Barriers: Innovative Approaches to Improve Access to Care in Rural Communities
    32979 - Clinical Perspectives 72: Evaluating Aggression in Clinical Settings
    32981 - Symposium 10: Advancing Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis (CHR-P) Care Through Innovations
    330122 - AACAPCASSI Module - 8 WEEK
    330122 - AACAPCASSI Module - NO EXPIRATION
    33026 - Clinical Perspectives 43: Developmental Stages of Behavioral Response in Pediatric Health Systems: From Proactive to Reactive
    33031 - Clinical Perspectives 06: The Parental Alienation Concept: Shifting Terminology, Dangerous Consequences, Improved Evaluation Methods, and New Law
    33040 - Clinical Perspectives 61: Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder: Consensus and Conundrums
    33055 - Clinical Perspectives 58: "Can't Stop, Won't Stop": Addiction in Transitional-Age Youth
    33056 - Clinical Perspectives 01: Beyond Deaths of Despair: Addressing Suicide in Rural Youth
    33064-1 - Institute 6.1: What is the ABCD Study®?
    33064-2 - Institute 6.2: Understanding and Accessing the ABCD Study® Data Set
    33064-3 - Institute 6.3: From Data Access to Published Findings From the ABCD Study®
    33064-4 - Institute 6.4: What Are We Learning From the ABCD Study®? Key Findings for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Providers
    33064-5 - Institute 6.5: The Future of the ABCD Study®
    33068 - Clinical Perspectives 47: Innovative Models to Improve Care for Youth With Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Medical and Psychiatric Hospitals
    33095 - Clinical Perspectives 41: Tourette's Disorder Clinical Dilemma: From Theoretical Findings to Practical Applications
    33103 - Clinical Perspectives 29: Inspiring Hope: Aiding Adolescents and Young Adults With Chronic Medical Illness and Psychiatric Comorbidities Navigate Transition to Adult Medical Care Services
    33107 - Clinical Perspectives 04: Examining the Overlap Between Psychosis and Substance Use Disorders
    33117 - Clinical Perspectives 50: Youth Opioid Use Disorder: Deconstructing the Barriers to Medication Assisted Treatment With Focus on Buprenorphine
    33168 - Symposium 08: Associations Between Cannabis Use and Suicide Risk Among US Youth: Emerging Data on the Importance of Environment, Attitude, and Vulnerable Subgroups
    33171 - Clinical Perspectives 49: Using Landmark Cases to Guide Critical Issues Facing Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    33178 - Clinical Perspectives 91: Perinatal Mental Health 101: A Clinical Overview for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    33213 - Clinical Perspectives 94: The Role of the Pediatric Consultation Liaison Service in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
    33255 - Clinical Perspectives 52: Closing the Gap: Clinical Perspectives From School-Based Collaborative Care
    33257 - Symposium 18: The Promise and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Pediatric Behavioral Health
    33268 - Symposium 36: What's the Big Deal?: Emerging Themes in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research
    33284 - Clinical Perspectives 53: Everything, Everywhere: Managing Medically and Psychiatrically Complex Patients Across the Care Continuum
    33330 - Symposium 39: Exploring Social Engagement Across Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: A Transdiagnostic Perspective
    33336 - Symposium 11: Enhancing Understanding of Prevention and Intervention for Suicidal and Self-Harm Behaviors in Youth
    33350 - Symposium 13: Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harm: Influences of Discrimination, Anxiety, Foster Placement, and Cannabis Use in Children and Adolescents With Psychiatric Disorders
    33365 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Substance Use Does Not Discriminate: Culturally Sensitive Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Strategies for Racial and Ethnic Minority Youth
    33399 - Clinical Perspectives 59: Traumatized Youth in Our Highest Levels of Care: Managing Severe Maladaptive Behaviors to Protect Both Patients and Staff
    33402 - Clinical Perspectives 05: Quality Improvement in the Emergency Department Setting
    33412 - Clinical Perspectives 80: When "Atypical" Is Normal: Treatment Challenges in Atypical Anorexia Nervosa
    33436-1 - Institute 5.1: Trauma, Resilience, and Advancing the Prevention of Mental Health Problems in Children and Adolescents
    33436-2 - Institute 5.2: What's New in ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorders, and Sports Psychology?
    33436-3 - Institute 5.3: New Findings on Youth Substance Use, Addictive Behaviors, and Co-Occurrence With Mental Health Disorders
    33436-4 - Institute 5.4: Promises and Pitfalls: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Clinical Practice and the Impacts of Social Media (SM) on Youth
    33436-5 - Institute 5.5: Pediatric Crises and Collaborative Care
    33436-6 - Institute 5.6: Clinical Considerations for Working With Racially Diverse Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth and Youth With Dynamic Gender Pathways
    33436-7 - Institute 5.7: Psychotherapy, Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, PANDAS and PANS, and Melatonin and Self-Injury
    33523-1 - Institute 2.1: Leadership: Suicide Prevention Champions
    33523-2 - Institute 2.2: Training to Support Youth Suicide Prevention Programs and Interventions: Lessons from Dissemination in Schools, Hospital-Based Clinics, Community-Based Mental Health, and Primary Care
    33523-3 - Institute 2.3: Identifying Youth at Risk for Suicide: Helping Practitioners "Seize the Awkward" Through Screening
    33523-4 - Institute 2.4: Engaging Youth at Risk: Implementing Clinical Pathways as a Key Suicide Prevention Strategy
    33523-5 - Institute 2.5: Treatment Interventions for Suicidal Youth
    33523-6 - Institute 2.6: Transitions in Zero Suicide: Automated Caring Contacts in Pediatric Acute Care Settings
    33523-7 - Institute 2.7: Research-Informed Quality Improvement to Reduce Suicide Rates: Past Experience and Current Opportunities
    33524 - Symposium 15: From the Bench to the Bedside: Emerging Mechanisms in ASD
    33539 - Clinical Perspectives 70: Unseen Identities: Romance, Asexuality, and Nonmonogamy in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
    33564 - Clinical Perspectives 42: Arabs and Child Mental Health: On Empathy, Bias, Acculturation and Using Cultural Language in Therapy
    33665 - Symposium 32: Neurobehavioral and Environmental Risk Factors for Alcohol Initiation in Adolescents
    33690 - Plenary 5: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Delving Into Pediatric Catatonia
    33708 - Clinical Perspectives 17: Incarceration of Patients With ASD and IDD: From Prevention to Reintegration Across Clinical Setting
    33739 - Clinical Perspectives 20: New Findings on the Overlap and Therapeutics of Comorbid ADHD
    33757 - Clinical Perspectives 02: Catatonia in Pediatric Consult-Liaison Psychiatry: Diverse Etiologies and Presentations
    33804 - Clinical Perspectives 90: New Perspectives on ASD
    33823-1 - Institute 3.1: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD: Focus on Pragmatic Management
    33823-2 - Institute 3.2: Psychopharmacological Management of ASD and Associated Psychopathology
    33823-3 - Institute 3.3: Persistent Tic Disorders: Practical Tips on When, What, and How to Treat
    33823-5 - Institute 3.5: Youth With Bipolar Disorder: Pharmacologic Interventions and Strategies to Mitigate Adverse Effects
    33823-6 - Institute 3.6: Psychopharmacological Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Youth
    33846 - Symposium 22: Rare Genetic Variation in Child Psychiatry: From Gene Discovery to Clinical Integration
    33880 - Clinical Perspectives 46: Digital Alchemy: Shaping the Future of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry With Artificial Intelligence
    33884 - Clinical Perspectives 65: Is Ketamine the New "Wonder Drug"? The Biomedical Model, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, and Ethical Considerations of Ketamine Treatment for Depression in Youth
    33889 - Symposium 21: Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Novel Findings and Future Directions
    33890 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Navigating the Tides of Leadership: Strategies for Influence, Connection, and Resilience in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    33910 - Clinical Perspectives 03: Empowering Families of Children With ASD: Psychological Impacts and Interventions
    33932 - Symposium 34: Advancing Adolescent Mental Health: Innovative Digital and Family-Centered Interventions for Emotion Regulation, Self-Harm, and Suicide Prevention
    33941 - Clinical Perspectives 48: Revolutionizing Psychiatric Education and Care: Cutting-Edge Approaches to Infant and Perinatal Mental Health Integration
    33951 - Clinical Perspectives 79: Building Strong Foundations: Novel Approaches Integrating Attachment, Partners, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Perinatal Intensive Outpatient Programs
    33964 - Symposium 28: The Spectrum of Rigidity and Compulsivity in ASD
    33966 - Clinical Perspectives 76: Maintaining Wellness as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist: Challenges and Tips
    33978 - Symposium 01: Advancing Understanding of Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Conditions Through Conceptual and Analytical Approaches to Measurement Development
    33990 - Clinical Perspectives 07: The Psychological and Cognitive Effects of Starvation in Youth: Research Evidence and Clinical Practice
    33994 - Symposium 29: Can Big Data Lead to Big Gains for Individuals With Neurodevelopmental Conditions and Their Families: Current Trends and Future Directions
    34026 - Symposium 23: Beyond the Emergency Department: Innovative Models for Pediatric Behavioral Health Crisis Care
    34058 - Symposium 16: Mixed Features in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Mood Disorders: Evidence From Longitudinal and High-Risk Studies
    34060 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Psychotherapy and Training to Provide Language-Competent Care and to Aid in Reducing Disparities
    34066 - Symposium 12: Simon Wile Symposium: Mapping Care for Medically Complex Kids: From Collaborative Care to Subspecialty Pediatrics
    341021 61st Annual Meeting Full Online Access
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    34439 - Plenary 1: Presidential Interview: Challenges and Opportunities in Caring for Tribal Communities
    34453 - Plenary 4: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: In a Human Voice
    34458 - Plenary 6: AACAP Town Meeting: Bringing the Village to the Children: Leadership in an Era of Systems Change
    34461 - Plenary 7: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: First Do No Harm: The Interrelationship of Mental Health and the Juvenile Justice System
    34505 - Plenary 3: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: From Crisis to Compassion: Rethinking Mental Health in Foster Care
    37th Annual Review Course - All MP3
    41-01 - Management of Consultation-Liaison Emergencies
    41-02 - Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Movement Disorders, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    41-04 - Questions and Answers 1
    41-05 - Major Depressive Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Suicidal Behavior, and Bipolar Disorder
    41-07 - Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    41-08 - Questions and Answers 2
    41-09 - Developmental Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, and Intellectual Disabilities
    41-11 - Update on Pediatric Neurology for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    41-12 - Clinical Management of Transgendered Youth
    41-13 - Questions and Answers 3
    41-14 - ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Substance Abuse
    41-16 - Questions and Answers 4
    41-17 - Management of Pediatric Psychosis
    41-18 - Child and Adolescent Applications of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
    41-19 - Normal Human Brain Development and Its Relevance for Understanding the Origins of Neuropsychiatric Illnesses
    41-20 - Forensic Issues
    41-21 - Questions and Answers 5
    59th Annual Meeting -All MP3
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 1: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 1: An Update in Advanced Psychopharmacology for Practitioners
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 2: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 2: Family-Based Integrated Care in Child Psychiatry: The Evidence Base and Practical Applications
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 3: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 3: Managing Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism: From Diagnosis to Treatment
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 4: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 4: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 11: Relevant Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 5: Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention in an Era of DSM-5
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 6: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 6: Early Recognition and Intervention for Youth at High Risk for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 7: Parent–Child Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 7: Parent–Child Interaction Therapy: Treatment Components, Evidence Base, Adaptations, and Training Guidelines
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 8: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 8: Motivational Interviewing: Preparing Youth for Change
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 9: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Clinician
    61st Annual Meeting Institute 9: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Clinician
    62nd Annual Meeting Full Conference Online Access
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    62nd Annual Meeting Systems of Care Special Program Full Set
    63rd Annual Meeting Systems of Care Special Program Online Access Set
    64th Annual Meeting Systems of Care Special Program Online Access Set
    66th Annual Meeting - Institute 1 Set
    66th Annual Meeting - Institute 2 Set
    66th Annual Meeting - Institute 3 Set
    66th Annual Meeting - Institute 4 Set
    66th Annual Meeting - Institute 5 Set
    66th Annual Meeting - Institute 6 Set
    66th Annual Meeting - Institute 7 Set
    66th Annual Meeting - Institute 8 Set
    66th Annual Meeting - SCSP Set
    66th Annual Meeting Institute Full Set
    66th Annual Meeting Set
    67th Annual Meeting - Institute 1 Set
    67th Annual Meeting - Institute 2 Set
    67th Annual Meeting - Institute 3 Set
    67th Annual Meeting - Institute 4 Set
    67th Annual Meeting - Institute 5 Set
    67th Annual Meeting - Institute 6 Set
    67th Annual Meeting - Institute 7 Set
    67th Annual Meeting - Systems of Care Special ProgramSet
    67th Annual Meeting Ful Conference Online Access Set
    67th Annual Meeting Institute Full Set
    8172 - Clinical Perspectives 4: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Diverse Children: Complex Questions and Compelling Recommendations
    8179 - Clinical Perspectives 5: The Child Psychiatrist's Role in Improving the Mental Health Skills of Primary Care Providers
    8200 - Clinical Perspectives 32: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Biomarker and Neurophysiology Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    8222-1 - Introduction
    8222-2 - Promoting Social and Emotional Well-Being for Children Who Experience Maltreatment Building Emotional Intelligence for Foster Youth: An Alumni Perspective
    8222-3 - The Government Accountability Office Report on Psychotropic Medication Use in Foster Children: Research and Policy Implications
    8222-4 - Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Relationship to Adult Health and Well-Being
    8222-5 - Relational Contributions to Intergenerational Maltreatment Risk
    8222-6 - Providing Effective Treatment to Foster Care Children: Adopting and Adapting Evidence-Based Treatments
    8222-7 - Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy for Traumatized Youth
    8222-8 - Informed Consent and Oversight of Psychotropic Medications for Youth in Foster Care
    8246 - Clinical Perspectives 7: Online and in Treatment: Clinical Dilemmas in the Age of Electronic Media
    8248 - Symposium 4: Improving Precision in Child Psychiatric Clinical Trials
    8257 - Symposium 15: Imaging the Amygdala in Healthy, High Risk, and Clinical Populations
    8271 - Symposium 25: Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Dysregulation in Adolescent Depression
    8284 - Clinical Perspectives 12: LesbianGayBisexualTransgender Youth and Parents: Navigating Family Acceptance and Rejection in the 21st Century
    8286 - Symposium 27: Association Between Antecedent Anxiety and Minor Mood Disorders and Subsequent Bipolar Disorder: New Findings From Ongoing High-Risk Studies
    8294 - Clinical Perspectives 15: International Adaptations of RAINBOW: Child- and Family-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    8300 - Clinical Perspectives 24: Controversies in Child Maltreatment: Counting, Reporting, and Conceptualizing
    8309 - Symposium 17: Simon Wile Symposium on Consultation Psychiatry
    8360 - Clinical Perspectives 36: A Collaborative Practice Model for Improving Pediatric Mental Health Value
    8403-1 - IntroductionPhenomenology, Longitudinal Course, and Differential Diagnosis of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    8403-2 - Making the Numbers Work for Us: Epidemiology and Assessment of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    8403-3 - Rages, Mania, and Temper Dysregulation
    8403-4 - Pharmacotherapy of Mania and Depression in Youth with Bipolar Disorder
    8403-5 - Treatment of Comorbid and High-Risk Conditions in Youth with and At Risk for Developing Bipolar Disorder
    8403-6 - Psychosocial Treatment Approaches for the Youth and Family
    8432 - Clinical Perspectives 18: Closer Looks At the Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Youth
    8453-1 - Review of the Evidence for Psychodynamic Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
    8453-2 - Bridging the Gap Between Neuroscience and Psychodynamic Models in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    8453-3 - A Manualized Time-Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Anxiety for 8-16 year olds, Child and Adolescent Anxiety Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (CAPP)
    8453-4 - Psychodynamic Treatment of Childhood Trauma
    8455 - Clinical Perspectives 16: Understanding How Mentalizing Capacity Improves the Therapeutic Alliance with Adolescents with Emerging Personality Disorders and Self Harming Behaviors
    8456 - Clinical Perspectives 26: Family Preventive Interventions: Supporting Child Health Through Adversity
    8461 - Symposium 37: Media Exposure and Early Child Development
    8481 - Symposium 3: Who We Are: Evolution, Nonlinear Brain Dynamics, and Epigenetics
    8482 - Clinical Perspectives 25: Current Topics in Child and Adolescent Telepsychiatry
    8485 - Clinical Perspectives 27: Helping Patients and Families Navigate the Transition to College
    8523 - Clinical Perspectives 1: Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Justice: Global Perspectives
    8529 - Clinical Perspectives 13: Child Development and the Ecology of Risk: Stress, Environmental Toxicants, and the Developing Brain
    8530 - Symposium 32: Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Self Injury in Youths: Prevention, Treatment, and Service Delivery
    8538 - Other Programs : Systems of Care Special Program: Child Psychiatry in the Schools: Best Practices in School-Based Mental Health Systems of Care
    8542 - Symposium 35: Latest Advances in Neurobiological Research on Learning Disorders and Its Clinical Implications
    8554 - Symposium 31: Macarthur Foundation Youth Research Network: Findings and Implications for Children's Services
    8561-1 - Management of Pediatric Depression in a Primary Care Setting
    8561-2 - The Treatment of ADHD
    8561-3 - Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    8561-4 - Rational Use of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers in Youth with Aggression in Autism, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia
    8561-5 - Case Studies in Pediatric Psychopharmacology Closing Remarks
    8569 - Symposium 26: Adolescent Substance Use: Screening and Evidence-Based Treatment in Practice
    8586 - Symposium 7: Reducing the Global Impact of HIV Infection: Effective Risk Reduction Strategies in Developing Nations: Experiences in Africa and Asia
    8595-1 - IntroductionPharmacological Strategies in Treatment Refractory ADHD
    8595-2 - Advances in the Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    8595-3 - Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Psychotic Disorders: From Prodrome to Refractoriness
    8595-5 - Tic Disorders and Psychiatric Comorbidity: Strategies for Managing the Complex and Challenging Patient Beyond the Evidence Base
    8595-6 - Treatment Refractory Depression
    8595-7 - Evidence-Based Pharmacological Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder and Commonly Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders
    8595-8 - Pharmacotherapy of Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with a Focus on Treatment Refractory Cases
    8619 - Symposium 9: AIMS: Antidepressant Induced Manic Symptoms in Youth
    8629 - Clinical Perspectives 19: Use, Over-Use, and Abuse of Social Media by Adolescents: Screening and Guidance
    8650 - Clinical Perspectives 28: Needing Help: A Review and Discussion of Current Clinical and Ethical Issues Related to Having Children Using Assisted Reproductive Technology
    8665 - Symposium 43: Preschoolers in Child Welfare: Offsetting Extreme-High Risk for Life-Course Psychopathology
    8676 - Symposium 1: Approaches to Using Electrophysiological Measures As Biomarkers in Child Psychiatry: Examples From ADHD
    8684 - Clinical Perspectives 30: Cultural Perspectives in Treating High-Risk and At-Risk Youth Across the Pacific
    8700 - Symposium 16: Parental Traumatic Stress in the Perinatal Period: Towards Effective Parent-Infant Intervention
    8722 - Symposium 18: From Cells to Circuits to Community: An Historical and Psychobiological Exploration of the Impact of Early Experience on Neurodevelopment
    8724-1 - Introductory RemarksSleep Basics and Interaction of Sleep and Medical Illness in Youth
    8724-2 - Neurocognitive and Cardiovascular Consequences of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children and Adolescents
    8724-3 - Sleep and Eating Disorders
    8724-4 - Sleep and Emotion Regulation in Adolescents
    8724-5 - Treatment Approach to Sleep Disturbances in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    8724-6 - Managing Sleep Disturbances in Children with ADHD
    8724-7 - Sleep Related Behaviors (Parasomnias) in Children with Psychiatric Disorders
    8734 - Symposium 5: International Symposium: Examining Youth Suicide and Prevention Programs IV
    8736 - Symposium 46: Neuroimaging in Clinical Practice: Are We There Yet?
    8738 - Symposium 48: Positive Youth Development for Children Growing Up with Chronic Illness: Factors That Affect Young Adult Outcomes and Practical Interventions
    8755 - Clinical Perspectives 3: Building Best Practices: Research and Clinical Lessons From Mental Health Care for Indigenous Peoples
    8764 - Clinical Perspectives 17: A Comparison of Two Divergent Approaches to Improve Outcomes in Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa: Family-Based Treatment Versus a Behavioral Contract-Based Family Therapy Using Concurrent O
    8766 - Symposium 45: Animal Model Systems Advancing the Field of Child Psychiatry
    8767 - Clinical Perspectives 37: Treatment Challenges in the College-Age Population
    8770 - Other Programs : Resident As Teacher: Using Media to Teach From CNN to the Classroom
    8774 - Clinical Perspectives 14: Global Perspectives on Child Protection and Children's Rights
    8779 - Symposium 20: Marijuana and the Adolescent Brain: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go?
    8784 - Clinical Perspectives 6: Developing Psychosocial Treatment in ADHD Through the Lifespan
    8794-1 - WelcomeAACAP's Recertification Efforts Bipolar Disorder, Mood Disorder, Developmental Disorders, and Development Variables
    8794-2 - ADHD and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Update
    8794-3 - AACAP's Recertification Efforts
    8794-4 - Sexual Development, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity Issues Update
    8794-5 - Update on Forensics, Substance Use, Abuse, and Trauma
    8794-6 - Parental Depression, Child Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, and Child Outcome
    8799 - Symposium 30: International Perspectives in Bipolar Disorders
    8802 - Symposium 36: Long-Term Outcome of Childhood Disorders and Its Predictors
    8876 - Clinical Perspectives 31: Current Status of Pediatric Catatonia
    8880 - Symposium 12: Can Brain Findings Inform Clinical Work in Child Psychiatry?
    8882 - Clinical Perspectives 38: Update on Pediatric Non-Epileptic Seizures: Problems Beyond "Seizures"
    8895 - Symposium 19: Longitudinal Imaging Studies in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    8898 - Clinical Perspectives 35: Telemental Health Collaboration in the Medical Setting
    8913 - Clinical Perspectives 20: What's New in Pediatric Psychopharmacology Practice? Findings From the Psychopharmacology Initiative
    8916 - Symposium 24: Enhancing Mental Health Services for Children and Youth in the Emergency Department
    8923 - Symposium 39: Childhood ADHD Into Adulthood: The Proof of the Pudding
    8926 - Clinical Perspectives 21: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Early Contributions to Scientific Evolution in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Two Key Concepts
    8936 - Symposium 14: Can We Make Antipsychotics Safer for Kids Who Need Them?
    8937 - Symposium 50: Pathways and Risk Factors for Developmental Psychopathology and Wellness
    8940 - Symposium 8: Founders Symposium: Social Context in Development
    8960 - Clinical Perspectives 33: Adapting Response and Recovery Efforts to Catastrophic Events Around the World
    8968 - Clinical Perspectives 29: A Clinical Perspective on Pediatric Delirium
    8975 - Symposium 13: New Strategies for Treatment Resistant Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety
    8976 - Symposium 49: A Longitudinal Study of ADHD in the Community: Persistence, Comorbidity, Health Risk Behaviors, and Parent-Child Agreement
    8978 - Clinical Perspectives 34: Inpatient Psychiatric Care for Children with Autism
    8979 - Symposium 47: New Research Useful in the Identification and Management of Youth with Bipolar Disorder
    8988 - Clinical Perspectives 22: How Creative Partnerships Can Sustain Public School-Based Mental Health Programs in the Midst of an Economic Recession
    9020-1 - Opening RemarksDifferential Diagnosis of Autism and Related Disorders
    9020-2 - The Neurodevelopmental Defects That Cause Autism
    9020-3 - Pharmacotherapy of Autism Spectrum Disorders
    9020-4 - An Unexpected Life: Helping Families to Transition Their Child with Autism Into Adulthood
    9020-5 - Genetic Disorders to Consider in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Clinical Evaluation and Testing
    9020-6 - Behavioral and Educational Approaches for Autism Interventions
    9020-7 - Evidence Update for BiomedicalComplementary and Alternative Medicine Assessments and Treatments for Autism
    9022 - Symposium 11: Mind and Body: A Review of Research Focusing on Prevention and Intervention for Health and Mood
    9023 - Other Programs : Research Forum: Preventing Psychopathology in Childhood and Adolescence
    9024 - Symposium 29: Heterogeneity and Development in Pre-School Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    9026 - Clinical Perspectives 11: iPhones in the Baby Bag, Toddler Tweets, and Adolescent Chat Roulette: A Developmental Perspective for Clinicians Interested in Understanding and Using Technology with Children and The
    9039 - Clinical Perspectives 23: Treatment Interventions for Children and Youth with Feeding and Eating Disorders
    9041 - Symposium 6: Mechanisms of Action in Current Anxiety and Mood Disorder Treatments
    9050 - Clinical Perspectives 2: The Pediatric Consultation Liaison Service: A Multidimensional Model for Integration of Care
    9052 - Clinical Perspectives 9: Don't Be Afraid of Adolescent Substance Abuse and Comorbidity: Clinical Care in the Outpatient Clinic
    9065 - Clinical Perspectives 10: Immigrant Children in Schools
    9078 - Other Programs : Adolescent Risk-Taking Behaviors: Teaching Communities and Engaging the High Risk Adolescent
    9081 - Symposium 33: The Biological Basis for ADHD and Medication Treatment Response: Making Sense of the Data for Professionals and Families
    9082 - Symposium 40: Defining a Role for Irritability within Child Psychiatry: Measurement, Epidemiology, and Neural Underpinnings
    9085 - Other Programs : Training Forum
    9100 - Symposium 44: Prevention of Depression in At-Risk Youth: Long-Term Outcomes
    9110 - Symposium 10: Alcohol and Teens: Recent Research and Implications for Practice
    9114 - Symposium 21: The Making of DSM-5: Part 1
    9116 - Symposium 23: DSM-5 Criteria Changes Important to Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    9145 - Other Programs : Karl Menninger, M.D. Plenary: The Richness that IS the Academy
    9147 - Other Programs : Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Child Psychiatry and the New Field of Social Neuroscience: Convergence or Missed Opportunity?
    9149 - Other Programs : Presidential Interview: Martin J. Drell M.D. interviews AACAP's New Executive Director Heidi B. Fordi, CAE
    9154 - Other Programs : Lawrence A. Stone, M.D. Plenary: The Mind and Music of Beethoven
    9404 - Symposium 28: Evaluating New Research in Complementary and Integrative Medicine
    9405 - Other Programs : The Poster Docent: A Guided Tour of Selected AACAP Posters
    9428 - Honors Presentations 8: Untangling Psyche and Soma: A Traumatized Adolescent with Lyme Disease
    9438 - Honors Presentations 4: Project STAR: Safe Thinking and Affect Regulation
    9442 - Honors Presentations 3: Early Intervention is Prevention: Emerging Models of Connection, Support, and Treatment Through School Mental Health
    9455 - Honors Presentations 7: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Osmotic-Release Methyphenidate with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adolescents With ADHD and Substance Use Disorders
    9459 - Honors Presentations 2: The Course of Subthreshold Bipolar Disorder in Youth: Diagnostic Progression From Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
    9460 - Honors Presentations 6: Good Policy is Good Prevention: The Importance of Advocacy
    9463 - Honors Presentations 1: "Doctor, I Need a Good Therapist for my Traumatized Child! Why Outcomes and Fidelity Matter in Creating a State Implementation Platform to Disseminate Trauma Evidence-Based Treatmen
    9478 - Honors Presentations 5: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
    A Manualized Time-Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Anxiety for 8-16 year olds, Child and Adolescent Anxiety Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (CAPP)
    AACAP - 2023 Douglas B. Hansen, MD, 48th Annual Update Course
    AACAP 2017 Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Conference Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    AACAP 2018 Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Conference Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    AACAP 2019 Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Conference Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    AACAP 2020 Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Conference Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    AACAP 59th Annual Meeting (2012) Full Conference MP3 Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) ADHD: AACAP’s 60th Annual Meeting Highlights
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Full Audio CD Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Full Online Access Audio Sync Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 1: Advanced Clinical Psychopharmacology in the DSM-5 Era Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 1: Advanced Clinical Psychopharmacology in the DSM-5 Era Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 2: Adolescent Substance Use and Psychiatric Comorbidity: Real-World Clinical Practice Essentials Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 2: Adolescent Substance Use and Psychiatric Comorbidity: Real-World Clinical Practice Essentials Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 4: Psychotherapy: The Science and Art of Relationships Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 4: Psychotherapy: The Science and Art of Relationships Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 5: Psychotic Disorders in Youth: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 5: Psychotic Disorders in Youth: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 6: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 10 Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 6: Lifelong Learning Institute: Clinical Practice Update and Lifelong Learning Module 10 Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 7: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 7: Fundamentals of Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 8: Communication and Language Development Implications for Clinical Practice Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 8: Communication and Language Development Implications for Clinical Practice Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 9: Autism: Assessment and Management of Serious Behavioral Disturbance Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Institute 9: Autism: Assessment and Management of Serious Behavioral Disturbance Audio Sync Online Access Set
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Mood Disorders: AACAP’s 60th Annual Meeting Highlights
    AACAP 60th Annual Meeting (2013) Pre-Conference Enrichment Offering
    AACAP 61st Annual Meeting (2014) Pre-Conference Enrichment Offering
    AACAP 62nd Annual Meeting (2015) Pre-Conference Enrichment Offering
    AACAP 63rd Annual Meeting Full Conference Online Access Set (Set excludes Institute Sessions)
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    AACAP 64th Annual Meeting Full Conference Online Access Set (Choice of 1 Institute Bundle)
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    AACAP Douglas Hansen 49th Course Full Online Set
    AACAP PPUI 2025 Set
    AACAP’s 70th Annual Meeting Full Conference Set
    AACAP's 2023 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute Full Online Access Set
    AACAP's 2024 Annual Institutes Online Access Set
    AACAP's 2024 Annual Meeting Full Online Access Set
    AACAP's 65th Annual Meeting Full Conference Online Access Set (Includes free pick of ONE Institute)
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    AACAP's 68th Annual Meeting Full Conference Online Access Set (plus one Institute of your choice)
    AACAP's 68th Annual Meeting Full Institute Set
    AACAP's 69th Annual Meeting Conference Enrichment Package
    AACAP's 69th Annual Meeting Institutes Full Set
    AACAP's 70th Annual Institutes Full Set
    AACAP's Recertification Efforts
    AACAP's Recertification Efforts Update on Neuroscience
    ADHD and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Update
    ADHD: The Evidence Base and Most Important Clinical Questions in Treatment for Future Study
    Adolescent Substance Use Disorders Update: Neurobiology, Psychosocial, and Medication Treatments
    Advanced Pharmacological Approaches to Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Advanced Treatment Strategies for Early Onset Psychosis with a DSM-5 Twist
    Advances in the Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Relationship to Adult Health and Well-Being
    All 2018 Institutes Bundle
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    An Overview of Major World Faith Traditions: Relevance to Practice
    An Overview of Psychological Testing and Learning Disabilities
    An Unexpected Life: Family Adjustment to Raising a Child with Autism through Adulthood
    An Unexpected Life: Helping Families to Transition Their Child with Autism Into Adulthood
    Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders
    Attention-DeficitHyperactivity Disorder
    Attention-DeficitHyperactivity Disorder
    Attention-DeficitHyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    Attention-DeficitHyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability
    Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Autism Update: Etiology and Treatment Update in Telemedicine
    AutismSpectrum Disorders
    Basic Concepts in Epidemiology, Statistics, and Research Design
    Basic Concepts in Epidemiology, Statistics, and Research Design
    Behavioral and Educational Approaches for Autism Interventions
    Behavioral and Educational Approaches for Increasing Adaptive Functioning Skills
    Beyond Elementary: Advanced Approaches to the Treatment of ADHD Under DSM-5
    Bipolar Disorder
    Bipolar Disorder and Mood Dysregulation
    Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
    Bipolar Disorder, Mood, Temper Dysregulation
    Bipolar Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    Bridging the Gap Between Neuroscience and Psychodynamic Models in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    Case Studies
    Case Studies in Pediatric Psychopharmacology Closing Remarks
    Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder
    Child and Adolescent Depression
    Child and Adolescent Depression
    Child and Adolescent Psychopathology: Spiritual and Religious Perspectives
    Child Forensic Psychiatry
    Child Forensic Psychiatry
    Child Maltreatment and Diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociative Disorders
    Child Maltreatment Diagnosis and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociative Disorders
    Clinical Perspectives 1: Can Behavioral Health and Psychiatric Services Be Integrated Into Pediatric Primary Care?
    Clinical Perspectives 1: Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Justice: Global Perspectives
    Clinical Perspectives 10: Crossing Borders to Protect Children of the World: International Perspectives on Child Abuse and Maltreatment
    Clinical Perspectives 10: Immigrant Children in Schools
    Clinical Perspectives 11: Bullies, Targets, and "Frenemies": Understanding and Preventing Bullying and Cyberbullying
    Clinical Perspectives 11: iPhones in the Baby Bag, Toddler Tweets, and Adolescent Chat Roulette: A Developmental Perspective for Clinicians Interested in Understanding and Using Technology with Children and The
    Clinical Perspectives 12: Diagnostic and Treatment Issues for Adults with ADHD
    Clinical Perspectives 12: LesbianGayBisexualTransgender Youth and Parents: Navigating Family Acceptance and Rejection in the 21st Century
    Clinical Perspectives 13: Child Development and the Ecology of Risk: Stress, Environmental Toxicants, and the Developing Brain
    Clinical Perspectives 13: Having Children with Help: A Review and Discussion of Current Clinical and Ethical Issues Related to Assisted Reproductive Medicine
    Clinical Perspectives 14: Global Perspectives on Child Protection and Children's Rights
    Clinical Perspectives 14: Promoting Autonomy in Our Patients Transitioning to College: A Systems Approach
    Clinical Perspectives 15: Global Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Mental Health Needs of Children around the World
    Clinical Perspectives 15: International Adaptations of RAINBOW: Child- and Family-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    Clinical Perspectives 16: Transitioning Adolescents with Autism Into Adulthood
    Clinical Perspectives 16: Understanding How Mentalizing Capacity Improves the Therapeutic Alliance with Adolescents with Emerging Personality Disorders and Self Harming Behaviors
    Clinical Perspectives 17: A Comparison of Two Divergent Approaches to Improve Outcomes in Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa: Family-Based Treatment Versus a Behavioral Contract-Based Family Therapy Using Concurrent O
    Clinical Perspectives 17: Life Members' Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: My Pathway to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (The Influence of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, and Anna Freud on my Clinical Orientation)
    Clinical Perspectives 18: Catatonia in Children and Adolescents
    Clinical Perspectives 18: Closer Looks At the Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Youth
    Clinical Perspectives 19: High Conflict Custody: The Role of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    Clinical Perspectives 19: Use, Over-Use, and Abuse of Social Media by Adolescents: Screening and Guidance
    Clinical Perspectives 2: Multiphased Approach to Reducing Seclusion and Restraint on Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Units
    Clinical Perspectives 2: The Pediatric Consultation Liaison Service: A Multidimensional Model for Integration of Care
    Clinical Perspectives 20: Telepsychiatry Models of Care and Their Challenges
    Clinical Perspectives 20: What's New in Pediatric Psychopharmacology Practice? Findings From the Psychopharmacology Initiative
    Clinical Perspectives 21: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Early Contributions to Scientific Evolution in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Two Key Concepts
    Clinical Perspectives 21: When a Child Chooses Death: Examining Youth Suicide and Prevention Programs II
    Clinical Perspectives 22: Five Years After Hurricane Katrina: A Multidimensional Perspective
    Clinical Perspectives 22: How Creative Partnerships Can Sustain Public School-Based Mental Health Programs in the Midst of an Economic Recession
    Clinical Perspectives 23: Mentalizing Therapy for Adolescents with Suicidality, Self-Harm, and Serious Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders
    Clinical Perspectives 23: Treatment Interventions for Children and Youth with Feeding and Eating Disorders
    Clinical Perspectives 24: Controversies in Child Maltreatment: Counting, Reporting, and Conceptualizing
    Clinical Perspectives 24: Sleep Disturbances in Children and Adolescents: Interface with Psychiatric Disorders
    Clinical Perspectives 25: Child and Adolescent Patients in the General Hospital: Integrated Approaches by Physicians and Psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand
    Clinical Perspectives 25: Current Topics in Child and Adolescent Telepsychiatry
    Clinical Perspectives 26: Community-Based Suicide Prevention: Opportunities and Challenges
    Clinical Perspectives 26: Family Preventive Interventions: Supporting Child Health Through Adversity
    Clinical Perspectives 27: Helping Patients and Families Navigate the Transition to College
    Clinical Perspectives 27: The Evergreen Project: A National and International Collaboration towards a Child and Youth Mental Health Framework for Canada
    Clinical Perspectives 28: Needing Help: A Review and Discussion of Current Clinical and Ethical Issues Related to Having Children Using Assisted Reproductive Technology
    Clinical Perspectives 28: Treatment Challenges in the College-Aged Population
    Clinical Perspectives 29: A Clinical Perspective on Pediatric Delirium
    Clinical Perspectives 29: When the Diagnosis Is Bipolar: Are There Other Explanations?
    Clinical Perspectives 3: Building Best Practices: Research and Clinical Lessons From Mental Health Care for Indigenous Peoples
    Clinical Perspectives 30: Cultural Perspectives in Treating High-Risk and At-Risk Youth Across the Pacific
    Clinical Perspectives 31: Culturally Alert Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Youth
    Clinical Perspectives 31: Current Status of Pediatric Catatonia
    Clinical Perspectives 32: Malpractice and the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
    Clinical Perspectives 32: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Biomarker and Neurophysiology Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    Clinical Perspectives 33: Adapting Response and Recovery Efforts to Catastrophic Events Around the World
    Clinical Perspectives 33: Opening Pandora's Box Safely: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Traumatized Inpatient Teens
    Clinical Perspectives 34: Inpatient Psychiatric Care for Children with Autism
    Clinical Perspectives 35: Telemental Health Collaboration in the Medical Setting
    Clinical Perspectives 36: A Collaborative Practice Model for Improving Pediatric Mental Health Value
    Clinical Perspectives 37: Treatment Challenges in the College-Age Population
    Clinical Perspectives 38: Update on Pediatric Non-Epileptic Seizures: Problems Beyond "Seizures"
    Clinical Perspectives 4: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Diverse Children: Complex Questions and Compelling Recommendations
    Clinical Perspectives 4: Military Children and Families: Wartime Challenges
    Clinical Perspectives 5: Nuances and Neglected Areas in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Youth
    Clinical Perspectives 5: The Child Psychiatrist's Role in Improving the Mental Health Skills of Primary Care Providers
    Clinical Perspectives 6: Developing Psychosocial Treatment in ADHD Through the Lifespan
    Clinical Perspectives 6: Systems of Care and the Practice of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Opportunities and Challenges
    Clinical Perspectives 7: Mood Disorders and Elizabeth Weller, M.D.
    Clinical Perspectives 7: Online and in Treatment: Clinical Dilemmas in the Age of Electronic Media
    Clinical Perspectives 8: After a Suicide: Helping the Surviving Children Heal
    Clinical Perspectives 9: Child Psychiatric Leadership in the Public Sector: Multiple Perspectives, Multiple Roles
    Clinical Perspectives 9: Don't Be Afraid of Adolescent Substance Abuse and Comorbidity: Clinical Care in the Outpatient Clinic
    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Evidence-Based Treatment
    CON - 2012 Psychopharmacology Update Institute: Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology: Integrating Current Data into Clinical Practice Full Conference Set
    CON - Full Conference Set
    CON - Full Conference Set
    CON - Full Conference Set
    Considering Complimentary, Alternative, and Biomedical Approaches to Autism Assessment and Treatment with Families
    ConsultLiaison Psychiatry
    Controversies in Tic Disorder and Related Comorbidities
    Cross-Cultural Child Psychiatry
    Current Controversies in the Medication Management of ADHD
    Current Issues in Juvenile Justice and Substance Abuse
    Delivering Evidence-Based Treatments for Immigrant Children
    Depressive Disorders
    Depressive Disorders
    Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychosis Disorders in Youth
    Diagnosis and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
    Diagnosis and Treatment of Tourette's Disorder, Tic Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    Diagnosis, Phenomonology, and Outcomes of Trauma in Children and Adolescents
    Differential Diagnosis of Autism and Related Disorders
    Disruptive Behavior Disorders
    Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. 39th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Full Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    Douglas B. Hansen, MD, 40th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Full Online Access Set
    Session recordings subject to speaker availability. Session recordings do not offer CME credit.
    DSM-5 and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder - To Be or Not To Be
    DSM-5 Repetitive Behavior Disorders: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tic Disorders, Trichotillomania, and Skin Picking
    Dual Language Development in Young Immigrant Children
    Early Onset Schizophrenia: Relevant Topics for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Eating Disorders
    Eating Disorders
    Eating Disorders
    Education-Based Psychiatric Consultation
    Efficacy and Safety of Psychopharmacological Treatments for Psychotic Disorders in Youth
    Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs
    Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs
    Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs in the Era of Personalized Medicine
    Ethical Issues in Addressing Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Care
    Ethics in Child Psychiatry
    Ethics in Child Psychiatry
    Evidence Update for BiomedicalComplementary and Alternative Medicine Assessments and Treatments for Autism
    Evidence-Based Clinical Assessment
    Evidence-Based Pharmacological Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder and Commonly Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders
    Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy for ADHD
    Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy for Traumatized Youth
    Family Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy
    FDA Pediatric Advisory Committee Review of New Psychotropic Indications for Adult Medications for Children and Adolescents
    Forensic Issues in Child Psychiatry
    Forensic Issues in Child Psychiatry
    FREE: 10853 - Symposium 25: After 5 Months of Using DSM-5, It’s Time for a Diagnostic Tune-Up!
    FREE: 11062 - Symposium 33: After 5 Months of Using DSM-5, It’s Time for a Diagnostic Tune-Up!, Part 2
    Full Conference Set
    Genetic Disorders to Consider in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Clinical Evaluation and Testing
    Genetics and Autism for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Practitioner
    Genetics and Pharmacogenomics
    Genetics and Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Practice
    Global Vertigo: Rethinking the New Migration
    Grief, Depression and Suicidality
    Honors Presentation 1: Understanding and Managing Loss in Adoption: Developmental and Clinical Issues
    Honors Presentation 10: An Early Childhood Mental Health System of Care: From Idea to Reality
    Honors Presentation 11: The Long War and Parental Combat Deployment: Effects on Military Children and Parents
    Honors Presentation 2: The Path to Diagnosis, Treatment, Education and Research of Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Poor Rural Southern State
    Honors Presentation 3: Building Better Brains: How Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Can Shape Local Schools Today to Promote Mental Health
    Honors Presentation 4: Using Context to Treat Traumatized Children
    Honors Presentation 5: When Parenting Becomes Unthinkable: Intervening with Traumatized Parents and Their Toddlers
    Honors Presentation 6: Substance Use and the Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents
    Honors Presentation 7: Anxiety and Neuroscience: Relevance for Prevention
    Honors Presentation 8: Psychiatric Services for Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities: Present Needs and Future Directions
    Honors Presentation 9: Implications of Extending the ADHD Age-of-Onset Criterion to Age 12: Results From a Prospectively Studied Birth Cohort
    Honors Presentations 1: "Doctor, I Need a Good Therapist for my Traumatized Child! Why Outcomes and Fidelity Matter in Creating a State Implementation Platform to Disseminate Trauma Evidence-Based Treatmen
    Honors Presentations 2: The Course of Subthreshold Bipolar Disorder in Youth: Diagnostic Progression From Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
    Honors Presentations 3: Early Intervention is Prevention: Emerging Models of Connection, Support, and Treatment Through School Mental Health
    Honors Presentations 4: Project STAR: Safe Thinking and Affect Regulation
    Honors Presentations 5: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
    Honors Presentations 6: Good Policy is Good Prevention: The Importance of Advocacy
    Honors Presentations 7: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Osmotic-Release Methyphenidate with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adolescents With ADHD and Substance Use Disorders
    Honors Presentations 8: Untangling Psyche and Soma: A Traumatized Adolescent with Lyme Disease
    Impact of Acculturation on the Mental Health of Immigrant Children
    Increasing Recruitment Into Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A 10-Year Update From the Steering Committee on Workforce Issues
    Informed Consent and Oversight of Psychotropic Medications for Youth in Foster Care
    Institute 1 Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation Set
    Institute 1 Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation Set
    Institute 1: An Advanced Update in Psychopharmacology Relevant to Clinical Practice
    Institute 1: Mental Health Care for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth: Clinical Guidelines and Best Practices
    Institute 1: Psychopharmacology Update: Focus on Refractory Cases and Longer Term Outcomes
    Institute 1: Psychopharmacology Update: Focus on Refractory Cases and Longer Term Outcomes
    Institute 1: Systems of Care and the Needs of Migrant Youth: Global and Local Responses
    Institute 1: Systems of Care Special Program: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    Institute 1: Systems of Care Special Program: Being a Girl in Child-Serving Systems: Health, Sexuality, Trauma, and Systems of Care
    Institute 2 : Kids and Families in Crisis: A Systems of Care Response to the National Emergency in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
    Institute 2 Research Institute: What’s Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodolog Set
    Institute 2 Research Institute: What’s Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodolog Set
    Institute 2: Advanced Psychopharmacology
    Institute 2: An Update in Psychopharmacology Relevant to Clinical Practice
    Institute 2: Evidence-Based Assessment for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Better Tools for Better Decisions and Outcomes
    Institute 2: Preventing Youth Suicide
    Institute 2: Research Institute: Epigenetics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    Institute 2: Research Institute: Epigenetics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    Institute 3 : Pediatric Psychopharmacology: Staying Ahead of the Curve
    Institute 3 The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essential Set
    Institute 3 The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essential Set
    Institute 3: An Update in Psychopharmacology: Focus on Pragmatic Management Strategies
    Institute 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management
    Institute 3: Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    Institute 3: Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
    Institute 3: Gender Dysphoria Across Development: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Evidence, Ethics, and Efficacy of Gender Transition
    Institute 3: While You Were Sleeping
    Institute 4 : Is This Student Safe to Return to School? Critical Strategies for Threat Assessment and Management in K-12 Schools
    Institute 4 The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment Set
    Institute 4 The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment Set
    Institute 4: ASD Update for the Clinician: From Diagnosis to Management of ASD and Associated Psychopathology
    Institute 4: How Social Media Impacts Mental Health, and What Clinicians Should Do About It
    Institute 4: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 13: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Institute 4: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 13: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Institute 4: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 15: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Institute 4: The Psychiatrist's Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats
    Institute 5 : Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 20: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Institute 5 The Child Psychiatrist’s Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adult Set
    Institute 5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Institute 5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 19: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Institute 5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 21: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Institute 5: Managing Suicide and Violence Risk While Building Resilience: Practical Applications in Clinical, School, and Community Settings
    Institute 5: Managing Suicide and Violence Risk While Building Resilience: Practical Applications in Clinical, School, and Community Settings
    Institute 5: Research Institute: Treatment Updates in Pediatric Depression and Suicidality
    Institute 6 : AACAP Research Committee Institute: Expert Insights on What the Future Holds for Individual-Level Prediction in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    Institute 6 Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Set
    Institute 6 Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Set
    Institute 6: Evidence-Based Assessment for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Better Tools for Better Decisions and Outcomes
    Institute 6: Evidence-Based Assessment for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Better Tools for Better Decisions and Outcomes
    Institute 6: Innovative Interventions in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Extending Our Reach
    Institute 6: Research Institute: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Era of Genomics
    Institute 6: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children
    Institute 6: Research Institute: The ABCs of ABCD: Making the Most of the Largest Long-Term Study of Brain Development and Child Health in the United States
    Institute 7 : Excellence in Care for Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Relevant Updates on Best Practices
    Institute 7 Treating the Sickest Kid Set
    Institute 7 Treating the Sickest Kid Set
    Institute 7: Autism Spectrum Disorder Update: Screening, Assessment, Genetics, and Multidisciplinary Treatment
    Institute 7: Autism Spectrum Disorder Update: Screening, Assessment, Genetics, and Multidisciplinary Treatment
    Institute 7: Communication and Language Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    Institute 7: Developmental Considerations in Substance Use Disorders: From Pregnancy to Puberty and Beyond
    Institute 7: Mastering ADHD: Managing Comorbidities and Optimizing Medication Tolerability
    Institute 7: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts?
    Institute 8 : An Update on the Assessment and Management of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
    Institute 8 Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopatholog Set
    Institute 8 Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopatholog Set
    Institute 8: An Update on Assessment and Management of ASD and Associated Psychopathology
    Institute 8: ASD and Associated Psychopathology: An Update on Screening, Diagnosis, and Management
    Institute 8: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care
    Institute 8: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Practitioner and Early Career Psychiatrist
    Institute 8: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology for the Primary Care Practitioner and Early Career Psychiatrist
    Institute 8: Treatment of Preschoolers: Where Evidence Meets Practice
    Institute 9 : Bipolar Disorder in Youth: What Every Clinician Needs to Know
    Institute 9 Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology Set
    Institute 9 Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology Set
    Integrating Religious and Spiritual Issues in the Treatment of Children, Adolescents, and Families
    Intellectual Disabilities
    Interventions for Traumatized Children in Pediatric Settings
    IntroductionPharmacological Strategies in Treatment Refractory ADHD
    IntroductionPhenomenology, Longitudinal Course, and Differential Diagnosis of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    Introductory RemarksSleep Basics and Interaction of Sleep and Medical Illness in Youth
    Joseph Noshpitz Memorial History Lecture: Pediatric Psychopharmacology: Too Much or Too Little?
    Karl Menninger, M.D. Plenary: Transforming Urban Education: The New York City Experience
    Late Cognitive and Behavioral Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury Incurred in Early Childhood
    Learning DisabilitiesPsychological Testing
    Learning Disability and Interpreting Testing
    Learning in a New Land: Contextual Factors of the Immigrant Child
    Low Linguistic Competence and Other Risk Factors for Psychopathology in Latino Immigrant Children
    Making the Numbers Work for Us: Epidemiology and Assessment of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    Management of Pediatric Depression in a Primary Care Setting
    Management of Pediatric Depression in a Primary Care Setting
    Managing Sleep Disturbances in Children with ADHD
    MedicalPsychiatric Interface (Factitious Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Somatoform Disorders)
    MedicalPsychiatric Interface: Factitious Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Somatoform Disorders
    Medication Management of Preschoolers and Children with ADHD
    Medication Side Effects in Children and Adolescents Treated with Antipsychotics
    Mental Health and Substance Abuse in the Medical Home as It Pertains to Rural Settings
    Mental Health Issues for Children with Hearing Impairments
    Mental Retardation, Developmental Disabilities, and Genetic Disorders
    Mental Retardation, Developmental Disability, Genetic Disorders
    Monitoring the Use of Psychotropic Medications in Foster Children
    Neurocognitive and Cardiovascular Consequences of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children and Adolescents
    Neuroimaging 101: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), Morphometry, Volumetrics, and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)
    Neuroimaging Technology
    Neurological Disorders Seizures, Headaches, Brain Tumors, Neurodegenerative, and Neuromuscular Disorders
    Neurology for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Neurology for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Neurology for Child Psychiatrists Part 1
    Neurology for Child Psychiatrists Part 2
    Neuropsychology 101
    Normal Development: A Context for Understanding Disorders
    Normal Development: A Context for Understanding Disorders Part 1
    Normal Development: A Context for Understanding Disorders Part 2
    Normal Growth and Development in Middle Childhood and Adolescence
    Normal Growth and Development: Infancy and Toddlerhood
    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Tic Related Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    Opening Remarks Tics, Tourette's, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    Opening Remarks
    Opening Remarks
    Opening RemarksDifferential Diagnosis of Autism and Related Disorders
    Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Aggression, Temper Dysregulation Disorder
    Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Aggression, Violence, and Homicide
    Other Programs : Adolescent Risk-Taking Behaviors: Teaching Communities and Engaging the High Risk Adolescent
    Other Programs : Karl Menninger, M.D. Plenary: The Richness that IS the Academy
    Other Programs : Lawrence A. Stone, M.D. Plenary: The Mind and Music of Beethoven
    Other Programs : Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Child Psychiatry and the New Field of Social Neuroscience: Convergence or Missed Opportunity?
    Other Programs : Presidential Interview: Martin J. Drell M.D. interviews AACAP's New Executive Director Heidi B. Fordi, CAE
    Other Programs : Research Forum: Preventing Psychopathology in Childhood and Adolescence
    Other Programs : Resident As Teacher: Using Media to Teach From CNN to the Classroom
    Other Programs : Systems of Care Special Program: Child Psychiatry in the Schools: Best Practices in School-Based Mental Health Systems of Care
    Other Programs : The Poster Docent: A Guided Tour of Selected AACAP Posters
    Other Programs : Training Forum
    Panel Discussion #2: Tics, Tourette's, Autism, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Use of Second Generation Antipsychotics
    Panel Discussion #3: Internalizing Disorders
    Panel Discussion #4: Genetics and Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Medication
    Panel Discussion 1
    Panel Discussion 1
    Panel Discussion 2
    Panel Discussion 2
    Panel Discussion 3
    Panel Discussion 3
    Panel Discussion 4
    Panel Discussion 4
    Parental Depression, Child Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, and Child Outcome
    Pediatric and Neurologic Consultative Issues
    Pediatric Anxiety Disorders in Clinical Practice
    Pediatric Anxiety Disorders in Clinical Practice
    Pediatric Cancer
    Pediatric Consult Liasion Psychiatry and Somatoform Disorders
    Pediatric Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Somatoform Disorders
    Pediatric Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
    Pediatric Psychopharmacology Case Presentations: Practical Applications
    Pediatric Sleep Disorders
    Pediatric Sleep Disorders
    Pediatric Somatoform Disorders
    Pediatric Transplant: Assessing Psychosocial Risks
    Perils in Psychiatric Drug Development
    Pharmacological Strategies in Treatment Refractory ADHD
    Pharmacotherapy of Autism and Related Pervasive Developmental Disorders
    Pharmacotherapy of Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Pharmacotherapy of Mania and Depression in Youth with Bipolar Disorder
    Pharmacotherapy of Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with a Focus on Treatment Refractory Cases
    Phenomenology and Treatment of Disruptive Behavior Disorders
    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    Presidential Interview
    Principles of Psychopharmacology in Children and Adolescents
    Promoting Social and Emotional Well-Being for Children Who Experience Maltreatment Building Emotional Intelligence for Foster Youth: An Alumni Perspective
    Providing Effective Treatment to Foster Care Children: Adopting and Adapting Evidence-Based Treatments
    Psychiatric Assessment and Diagnosis of the InfantPreschool Child
    Psychiatric Assessment of Children and Adolescents with Demyelinating Disorders
    Psychiatric Disorders of Infants and Preschoolers
    Psychiatric Strategies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    Psychodynamic Treatment of Childhood Trauma
    Psychological Testing and Learning Disabilities
    Psychopharmacological Management of Youth with Major Depressive Disorder
    Psychopharmacological Treatment of ADHD and Substance Use Disorders
    Psychopharmacological Treatment of ADHD in Childhood
    Psychopharmacological Treatment of Autism
    Psychopharmacological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
    Psychopharmacological Treatment of Older Adolescents and Adults with ADHD: Treatments and Dealing with Substance Use Disorder
    Psychopharmacological Treatment of Psychotic Disorders, Including the Efficacy and Safety Data of Second Generation Antipsychotics
    Psychopharmacology: Focus on ADHD and OCD
    Psychosocial Treatment Approaches for the Youth and Family
    Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, and PTSD
    Psychotic and Schizophreniform Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    Rages, Mania, and Temper Dysregulation
    Rational Pharmacotherapy for Traumatized Children
    Rational Use of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers in Youth with Aggression in Autism, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia
    Recognition and Treatment of Children and Adolescents at Risk for Bipolar Disorder
    Recognizing Psychosis and Treating it Safely and Effectively
    Relational Contributions to Intergenerational Maltreatment Risk
    Religion and Spirituality as Resources: Working with Religious Professionals and Institutions
    Religion and Spirituality in Child and Adolescent Development
    Religion and Spirituality in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A New Frontier
    Religion and Spirituality in Medical Illness, Dying, and Death
    Religious and Spiritual Issues in Child and Family Assessment
    Report From the National Advisory Mental Health Council Workgroup on Interventions Research
    Research Advances in Treating Adolescents with Co-occuring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders
    Research Forum: Advancing Biomarker Sciences in Pediatric Psychiatry
    Research Forum: Perspectives on Current Pediatric Psychopharmacology Research Needs
    Resident as Teacher: Teaching Skills for Residency and Beyond
    Review of Pediatric and Neurologic Consultative Issues
    Review of the Evidence for Psychodynamic Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
    Roundtable Discussion: The Clinical Evaluation of a Complex Pediatric Central Nervous System (CNS) Case
    S.C.S.P - Systems of Care Special Program: Improving Care for Youth With ASD and Intellectual Disabilities Online Access Set
    School Consultation
    School Consultation
    Sexual Development, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity Issues Update
    Sleep and Eating Disorders
    Sleep and Emotion Regulation in Adolescents
    Sleep Disorders
    Sleep Related Behaviors (Parasomnias) in Children with Psychiatric Disorders
    Stress, Depression, and Pediatric Asthma
    Substance Abuse
    Substance Abuse in the Pediatric Population
    Substance Use Disorder: A Pediatric Approach
    Substance Use Disorders Among Youth
    Suicidal Self-Injurious Behavior: Treatment Strategies for DSM-5
    Suicide and Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents
    Symposium 1: Approaches to Using Electrophysiological Measures As Biomarkers in Child Psychiatry: Examples From ADHD
    Symposium 10: Alcohol and Teens: Recent Research and Implications for Practice
    Symposium 10: Evolution and Psychiatry: Adaptation or Disorder?
    Symposium 11: Adolescent Substance Abuse and Internalizing Disorders: Moving Beyond the Myths
    Symposium 11: Mind and Body: A Review of Research Focusing on Prevention and Intervention for Health and Mood
    Symposium 12: Can Brain Findings Inform Clinical Work in Child Psychiatry?
    Symposium 13: Community-Based Participatory Research and Mental Health Service Delivery in American Indian Communities
    Symposium 13: New Strategies for Treatment Resistant Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety
    Symposium 14: Can We Make Antipsychotics Safer for Kids Who Need Them?
    Symposium 14: Etiologies and Treatment Management of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Youth with Severe Mental Disorders
    Symposium 15: Imaging the Amygdala in Healthy, High Risk, and Clinical Populations
    Symposium 15: Simon Wile Symposium: Reaching Difficult Children with Difficult Problems
    Symposium 16: An Update on Adaptations and New Research on Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (IPT-A)
    Symposium 16: Parental Traumatic Stress in the Perinatal Period: Towards Effective Parent-Infant Intervention
    Symposium 17: Beyond Main Findings of NIDA Multi-Site Treatment Trials for Youth with Substance Use Disorders: What Works and for Whom?
    Symposium 17: Simon Wile Symposium on Consultation Psychiatry
    Symposium 18: From Cells to Circuits to Community: An Historical and Psychobiological Exploration of the Impact of Early Experience on Neurodevelopment
    Symposium 18: Joseph Noshpitz's Journey of Child Development
    Symposium 19: ADHD Genes, Scans, and Acronym Studies: What Is in Them for the Clinician?
    Symposium 19: Longitudinal Imaging Studies in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    Symposium 2: Early Interventions for Children Exposed to Traumatic Events
    Symposium 20: Marijuana and the Adolescent Brain: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go?
    Symposium 20: New Research in Juvenile Bipolar Disorder
    Symposium 21: Disadvantaged Schools and Mental Health: Developing and Expanding Capacity
    Symposium 21: The Making of DSM-5: Part 1
    Symposium 22: Evidence-Based Evaluation and Treatment of Youth with Maladaptive Aggression
    Symposium 23: DSM-5 Criteria Changes Important to Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
    Symposium 23: Informing the DSM-5: Examining Definitions for Youth Psychiatric Diagnoses Using Multiple Secondary Data Sources - the DiNG Project.
    Symposium 24: Enhancing Mental Health Services for Children and Youth in the Emergency Department
    Symposium 24: Long-Term Outcome in ADHD
    Symposium 25: Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Dysregulation in Adolescent Depression
    Symposium 25: The Emerging Role of Molecular Diagnoses in Child Psychiatry
    Symposium 26: Adolescent Substance Use: Screening and Evidence-Based Treatment in Practice
    Symposium 26: Using Functional Neuroimaging to Examine Social and Emotional Functioning in Pediatric Psychopathology
    Symposium 27: Association Between Antecedent Anxiety and Minor Mood Disorders and Subsequent Bipolar Disorder: New Findings From Ongoing High-Risk Studies
    Symposium 27: DSM-5 Update From the Child and Adolescent Disorders Work Group and the ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Work Group
    Symposium 28: Adult ADHD
    Symposium 28: Evaluating New Research in Complementary and Integrative Medicine
    Symposium 29: Heterogeneity and Development in Pre-School Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Symposium 3: Mental Health, Child Protection, and Human Rights of Vulnerable Youth in the U.S. and Worldwide
    Symposium 3: Who We Are: Evolution, Nonlinear Brain Dynamics, and Epigenetics
    Symposium 30: Dysregulated but NOT Bipolar: New Insights Into Childhood Problems with Self-Regulation
    Symposium 30: International Perspectives in Bipolar Disorders
    Symposium 31: Irritability: From Biology to Clinical Implications
    Symposium 31: Macarthur Foundation Youth Research Network: Findings and Implications for Children's Services
    Symposium 32: Gene Camp: Understanding Genetic Studies of Childhood Psychiatric Disorders
    Symposium 32: Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Self Injury in Youths: Prevention, Treatment, and Service Delivery
    Symposium 33: Evidence-Based Family-Centered ADHD Care
    Symposium 33: The Biological Basis for ADHD and Medication Treatment Response: Making Sense of the Data for Professionals and Families
    Symposium 35: Latest Advances in Neurobiological Research on Learning Disorders and Its Clinical Implications
    Symposium 35: Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder Offspring
    Symposium 36: Long-Term Outcome of Childhood Disorders and Its Predictors
    Symposium 37: Media Exposure and Early Child Development
    Symposium 38: DSM-5 Update From the Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ND) Work Group
    Symposium 39: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Post-Genome-Era: Reframing the Promise of Prevention
    Symposium 39: Childhood ADHD Into Adulthood: The Proof of the Pudding
    Symposium 4: Dissemination of Interventions for Reducing Child Maltreatment and Associated Impairment
    Symposium 4: Improving Precision in Child Psychiatric Clinical Trials
    Symposium 40: Defining a Role for Irritability within Child Psychiatry: Measurement, Epidemiology, and Neural Underpinnings
    Symposium 42: Gender Identity Disorder and the DSM-5: An Update
    Symposium 43: Pediatric Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Relationships Between Development, Neurobiology, and Treatment
    Symposium 43: Preschoolers in Child Welfare: Offsetting Extreme-High Risk for Life-Course Psychopathology
    Symposium 44: Prevention of Depression in At-Risk Youth: Long-Term Outcomes
    Symposium 44: Psychotropic Medication Use in Vulnerable Child and Adolescent Populations
    Symposium 45: Advances in Research on Burn Trauma and Outcomes
    Symposium 45: Animal Model Systems Advancing the Field of Child Psychiatry
    Symposium 46: Neuroimaging in Clinical Practice: Are We There Yet?
    Symposium 46: Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Update: Neuroimaging, Genetics, and Treatment
    Symposium 47: New Research Useful in the Identification and Management of Youth with Bipolar Disorder
    Symposium 47: Pharmacotherapy in Autism: A Decade of Progress
    Symposium 48: "Resting-State" Functional Connectivity of Typical Development, Bipolar Disorder, and ADHD
    Symposium 48: Positive Youth Development for Children Growing Up with Chronic Illness: Factors That Affect Young Adult Outcomes and Practical Interventions
    Symposium 49: A Longitudinal Study of ADHD in the Community: Persistence, Comorbidity, Health Risk Behaviors, and Parent-Child Agreement
    Symposium 49: Somatic and Life Skill Complaints Associated with ADHD: Beyond Core Symptoms
    Symposium 5: International Symposium: Examining Youth Suicide and Prevention Programs IV
    Symposium 5: International Symposium: Integrated Psychosocial and Mental Health Services for Children in Emergency Situations
    Symposium 50: Pathways and Risk Factors for Developmental Psychopathology and Wellness
    Symposium 50: The Bucharest Early Intervention Project: Effects of Early Deprivation
    Symposium 51: Gender Differences In ADHD, Substance Use, and Other Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders: Implications for Treatment of Adolescent and Young Adult Females
    Symposium 52: Cortical-Subcortical Circuits in the Pathogenesis of ADHD
    Symposium 53: New Topics in Eating Disorders
    Symposium 54: Non-Pharmacologic Neurocognitive Enhancing Interventions for Children with ADHD
    Symposium 55: Autism in Girls and Women
    Symposium 6: Autism as a Dysconnection Syndrome: From Microscopic Abnormalities to Developmental Trajectories
    Symposium 6: Mechanisms of Action in Current Anxiety and Mood Disorder Treatments
    Symposium 7: Founders Symposium: Stress, Anxiety, and the Developing Brain
    Symposium 7: Reducing the Global Impact of HIV Infection: Effective Risk Reduction Strategies in Developing Nations: Experiences in Africa and Asia
    Symposium 8: Challenging Traditional Concepts of ADHD: Evidence From Brain Imaging and Longitudinal Follow-up Studies
    Symposium 8: Founders Symposium: Social Context in Development
    Symposium 9: AIMS: Antidepressant Induced Manic Symptoms in Youth
    Symposium 9: Dynamic Factors of Treatment in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
    Systems of Care Special Program: Early Childhood Mental Health Systems of Care: Evidence Base and Best Practices
    Systems of Care Special Program: Unclaimed Children 2011: Best Practices In Mental Health for Children In Child Welfare
    Systems of CareLevels of Care
    Teaching for Success: Rewards and Challenges of Educating In the Internet Era
    Telepsychiatry, Behavioral Treatments, and Cognitive Prodrome to Schizophrenia
    Ten Things a Primary Care Physician Needs to Know about Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and Aggression in Autism
    The Architecture of Neurobehavioral Comorbidities in Children with Epilepsy
    The Biobehavioral Family Model (BBFM): Application to Pediatric Stress-Related Illness
    The Government Accountability Office Report on Psychotropic Medication Use in Foster Children: Research and Policy Implications
    The Impact of DSM-5 on Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents
    The Neural Basis of Social Awareness in Children with Autism
    The Neurodevelopmental Defects That Cause Autism
    The Treatment of ADHD
    Tic Disorders and Psychiatric Comorbidity: Strategies for Managing the Complex and Challenging Patient Beyond the Evidence Base
    Tics, Tourette's Disorder, and Comorbidity: Strategies for Treatment Resistance
    Tic's, Tourette's, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Community, Foster, and Residential Settings
    Treating Traumatized Children in School Settings
    Treating Traumatized Children with Severe Comorbid Mental Disorders
    Treatment Approach to Sleep Disturbances in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
    Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
    Treatment of Anxiety: A Modern Neuroscience Perspective
    Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Psychotic Disorders: From Prodrome to Refractoriness
    Treatment of Comorbid and High-Risk Conditions in Youth with and At Risk for Developing Bipolar Disorder
    Treatment of Eating Disorders
    Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Youth
    Treatment Refractory Depression
    Typical Development from Conception to Adulthood
    Update on ADHD, Conduct Disorder, and Psychopharmacology
    Update on ADHD, Conduct Disorder, and Psychopharmacology
    Update on ADHD, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Electroconvulsive Therapy, and Genetics
    Update on Autism
    Update on Bipolar Disorder
    Update on Bipolar Disorder
    Update on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Child Psychiatric Disorders
    Update on Ethics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Guidelines for Managing Conflicts of Interest
    Update on Forensics, Substance Use, Abuse, and Trauma
    Update on Mental Disorders Among Children with Hearing Impairments Update on Bereavement, Death and Dying
    Update on Neuroscience
    Update on Pharmacologic and Biomedical Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Update on Residential Treatment, Wraparound Treatment, Seclusion and Restraint, Ethics, and Risk Management
    Use of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers in the Treatment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
    WelcomeAACAP's Recertification Efforts Bipolar Disorder, Mood Disorder, Developmental Disorders, and Development Variables
    Will Redefinition of Autism Spectrum Disorders Change Our Targets of Treatment?
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Q&A Panel Discussion
Psychopharmacology for ODD? Treating the Horse or the Cart
Updates in ADHD Psychopharmacology
Q&A Panel Discussion
Psychopharmacology in (not for) Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Update
Psychopharmacologic and Psychosocial Interventions to Address Mental Health Challenges in Autism
Q&A Panel Discussion
Bipolar Disorder in Youth: What is, What Isn't, and how to Treat it
Depression in North America: What Works in Clinical Trials Versus What Works for the Teenager in Your Office
Tics Tactics: Navigating Pharmacotherapy in Pediatric Tourette's Syndrome
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Pharmacology in 2025: Reviewing Basics and Dispelling Traditional Lore
Q&A Discussion
Is Child Psychiatry Ready for the Master Observational Trial?
Pediatric Drug Development in the United States
Clinical Perspectives 93: Navigating the Pediatric Mental Health Boarding Crisis: From Consensus to Care
Clinical Perspectives 92: Grief: It's Not a 4-Letter Word. Let's Talk About It
Clinical Perspectives 94: The Role of the Pediatric Consultation Liaison Service in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Clinical Perspectives 91: Perinatal Mental Health 101: A Clinical Overview for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Symposium 39: Exploring Social Engagement Across Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: A Transdiagnostic ...
Clinical Perspectives 88: Essential Insights: Assessment and Psychopharmacology Basics for Supporting Youth With ...
Clinical Perspectives 87: Beyond the Basics: Prescribing Practices and Clinical Challenges in Early Psychosis
Clinical Perspectives 90: New Perspectives on ASD
Clinical Perspectives 89: Innovation in Child Psychiatry Access Programs: Three Examples From Two Different States
Clinical Perspectives 86: Paging Doctor TikTok: Social Media Psychoeducation, Misinformation, and Contagion
Symposium 37: Eating Disorders Screening, Prevalence, and Transition Outcomes in Children and Adolescents: The Current ...
Clinical Perspectives 84: How Controversies Shaped Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Learnings From the Past, Present, ...
Symposium 38: New Research on Treating Traumatized Children
Clinical Perspectives 85: Moving the Needle: Opportunities for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists to Lead Systemic ...
Symposium 36: What's the Big Deal?: Emerging Themes in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research
Clinical Perspectives 83: Supporting Justice-Involved Youth From Diverse Backgrounds Within the Community and ...
Symposium 35: Mission Not Impossible: Innovations and Solutions in Pediatric Emergency Psychiatry
Clinical Perspectives 82: Don't Let Patient Feedback Crush You: Learning to Tolerate, Address, and Grow From Negative ...
Symposium 34: Advancing Adolescent Mental Health: Innovative Digital and Family-Centered Interventions for Emotion ...
Clinical Perspectives 80: When "Atypical" Is Normal: Treatment Challenges in Atypical Anorexia Nervosa
Clinical Perspectives 81: When the Parent Has Problematic Digital Media Use: Recognizing Caregiver Online Behaviors ...
Symposium 33: Phenotypic, Genetic, and Clinical Heterogeneity in Complex Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Plenary 7: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: First Do No Harm: The Interrelationship of Mental Health and the Juvenile ...
Symposium 32: Neurobehavioral and Environmental Risk Factors for Alcohol Initiation in Adolescents
Symposium 30: Early Identification of Risk for ADHD From Pregnancy to Preschool: Findings From the Early ADHD Consortium
Symposium 31: Leveraging Youth Co-Design for Mobile Applications to Impact Systems of Care
Symposium 29: Can Big Data Lead to Big Gains for Individuals With Neurodevelopmental Conditions and Their Families: ...
Clinical Perspectives 79: Building Strong Foundations: Novel Approaches Integrating Attachment, Partners, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 76: Maintaining Wellness as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist: Challenges and Tips
Clinical Perspectives 78: Very Young and Severely Underweight: International Perspectives on Treatment for Prepubertal ...
Clinical Perspectives 75: A Short Good Life: Reflections on Self-Care and Growth Through Bereavement
Clinical Perspectives 77: Screening With Meaning: Evidence-Based Practices Across Settings for Equity, Engagement, and ...
Symposium 28: The Spectrum of Rigidity and Compulsivity in ASD
Clinical Perspectives 74: Redefining Psychiatric Care: Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Youth Mental Health
Symposium 27: Meeting the Moment: New Program Development for Adolescents With Acute Psychiatric Needs
Clinical Perspectives 71: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas to Share for Advancing Antiracism in Child ...
Clinical Perspectives 72: Evaluating Aggression in Clinical Settings
Clinical Perspectives 73: Integrated and Multidisciplinary Medical and Psychiatric Units Through the Continuum of Care: ...
Symposium 26: Updates From the MTA Follow-Up: Fluctuation in Adulthood, Women in Adulthood, and Maintenance of ...
Clinical Perspectives 68: Pharmacological Management of Maladaptive Behaviors in ASD With Comorbid Psychopathology
Clinical Perspectives 67: Overcoming Rural Barriers: Innovative Approaches to Improve Access to Care in Rural ...
Clinical Perspectives 70: Unseen Identities: Romance, Asexuality, and Nonmonogamy in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Clinical Perspectives 66: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Childhoods and Societies: Clinical Pearls From the ...
Clinical Perspectives 64: How to Make Sense of All the Noise: An Explosion of Parenting Content and How to Navigate It
Clinical Perspectives 69: Trauma of Pediatric Illness: Impact on the Developing Brain and on Caregivers
Clinical Perspectives 65: Is Ketamine the New "Wonder Drug"? The Biomedical Model, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 62: Families With Guns: Strategies for Firearm Safety, Suicide Prevention, and Coping With the ...
Clinical Perspectives 61: Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder: Consensus and Conundrums
Clinical Perspectives 60: Building Bridges and Moving Mountains: Practical Tips for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists ...
Clinical Perspectives 63: The Rise of Eating Disorders in Hispanic Communities
Symposium 25: Characterizing the Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on the Parent-Child Relationship and Developing ...
Plenary 6: AACAP Town Meeting: Bringing the Village to the Children: Leadership in an Era of Systems Change
Clinical Perspectives 58: "Can't Stop, Won't Stop": Addiction in Transitional-Age Youth
Symposium 24: From Impulse to Control: Clinical Markers, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Impulse and Disruptive Disorders ...
Clinical Perspectives 59: Traumatized Youth in Our Highest Levels of Care: Managing Severe Maladaptive Behaviors to ...
Symposium 23: Beyond the Emergency Department: Innovative Models for Pediatric Behavioral Health Crisis Care
Clinical Perspectives 56: Neurogenetic Syndromes: A Comparison of Four Syndromes to Idiopathic ASD
Clinical Perspectives 53: Everything, Everywhere: Managing Medically and Psychiatrically Complex Patients Across the ...
Clinical Perspectives 54: Examining the Evolving Father-Daughter Relationship Across Cultures
Clinical Perspectives 55: Grassroots Systems Transformation
Clinical Perspectives 52: Closing the Gap: Clinical Perspectives From School-Based Collaborative Care
Symposium 20: Sleep and Other Lifestyle Effects in RCTs for ADHD: New Neurofeedback and Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation ...
Symposium 19: Acute and Long-term Safety of Antipsychotics and Antidepressants: An Update
Symposium 21: Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Novel Findings and Future Directions
Symposium 22: Rare Genetic Variation in Child Psychiatry: From Gene Discovery to Clinical Integration
Clinical Perspectives 51: The Sooner, the Better: Why Diagnosing Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder Is ...
Clinical Perspectives 46: Digital Alchemy: Shaping the Future of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry With Artificial ...
Clinical Perspectives 49: Using Landmark Cases to Guide Critical Issues Facing Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Clinical Perspectives 45: Advanced Practice Clinicians in Psychiatry: Pathways to Safe, Quality, and Accessible Care
Clinical Perspectives 48: Revolutionizing Psychiatric Education and Care: Cutting-Edge Approaches to Infant and ...
Clinical Perspectives 47: Innovative Models to Improve Care for Youth With Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Medical and ...
Clinical Perspectives 50: Youth Opioid Use Disorder: Deconstructing the Barriers to Medication Assisted Treatment With ...
Plenary 5: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Delving Into Pediatric Catatonia
Clinical Perspectives 44: Managing the Rise in College Students Seeking Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD
Clinical Perspectives 43: Developmental Stages of Behavioral Response in Pediatric Health Systems: From Proactive to ...
Clinical Perspectives 42: Arabs and Child Mental Health: On Empathy, Bias, Acculturation and Using Cultural Language in ...
Clinical Perspectives 40: Sleepless in Seattle — Getting Our Kids to Bed
Clinical Perspectives 37: Benefits and Challenges of Implementing DBT Across Multiple Levels of Care
Clinical Perspectives 38: Ethical and Legal Considerations in the Care of Patients With Eating Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 41: Tourette's Disorder Clinical Dilemma: From Theoretical Findings to Practical Applications
Clinical Perspectives 39: Parasocial Relationships in Adolescents
Symposium 17: Partnering With Youth and Families for Child Mental Health Research
Symposium 18: The Promise and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Pediatric Behavioral Health
Plenary 4: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: In a Human Voice
Clinical Perspectives 36: Social Media and Substance Use: How Social Media Shapes and Fuels Adolescent Substance Use ...
Symposium 16: Mixed Features in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Mood Disorders: Evidence From Longitudinal and ...
Clinical Perspectives 34: Children and War: Exposures, Outcomes, and Interventions
Clinical Perspectives 35: Healthy Sexuality in Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Practical Pearls for Clinical ...
Symposium 15: From the Bench to the Bedside: Emerging Mechanisms in ASD
Symposium 14: Advances in Precision Neuromodulation for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinical Perspectives 32: Navigating the Path to Success: A Guide to School Support and the Transition to College for ...
Clinical Perspectives 31: Cross-Cultural Considerations for Mental Health Professionals on Climate Change and Youth ...
Clinical Perspectives 33: Updates in Current Evidence and Innovations in Pediatric Delirium
Plenary 3: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: From Crisis to Compassion: Rethinking Mental Health in Foster Care
Plenary 2: Research Symposium: Heeding the Impact of Climate Change on Youth Mental Health
Symposium 12: Simon Wile Symposium: Mapping Care for Medically Complex Kids: From Collaborative Care to Subspecialty ...
Clinical Perspectives 27: Bridging Gaps: Clinical Perspectives on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): A Hidden ...
Clinical Perspectives 30: Substance Use Does Not Discriminate: Culturally Sensitive Substance Use Prevention and ...
Clinical Perspectives 28: Heeding the Psychological Trauma of Climate Change: Multiple Perspectives From Child and ...
Clinical Perspectives 29: Inspiring Hope: Aiding Adolescents and Young Adults With Chronic Medical Illness and ...
Symposium 11: Enhancing Understanding of Prevention and Intervention for Suicidal and Self-Harm Behaviors in Youth
Clinical Perspectives 26: Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Psychotherapy and Training to Provide ...
Symposium 10: Advancing Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis (CHR-P) Care Through Innovations
Clinical Perspectives 25: Ethical Dilemmas in Individuals With ASD and Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD): ...
Plenary 1: Presidential Interview: Challenges and Opportunities in Caring for Tribal Communities
Clinical Perspectives 24: Navigating the Tides of Leadership: Strategies for Influence, Connection, and Resilience in ...
Symposium 09: Changing the Landscape of Child and Youth Psychiatric Epidemiology
Symposium 08: Associations Between Cannabis Use and Suicide Risk Among US Youth: Emerging Data on the Importance of ...
Clinical Perspectives 20: New Findings on the Overlap and Therapeutics of Comorbid ADHD
Clinical Perspectives 21: Pediatric Medicine Update: Controversies in Pediatric Weight Management
Clinical Perspectives 23: When the Waiting List Is Too Long to Wait: Novel Behavioral Interventions for Young Children ...
Clinical Perspectives 22: Supporting Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth in the Era of Gender-Affirming Care Bans
Symposium 06: Recent Trends in Psychopharmacology: How Pharmacoepidemiology Can Inform Practice in Child and Adolescent ...
Symposium 07: CAPQual: Incorporating Youth Voices and Reclaiming the Humanities Through Qualitative Research
Clinical Perspectives 18: Navigating Consensus: Exploring Current Research and Principles for Integrating ...
Clinical Perspectives 19: Understanding the Importance of Green Space to Improve Youth Mental Health From the Clinic to ...
Clinical Perspectives 17: Incarceration of Patients With ASD and IDD: From Prevention to Reintegration Across Clinical ...
Clinical Perspectives 13: Social Media and Adolescent Sexual Development
Clinical Perspectives 11: It's Time for Autism to REALLY Speak: Neurodivergent Clinicians Deepen Our Understanding of ...
Clinical Perspectives 12: Just Because It's Common, Doesn't Mean It's Simple: Complex Topics in Bullying and School ...
Symposium 04: Practice-Based Suicide Prevention Research Centers: Research Methods to Accelerate Suicide Prevention and ...
Symposium 05: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Catatonia: New Insights From a Large Multi-Site Cohort
Clinical Perspectives 14: The Effects of Climate Change on Families Globally
Clinical Perspectives 16: Untangling a Ball of Yarn: Working With the Impact of Early Attachment and Parent-Child ...
Clinical Perspectives 15: The Phenomenology and Treatment of Anxiety in ASD
Clinical Perspectives 09: Internet Addiction and ADHD: A Developmental Perspective
Symposium 03: Mental Health Informatics and Data Science (MINDS) to Improve the Precision, Quality, and Equity of ...
Clinical Perspectives 10: "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child": Systems-Based Approach to Work With Family, School, ...
Clinical Perspectives 03: Empowering Families of Children With ASD: Psychological Impacts and Interventions
Clinical Perspectives 04: Examining the Overlap Between Psychosis and Substance Use Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 08: Trauma in the Intellectual Developmental Disorder Spectrum: Empowerment Through Awareness
Symposium 02: Screen Media Behavior Patterns Impact Psychiatric Outcomes and Inform Innovative Interventions
Clinical Perspectives 01: Beyond Deaths of Despair: Addressing Suicide in Rural Youth
Symposium 01: Advancing Understanding of Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Conditions Through Conceptual and ...
Clinical Perspectives 05: Quality Improvement in the Emergency Department Setting
Clinical Perspectives 02: Catatonia in Pediatric Consult-Liaison Psychiatry: Diverse Etiologies and Presentations
Clinical Perspectives 07: The Psychological and Cognitive Effects of Starvation in Youth: Research Evidence and ...
Clinical Perspectives 06: The Parental Alienation Concept: Shifting Terminology, Dangerous Consequences, Improved ...
Gold-standard Treatment for Early Psychosis and Research on Schizophrenia Prevention
Psychiatric Assessment of the Very Young Child
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Eating Disorders - Clinical Presentation, Epidemiology, Neurobiology, and Treatment
Aggression and Irritability: Just Like It, Only Different
An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
Clinical Perspectives 86: Substance Use Prevention in Children and Adolescents: Evidence and Recommendations
Clinical Perspectives 84: Cool, Calm, and Collected: Evidence-Based Strategies to Address Pediatric Aggression
Clinical Perspectives 85: Healthcare Systems as Facilitators of Universal Behavioral Health Prevention in Schools
Symposium 55: Beyond the Sum of Its Parts: The Intersectionality of Chinese/Chinese American Sexual- and ...
Symposium 56: Cognition, Brain Development, and Sleep in Neurotypical and Neurodiverse Youth
Clinical Perspectives 83: Navigating the Path to Success: A Guide to School Support and the Transition to College for ...
Clinical Perspectives 82: Family-Based Assessment and Treatment
Symposium 54: How Online Experiences Impact Adolescent Mental Illness and What To Do About It
Symposium 52: Exploring Polygenic Variation in Youth Mental Health: Setting the Stage for Clinical Risk Prediction
Symposium 53: From Traits to Catatonia in ASD: Accounting for Heterogeneity in Search of Treatments and Biomarkers for ...
Clinical Perspectives 77: Approaches to Working With Families Around Youth Problematic Media Use
Clinical Perspectives 80: Is It Safe to Share? Stigmatized Topics in Training and Supervision
Clinical Perspectives 81: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders in Youth: Diagnostic Acceptance, Reduced ...
Clinical Perspectives 79: Family Friendly: Family Interventions Across Acute Care Systems
Clinical Perspectives 78: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists in Schools: Practical Issues Related to Communication and ...
Symposium 51: Sleep and Mental Health From Infancy to Adolescents: Implications for Intervention
Clinical Perspectives 75: Beyond the Basics: Prescribing Practices and Clinical Challenges in Early Psychosis
Clinical Perspectives 76: Young Children-Parent Clinic Models Across the Country: Data From Three Clinics With ...
Symposium 50: Policy and Family Mental Health in Post-Roe America
Symposium 48: Advancing Understanding of Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders Through Novel Assessments
Clinical Perspectives 70: BIPOC LGBTQ Media Matters: Tools for Facilitating Discussions of Intersectionality and Mental ...
Clinical Perspectives 71: Psychosis, Not Schizophrenia: Advanced Approaches to Differential Diagnoses and Treatment ...
Clinical Perspectives 74: The Use of ECT in Children and Adolescents
Clinical Perspectives 72: Fentanyl and the Opioid Epidemic: Practical Guidance for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ...
Clinical Perspectives 73: Implementing Selective and Indicated Prevention to Improve Population Behavioral Health: ...
Symposium 43: How Do Youth Mental Health Interventions Change the Brain? Capturing the Malleability of Brain ...
Symposium 44: PANS: Research and Treatment Updates
Symposium 47: What Does Informant Disagreement Tell Us About Irritability?
Symposium 46: Suicide and Self-Harm Contagion in Traditional and New Media
Symposium 45: Simon Wile Symposium ECHOs of Inspiration: Collaborative and Integrated Care Innovations for Historically ...
Clinical Perspectives 69: What You Can Do About Climate Change: An Interactive, Case-Based Session to Provide ...
Clinical Perspectives 68: Power Trip-Ups: How Power Dynamics and Provider Bias Can Undermine Alliance and Outcomes in ...
Symposium 41: Optimizing and Personalizing ADHD Treatment: What We Have Learned and Where Do We Need to Go
Symposium 42: Utilizing the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Framework to Advance Understanding of Social Deficits ...
Clinical Perspectives 66: Addressing Challenges in Caring for Gender-Diverse Youth in Rural Areas
Clinical Perspectives 67: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists as Catalysts of Equity in Schools and Communities
Symposium 40: Metformin for overweight and OBese chILdren with bIpolar spectrum disorders Treated with ...
Clinical Perspectives 64: Logistics Involved in a Pediatric ECT Service
Clinical Perspectives 65: Overlap Between Behavioral Addictions and Substance Use and Potential Interventions in ...
Clinical Perspectives 63: From There to Here, From Here to There, Psychodynamics Are Everywhere!
Clinical Perspectives 62: Comprehensive Treatment Planning for Children and Youth With ASD and Challenging Behaviors: ...
Symposium 39: Neurobiological and Environmental Risk Factors for ADHD in Infants and Young Children
Clinical Perspectives 61: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas Worth Sharing
Symposium 35: Amplifying and Diversifying Collaborative Care Implementation Through Demonstration of Meaningful Outcomes
Symposium 36: Children With Irritability and Dysregulation: Multiple Targets and Psychotherapeutic Modalities for ...
Symposium 38: Implications From a 20-Year Study of Romanian Orphans
Symposium 37: Family Intervention in the Early Phases of Mood, Anxiety, and Gender Dysphoric Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 60: Children Traumatized by Inter- and Intra-National Violence: Ethical and Clinical Perspectives
Clinical Perspectives 59: Challenges in Understanding and Supporting Gender Identity in Youth With ASD and/or ...
Symposium 33: New Advances in Arts-Based Interventions to Support Mental Health and Well-Being in Adolescents
Symposium 34: Updates From the Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD (MTA): Stimulant Treatment and Substance Use (SU), ...
Symposium 32: Leveraging Video Clips and Social Media: Enhancing Education, Reducing Stigma, and Fostering Behavior ...
Clinical Perspectives 57: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: The Many Faces of Leadership in Child and ...
Clinical Perspectives 58: Media and Sexual Development in 2023 Among Sexually Diverse Youth
Clinical Perspectives 56: Implementing, Sustaining, and Developing a Workforce: Pediatric Collaborative Care
Clinical Perspectives 54: Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: Acute and Inpatient Diagnosis and Management
Clinical Perspectives 55: Evolving Topics in Tourette's Disorder
Symposium 29: Spheres of Violence and Trauma Inside and Outside the Home: Prevention and Intervention in Child ...
Symposium 30: Why Labeling, Assessing, and Treating Outbursts Should Be Part of Trauma-Informed Care
Symposium 31: Novel Applications of Technology for Ecologically Valid Assessment of Sleep and Circadian Function in ...
Clinical Perspectives 53: Optimizing Higher Levels of Care for Individuals With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Bridging ...
Clinical Perspectives 52: Calling All Caregivers: Methods for Increasing Caregiver Involvement in Youth Mental Health ...
Symposium 28: Integrating Trauma-Focused CBT and Racial Socialization for Traumatized Black Youth
Clinical Perspectives 49: Coming of Age in 2023: Transitional-Age Youth With Anxiety and Depression Facing Lost ...
Clinical Perspectives 50: Suicidal Behaviors in Children and Adolescents: Synthesis of Issues and Solutions From Global ...
Clinical Perspectives 51: Novel Treatments on the Horizon: A Glimpse Into the Newer Pharmacological Treatments Under ...
Symposium 26: Calculators and Compositions: Educational Supports and Services by a Hospital-Based School Program Across ...
Symposium 27: Pediatric Catatonia: Recent Updates, Trends, and Treatment Strategies
Clinical Perspectives 48: Developing Consensus: A Look at the Up-to-Date Research, Guidelines, and Principles for the ...
Clinical Perspectives 46: Repetitive Thoughts and Behaviors in ASD: Assessment and Treatment
Clinical Perspectives 44: How Can We Help? Successful Partnerships With Primary Care Using a Collaborative Multiagency ...
Clinical Perspectives 47: Sleep Update: Behavioral and Pharmacological Treatments of Sleep Problems in Patients With ...
Clinical Perspectives 45: "Lived Experiences" in the Emergency Department: Challenges in Providing Emergency ...
Clinical Perspectives 43: Addressing the Complexity of Functional Neurological Disorders Through Multidisciplinary ...
Symposium 22: Digital Therapeutics in ADHD: Evidence, Research Standards, and Social Context
Symposium 25: Pediatric Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors: A Research Update on Clinical Characteristics and Treatment ...
Symposium 23: International Efforts to Study Trajectories of Psychosis Spectrum Symptoms and Their Impact on Child and ...
Symposium 24: Needles in Haystacks: Mining Real-World Clinical Data to Find Children With Psychiatric Diagnoses and ...
Symposium 19: Brain and Behavior in Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents
Symposium 21: Suicide Screening and Disclosure: Current Update on Predictive Validity
Symposium 20: Social Cognition: Novel Methods of Assessment and Biomarker-Driven Pharmacological Treatment
Clinical Perspectives 37: Evidence-Based Approaches to Managing Adverse Effects of Psychotropics in Children
Clinical Perspectives 38: Evidence-Based Therapies for Young Children: How to Address Anxiety, Selective Mutism, ...
Clinical Perspectives 35: An Inclusive and Equitable Approach in ADHD Care
Clinical Perspectives 36: Cannabis and Psychosis: What's Changed? What Do We Know? Where Are We Going?
Clinical Perspectives 39: Pediatric Medicine Updates for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist: Autonomic Dysfunction, ...
Clinical Perspectives 41: Therapeutic Use of Video Games: Positive Aspects of Gaming In and Out of the Office
Clinical Perspectives 40: Serving d/Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) Children, Adolescents, and Their Families: ...
Symposium 18: Trauma, Psychosis, and Systems-Involved Youth: Opportunities for Early Intervention
Symposium 16: Intergenerational Psychiatry: Maternal Experiences and Infant Neurodevelopment in Contexts of High ...
Symposium 17: The Rare Variants Framework: Insights Into Neuropsychiatric Phenotypes Provided by Studies of Rare ...
Clinical Perspectives 33: Diagnosis and Management of Comorbidities in ASD
Clinical Perspectives 34: The Marvel-ous Life of Kamala Khan: Survivor of Historical and Intergenerational Trauma
Symposium 15: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Initiation, Progression, and Recovery From Substance Use Disorders in ...
Clinical Perspectives 31: Intergenerational Gaps in Adolescent Subcultures
Clinical Perspectives 32: Opening a Dialogue on Psychopharmacologic Standards of Care for Youth
Clinical Perspectives 30: Empowering Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists: A Guide to Resources, Tools, and Strategies to ...
Clinical Perspectives 29: Assessment and Management of Functional Somatic Symptoms Across the Continuum of Care
Symposium 13: ADHD Characteristics, Differences, EEG Correlates, and Predictors of Response to Neurofeedback and ...
Symposium 14: Assessing Psychotic-Spectrum Experiences in Children, Adolescents, and Transitional-Aged Youth: Key ...
Clinical Perspectives 27: The Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-up of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Subtype: ...
Clinical Perspectives 25: Healing Postpandemic Children's and Family Mental Health: Novel Initiative Convergence of ...
Clinical Perspectives 24: Emerging Needs in Pediatric Consultation-Liaison (CL) Psychiatry: Substance Use Disorder and ...
Clinical Perspectives 28: Using Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports to Reduce Acuity and Enhance Skill ...
Clinical Perspectives 26: Mental Health Impact of Mass Violence and Terrorism on Children and Adolescents: Insights ...
Symposium 12: From Bench to Clinic to Public Policy: Recent Translational Research on the Psychobiological Mechanisms ...
Clinical Perspectives 23: Why Is My Patient on 18 Different Medications? When to Question a Diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos ...
Symposium 11: ADHD and Health Problems Throughout the Lifespan
Clinical Perspectives 22: The Many Faces of Pediatric Psychiatric Emergencies: Differential and Management
Clinical Perspectives 21: Clinical Care for Suicidal Youth After Crisis: Beyond Inpatient Hospitalization
Symposium 10: International Symposium: Innovating Across International Borders: Education and Training Initiatives in ...
Symposium 9: Community Leading the Research: Partnering in Science for Youth Mental Health Equity
Clinical Perspectives 20: A Potential Alternative to Inpatient or Residential Treatment: Multisystemic ...
Symposium 8: Irritability and Trauma: Understanding the Transdiagnostic Psychopathologic Implications of Traumatic ...
Symposium 7: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children Hospitalized With Mental Illness: Depression, Anxiety, Family ...
Clinical Perspectives 19: Kids in the Courtroom: How Young Is Too Young? Perspectives on the Minimum Age for Juvenile ...
Clinical Perspectives 18: Detransition, Retransition, or Ongoing Gender Affirmation? Gender as a Journey
Symposium 6: Someday Is Now: Urgently Needed Emerging Treatments for Anorexia Nervosa
Symposium 4: Addressing Severely Impairing Comorbidity in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 17: The Privilege Paradox of Being a Boy
Clinical Perspectives 15: Effective Strategies for Working With Drug-Using Adolescents Who Are Unmotivated to Quit or ...
Clinical Perspectives 16: Helping Students Transition Back to School: Addressing School Avoidance and Absenteeism ...
Clinical Perspectives 14: An Unexpected Journey: Guiding Families of Children With ASD Postdiagnosis
Clinical Perspectives 10: Celebrating Father Involvement in Diverse Cultures
Clinical Perspectives 11: Improving Community-Based Mental Health Services for LGBTQ Youth
Clinical Perspectives 9: ADHD: Understanding and Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Diagnosis and Treatment
Clinical Perspectives 12: The Changing Landscape of ADHD: Newer Medications, Neurostimulation, Digital Therapeutic, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 13: The Web of Connectivity: Challenging Silos of Care Within and Across Child and Adolescent ...
Clinical Perspectives 5: Beyond Being a Good Enough Mother: The Role of Extended Maternal Figures in Clinical Practice ...
Clinical Perspectives 7: Shame, Blame, and Fame: The Impact of Substance Use Stigma on Patients, Parents, Providers, ...
Clinical Perspectives 6: Building Bridges: Collaborative Curriculum Development in Pediatric Consultation-Liaison ...
Clinical Perspectives 8: Statewide Initiatives to Address Youth Suicide Prevention
Symposium 2: Beyond Our Own Backyard: The Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Children and ...
Symposium 3: Religiosity, Spirituality, and Substance Use Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Transitional-Aged ...
Clinical Perspectives 4: When Young Children Need Psychotropic Medications: How to Address ADHD, Anxiety, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 3: Racism as Trauma: The Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on Black Youth
Clinical Perspectives 1: Cross-Cultural Community-Based Interventions: Capturing Belonging and Building Resilience ...
Clinical Perspectives 2: Diagnosis, Disparities, and Missing Narratives of Complex Trauma in Child and Adolescent ...
Symposium 1: The Relationship Between Anxiety and Eating Pathology: Novel Insights From Genetics, Childhood ...
Attachment Relationships and Relationship Disturbances in Young Children
Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Traumatic Grief
Irritability, Outbursts, and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorde
Keeping Our Schools Safe: A Safety Assessment Approach to Violence Prevention
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for Adolescents: Treatment Rationale, Empirical Support, and Clinical Applications
Child Parent Psychotherapy: Repairing the Impact of Trauma in Infancy and Early Childhood
Update on Pharmacological Treatment of Anxiety in Children and Adolescents
Exposure Therapy for OCD Spectrum and Anxiety Disorders
The Challenge of Diagnosing Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Ketamine and Other Novel Treatments for Mood Disorders in Youth
Structural and Systemic Racism - What Can We Do About It?
Best Practices in Transgender Mental Health: Addressing Complex Issues for Gender Dysphoric and Gender Diverse Youth
Q&A Panel Discussion
Treating Aggression in Early Onset Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
Addressing Impulsivity and Aggression in Adolescents With Substance Use Disorders
Psychopharmacologic Approaches in Autism
Welcome – Day 2
Q&A Panel Discussion
Pharmacogenetics of Second-Generation Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizer Medications
Advanced Psychopharmacology for Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
Clinical Approach to the Treatment of Pediatric Depression
Q&A Panel Discussion
An Update on Management of Impulsive Aggression in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Ticked Off!! Explosive Outbursts in Tics/Tourette's Disorder
Aggression as a Transdiagnostic Symptom: Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and Aggression ...
Opening Remarks by the Past President of AACAP: The Trouble With Outbursts
Welcome – Day 1
Clinical Perspectives 82: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Developments in Intellectual Developmental Disorder: What's Next?
Clinical Perspectives 83: Nonpharmacological Management of Agitation in Child and Adolescent Inpatient Setting
Symposium 37: NIDA-Funded Research Updates on the Nature and Management of Prescription Stimulant Medication Misuse ...
Clinical Perspectives 79: All in the Family: Improving Youth Mental Health Through Novel Models of Family-Centered Care
Clinical Perspectives 81: Sex Hormones and Psychiatry
Symposium 36: Child Welfare and COVID-19: An Examination of Impact and Equity
Symposium 35: Children's Service Use: Correlates and Proposed Solutions to Disparities in Access
Clinical Perspectives 76: Humor in the Psychiatric Treatment of Children and Adolescents
Clinical Perspectives 73: Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Long-Term Treatment With Stimulants in ADHD
Clinical Perspectives 74: Building Psychological Resiliency Within Multidisciplinary Teams: Addressing Secondary ...
Clinical Perspectives 77: Social Media Contagion: A Parallel Pandemic?
Clinical Perspectives 78: The Effects of Our Changing Climate on the Health and Mental Health of Indigenous Children ...
Clinical Perspectives 75: Building Trust Through Innovative Community Engagement: Lived Experience to Promote Mental ...
Other Programs 09: How Can Educational Institutions Promote Recovery and Resilience After a Student Suicide?
Clinical Perspectives 70: Being Out and Proud: Therapist Self-Disclosure of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Clinical Perspectives 71: Harnessing Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Expertise Through Behavioral Health Education in ...
Clinical Perspectives 72: The Yin and Yang of a Bicultural Identity: Exploring Eating Disorders in Asian American Youths
Other Programs 15: Our Culture Toward Self-Compassion and Vulnerability
Symposium 34: TikTok Teens: New Research Reveals How Social Media Affects Mental Health
Symposium 31: Following Pediatric Bipolar Symptoms Through Developmental Transitions: New Findings and Directions
Symposium 33: Teen Substance Use and the ABCD Study: Recent Data and Its Relevance for Child and Adolescent ...
Symposium 32: Innovative Trials for Complex Times
Institute 8.1: ASD and ADHD: Diagnosis and Treatment
Institute 8.2: Molecular Genetic Diagnostics and ASD: Relevance for Clinical Practice in the Era of Precision Medicine
Institute 8.3: Anxiety and Mood Disorders in ASD
Institute 8.4: Assessment and Management of Irritability and Agitation in ASD
Institute 8.5: Sleep in ASD
Institute 8.6: Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®)
Institute 8.7: Hot Topics in the Area of ASD: A Review of the Evidence
Clinical Perspectives 69: Teens, Screens, and COVID-19: How the Pandemic is Changing Youth's Relationships With Media ...
Clinical Perspectives 66: Cultural Influences on Father-Child Relationships From Around the World
Clinical Perspectives 67: Internet-Based Interventions for Young Children and Families: Mindfulness, iCARE, I-PCIT, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 68: Maintaining Personal Wellness: A Review of the Problem and Practical Solutions
Symposium 30: Neurophysiology of ADHD in EEG, Eye Tracking, Pupil Response, Breadth of Perception, and Neurofeedback ...
Clinical Perspectives 64: Implementing Trauma-Informed Care on Inpatient Psychiatric Units: From Catch Phrase to ...
Clinical Perspectives 62: Diagnostic, Systems-Level, and Treatment Advances in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
Clinical Perspectives 65: Messy and Effective: Digging Into Family-Based Approaches
Clinical Perspectives 61: Development and Implementation of Acute Care Psychiatric Services Within Outpatient Mental ...
Symposium 29: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts on Child Mental Health, Service Use, and Delivery
Symposium 28: Complex Comorbidity in Bipolar Disorder: Implications for Treatment and Prognosis
Institute 7.1: Developmental Language Disorders: Implications for Clinical Practice
Institute 7.2: Co-occurring Language Impairment in ASD as Prototype for Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Implications for ...
Institute 7.3: Self-Report of Deficits in Receptive, Expressive, and Pragmatic Social Language by Youth Ages 11 to 18 ...
Institute 7.4: Neurobiology of Communication Disorders: The State of the Science and New Insights from Social EEG
Institute 7.5: The Relationship Between Communication Disorders, Learning Disorders, and Educational Rights Based on ...
Institute 7.6: Considerations and Directions to Support Children with Co-occurring Language and Emotional and Behavior ...
Honors Presentations 05: Helping Parents Spare the Rod: Addressing Their Unbearable Emotions
Clinical Perspectives 57: How to Implement Measurement-Based Practice (MBP) in Child and Adolescent Inpatient Unit: ...
Clinical Perspectives 55: Beyond the Basics: Prescribing Practices and Clinical Challenges in Early Psychosis
Clinical Perspectives 59: Tics and Tic-Like Behaviors: Social Contagion in Pandemic Times
Clinical Perspectives 54: Beyond Cultural Competence: Addressing Mental Health Needs in Youth of Color, Immigrant, ...
Clinical Perspectives 60: With Liberty and Justice for All: Systems-Involved Youth, Past, Present, and Future
Clinical Perspectives 56: Digital Behavioral Addictions: How Can Clinicians Understand and Manage Screen Use in the Age ...
Clinical Perspectives 58: Next Frontiers: Integration of Perinatal and Childhood Consultation Models to Address Mental ...
Clinical Perspectives 53: An Epidemic Within a Pandemic: Cyberbullying in Children and Adolescents
Symposium 27: Genomics to Therapeutics for ASD: Promise and Challenges
Clinical Perspectives 51: Training the Trainers: Supervising the Next Generation of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy ...
Clinical Perspectives 52: (TSD)2: Therapist Self-Disclosure Through Stages (of) Development
Clinical Perspectives 50: From the Family Dinner Table to Mental Health Court: Eating Disorder Interventions Across a ...
Symposium 25: Predicting Progression Along a Bipolar Trajectory in At-Risk Offspring
Symposium 26: The Extraordinary Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and Its Long-Term Sequelae: The Role of ...
Honors Presentations 04: Everything's Not Fine: Innovative Community-Centered, Social Justice Response to Our Ongoing ...
Institute 6.1: Genetic Concepts You Need to Know
Institute 6.2: Sparking Research to Understand the Complexities of ASD
Institute 6.3: Evaluation of Early-Onset Psychosis Should Include Genetic Testing
Institute 6.4: Rare and Common Variants: Multimodal Evaluations of Pathways to Psychosis
Institute 6.5: Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Illness as Seen Through the Lens of Genetics: Today and Tomorrow
Institute 6.6: Genetic Testing in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: US Clinicians’ Practices, Knowledge, and Attitudes
Institute 6.7: Translating Gene Discovery into Treatments in ASD
Clinical Perspectives 47: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: A Lifetime of Lessons Learned: Careers in Child ...
Clinical Perspectives 49: Successfully Navigating the Often Uncharted Seas of the System of Care for Individuals With ...
Clinical Perspectives 44: Bridging the Cultural Divide: The Creative Use of Digital Media to Engage Adolescents and ...
Clinical Perspectives 45: Child Welfare Interventions and System Transformation to Improve the Lives of Children and ...
Clinical Perspectives 48: Partial Hospitalization for Youth With ASD and Other Developmental Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 46: Early Childhood Mental Health Is Family Mental Health: Working With High-Risk Populations in ...
Honors Presentations 03: My Burmese Days
Symposium 24: Brain Stimulation Interventions in ASD: Efforts for the Development of a Promising Intervention Approach
Symposium 23: and Substance Use Disorder: Emerging Concepts
Clinical Perspectives 41: Good Cop, Bad Cop: What Should We Do About Security, Tasers, Mace, and 911?
Clinical Perspectives 40: Emergency Department Boarding Crisis
Clinical Perspectives 42: Rural Perspectives on Cannabis Use in Teens and Emerging Adults: Guidance for Clinicians, ...
Honors Presentations 02: Developing an International School Mental Health Program for the WHO: Lessons Learnt
Other Programs 14: What the First People Boarding Schools Experience Can Teach Us About Grief, Stigma, Resilience...and ...
Institute 5.1: Epidemiology and Systems of Care Approaches for Addressing Structural Disparities in Child and ...
Institute 5.2: What’s New in ADHD, Substance Use Disorders, and Suicide Prevention?
Institute 5.3: Review of Papers About Risk to Develop and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder, Recognizing Psychosis, ...
Institute 5.4: Impairing Emotional Outbursts: Diagnosis and Treatment
Institute 5.5: Updates on Gene-Environment Interactions, Preterm Infants, Obesity, at-Risk Youth, Functional Symptoms, ...
Institute 5.6: Online Trends and Mental Health Implications
General Sessions 05: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Advocating for Child and Youth Mental Health: The Canadian ...
Clinical Perspectives 37: An International Perspective on Care of Minoritized Children, Youth, and Families
Clinical Perspectives 38: Long—COVID-19: Characteristics, Controversies, and Psychiatric Considerations
Clinical Perspectives 36: Addressing the Child Mental Health Crisis: Innovative Ways to Extend Child and Adolescent ...
Other Programs 10: "We Refuse to Hate": Promoting Harmony Among Religion and Race Through Caring for Children ...
Symposium 22: Genetics of Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 34: Improving the Conceptualization, Identification, and Diagnosis of Traumatized Children, ...
Clinical Perspectives 35: Pediatric Mental Health Boarding Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Programs
Honors Presentations 01: Honors Presentation Highlights
Other Programs 02: Cracking the Code: Breathing Life Into AACAP's Code of Ethics
Other Programs 16: 2022 James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Clinical and Translational ...
Symposium 21: Management of Suicidality in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
Clinical Perspectives 30: Developmentally and Culturally Informed Strategies for Treating Traumatic Stress Reactions to ...
Clinical Perspectives 33: Training Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows to Deliver CBT and DBT: Improved Strategies ...
Clinical Perspectives 29: Antiracist Evidence-Based Practices When Caring for Children and Families During the Early ...
Clinical Perspectives 32: Suicidality in Black Children and Adolescents: A Second Look
Clinical Perspectives 31: Genetic Disorders in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: What Does the Clinician Need to Know?
Symposium 20: Understanding the Mental Health and Psychosocial Challenges of Children and Adolescents Living With HIV: ...
Symposium 19: The Renaissance of Psychedelics in Psychiatry: Evidence, Ethics, and Potential in Mental Health Treatment ...
Clinical Perspectives 27: Postsecondary Education in People With ADHD and Controls
Clinical Perspectives 28: The Prevalence, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pediatric Catatonia
Other Programs 07: A Tale of Two Countries: Expert Perspectives on Eating Disorder Treatment for Children and ...
Other Programs 08: An Antidote to Burnout and the "Great Resignation": Navigating Child and Adolescent ...
Other Programs 12: Implementing Integrated Mental Health Care in the Pediatric Subspecialty Setting: Where We Are Going ...
Symposium 16: Pharmacogenetics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Clinical Update
Symposium 18: Longitudinal Factors Associated With Improvement and Risk in Youths and Young Adults with Bipolar ...
Symposium 17: Eveningness and Psychiatric Disorders: From Mechanisms to Clinical Care
Institute 4.1: Adolescent Social Media and Social Comparison: Implications for Clinicians
Institute 4.2: Social Media as the Contemporary Medium for Exploration of Adolescent “Self” (Identity) and “Other” ...
Institute 4.3: Sex Education or Miseducation? Adolescents and Sexually Explicit Online Materials
Institute 4.4: Social Media Contagion in Adolescents
Institute 4.5: Sexting, Cyberbullying, and Risk Assessment
Institute 4.6: Assessing and Addressing Digital Distraction, Misinformation, and Disarray
Institute 4.7: Cultivating Healthy Social Media Habits in Adolescents
Institute 4.8: Psychoeducation: All About TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, and How Psychiatrists Leverage Social Media ...
General Sessions 02: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: The Road to Leadership: A Long Journey
Clinical Perspectives 22: Before It's Too Late: From Novel Assessments to Evidence-Based Interventions for Suicide ...
Clinical Perspectives 24: Identification and Assessment of Suicidality in Patients With Neurodevelopmental Disorders ...
Clinical Perspectives 26: Sexuality in Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorders: Development, Gender, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 23: Clinical Aspects of Climate Change and Youth Mental Health: Therapeutic and Educational ...
Other Programs 03: The Impact of Patient Suicide on Trainees and Psychiatrists: How Do We Respond?
Symposium 15: Treating Children in Foster Care: Trends, Oversight, Quality Improvement, and Future Directions
Symposium 13: Don't Worry, the Genetics of OCD Is Finally Catching Up
Symposium 14: Improving Collaborative Care for Individuals with ASD, Intellectual Disability, and Other ...
Clinical Perspectives 21: To Transition or Not to Transition: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Families With Transgender ...
Clinical Perspectives 19: Immigrant Stories: Popular Film as a Tool for Cultural Humility
Clinical Perspectives 18: COVID-19 and Tic Disorders: A Story in Motion
Clinical Perspectives 20: Sticks, Stones, and Words Do Hurt: It Takes a Village to Respond to Bullying
Other Programs 05: A Data Blitz Featuring Early-Career Investigators
Symposium 09: From Prevention to Intervention: Advances in Early Psychosis
Symposium 11: Methodological Advances in Adolescent Schizophrenia Treatment Research
Symposium 10: Getting Set Up for Meaningful Measurement-Based Care: Outcomes, Instrument Selection, and Implementation
Symposium 12: Simon Wile Symposium: Pivoting in the Pandemic for Pediatric Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Services
Symposium 08: Research Symposium: A Real Treat: Advances in Implementation and Treatment Trial Methodology and Design ...
Other Programs 01: Learning From Each Other: Comparing Advocacy From Canada and the United States
Institute 3.1: Evaluation of Sleep
Institute 3.2: Sleep Education and Sleep Hygiene
Institute 3.3: O Gentle Sleep: Treating Insomnia in Younger and Older Children
Institute 3.4: Pharmacologic Management of Insomnia in Children
Institute 3.5: Circadian Rhythms Sleep Disorders
Institute 3.6: Trauma and Sleep
Clinical Perspectives 17: The Art of Liaison: Modeling Effective Communication and Multidisciplinary Collaboration in ...
Clinical Perspectives 16: Innovative and Collaborative Ways to Address the Children's Mental Health Crisis: Meeting ...
Clinical Perspectives 15: Asian American Youth Mental Health and Suicide: Impact of Stigma, Portrayals of Suicide in ...
Clinical Perspectives 14: A Multidimensional Approach to Managing Mood and Behavior in ASD
Symposium 06: Children's Narratives of Forced Migration: Cultural Factors, Resilience, and Treatment Considerations for ...
Symposium 07: Teens at Risk: Connections Between Adolescent Mental Health and Environmental Chemical Exposures
Clinical Perspectives 13: Tics and Tourette's Disorder: Recent Developments and Clinical Implications
Clinical Perspectives 12: Informed Consent Model of Gender-Affirming Health Care for Transgender Youth
Other Programs 11: Filling the Pipeline: Supporting Child and Adolescent Psychiatry—Oriented Applicants in the ...
Other Programs 13: Show Me the Money: Getting Private and State Funders to Invest in Your Innovative Work, Research, ...
Symposium 05: The Importance of Individually Rare But Collectively Common Genetic Disorders for Lifespan Mental Health
Symposium 04: Micronutrients as Treatment and Prevention: New Findings From 2 RCTs (MADDY and NutriMum) for ADHD, ...
Institute 2.1: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD: Focus on Pragmatic Interventions
Institute 2.2: Pharmacology of Conduct Disorders
Institute 2.3: Treatment of Sleep Disorders
Institute 2.4: Use of Psychopharmacology and Neurotherapeutics in Treatment-Resistant Adolescent Depression
Institute 2.5: The Presentation and Treatment of Pediatric Catatonia
Institute 2.6: Clinical Interventions for Adolescent Vaping of Nicotine and Cannabis
General Sessions 01: AACAP/CACAP Presidential Interview: A Call to Action: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of ...
Clinical Perspectives 09: Out of Control and Out of Reach: Addressing Delirium in Vulnerable Children
Clinical Perspectives 07: Creating Our Own Tables: Innovations in Mental Health Equity
Clinical Perspectives 11: Transgender Youth: Evolving Gender Identities and "Detransition"
Clinical Perspectives 08: Ethical Dimensions of Infant Mental Health
Clinical Perspectives 10: The Pediatric-Child Psychiatry Alliance: Implementing a Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention
Clinical Perspectives 05: Moving Beyond Red Light, Green Light: 2022 Update on Pharmacogenetics and Its Emerging Role ...
Clinical Perspectives 06: Recognizing and Responding to Psychological Maltreatment: Role of the Child and Adolescent ...
Other Programs 04: Resident as Teacher: Fostering a Learning Environment Throughout the Lifespan of a Clinical Rotation
Other Programs 06: Master Class: Early Childhood Consultation
Symposium 03: Irritability: A Critical Dimension of Psychopathology
Symposium 02: Diagnosis and Classification of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology in the ICD-11: New Developments and ...
Institute 1.1: Advocacy, Policy, and Humanitarian Perspectives
Institute 1.2: Understanding the Legal Rights and Mental Health Needs of Immigrant Children in US Government Custody ...
Institute 1.3: Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Unaccompanied Children in the Office of Refugee Resettlement Care
Institute 1.4: The Social Determinants of Migrant and Refugee Children's Mental Health: Grounding Advocacy and Care
Institute 1.5: A Review of Two Studies on Immigrant and Refugee Youths' Mental Health in Canada: Implications for ...
Institute 1.6: Treating Migrant and Refugee Children: Understanding Their Past to Advance Their Future
Institute 1.7: Cultural Considerations and Response to Trauma Exposure for Latina/o Children at the Border
Institute 1.8: Understanding the Challenges and Resilience of Immigrant Children and Youth
Clinical Perspectives 04: Coming Full Circle (Virtually): Parent, Pediatrician, and Child and Adolescent Perspectives ...
Symposium 01: Cannabis Use Across the Lifespan: Implications for Prenatal and Adolescent Neurodevelopment
Clinical Perspectives 03: The New Normal: Diverse Family Systems and Their Roles in Identity Formation in Adolescents
Clinical Perspectives 01: An Update on Common Comorbidities in ASD: Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Body-Focused Repetitive ...
Clinical Perspectives 02: "Are the Boys Alright?": Raising Emotionally Intelligent Boys
Advanced Pharmacotherapy for Pediatric Depression
Pharmacotherapy in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder)
Update on the Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
Key Components of Substance Use Disorder Treatment for the Child Psychiatrist
Q&A Discussion 1
Q&A Discussion 2
Children With Outbursts: Who Are They, What Happens to Them, and What Can We Do About Them?
Practical Approaches to ADHD Pharmacotherapy: What's Easy, What's New, What's Complicated
Clinical Pearls for the Pharmacological Management of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Tics, Twitches, and More: Update on Tools for our Medication Toolkits
New Psychotropic Agents
Pharmacotherapies for Early Onset Psychosis and Psychotic Symptoms
General Session 05: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Mania and Character
Clinical Perspectives 75: Autoimmune Brain Disorders: Advancing the Standard of Care
Clinical Perspectives 73: Bringing Families Together in Crisis: Family-Based Interventions Across Different Settings of ...
Clinical Perspectives 74: Trauma and Stressor-Related and Substance Use Disorders in Adolescence: A Practitioner's ...
Symposium 36: Reaching for Resilience: New Data on Overcoming Adversity in Youth
Institute 8.1: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and ...
Institute 8.2: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and ...
Institute 8.3: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and ...
Institute 8.4: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and ...
Institute 8.5: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and ...
Institute 8.6: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and ...
Institute 8.7: Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and ...
Clinical Perspectives 72: Residential Treatment From a Systems of Care Framework: Past, Present, and Future
Other Programs 18: Thinking About Prescribing: What the Therapeutic Alliance, Evidence-Based Psychotherapy, and ...
Other Programs 19: Let's Talk About War: A Discussion on the Place of Armed Conflicts in the Psychiatric Curriculum
Clinical Perspectives 71: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs: LGBTQ Youth and Experienced Homelessness
Clinical Perspectives 70: After Substance Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): You've ...
Clinical Perspectives 68: Outpatient Management of Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, and Aggression in Young Children (Ages ...
Clinical Perspectives 69: Recognizing and Managing Distorted/Disabled Cognition in Delirium
Symposium 35: Successful Strategies for Treating Traumatized Children in Challenging Circumstances
Clinical Perspectives 66: Buprenorphine Training 2.0: Next Steps After Waiver
Clinical Perspectives 65: A Phoenix Rises: Novel Approaches to Teaching and Supervising Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in ...
Clinical Perspectives 67: Early Identification of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Trauma Preparedness, Accurate ...
Clinical Perspectives 64: "Telenovela": Filling a Knowledge Gap in Perinatal Mental Health (Perinatal MH)
Symposium 34: New Evidence-Based Approaches to Measuring Emotion Dysregulation
Other Programs 17: Telling Stories: Effective Communication of Neuroscience for and by Child Psychiatrists
Other Programs 16: Telepsychiatry in Clinical Practice: Continuing to Provide Quality Care During a Pandemic and ...
Clinical Perspectives 62: Transplant Psychiatry: Opportunities for Innovation, Intervention, and Improved Outcomes
Clinical Perspectives 60: Love in Quarantine: Addressing Online Sexual Behaviors in Clinical Practice
Clinical Perspectives 61: Psychiatric Evaluation of Child and Adolescent Asylum Seekers: Clinic Models and Best ...
Clinical Perspectives 63: Understanding the Overlap and Therapeutic Opportunities in Youth With Substance Use and ...
Institute 7.1: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Serious Emotional Outbursts: What Are They? ...
Institute 7.2: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Measurement of Emotion Dysregulation in ...
Institute 7.3: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Using a Trauma-Informed Lens for ...
Institute 7.4: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Dysregulation and Suicidality in Children ...
Institute 7.5: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Managing Explosive Outbursts at School
Institute 7.6: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Psychosocial Treatment of Youth Irritability ...
Institute 7.7: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - The Pharmacological Treatment of Outbursts
Institute 7.8: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Inpatient and Residential Treatment of ...
Institute 7.9: What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts? - Outbursts in the Aftertime: Where Do We Go ...
Other Programs 15: Clinical Practicum: Best Practices in the Assessment and Treatment of Neurobehavioral Disorders ...
Clinical Perspectives 59: Common Psychiatric Comorbidities in Autism Spectrum Disorder: ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 58: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Management of Severe Behavioral and Mood Disorders
Symposium 33: Recent Work With Contemporary Computational Methods and Artificial Intelligence to Advance the Practice ...
Other Programs 14: Debate: Are Problematic Screen Habits a Behavioral Addiction?
Clinical Perspectives 57: Families and Transitioning Youth: Working With Transgender Youth and Their Families in the ...
Symposium 32: Further Validating Profiles of Impulsive Aggression in Youth
Symposium 31: COVID-19, Child Mental Health, and Social Determinants
Clinical Perspectives 56: Systems of Care: A Primer for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Clinical Perspectives 55: Pediatric Chronic Pain Management During COVID-19
Clinical Perspectives 54: Friend or Foe? The Virtual World and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Era of ...
Symposium 29: Can Genetic Underpinnings Inform Clinical Practice?
Clinical Perspectives 53: New Perspectives on ADHD: Filling a Cultural and Technological Knowledge Gap in Child Mental ...
Symposium 26: Children and Screens: Youth Digital Media Use and Mental Health Outcomes
Symposium 28: Transdiagnostic Applications and Targets of Mindfulness Interventions in Youth
Symposium 27: Moving Upstream: Primary and Secondary Prevention Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Exposure to ...
Other Programs 12: The Unintended Consequences of Diversity Training: K—12
Other Programs 13: Training and Education Summit
Clinical Perspectives 51: iCARE, SPACE, I-PCIT, and Online Mindful Parenting: Improving Access by Internet-Delivered ...
Clinical Perspectives 52: Pharmacogenetics 2021: An Exploration of the Evidence for Relevant Genes and Gene-Medication ...
Clinical Perspectives 50: Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: Building Sustainable Systems
Symposium 25: The Early Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Mental Health Service Utilization and Disparities in ...
Clinical Perspectives 49: It Takes a Village...a Campus, and More: Examining the Impact of Programs for Youth With ...
Institute 5.1: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists ...
Institute 5.2: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists ...
Institute 5.3: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists ...
Institute 5.4: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists ...
Institute 5.5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists ...
Institute 5.6: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 18: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists ...
Institute 6.1: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - ...
Institute 6.2: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - ...
Institute 6.3: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - ...
Institute 6.4: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - ...
Institute 6.5: Research Institute: Heeding the Data: The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children - ...
Symposium 24: From Bench to Bedside: Investigating Biological Mechanisms of Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 46: Health Equity in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for Black and Latinx Children and Families: ...
Clinical Perspectives 47: Managing Adolescents With ADHD: Developmental Issues, Emerging Comorbidity, and the Impact of ...
Clinical Perspectives 48: The Observation of Feeding and Play in the Diagnosis of Three Subtypes of ...
Symposium 23: Simon Wile Symposium: Focus on Diversity and Equity Through a Pediatric Collaborative and Integrated Care ...
Clinical Perspectives 44: Growing up Different: The Impact of Racism on Adolescent Identity
Clinical Perspectives 45: In Search of the Holy Grail: What Is the Right Number of Inpatient Beds?
Symposium 22: Reexamining the Overlap Between Conduct Disorder and Bipolar Disorder in Pediatric Psychiatry: Clinical, ...
Clinical Perspectives 43: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: From Macro to Micro: A Review of Interventions for ...
General Session 04: Town Meeting: 2021: A Year of Hate, Intolerance, and Healing - Where Do We Go From Here?
Symposium 20: International Symposium: Reciprocal Learning in Global Mental Health
Clinical Perspectives 42: The Growing Impact of Climate Change on Pediatric Mental Health, Ways to Address It, and What ...
Symposium 19: Understanding Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Other Programs 11: The Impact of Patient Suicide on Trainees and Early Career Psychiatrists: How Do We Respond?
Clinical Perspectives 41: Tourette's Disorder: Pathways to Resilience
Clinical Perspectives 40: Stimulant Use Disorder in Teens and College Students: Problems and Treatment
General Session 03: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the ...
Clinical Perspectives 38: Addressing Childhood Maltreatment: A Practical Approach for the Child Psychiatrist in a ...
Clinical Perspectives 39: Antiracism in Clinical Care: A Liberation-Based Health Approach
Institute 4.1:The Psychiatrist's Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats-School ...
Institute 4.2: The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - ...
Institute 4.3: The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - ...
Institute 4.4: The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - ...
Institute 4.5: The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - ...
Institute 4.6: The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - ...
Institute 4.7: The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats - ...
Institute 3.1: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - ...
Institute 3.2: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - ...
Institute 3.3: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - ...
Institute 3.4: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - ...
Institute 3.5: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - ...
Institute 3.6: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - ...
Institute 3.7: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth: An Update on Assessment and Management - ...
Clinical Perspectives 37: Translating Evidence-Based Practices for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders in Rural Systems ...
Clinical Perspectives 36: Children and Gun Violence During the Pandemic
Symposium 18: ADHD: Neurobiological and Psychosocial Approaches to Prevention and Treatment
Symposium 17: Neural Pathways Linking Childhood Trauma and Adolescent Substance Use: The Role of Learning and ...
Clinical Perspectives 35: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child: Addressing Corporal Punishment Across Cultures and Contexts
Clinical Perspectives 33: Management of Complex Pediatric ADHD
Clinical Perspectives 34: Pediatric Medicine Update: COVID-19: Virology, Vaccines, and Pediatric Illness
Other Programs 10: Should We Raise (or Lower) the Drinking Age? A Debate on the Effect of a Minimum Legal Age on Child ...
Other Programs 09: Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: Master Class
Symposium 16: Precision Medicine and Genomically-Guided Treatment in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Are We There Yet?
General Session 02: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Breaking Ground: Building a Different Future
Clinical Perspectives 32: The Role of Parenting in Childhood Well-Being and Psychopathology: How to Assess, Support, ...
Clinical Perspectives 31: Looking at Adult Outcome of Children With ADHD Via Different Lenses
Symposium 15: Anxiety Disorders in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Recent Research and Treatment Advances
Clinical Perspectives 28: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas Worth Sharing
Clinical Perspectives 29: The Lights Are Still ON! How Child Psychiatrists and Psychologists Leveraged Networks to ...
Clinical Perspectives 30: When a Video Game Becomes the Treatment: Harnessing Digital and Screen Technology as ...
Other Programs 08: The Impact of Systemic Racial Inequality, Immigration Policies, and Racially Motivated Violence on ...
Clinical Perspectives 26: "My Kid's Always Online, But What Can I Do About It?" Helping Families Manage Media
Clinical Perspectives 25: Impact of COVID-19 on Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorders (IDDs): Current ...
Clinical Perspectives 27: The Sleepless Child: Sleep Disorders and Treatments Across Development
Symposium 13: Advances in Neuroimaging Research
Symposium 14: Peer Supports, Coaching, and Group Interventions to Improve Treatment Engagement and Academic Persistence ...
Other Programs 07: "My PATH to CHILD Psychiatry": Global Perspectives
Other Programs 06: The Well Toolkit: Helping Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Meet the Accreditation Council for ...
Clinical Perspectives 24: Evidence-Based Screening, Assessment, and Treatment of Sexually Abused Children: A ...
Clinical Perspectives 23: Diverse Family Structures: LGBTQ Parents, Polyamory, and the Psychosocial Impacts of COVID-19
Institute 2.1: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Importance of Medication Adherence Among Adolescents ...
Institute 2.2: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia: From the Prodrome to ...
Institute 2.3: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Adolescents With Cannabis Use Disorder
Institute 2.4: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Pediatric Delirium: Addition and Subtraction in Pharmacologic Management ...
Institute 2.5: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in ...
Institute 2.6: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Psychopharmacological Treatment of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in ...
Institute 2.7: Advanced Psychopharmacology - Pharmacotherapy of Aggression: When Might It Be Indicated?
Clinical Perspectives 22: The Many Faces of Pediatric Catatonia: Beyond Waxy Flexibility and Echo Phenomena
Clinical Perspectives 21: Pivoting With the Pandemic: Challenges and Successes of Child Psychiatry Access Programs ...
Clinical Perspectives 20: An Aspirational Goal of Zero Suicide: Preventing Suicide Deaths Within the Healthcare System ...
Symposium 12: Can We Differentiate Between Unipolar and Bipolar Courses in Pediatric Mood Disorder?
Clinical Perspectives 19: Young, Black, and Queer: Addressing Intersectional Identities in Trauma and Resilience ...
Clinical Perspectives 17: Technology to the Rescue During COVID-19 Pandemic: Implementation of Virtual Technologies ...
Clinical Perspectives 18: Therapist Self-Disclosure (TSD) During Times of Uncertainty
Clinical Perspectives 16: Irritability and Reactive Aggression: Implications for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Equity
Other Programs 05: Spotlight Conversations: Addressing Unconscious Bias to Diversify the Physician Workforce in the ...
Symposium 11: Research Symposium: Leveraging National Data Sources to Rapidly Identify the Early Impact of the COVID-19 ...
Honors Presentations 04: "Is the Next School Shooter Sitting Before Me?" Lessons Learned Over Two Decades of ...
Clinical Perspectives 15: Political Extremism and Hate Group Recruitment of Adolescents
Clinical Perspectives 14: Physician Burnout and Maintaining Wellness: The Other Pandemic
Symposium 10: Underrecognized Metabolic and Hormonal Side Effects of Psychotropics
Clinical Perspectives 12: Assessment and Treatment of Transition-Age Youth Living With HIV
Clinical Perspectives 13: Parental Alienation: A Simple but Potentially Harmful and Poorly Supported Explanation for ...
Honors Presentations 03: Public Health + Human Rights = Health Justice: The Youth Equity Science (YES) Project for LGBT ...
Symposium 09: Parental ADHD and Their Offspring From the Perinatal Period to Early Childhood
Clinical Perspectives 10: Child and Adolescent Tele-Partial Hospitalization Programs (Tele-PHP): Opportunities and ...
Clinical Perspectives 11: The Mental Health Challenges Facing Muslim Youth in the Era of COVID-19
Symposium 08: Pediatric Treatment-Resistant Depression: The Evidence Base for Interventional Psychiatric Modalities
Honors Presentations 02: Prevention: The Magic of the Early Years
Other Programs 02: Resident-As-Teacher Program Presents Clinical Teaching Three Ways: Nourishing Our Learners While ...
Other Programs 03: Conducting Rigorous and Safe Clinical Research: Lessons From the National Institute of Mental Health ...
Other Programs 04: Clinical Practicum: The Student Health and Wellness Center at Morehouse School of Medicine
Clinical Perspectives 09: Opening Pandemic's Box: Supporting Developing Adolescents
Clinical Perspectives 08: Mental Health Integration With Primary Care: Unique Opportunities and Responses in the Face ...
Symposium 06: Crisis Through the Screen: Virtual Emergency Care During the Pandemic and Beyond
Clinical Perspectives 06: Not Just for Hippies Anymore: A Review of the Use of Psychedelics in Treatment, Research, ...
Clinical Perspectives 07: School's Out: What Happened to School-Based Mental Health Services (SBMHS) in the COVID-19 ...
Institute 1.2: SCSP: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and ...
Institute 1.3: SCSP: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and ...
Institute 1.4: SCSP: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and ...
Institute 1.5: SCSP: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and ...
Institute 1.6: SCSP: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and ...
Institute 1.7: SCSP: Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care: A Call for Child and ...
Symposium 05: Advances and Trends in Neuromodulation for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Intellectually Capable Populations
Other Programs 01: Heroes Fail Too: The Power of Vulnerability and Self-Compassion
Clinical Perspectives 04: Intervene Early, Intervene Quickly, No Distress: Standardized, Evidence-Based Management ...
Clinical Perspectives 03: Appealing Applications for Adolescent Mental Health: Social Media's Transformation During the ...
Clinical Perspectives 05: Movement Disorders Secondary to Psychotropic Medication Prescription: The Child and ...
Symposium 03: Gun Laws and Youth Suicide by Firearms Symposium: What the Clinician Needs to Know
Symposium 02: Bipolar Disorder in Youth: New Findings on Biomarkers, Illness Course, and Treatment
Symposium 04: ADHD and PTSD
Clinical Perspectives 01: Spotlight on Sibling Relationships: The Relevance of Sibling Dynamics on the Child and Family
Clinical Perspectives 02: Transgender Youth: Understanding "Detransition," Nonlinear Gender Trajectories, and Dynamic ...
Honors Presentations 01: Honors Presentation Highlights
Symposium 01: Identifying and Addressing Childhood Trauma in Primary Care
General Session 01: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary
Tricks for Tics: Can We Predict a Fix?
Harnessing Pharmacogenetic Testing to Optimize Treatment
Management of Acute Agitation
SSRIs and Beyond: Medication Management to Help Kids Talk Back to OCD
Pharmacologic Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Early Psychosis: Do's, Don'ts, and What's New in the Field
Can We Re-Regulate Dysregulated Children With Medication?
Interventional Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Selecting the 'Right' Medication in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
General Sessions 04: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Stigma, Mental Illness, and Families. New Frontiers
Clinical Perspectives 75: Antidepressants and the Black Box Warning. Where Are We Now?
Symposium 48: Complementary and Integrative Medicine Research: Role in PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Behavior ...
Symposium 49: Global Perspectives on Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Research: Navigating International Waters From Clinical ...
Symposium 47: Children and Screens Research Update: How New Media Habits Impact Mental Health
Clinical Perspectives 74: Outpatient Management of Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, and Aggression in Young Children (Ages ...
Clinical Perspectives 73: ECHO-ing Support for Pediatricians Managing Mental Health
Symposium 46: Healing From Developmental Trauma: A Perspective on Familial Rejection and Change Efforts
Clinical Perspectives 72: Psychiatric and Psychosocial Challenges in the Clinical Management of Somatic Intersexuality
Institute 7.1: Psychopathological Profile and Clinical Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically ...
Institute 7.2: Transition-Age Youth Challenges in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Framework for the Child and ...
Institute 7.3: Talk to Me: A Review of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Technology
Institute 7.4: Clinical Phenotypes of Depression in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Institute 7.5: Autism Spectrum Disorder and Psychosis: A Challenging Intersection for Clinician, Patient, and Caregivers
Institute 7.6: Assessment and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Young People With High-Functioning Autism ...
Institute 7.7: When the Going Gets Tough: Vignettes From the Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic
Symposium 45: Do Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs Work? Results From an Evaluation of the Second Step Child ...
Clinical Perspectives 70: Empowering the Parents of Preschoolers: Approaches to Promoting Positive Parenting
Clinical Perspectives 71: Multimodal Approaches to Support Family-Based Care Across Medical Settings
Clinical Perspectives 69: A Public Health Emergency for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists: Gun Violence and What Can ...
Symposium 43: Family Engagement and Support in Mental Health Treatment: Caregiver Perspectives and New Approaches to ...
Symposium 44: Psychosomatic Biomarkers for Detection and Monitoring Response to Adolescents' PTSD
Clinical Perspectives 67: Electronic Vaping Device Use in Youth: Predictors and Risk Factors, Innovative Prevention ...
Clinical Perspectives 68: What's Going on? Increased Suicidality in Young African American Children
Clinical Perspectives 66: Caring for the Forgotten Children: Rebuilding Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria, Earthquakes, ...
Clinical Perspectives 64: The Teachable Moment: Partnering With Pediatricians to Expand Integrated Youth Mental Health ...
Clinical Perspectives 65: Understanding Child Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation: From Residency Training ...
Clinical Perspectives 63: Targets of Bias and Hate Speech and Youth Recruitment Into Hate Groups
Clinical Perspectives 62: Individuals With Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder) Have Sexuality ...
Institute 6.1: Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Transition-Age Youth: Epidemiology, Etiology, and ...
Institute 6.2: Evidence-Based Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa
Institute 6.3: Evidence-Based Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder
Institute 6.4: Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Institute 6.5: Medical Assessment, Monitoring, and Nutritional Repletion
Institute 6.6: Overweight and Obesity
Institute 6.7: Concepts to Understand the Brain and Behavior in Eating Disorders
Institute 6.8: Psychotropic Medication Options for Eating Disorders
Institute 6.9: Eating Disorders in Males
Institute 6.10: Eating Disorders in Transgender Youth
Institute 6.11: Special Considerations for Treating Eating Disorders in Transition-Age Youth
Symposium 42: Novel Advances in Technology Enhancements to Mental Health Treatment for Children and Adolescents
Clinical Perspectives 60: Approaches to Training Clinicians in Perinatal, Infant, and Preschool Mental Health From ...
Clinical Perspectives 59: All Hands on Deck: Addressing the Crisis of Youth and Family Homelessness as Mental Health ...
Clinical Perspectives 61: The Long and Winding Road: Navigating From Childhood and Adolescence to Adulthood With ...
Symposium 41: The Good, the Bad, and the Risky: Sexual Behaviors Online
Clinical Perspectives 58: Physically Ill Child and Depression
Other Programs 34: "To Thine Own Self Be True": Ethics, Professionalism, and Religion/Spirituality in Child and ...
Symposium 40: From Neuroscience to Evidence-Based Treatments: An Update on Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors Research
Other Programs 32: Rapid Fire Trainee Case Presentation 2
Clinical Perspectives 57: ECT in Pediatrics: New Frontiers for Collaborative Care
Clinical Perspectives 55: Pharmacogenomics 2020: What Have We Learned?
Clinical Perspectives 56: Trauma-Informed Evidence-Based Screening Procedure and Early Intervention for Youth With PTSD
Clinical Perspectives 54: Neurogenetic Syndromes Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 52: Training Others to Deliver a Proper Dose of CBT to Youth
Clinical Perspectives 53: Zero Suicide Strategies in Pediatric Health Care Settings
Clinical Perspectives 51: Important Co-Occurring Problems in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Strategies for Characterization ...
Other Programs 30: Walk Me Through a Virtual CSE: The Art of Sexual History Taking in Diverse Youth Through a Screen
Other Programs 31: Resident as Teacher: How to Win Followers and Influence People: Helping Your Message Reach the Public
Symposium 37: New Developments in Evidence-Based Trauma Treatments and Relevance for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Symposium 35: Advancing Sex- and Gender-Based Research: Transitions Over the Life Course for Understanding Young ...
Symposium 38: Risky Decision Making in Youth: Subtypes, Neurobiology, and Treatment
Symposium 36: Biological Roots 2020: Biological Aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder, the Placental Barrier, Early-Life ...
Clinical Perspectives 50: The Role of Collaborative Care in the Treatment of Severely Mentally Ill Youth
Clinical Perspectives 48: Language Deprivation and the Impact on Mental Health of Deaf/Hard of Hearing and ...
Institute 4.1: What's New in ADHD and Substance Use Disorders?
Institute 4.2: Lifelong Learning on Trauma, Resiliency, and Approaches for Serving Diverse Populations of Children and ...
Institute 4.3: Smartphones, Medicines for Extreme Mood States, Spin in Science, and Parenting
Institute 4.4: Topics on Youth Suicide and Violence Prevention
Institute 4.5: Current Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Institute 4.6: Depression, Psychosis, and Catatonia in Children and Adolescents: The Role of ECT and Neuromodulation
Institute 5.1: Training the Brain: Targeting the Error-Related Negativity to Treat Anxiety in Preschoolers
Institute 5.2: Treatment of Executive Function Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder With Repetitive Transcranial ...
Institute 5.3: Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation for ADHD: Clinical Applications and Neural Mechanisms
Institute 5.4: Neuroscience-Informed Cognitive Training for Early-Onset Psychosis Prevention and Treatment
Institute 5.5: Neuroethics Related to Deep Brain Stimulation in Adolescents With Treatment-Resistant Conditions
Institute 5.6: Neuromodulation in Children and Adolescents: The Devil Is in the Dosing
Other Programs 28: Reimagining Excellence: Achieving Equity as the Outcome
Clinical Perspectives 47: Treatment and Ethical Implications for Caring for College Students With Eating Disorders
Symposium 33 Assessing the Impact of Stimulants on Functional Outcomes in ADHD
Symposium 34: Strategies to Mitigate Second Generation Antipsychotic-Related Metabolic Alterations in Youth With Mood ...
Clinical Perspectives 46: Improving Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Regarding Racial Bias in Child and Adolescent ...
Clinical Perspectives 45: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Managing Aggression, Affective Lability, Self-Injurious Behavior, ...
Symposium 32: Help Now: Understanding Adolescent Distress, Diagnosis, and Help-Seeking in 2020
Clinical Perspectives 44: Life Members' Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Physician Burnout, a Generational Perspective
Other Programs 27: The PGAA Tour: Parenting, Guilt and Adapting in Academia
Symposium 31: Bridging the Gap From Bench to Bedside in Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders
General Sessions 03: Town Meeting: Transforming Child Psychiatry Care Delivery: Necessities and Opportunities
Clinical Perspectives 43: The Global Climate Crisis and Child Mental Health: Known Consequences, Current Research, and ...
Symposium 30: Measurement-Based Care Across the Continuum: Screening, Diagnosis, and Tracking Care Over Time
Clinical Perspectives 42: Cyberbullying and Related Entities: How the Internet Has Changed Risk Behaviors, and New ...
Symposium 29: Neurocognitive Markers and Predictors of Clinical Outcomes in ADHD: Latest Research and Clinical ...
Clinical Perspectives 40: The Rhythms of Well-Being: Treatment of Insomnia and Circadian Rhythm Disturbances in Youth ...
Clinical Perspectives 41: Two Generations of Mental Health Care: The Importance of Treating the Dyad in Vulnerable ...
Symposium 28: Pediatric Bipolar Disorder and Severe Emotional Dysregulation: New Research Findings
Clinical Perspectives 39: From Bedrest to Bonding: The Role of Collaborative Consultation Teams in Maternal and Infant ...
Other Programs 24: Excelsior! Virtual Wisdom for Medical Students and Residents: Advancing Your Career as a Child and ...
Other Programs 25: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Understanding the Neurodevelopmental ...
Symposium 27: The Relationship Between Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behavior: Recognition, Interventions, and ...
Symposium 26: Intergenerational Transmission of Psychopathology and Early Identification of Risk: New Insights From the ...
Clinical Perspectives 37: Intercepting Poor Outcomes: An Innovative Clinical Approach for Reducing Mental Health ...
Clinical Perspectives 38: The Importance of Sibling Relationships in Foster Care and Adoptive Placements: Clinical, ...
Symposium 25: Characterizing Biological and Behavioral Markers of the Prodrome to Bipolar Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 36: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Managing Emotional and Behavioral Dysregulation in Children ...
Institute 2.1: Epidemiology of Youth Suicide and Priorities for Prevention: Focus on the School Setting
Institute 2.2: Detecting and Managing Patients at Risk for Suicide in Medical Settings
Institute 2.3: Translating Evidence-Based Suicide Risk Screening to Real-World Settings: Practical Steps and Evidence ...
Institute 2.4: Assessing for Suicidality in COVID-19 Times- With the Use of Technology
Institute 2.5: Novel Approaches to the Assessment and Treatment of Suicidal Adolescents
Institute 2.6: Beyond Screening: Specific Suicide Prevention Interventions
Institute 2.7: Caring for the Caretakers: The Impact of Losing a Patient to Suicide
Institute 3.1: Physiology of the Endogenous Cannabinoid System: Basic Science for the Clinician
Institute 3.2: Black Market Economics 101: How Youth Acquire Cannabis, What They Pay for It, and What It Means for You
Institute 3.3: The Nexus of Cannabis Use and Psychosis in Youth
Institute 3.4: Practical Family-Based Prevention and Treatment Approaches for Youth Cannabis Use
Institute 3.5: Using Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment to Build Inroads With Adolescents
Institute 3.6: Treatment of Adolescents With Co-Occurring Mental Health and Cannabis Use Disorders
Institute 3.7: Nuts and Bolts: Wisdom for the Busy Clinician Addressing Youth Cannabis Use
Institute 3.8: How to Communicate Cannabis and Cannabinoid Science, Myths, Risks, Benefits, and Marketing to Patients, ...
Symposium 24: OCD in Children and Adolescents: Treatment Outcomes, Family Presentation, and Predictors of Treatment ...
Clinical Perspectives 35: Collaboration or Bust! A Multidisciplinary, Patient-Centered Approach to Delivering ...
Symposium 23: Addressing the Complexities of "the Syndrome" in Youth With Persistent Tic Disorders
Other Programs 22: Poetry and Patient Care: Fine-Tuning Our Listening
Symposium 22: Findings From the Multisite Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD and Follow-Up: Clinical ...
Clinical Perspectives 33: Collaboration or Bust! A Multidisciplinary, Patient-Centered Approach to Delivering ...
Clinical Perspectives 34: The Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist's Role After Loss and Tragedy: Suicide Postvention and ...
Other Programs 21: The Impact of Patient Suicide on Trainees and Early Career Psychiatrists: How Do We Respond?
Symposium 21: Simon Wile Symposium: The Boarder Crisis: Innovative Bridges Breaking Down Walled-Off Care in Pediatric ...
General Sessions 02: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Thrown Under the Bus: Addressing the Mental Health Impacts of the ...
Clinical Perspectives 32: Mind-Body Interventions for Youth in Schools, Juvenile Halls, and Clinical Settings
Clinical Perspectives 31: Caring for Families of Children and Adolescents With Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Symposium 20: Supporting Infant Mental Health Through Early Interventions With Caregivers Who Experienced Toxic Stress ...
Clinical Perspectives 30: "There Must be Something Else": Diagnostic Dilemmas: ADHD, Anxiety, and Resulting Social ...
Symposium 19: Epigenetics and Inflammation in Childhood Psychiatric Disorders: Evidence From Animal Models
Symposium 18: The Gut Microbiota in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Bench to Bedside
Clinical Perspectives 27: Chronic Pain and Its Impact on Pediatric Mental Health
Clinical Perspectives 28: The Dawn of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Myanmar
Other Programs 18: Master Class: Early Childhood Consultation
Symposium 17: Psychosocial Predictors of Self-Harm, Stalking Perpetration, and Dating Violence Among Justice-Impacted ...
Clinical Perspectives 25: International Clinical Perspectives: Global Climate Change Effects on the Health and Mental ...
Clinical Perspectives 26: Treating Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers Across Multiple Settings: Challenges/Innovative ...
Symposium 16: Window of Opportunity: Reducing Youth Substance Use and Addressing Mental Needs at Time of First Justice ...
Clinical Perspectives 24: Kids With Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Medical Hospital: Special Challenges for the ...
Clinical Perspectives 23: For Better and For Worse: Exploration of Gender and Sexuality in a Virtual World
Institute 1.1: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD: Focus on Comorbid Mood Dysregulation
Institute 1.2: Psychopharmacological Treatment of Maladaptive Behaviors of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Institute 1.3: Psychopharmacological Treatment of OCD/OCD Spectrum
Institute 1.4: Bipolar Disorder, DMDD, and Severe Mood Dysregulation
Institute 1.5: Psychopharmacological Treatment of Depression
Institute 1.6: Management of Adverse Effects (Including Metabolic) of Second-Generation Antipsychotics/Mood Stabilizers
Institute 1.7: Psychopharmacological Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
Symposium 15: Ghost Busters in the Nursery: Cost-Effective Solutions to the Effects of Early Environmental Trauma
Clinical Perspectives 22: Pediatric Delirium in Special Populations: Expanding the Roadmap
Symposium 14: Infections, Immune Function, and Psychopathology in Youth
Clinical Perspectives 21: The Effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) on Mental Health Disorders Among Adolescents and Young ...
Clinical Perspectives 20: Dysregulation in Children and Adolescents: Lessons Learned So Far From the Presidential ...
Other Programs 12: The Power of Vulnerability and the Solutions to Keep Us Well: Using Self-Compassion as a Means to ...
Other Programs 11: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
Symposium 13: Suicide Research in the Emergency Department: Screening, Risk Assessment, and Interventions
Other Programs 10: 2020 Vision: Field Trip to the San Francisco Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Symposium 12: Research Symposium: Developments In Irritability: An Old Phenotype With New Frontiers
Clinical Perspectives 19: "Sometimes, It's Lupus": What You Should Know About Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus ...
Symposium 11: How Telomere Biology Informs the Mental Health Problems of Children
Clinical Perspectives 18: Working With Patients With Limited Communication Skills and Severe Problem Behavior: Reducing ...
Symposium 10: Iron Deficiency and Mental Health: An Under-Recognized Association
Clinical Perspectives 17: Creating a Unicorn: Developing a Perfect Partial Hospitalization Program
Clinical Perspectives 16: State and Health System Approaches to Integrated Behavioral Health Care in Rural Communities
Clinical Perspectives 15: Key Principles for Caring for Young Adults With Substance Use Disorders
Symposium 09: Predictors of Course and Outcomes in Youths and Young Adults With Bipolar Spectrum Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 14: Medical Traumatic Stress: Innovations, Investigations, and Interventions in the Setting of ...
Clinical Perspectives 13: "Help, My Son Is Addicted to Fortnite": Treatment Approaches for Internet Gaming Disorder and ...
Other Programs 7: Uncovering the Blind Spots: Addressing Unconscious Bias to Diversify the Physician Workforce in the ...
Other Programs 6: Rapid Fire Trainee Case Presentation 1
Other Programs 8: Clinical Practicum: University of California, San Francisco Translational Research Growth and ...
Symposium 08: Youth Self-Harm and Suicide: Causes and Prediction
Symposium 07: Integrating Recent Research Findings Into the Care of Children and Adolescents With Anxiety Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 12: Pediatric Medicine Update: Pediatric Growth, the Large and the Small of It!
Other Programs 4: Creating a Well-Being Plan for Yourself... and for Your Patients
Symposium 06: The Benefits and Potential Harms of Technology: An International Perspective
Clinical Perspectives 10: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas Worth Sharing
Clinical Perspectives 09: Barriers and Solutions to Treating Teenagers With ADHD: Perspectives From Clinical Researchers
Clinical Perspectives 11: Integrating Targeted Parent Support Into the Care of Children and Young Adults With Chronic ...
Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, ...
Other Programs 3:Systems of Care Special Program:Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, Youth ...
Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, ...
Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, ...
Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, ...
Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, ...
Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, ...
Other Programs 3: Systems of Care Special Program: Creating Safe and Affirming Systems of Care for LGBTQ Children, ...
Clinical Perspectives 08: Embracing the Golden Rule in School Mental Health Services: How Ethical Principles Can Help ...
Symposium 05: Made to Measure: Perspectives on Promoting Outcome Quality to Enhance Care for Adolescent Depression
Clinical Perspectives 07: Everything You Want to Know About Medication Supply: Economics, Distribution, Pricing, Prior ...
Symposium 04: Novel Early Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Basic Principles and New Research
Clinical Perspectives 06: Restoring Harmony With Authenticity: LGBTQ Asian-American Youth Mental Health
Other Programs 2: Training and Education Summit
Symposium 03: Integrating Mind, Brain, and Body in the Research and Treatment of Pediatric Mood Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 05: Can You Truly See and Understand Me? Innovative, Preventive, and Interventional Approaches ...
Symposium 02: Changing Face of Suicidal Behaviors and Suicide
Clinical Perspectives 04: "My Daddy Never Woke ": Complex Childhood Trauma Related to Parental Opioid Use Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 03: Impulsive Behavior or Legitimate Warning?: Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student ...
Clinical Perspectives 02: Youth at the Border: Do NO MORE Harm
Clinical Perspectives 01: Navigating Racial Identity Development for Transracially Adopted Children and Families
Honors Presentations 01: School Mental Health: A Barometer for Our Times
Honors Presentations 02: Addressing Racism and Disparities in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Diversifying Leadership ...
Honors Presentations 03: Effects of the Mother-Child Education Program on Parenting Stress and Disciplinary Practices ...
Honors Presentations 04: Regularity of IQ Rise With an Interpersonal Preschool Treatment: 81 Treated Preschoolers vs 63 ...
Honors Presentations 05: Setting the Stage for Mental Health: Promoting Early Childhood Mental Health in and Beyond ...
Honors Presentations 06: Building Programs That Increase Access to Mental Health Care for Children and Youth, While ...
Honors Presentations 07: A Story of Hope: Leading Change Beyond Borders Through a Culturally Informed Focus
Honors Presentations 08: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Citalopram Adjunctive to Stimulant ...
Honors Presentations 09: Association Between the Release of Netflix's 13 Reasons Why and Suicide Rates in the United ...
Honors Presentations 10: The Story of the First Twin Study of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Other Programs 1: Is Screen Time Good for Children's Mental Health? A Debate on Technology Use
Symposium 01: Pathways Leading to Mental Health Phenotypes and Their Treatments: Insights From Neurogenetic Syndromes
General Sessions 01: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Empathy, Understanding, and Anti-Racism
The Role of Genomics and Pharmacogenomics in the Practice of Child Psychiatry
Translating Advances in Neuromodulation into Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Brain Networks, Stimulation Technology, ...
Catecholamine Reuptake Inhibitors and Norepinephrine Receptor Antagonists: Treating Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma
Ketamine and Other Psychotropics With Novel Mechanisms of Action
Reuptake Inhibitor and Releasers: Direct and Indirect Agonists for ADHD
How to Think About Mood and Aggression
Treatment Mechanisms in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Mechanistic Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Antagonists and Agonists: Medications for Psychosis
Neuroscience-Based Psychopharmacology and Nomenclature
Welcoming Remarks
Institute 8.7: The Impact of Child Maltreatment on Transitioning to Adulthood
Clinical Perspectives 75: Considering Context: Family and Culturally Relevant Engagement in the Clinic
Clinical Perspectives 80: Logging on to the Positive Role of Technology in Psychiatric Practice
Clinical Perspectives 78: For Better and For Worse: Gender and Sexuality Online
Clinical Perspectives 77: Evidence-Based Treatments in Action: Adolescent Eating Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 73: Antipsychotic Medications: Use and Misuse
Clinical Perspectives 79: "It's a Psych Issue, Not Medical!" Bridging the Gap on the Medical Floor for Patients Needing ...
Clinical Perspectives 82: Partnering With Parents: Evidence-Based Strategies for Parents of Teens With Substance Use ...
Clinical Perspectives 81: Measurement-Based Care in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinical Perspectives 74: Challenges in Eating Disorder Treatment: Inpatient, Outpatient, Comorbid, and Beyond
Clinical Perspectives 83: Raising Our Voices for Families Separated at the Border: Understanding and Responding to the ...
Institute 8.6: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry as Partners and Leaders in Child Welfare Systems
Symposium 45: Advances in the Diagnosis of Mood Dysregulation in Children
Symposium 47: The Gut Microbiota, Stress, and Internalizing Disorders: From Bench to Bedside
Symposium 48: The Oxytocin and Vasopressin Systems: Modulators of Social Function Across Species and Potential Targets ...
Symposium 46: Perspective on the Impact on Adolescents and Emerging Adults of Marijuana's Changing Legal Status and ...
Other Programs 11: Presidential Interview: Karen Dineen Wagner, MD, PhD, interviews Neal D. Ryan, MD
Institute 8.5: Child Maltreatment to Prison Pipeline: Crossover Youth in Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems
Institute 8.4: Adoption: Working With Families to Promote Connections and Competence
Institute 8.3: Collaboration Between Child Psychiatry and Primary Care
Clinical Perspectives 67: Embracing Discomfort and Distress: Conventional and Innovative Applications of Exposure ...
Clinical Perspectives 68: Implementing Youth Suicide Risk Screening and Intervention in Pediatric Inpatient, ...
Clinical Perspectives 71: Towards an Immune (Inflammation)-Mediated Subtype of ASD
Clinical Perspectives 72: When Diverse Patients Meet Diverse Providers: Addressing Discrimination With Education, ...
Clinical Perspectives 64: Adolescent Cannabis Use: An Update on the Science of Harm and an Intro to the Art of ...
Clinical Perspectives 70: The Many Faces of Trauma Across Chicago: Stories of Innovative Programs of Assessment, ...
Clinical Perspectives 69: The International Perspectives on Bipolar Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 66: Comprehensive Care for the Management of ADHD: Psychostimulants Alone Don't Cut It
Clinical Perspectives 65: ASD and Neuropsychiatric Nuances: Understanding Variants in Phenomenology
Other Programs 10: Resiliency in Residency and Beyond: Promoting Wellbeing in Yourself and Your Workplace
Symposium 40: No Reason to Get Irritable: Standardizing the Approach to Agitation and Aggression in Youth in Emergent ...
Symposium 41: Are Risk for and Resilience From Bipolar Disorder Two Sides of the Same Neurobiology?
Symposium 43: Refugee and Immigrant Experience and Innovative Clinical and Community Responses
Symposium 44: Treating Tourette's Disorder: Neurocognitive Predictors and Novel Therapeutic Approaches
Symposium 42: From Bench to Bedside: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Institute 8.2: Maltreatment in Early Childhood
Institute 8.1: Neurobiological Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment: Importance of Sensitive Periods and Network ...
Institute 7.7: Systems of Care and the Mental Health Crisis for Children and Adolescents With ASD
Institute 6.7: Implementing Comprehensive Management of Comorbid Psychopathology in Children With Epilepsy: A ...
Institute 7.6: Assessment and Management of Irritability and Agitation in ASD
Institute 6.6: Comprehensive Care of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide in Children With Epilepsy
Institute 7.5: Assessment and Management of ADHD in Youth With ASD
Clinical Perspectives 59: Kids and Cannabinoids: What Is the Evidence?
Clinical Perspectives 55: An Update on Pharmacogenomics (PGX) for 2019: What Should a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist ...
Clinical Perspectives 57: Ethical Twists and Turns in Caring for Transgender Youth
Clinical Perspectives 56: JAACAPxClinical Perspectives: Clinical Ideas Worth Sharing
Clinical Perspectives 63: Tip of the Iceberg: Clinical and Administrative Challenges to Managing Polypharmacy Across ...
Clinical Perspectives 58: Get Them in the Door: Updates on the Assessment and Treatment of School Refusal
Clinical Perspectives 61: Psychosis in Children and Adolescents: What You Need to Know
Clinical Perspectives 62: The Clairvoyant Clinician: Can We Really Predict Poor Outcomes in Youth?
Clinical Perspectives 53: Development of a Neurobehavioral Psychiatry Continuum of Care for Children With ASD, ...
Clinical Perspectives 60: Lack of Interest in Eating or Food, a Subtype of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder ...
Clinical Perspectives 54: Addressing Ethical Dilemmas and Legal Issues in the Treatment of Transitional-Age Youth (TAY) ...
Institute 6.5: ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment in Children With Epilepsy
Symposium 36: Effective Interventions for Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Youth
Symposium 38: Nowhere Else to Go: Multidisciplinary Solutions to the Psychiatric Boarding Crisis
Symposium 39: Pediatric Integrated Behavioral Health Care Models: Transforming Vision Into Practice
Symposium 34: Animal Models for Child Psychiatry
Symposium 35: DMDD and Borderline Personality Disorder: In Search of the Missing Link
Symposium 37: Executive Function in ADHD and Related Disorders: Multiple Perspectives
Other Programs 09: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Progress and Priorities in Child and Adolescent Mental Health ...
Institute 7.4: Managing Anxiety in Youth With ASD: Empirical Findings and Clinical Pearls
Other Programs 08: Training and Education Lunch
Institute 6.4: Cognitive Comorbidities and Neuropsychological Assessment of Childhood Epilepsy
Institute 7.3: Behavioral Interventions for ASD: A Review of the Evidence and Emerging Technologies
Institute 6.3: Treatment of Children With Epilepsy: Focus on Seizures
Institute 7.2: The Genetics of ASD and Relevance for Clinical Practice
Clinical Perspectives 52: Working With Complex Families and Gender Dysphoria: Preventing Depression and Navigating ...
Clinical Perspectives 48: Mobilizing Clinical Informatics to Improve Child Mental Health Care
Clinical Perspectives 45: Child Psychiatry International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in the United States and Beyond: ...
Clinical Perspectives 49: Advanced Sleep Course: Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 50: Teen Vaping Boom: Electronic Cigarette Use, Associated Outcomes, and Efforts in Prevention
Clinical Perspectives 46: Complex Presentations of ASD: Beyond the Core Features
Clinical Perspectives 51: Ticcy, Sticky, and Picky: How to Understand, Disentangle, and Manage Childhood Onset ...
Clinical Perspectives 47: Gender-Diverse Young Adults: Narratives and Clinical Considerations
Clinical Perspectives 44: Bad Boys (and Girls): Addressing School Violence
Institute 6.2: Current Epilepsy Diagnostic Methods With Focus on Genetic Testing
Other Programs 07: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: ...
Symposium 30: Children and Screens: New Research Reveals How Digital Media Affects Mental Health
Symposium 31: Interpreting the Multiple Facets of Pediatric Bipolar Spectrum Disorders: Clinical and Biological Models
Symposium 32: Promoting Well-Being in Children Facing Adversity: What Can US Military Children Teach Us?
Symposium 33: Social (Pragmatic) Communication Deficits in Pediatric Psychiatry Populations: Clarifying Issues for ...
Institute 7.1: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Assessment of ASD in Psychiatrically Referred Youth
Institute 6.1: An Update on Advances in Psychiatric Care of Children With Epilepsy
Institute 8.8: The Caregiver's Perspective
Honors Presentations 04: School Mental Health in 2020: Emerging Opportunities for Child Psychiatry in Schools
Institute 4.7: Anxiety Disorder, OCD, and Pharmacotherapy
Institute 5.8: Innovative Translational Approaches and Smart Behavioral Services for Youth
Institute 5.7: Youth Perspective on Technology and Youth: Hacking the Adolescent Brain to Stop Cyberbullying
Honors Presentations 03: Caring at Columbia: A Preventive Community Program for Disfranchised Culturally Diverse ...
Institute 4.6: Conduct Disorder, Parenting, and Substance Use
Institute 5.6: Children's Digital Mental Health: A Design and Ethical Framework
Clinical Perspectives 38: Life Members' Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Four Unique Perspectives on the Physician-Patient ...
Clinical Perspectives 33: Current Epidemiological and Treatment Findings on Pediatric Somatic Symptom and Related ...
Clinical Perspectives 36: Insomnia 101: Diagnosing and Treating Insomnia in Youth
Clinical Perspectives 35: Hate, Disillusionment, and Pain: The Impact of Islamophobia on American Muslim Youth
Clinical Perspectives 39: Management of Aggressive Behavior in Inpatient Units
Clinical Perspectives 43: Practical Approaches to Addressing Mental Health Stigma in Ethnically Diverse Youth and ...
Clinical Perspectives 40: Psychological and Sexual Health in Vulnerable Populations
Clinical Perspectives 41: Race, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Politics 2.0: Meeting the Ongoing Needs of ...
Clinical Perspectives 32: Black Children's Mental Health Matters
Clinical Perspectives 42: Using Collaborative Care Models to Increase Engagement, Training, and Support for Primary ...
Clinical Perspectives 37: Integrated Care for Children With Depressive Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 34: Ending Corporal Punishment in the United States
Honors Presentations 02: Making Meaning Through Play: A Psychotherapeutic Intervention in a Preschool Child With Global ...
Symposium 29: Sleep Mechanisms in Typical Development and Pediatric Affective Disorders
Symposium 26: Anxiety in ASD: New Research on Measurement and Treatment
Symposium 28: Predicting the Onset of Mood Disorders
Symposium 27: Dimensions of Adversity Exposure and Psychopathology: Deprivation and Threat
Institute 5.5: Rethinking Our Approach to Digital Mental Health Intervention Research
Institute 4.5: Madness, Sadness, and Badness: An Update on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mood, Irritability, and ...
Institute 4.4: AACAP's Recertification Efforts
Institute 4.3: Losses and Gains in Work With Children and Adolescents
Institute 5.4: Parent Engagement Using Digital Health Tools
Other Programs 06: Residents as Teachers: Fix It! How to Take Outdated Material, Make it Relevant and Memorable, and ...
Institute 5.3: Screen Time: The Mental Health Effects of Social Media and Gaming
Institute 4.2: Digital Media Use Among Youth: A Clinical Update for Child Psychiatrists
Clinical Perspectives 28: Positive Psychiatry and Positive Psychology: Translation to Clinical Practice
Clinical Perspectives 27: Improving Emergency Care for Youth at Risk for Suicide
Clinical Perspectives 29: Promoting Digital Citizenship in Transitional-Aged Youth (TAY) and College Students
Clinical Perspectives 31: The Truth About Suicide Revisited: Prevention and Postvention in High School, College, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 26: Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder: Where Have We Come From and Where Are We Going
Clinical Perspectives 30: Promoting Evidence-Based Medical Decision Making in the Use of Pharmacologic Treatments of ...
Other Programs 05: Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
Symposium 19: Biological Roots 2019: Neurocircuitry of Anxiety Disorders and PTSD Conclusions From Human and Nonhuman ...
Symposium 25: What Is the Impact of Prenatal Substance Exposure on Child Development?
Symposium 21: Co-occurrence of ADHD and Substance Use Disorder With ASD in Intellectually Capable Individuals: ...
Symposium 20: Complementary and Integrative Medicine and Depression: Role of the Gut-Brain Axis, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, ...
Symposium 22: In the Face of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Symposium 24: Understanding How to Treat and Prevent Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Symposium 23: Thinking Outside the Box: Broadening Perspectives to Improve Research, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Youth ...
Institute 5.2: What Does Machine Learning Offer to Child Psychiatry?
Honors Presentations 01: Lightening Round
Institute 5.1: Digital Phenotyping and Youth Mental Health: Hype Versus Hope
Institute 4.1: Gender Dysphoria: Ethics, Evidence, and Efficacy of Transition Across Development
Institute 3.8: Sexuality and Social Boundaries
Institute 2.7: The Role of Neuropsychological Testing in Autoimmune Brain Disorders
Institute 3.7: Insomnia in Youth With Intellectual Developmental Disorder
Institute 2.6: Catatonia and Autoimmune Conditions in Children and Adolescents: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge
Clinical Perspectives 22: Meeting Children "Where They Are At": Models for the 21st Century School-Based Mental Health ...
Clinical Perspectives 25: When the Meds Aren't Working: Rethinking Medication Regimens for Youth With a Focus on ...
Clinical Perspectives 21: It's All Relative: Integrating Family Therapy Into the Treatment of Somatic Symptom and ...
Clinical Perspectives 23: Outpatient Care That Works Better: Novel Methods of Improving Access, Efficiency, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 24: Outpatient Management of Irritability, Impulsive Aggression, and Other Severe Behaviors in ...
Institute 3.6: Community-Based Crisis Management for Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disabilities and ...
Other Programs 04: The Impact of Patient Suicide on Trainees and Early Career Psychiatrists: How Do We Respond?
Symposium 16: Infant Brain Development in ASD: Potential Implications for Clinical Practice
Symposium 17: New Technologies to Gain Insights Into Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
Symposium 15: EEG Biomarkers of Treatment Response in Developmental Disorders
Symposium 18: Simon Wile Symposium: Costs? Benefits! Effectiveness! Making the Value Case for Pediatric Integrated Care
Institute 2.5: The Role of Imaging in Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Institute 3.5: Psychosocial Treatment for Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disability and Co-occurring ...
Institute 3.4: The Neurobehavioral Model for Challenging Behaviors in Intellectual Developmental Disability
Other Programs 03: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: The Emerging Genetics and Neurobiology of Mental Disorders: ...
Institute 2.4: Child Psychiatry in Autoimmune Brain Disease
Institute 3.3: Assessment and Treatment of Common Psychiatric Concerns in Individuals With Intellectual Disability ...
Institute 2.2: Demystifying the Demyelinating Disorders
Institute 3.2: Current Diagnosis and Assessment of Intellectual Developmental Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 20: Transforming Traumatic Impacts for LGBTQ Youth
Clinical Perspectives 16: Funding Models to Enable Implementation of Innovative Interventions in Child and Adolescent ...
Clinical Perspectives 17: Rural Mental Health for Children and Adolescents: Challenges and Opportunities
Clinical Perspectives 19: The Overview of the Use of Lithium in Children and Adolescents
Clinical Perspectives 18: The Developmental Understanding of Identity and Gender Diversity in Adolescents and ...
Institute 2.1: Autoimmune Brain Disorders: History in the Making
Institute 3.1: DSM-5 Intellectual Developmental Disorder: New Paradigm and Implications for Patient Care
Symposium 12: Complementary and Integrative Treatments for ASD and ADHD: Selected Recent Research
Symposium 14: Federal Efforts to Improve Mental Health and Substance Use Outcomes for Youth
Symposium 13: Digital Health: Games, Applications, and Smartphones for Engagement and Adherence to Care
Other Programs 02: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Emotion Regulation in Children and Adolescents
Symposium 11: Research Symposium: Advances in the Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Translating Findings to ...
Institute 1.7: Pharmacological Treatment of Sleep Disorders
Institute 1.6: Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Clinical Perspectives 15: International Clinical Perspectives: A Global Mental Health Perspective of School-Based ...
Institute 1.5: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD
Clinical Perspectives 12: One Young Child, Three Experts, and Three Therapies
Clinical Perspectives 09: All About Parenting: Science You Can Use in Daily Practice
Clinical Perspectives 14: Vulnerable Populations in Juvenile Justice
Clinical Perspectives 11: I'm Just Trying to Treat My Patient, but the Parent/Guardian Is Not on Board: Staying on Top ...
Clinical Perspectives 10: Emotional and Cognitive Development for Young Children Within and Beyond the Pediatric ...
Clinical Perspectives 13: Sex Talk: Difficult Discussions for Promoting Healthy Outcomes
Symposium 09: New Findings From the Multimodal Treatment of ADHD (MTA) Study Follow-up
Symposium 08: Meditative Interventions in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Symposium 07: From Constructs to Circuits: How Can the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Framework Inform Our Clinical ...
Symposium 10: Pediatric Trichotillomania: An Update on Screening, Genetics, and Treatment
Institute 1.4: Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: An Update
Institute 1.3: Long-Term and Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Institute 1.2: Pediatric Depression: How to Detect, Diagnose, and Treat in Children
Clinical Perspectives 01: Approaches to the Treatment of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
Clinical Perspectives 08: Reaching Vulnerable Youth and Families in Schools, Transitional Housing, and Clinics to ...
Clinical Perspectives 05: Reinforcing Resilience in Medically Ill Young Children
Clinical Perspectives 07: The Birds and the Bees: Speaking to Children, Adolescents, and Families About Gender and ...
Clinical Perspectives 02: Identifying Disparities and Implementing Novel Interventions to Overcome Inequities in ASD
Clinical Perspectives 03: Managing High-Risk Patients in the Community
Clinical Perspectives 06: Systematically Addressing Family Variables in Comorbid Psychiatric Presentations With a Brief ...
Clinical Perspectives 04: Peer Support/Mentors Impacting Substance Use and Mental Health Care in Adolescents and Young ...
Symposium 05: Systematic Review of Polypharmacy Studies in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Symposium 01: Adolescent Psychopathology and Competence Following Severe Early Deprivation
Symposium 02: Improving the Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: New Directions for Research and Practice
Symposium 06: Understanding and Predicting Psychopathology in Young People Exposed to Trauma
Symposium 03: Novel Approaches to Inform Treatment Decisions in Child Psychiatry: Steps Toward Personalized Medicine
Symposium 04: Screening Tools in the Emergency Department
Institute 1.1: Emerging Neuroscience-Based Psychopharmacology in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Other Programs 01.13: Neurobiology of Addiction and Relationship to Early Child Maltreatment
Other Programs 01.11: Addressing Substance Use Disorders Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women
Other Programs 01.10: A Model of Integrated Care For Families Affected by Substance Use
Other Programs 01.09: Speaker Panel
Other Programs 01.08: Under the Radar: Children and Families of the Opioid Epidemic
Other Programs 01.07: Medication Assisted Treatment, Parenting Skills, and the Courts: A Proposed Pilot Project for ...
Other Programs 01.06: Speaking from Lived Experience: Two Parent's Perspectives
Institute 2.3: Becget's to Sjogren's: The ABC's of Autoimmune Brain Disease
Other Programs 01.05: The Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE): A Focus on Child and Family Welfare
Other Programs 01.04: Opioids and the Pediatric Population: Role of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Other Programs 01.03: Parental Substance Use in Pregnancy and Child Development: What is a Systems Response?
Pharmacotherapy of Aggression: When Might It be Indicated?
Developmental Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, and Intellectual Disabilities (Part 1 & 2)
Question and Answer Session for Drs. Benton, Reeves, Wachtel, and Ortiz-Aguayo
Pediatric Consultation Liaison Psychiatry
Gender Issues/Gender Dysphoria
Early Onset Psychosis
Youth Suicide
Major Depressive Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation, and Bipolar Disorder (Part 1 & 2)
Question and Answer Session for Drs. Berkowitz and Walkup
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Movement Disorders ...
Obesity, Psychiatric Diagnosis, and Psychiatric Medications in Youth
Question and Answer Session for Drs. McGough and Weaver
Pediatric Eating Disorders
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Substance Abuse (Part 1 ...
Q&A Panel 4
Irritability Is so Annoying: How It Starts and Where It Goes
Intervening with Youth at-Risk for Suicide
Q&A Panel 3
Substance Use Disorders in Young People: A Combustible Mixture
When, Why, and How: Starting and Stopping ADHD Pharmacotherapy
Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: How Early, with What, and for How Long (Includes Q&A)
Evidence-Based Identification and Intervention for People at Risk for and with Early Phase Psychosis (Includes Q&A)
When and How to Treat Youth at High Risk to Develop Bipolar Disorder
Welcome Remarks
Institute 8.7: Management of Irritability/Aggression in ASD in the Clinical Setting
Institute 8.6: Assessment and Management of Emotional Dysregulation and Aggression in Youth With ASD
Institute 8.5: Assessment and Management of Anxiety in Youth With ASD
Clinical Perspectives 74: From BuzzFeed to the Clinic: Addressing Youth Depression Through Novel Approaches to ...
Clinical Perspectives 75: Outrunning Stigma: How Do Advancements in Neuroscience and Genetics Inform Our Ability to ...
Clinical Perspectives 76: Pharmacogenomics 2018: A Closer Look at Relevant Genes and Current Guidelines
Clinical Perspectives 77: The Interplay Between Sleep and Neurobehavioral Functioning in Youth With Psychiatric and ...
Symposium 34: Adolescence, Trauma, and Attachment: Translating Research Into Practice
Symposium 35: Adult Findings in the Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD (MTA) Follow-Up: Medication and Physical ...
Institute 8.4: Assessment and Management of ADHD in Youth With ASD
Presidential Interview: Karen Dineen Wagner, MD, PhD Interviews Joan Luby, MD
Institute 8.3: Behavioral Interventions for ASD: A Review of the Evidence and Emerging Technologies
Institute 8.2: The Genetics of ASD: Relevance for Clinical Practice in the Era of Precision Medicine
Institute 8.1: Screening and Diagnostic Assessment for ASD in Psychiatrically Referred Youth
Clinical Perspectives 63: Acting Up (and Out) on the Unit: Psychotherapy Training in the Inpatient Setting Through the ...
Clinical Perspectives 64: Caught in the Net: How Digital Media Shapes Mental Illnesses in Youth and How Psychiatrists ...
Clinical Perspectives 65: Difficulty Transitioning to College for ADHD and Learning Disabled Students
Clinical Perspectives 66: Medical Marijuana: A Potpourri of the Evidence Base, Clinical, Neurodevelopmental, Legal, ...
Clinical Perspectives 67: Mental Health Needs of Blind and Visually Impaired Youth and Their Families
Clinical Perspectives 68: Movement Disorders and Atypical Antipsychotics: Are We Missing the Biggest Issue?
Clinical Perspectives 69: One Size Does Not Fit All: Programs Supporting Best Practices in Psychotropic Prescribing
Clinical Perspectives 70: Overcoming Crises in Hospital and Residential Care
Clinical Perspectives 71: Pathways in Clinical Care (PaCC): Addressing Important Clinical Issues Through ...
Clinical Perspectives 72: Pediatric Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (Anti-NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis, Malignant Catatonia, ...
Clinical Perspectives 73: The Exploitation of Children: Understanding Human Sex Trafficking
Symposium 32: Computational Child Psychiatry: New Methods to Address the Complexity of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric ...
Symposium 33: Pediatric Trichotillomania
Family-Focused Treatment for Adolescents and Young Adults With Bipolar Disorders
Institute 7.7: Pharmacotherapies for Youth Substance Use Disorder: Rationale, Evidence-Base, and Practical Strategies
Institute 6.6: Telemental Health: Facilitating Innovative Mental Health Interventions
Institute 7.6: The Impact of Parents and Family in the Prevention and Treatment of Adolescent Substance Use Disorders: ...
Institute 6.5: The Good Behavior Game: How It Works and What It Does for Psychiatric Disorders
Institute 7.5: Psychotherapies for Substance Use Disorders in Youth
Clinical Perspectives 57: Building Resilience in Depressed LGBTQ Youth: An Integrated Approach
Clinical Perspectives 58: Global Perspectives and Challenges in Treating Children With ASD
Clinical Perspectives 59: Managing Adverse Effects of Psychotropics in Children
Clinical Perspectives 60: Religion and Spirituality in Vulnerable Child Psychiatric Populations
Clinical Perspectives 61: TED Talks Meets Perspectives: More Clinical Ideas Worth Spreading
Clinical Perspectives 62: #Uh-Oh: How Teens Get Into Trouble Online and What We Can Do About It
Symposium 31: Applications of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Understand and Treat Adolescents With Depressive ...
Institute 7.4: Substance Use in Pregnancy and Its Impact on Child Development
Institute 6.4: Ketamine: An Emerging Treatment for Adolescent Depression
Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary
Training and Education Lunch
Institute 6.3: Talk the Talk: Intensive Behavioral Treatment for Children With Selective Mutism
Institute 7.3: Neurobiology of Substance Use Disorder Risk and Initial Exposure to Drugs
Institute 7.2: High Times for Cannabis: Epigenetic Imprint and Its Legacy on Brain and Behavior
Institute 6.2: Therapy Apps: What They Can and Can't Do
Institute 7.1: Epidemiology of Substance Use Disorders Among Youth and Parents
Clinical Perspectives 49: Aggression, Translationally Considered
Clinical Perspectives 50: Can a Behavior Be Addictive? How Can the Field of Substance Use Inform Treatment of ...
Clinical Perspectives 51: Gender Diversity Meets the 21st Century: Social Media and Peer Influences on Adolescent ...
Clinical Perspectives 52: Project ECHO™: Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Clinical Perspectives 53: Psychosis and Psychotic Disorders: Prediction and Prevention
Clinical Perspectives 54: State Oversight of Prescribing Psychotropic Medications: Practice Enhancements and Unintended ...
Clinical Perspectives 55: Struggles and Strife: Treating American Muslim Youth in 2018
Clinical Perspectives 56: Using Outcome and Quality Measures to Drive Improvement in Care
Institute 6.1: Brief Psychosocial Intervention for Teens With Major Depression
Symposium 27: Advances in Pediatric Bipolar Offspring Research
Symposium 28: A Genotype-First Approach for Defining Phenotypic Subtypes in ASD
Symposium 29: Big Data in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Is It Taking Us Where No Man Has Gone Before?
Symposium 30: Toward Unraveling ADHD Pathophysiology: ADHD Endophenotypes, Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Measures, ...
CPT 101: An Introduction to Coding and Reimbursement
Honors Presentations 7: Creating Effective Psychiatric Services for High Acuity Children and Families: May the Force Be ...
Institute 4.6: Co-Occurring Medical Issues in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Honors Presentations 6: The Time Has Come: Integrating Trauma-Informed Prevention Within Systems of Care
Institute 4.5: The How To's: The Use and Monitoring of Atypical Antipsychotics in Youth
Institute 5.5: Youth Suicide: How Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Gender-Nonconforming Status Shape Risk and Inform ...
Clinical Perspectives 40: The Importance of Trauma and Adversity in the Treatment of Child Psychiatric Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 41: Applying Advances in Developmental Research in Infants: Developmentally Informed ...
Clinical Perspectives 42: Challenges in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Prodromal and Early-Onset Psychosis in the ...
Clinical Perspectives 43: Foster Care Transitions: Filling Potholes on the Road to Adulthood
Clinical Perspectives 44: Intersections of Race, Sex, and Politics: Meeting the Needs of Racial and Sexual Minority ...
Clinical Perspectives 45: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Off the Beaten Path of Child Psychiatry: ...
Clinical Perspectives 46: Partnering With Pediatricians to Promote Early Childhood Mental Health
Clinical Perspectives 47: Pediatric Medicine Update for the Child Psychiatrist: Palliative Care and Chronic Pain
Clinical Perspectives 48: Untangling OCD and Tics: A Focus on Tic-Related OCD
Symposium 24: Neurobiological Mechanisms of Resilience and Vulnerability to Childhood Adversity
Symposium 25: Novel Approaches in ADHD Clinical Trials: Implications for Studies of Currently Available and Emerging ...
Symposium 26: Trajectories of Offspring of Parents With Bipolar Disorders
Theory to Practice: Incorporating Positive Parenting Strategies Into the Daily Routine
Institute 4.4: Environments, Epigenes, Brains, and Behavior
Institute 5.4: Computerized Adaptive Screen for Teen Suicide Risk: Development and Three-Month Prediction of Suicide ...
Institute 5.3: Ketamine Across the Lifespan: An Emerging Treatment for Depression and Suicidality
Institute 4.3: Identification and Treatment of Mental Disorders in Early Childhood
Institute 5.2: SSRIs and Suicidality: Cause or Cure?
Institute 4.2: What's New in Substance Use Disorders and ADHD in Adolescents and Adults?
Honors Presentations 1: Thinking Across Generations: Unique Contributions of Maternal Early Life and Prenatal Stress to ...
Honors Presentations 2: Striatal Activation Predicts Differential Therapeutic Responses to Methylphenidate and ...
Honors Presentations 3: Borders and Belonging, Culture and Community: From Adversity to Diversity in Transcultural ...
Honors Presentations 4: Placebo-Controlled Pilot Data for Three Complementary/Alternative Treatments in Autism
Clinical Perspectives 35: Championing Youth With Chronic Illness in the Transition to Adulthood
Clinical Perspectives 36: Completing the Puzzle: Strategies on How to Link the Pieces of Evaluation, Treatment ...
Clinical Perspectives 37: Risk Assessment: From the Clinic to the Courtroom
Clinical Perspectives 38: Understanding Commonly Occurring Movement Disorders in Children: Identification, Diagnosis, ...
Clinical Perspectives 39: Working With Complex Families and Gender Dysphoria: Preventing Depression and Navigating ...
James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Understanding ...
Symposium 15: Animal Models for Child Psychiatry
Symposium 16: Antidepressant Use in Youth Across the Years, Trial Reassessment, and New Safety Concerns
Symposium 17: ASD and ADHD: Overlapping Symptoms and Shared Biology
Symposium 18: Biological Roots of Child Psychiatry and Health: Neuroscience, Transgenerational Effects, and Social ...
Symposium 19: College Mental Health: Prevalence, Etiology, and New Directions
Symposium 20: Contemporary Issues in Diagnosing and Treating Adolescent ADHD: Stimulant Diversion, Late-Onset Symptoms, ...
Symposium 21: Pharmacogenetic Testing and Antidepressants in Youth With Depressive and Anxiety Disorders
Symposium 22: The Bipolar Prodrome: Current Knowledge and Challenges
Symposium 23: The Life Within: The Unconscious Contributions of Gut Microbiota to Our Lives
DC:0-5TM Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood: An ...
Institute 4.1: Transition to Adulthood, Telepsychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's Therapeutic Identity: ...
Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Saving Holden Caulfield
Institute 3.7: Gender Dysphoria and Co-Ocurring Psychiatric Disorders: The Evidence and Approach
Institute 3.6: The Psychological Developmentally-Informed Assessment for Gender Dysphoric Youth: Rationale for a ...
Clinical Perspectives 27: Clinically Relevant Genetic Findings in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Case-Based Approach
Clinical Perspectives 28: Disaster Communication Using Social Media: Trends and Best Practices
Clinical Perspectives 29: Healing From the Indigenous Community: Traditional and Modern Wisdom and Complementarity
Clinical Perspectives 30: It's Worth It: The Use of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in Early Psychosis
Clinical Perspectives 31: School Mental Health Services as a Safety Net for Children in Vulnerable Communities in 2018
Clinical Perspectives 32: Teaching Pediatric Integrated Care: A Review of Best Practices for Structuring, Implementing, ...
Clinical Perspectives 33: Wellness interventions in Child Psychiatry: How Exercise, Good Nutrition, and Meditation can ...
Clinical Perspectives 34: Challenges and Resiliency With Mental Illnesses and Wellness as a Child and Adolescent ...
Residents as Teachers: Teaching to the Many, the Few, and the One
Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
Symposium 10: 22q11 Deletion Syndrome as a Genetic High-Risk Model for Developmental Neuropsychiatric Disorders: From ...
Symposium 11: Conversion and Anxiety: New Neuroimaging Evidence and Clinical Correlates
Symposium 12: Innovative Treatments in Child Psychiatry
Symposium 13: Simon Wile Symposium: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Caring for Colleagues: Innovations in Supporting ...
Symposium 14: Treatment and Mechanisms of Child and Adolescent Depression
Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: What Has Happened to Fifty Years of Child Abuse Reporting Laws? The One-Hundred-Forty ...
Institute 3.4: Gender Confirming Surgical Care in Adolescence: Evidence, Timing, Options, and Outcomes
Institute 3.3: Hormone Management of Transgender Youth and Adolescents
Institute 3.2: Biological Determinants of Gender Identity
Clinical Perspectives 16: Autoimmune Encephalopathy: Evaluation, Treatment, and Management
Clinical Perspectives 17: Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa: An Updated Review of Evidence-Based ...
Clinical Perspectives 18: Balancing the Competitive Edge Among Young Athletes: Understanding Mental Health and ...
Clinical Perspectives 19: Catastrophic Events in 2017: A Comparative Approach to Unique Challenges and Recovery From ...
Clinical Perspectives 21: Elements of Integrated Treatment of Refractory Major Depression in Youth
Clinical Perspectives 22: Innovations in Emergency Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk
Clinical Perspectives 23: Interdisciplinary Children's Digital Health: Moving From Ideas to Population-Level Impact
Clinical Perspectives 24: Online Interventions for Youth and Parents
Clinical Perspectives 25: Update on Innovative and Evidence-Based Therapeutic Interventions for Infants and Preschoolers
Clinical Perspectives 26: Violent Video Exposure and Its Impact on Youth of Color
Resiliency in Residency and Beyond: Promoting Wellness in Yourself and Your Workplace
Establishing Training Guidelines for Advanced Psychiatry Trainees in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders ...
Symposium 07: New Research on the Assessment and Management of the Adverse Events With Central Nervous System ...
Symposium 08: The Importance of Symptom Dimensions and Insight in Pediatric OCD
Symposium 09: What Is the Evidence for Neurofeedback for ADHD?
Institute 3.1: Gender Dysphoria: Ethics, Evidence, and Efficacy of Transition across Development
Symposium 06: Research Symposium: Opioids From the Receptor to the Clinic
Institute 1.7: What's the Evidence for Medications to Treat Adolescent Substance Use Disorders?
Institute 1.6: Polypharmacy, Maintenance, and Depression Beyond Elementary Management of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Institute 1.5: Pharmacological Strategies for Managing Pediatric Depression
Institute 2.6: The Monitoring of Adverse Events During Psychopharmacological Treatment
Clinical Perspectives 07: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Case Studies: A Broad Range of Ethical Dilemmas
Clinical Perspectives 08: Development of a Unified System of Care for Adolescent Depression in an Academic Medical ...
Clinical Perspectives 09: Intensive Treatment of OCD: Understanding the Landscape Including Specific and Novel ...
Clinical Perspectives 10: Integrating Clinical Genetics into Child Psychiatry: Lessons from Neurogenetics Clinics
Clinical Perspectives 11: Perspectives on Culture and Diversity: Insights From Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Who ...
Clinical Perspectives 12: Telemental Health and Support/Service Animals: Resources from the Higher Education Mental ...
Clinical Perspectives 13: The Four-Phase Model for Pediatric Somatization: Applications for Clinical Care and ...
Clinical Perspectives 14: The Lion Sleeps Tonight: Treating Sleep Problems in the Context of Psychiatric Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 15: The Multiple Faces of Deportation: Understanding the Challenges and Becoming Part of the ...
Institute 2.5: Evidence-Based Assessment to Improve Psychopharmacological Treatment Outcomes
Symposium 05: From Bench to Bedside: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Becoming Effective Family Psychiatrists: A Clinician's Guide to Family Assessment and Creative Interventions
Institute 1.4: Pharmacological Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Institute 2.4: Evidence-Based Assessment and Rating Scales at the Beginning, Middle, and End of Treatment
Institute 1.3: Psychopharmacology of ASD
Institute 2.3: Evidence-Based Identification of Depression
Institute 1.2: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD
Clinical Perspectives 01: Approaches for Managing Youth With Suicidality and Self-Harm in a Trauma-Informed Framework
Clinical Perspectives 02: Common Clinical Challenges in the Care of Transitional-Age Youth (TAY): Engagement, Families, ...
Clinical Perspectives 03: Ethical and Clinical Decision-Making When Consulting on Infants and Children With Delirium
Clinical Perspectives 04: From Tuskegee to Trayvon
Clinical Perspectives 05: Online and in Treatment: Logging on to the Positive Use of Technology in Psychiatric Practice
Clinical Perspectives 06: Telebehavioral Health Interventions: Diverse Populations and Settings
Institute 2.2: Evidence-Based Screening and Assessment in Primary Care: A Decade of Experience
Stop Child Psychiatrist Burnout: Unconscious Gender Bias in the Child Psychiatry Workplace
Symposium 01: Coordinated Specialty Care for First-Episode Psychosis
Symposium 02: Maturation of Complex Cognition and the Risk for Psychopathology in Transition-Age Youth
Symposium 03: Mental Health Crisis in Youth With ASD
Symposium 04: Talking Tics: Research Updates on the Genetics, Phenomenology, and Treatment of Tourette's Disorder
Institute 1.1: Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism: What Expert Clinicians Should Know
Institute 2.1: Diagnostic Interviews and Rating Scales 101: Supporting Your Clinical Decision Making
Panel Discussion
Part 4: Collaborative Care
Part 3: Systems Navigation and Advocacy
Part 2: Transitions and Systems
Part 1: Innovative Practices
Mental Health Crisis in Youth With ASD and Intellectual Disabilities
SAMHSA Program Initiatives for Youth With ASD/Intellectual Disability
Q&A Panel 4
Cutting Edge Treatment for Anxiety Disorders: Facts and Fads-the Whole Picture!
What's New in Treatment of Tics, Tourette's and OCD? Myths, Mother Knows Best, or Just the Facts, Ma'am?
Q&A Panel 3
Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment: Finding the Needles of Evidence in the Haystack of Fantasy
Genetic Drug Response Testing: What It Can (and Can't) Tell You
Q&A Panel 2
ADHD Treatment Update: What Works, What's Promising, and What's Not
Addressing Substance Use Disorders in Youth: What Works and What Doesn't
Q&A Panel 1
Disruptive Behavior Disorders and Dysfunctional Aggression: When Might Pharmacotherapy be Considered?
Bipolar Disorder and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder: Treatment Update
Welcoming Remarks
Institute 8.5 Case Studies in Pediatric Psychopharmacology
Institute 8.4 Treatment of Bipolar Disorder and Irritability in Autism
Clinical Perspectives 81: Positive Use of Digital Technology to Reach and Treat Youth in the Modernized Era
Clinical Perspectives 80: Part 2: Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders: ...
Clinical Perspectives 83: Psychiatric Crisis Services for Children and Families: Mobilizing Resources and Thinking ...
Symposium 26: Public Health Interventions in Schools for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Clinical Perspectives 82: Protecting Youth Online: The Law, the Risks, and Clinicians' Roles
Clinical Perspectives 85: Communication and Language Disorders in Clinical Populations From a Broad Perspective
Symposium 27: Using the Newest Antidepressants: A Conversation for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Clinical Perspectives 84: Psychotropic Polypharmacy: A Serious Concern Among Children and Adolescents in the United ...
Presidential Interview: Gregory K. Fritz, MD Interviews Charles H. Zeanah, Jr., MD
Institute 8.3 Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Institute 8.2 Major Depressive Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Institute 8.1 Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 77: Individualized Deferred Disposition Docket: Addressing Mental Illness in the Juvenile Court
Clinical Perspectives 78: Part 1: Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders: ...
Symposium 23: Clinical Management of Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome: Part I - Psychiatric and ...
Symposium 25: Subclinical Mood Symptoms: Working Toward a Better Understanding of Phenomenology and Treatment
Clinical Perspectives 79: Psychotherapy Techniques for Treating the Medically Ill or Injured Child
Symposium 24: From Prodrome to Psychosis: Prevention and Evidence-Based Treatment
Clinical Perspectives 76: Sex Talk: Promoting Healthy Outcomes by Facing Difficult Discussions
Institute 7.7 Legal, Ethical, and Forensic Issues in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Honors Presentation 5: And Then There Was Intersubjectivity: Treating Child Self and Mutual Dysregulation During ...
Institute 6.7 Treating Sleep Disorders in Children With Psychiatric Diagnoses: A Case-Based Approach
Honors Presentation 4: Now Is the Time! Expanded Roles for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists in School-Based Mental ...
Institute 7.6 Family Interventions for Children With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Co-Occurring Behavioral and ...
Institute 6.6 Medications for Insomnia
Clinical Perspectives 69: Children of Incarcerated Parents
Symposium 21: Adult Follow-Up of the Multimodal Treatment Study of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (MTA): ...
Clinical Perspectives 68: Working With Vulnerable Youth and Families
Clinical Perspectives 70: Electroconvulsive Therapy in Youth With Serious Mental Illness: Indications, Efficacy, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 67: TED Talks Meets Perspectives: (Clinical) Ideas Worth Spreading
Clinical Perspectives 74: Unwanted Youth: Unaccompanied Minors and Family Detention in the United States
Clinical Perspectives 75: Child Psychological Abuse: An Old Concept, a New Diagnosis
Clinical Perspectives 73: The Hidden Message: How Implicit Bias Impacts Girls and How Clinicians Can Help Them
Symposium 22: Animal Models Advancing the Field of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Honors Presentation 3: Improving Primary Care Access and Quality of Care for Children with Mental Health Needs: The CAP ...
Clinical Perspectives 72: Implementing and Operating Pediatric Telepsychiatry Programs
Clinical Perspectives 71: From the Bedside to State-Wide: A Tour of Integrated Care Models Across the Country
Institute 7.5 Pharmacotherapy for Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions in Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum ...
Institute 6.5 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Child Psychiatry: This is Where We Build Healthy Brains
Training and Education Lunch
Institute 7.4 Behavior Analytic Approaches to Problem Behavior in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Institute 6.4 Sleep Education and Hygiene
Institute 7.3 Recognizing the Behavioral Phenotype in Neurogenetic Syndromes and Potential Interventions
Institute 6.3 Physiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms
Institute 7.2 Diagnosing Co-Occurring Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents With Intellectual ...
Institute 6.2 Sleep Requirements Throughout Development and Etiology of Insomnia: Screening and Evaluation of Insomnia ...
Clinical Perspectives 56: A Tale of Two Departments: How Implicit Bias Divides Us and Can Unite Us
Clinical Perspectives 63: Pathways and Protocols in Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders: Putting the Functional in ...
Clinical Perspectives 61: Interventions for Child Psychiatrists to Support Children, Adolescents, and Their Families in ...
Clinical Perspectives 60: Integrating Child Maltreatment Exposure and Impact in Comprehensive Assessment, Diagnosis, ...
Symposium 20: Simon Wile Symposium: Super-Powered Child Psychiatry Access Programs! Adding Value From
Symposium 18: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Autism: From Bench to Bedside
Symposium 19: Not Fake News: Gun Violence is a Serious Public Health Problem
Symposium 17: Developmental Perspectives on Aggression and Disruptive Behaviors and Implications for Treatment
Clinical Perspectives 65: The Future of Training: International Opportunities and Partnerships in Child and Adolescent ...
Clinical Perspectives 59: Healing Arts: Cultural Symbolism in Children's Art in Chinese, Islamic, Middle Eastern, ...
Clinical Perspectives 57: Getting Children to Accept Limits: Developmental and Family Perspectives on the Regulation of ...
Clinical Perspectives 64: Preadolescent Moodiness and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Effective Strategies ...
Clinical Perspectives 58: Global Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Clinical Perspectives 66: The Sibling Effect
Clinical Perspectives 62: #NoFilter: Social Media Tips From the AACAP Youth Connection and Media Committee
Institute 7.1 Understanding the Intellectual Developmental Disorder Adaptive Reasoning Paradigm Shift in DSM-5
Institute 6.1 Epidemiology of Insomnia and Neurobehavioral Consequences of Insufficient Sleep
Institute 5.7 Update on Depression Treatment, Antipsychotic Efficacy, and Side Effect Management; Eating Disorders;
Institute 5.6 Childhood and Adolescence Update: Gender-Nonconforming Youth and Sex Exchange Among Youth
Institute 4.7 Family-Based Evaluation and Treatment of Medical Child Abuse
Institute 4.6 Family Approaches to Palliative Psychiatry for Children and Young Adults With Life-Limiting Medical ...
Clinical Perspectives 51: Microaggressions, Macroaggressions, Injury, and Healing: An Update
Clinical Perspectives 49: Impact on Caregivers Working With Refugee Populations
Clinical Perspectives 48: Failure to Launch: What Every Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Needs to Know to Help ...
Clinical Perspectives 53: Risky Business: Clinical Management of Problematic Substance Use in College-Aged Youth
Clinical Perspectives 54: Sexting and Social Media: Risk-Taking Behavior in the 21st Century
Symposium 15: New Approaches to the Study of Irritability
Clinical Perspectives 50: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: Care Integration for Childhood Sexual Abuse: ...
Symposium 13: Advancing Sex- and Gender-Based Research to Understand Mechanisms and Developmental Trajectories of ...
Clinical Perspectives 47: Developing a Community-Based Continuum of Care for Children With Developmental Disabilities
Symposium 14: Found in Translation: Clinical Relevance of Imaging Findings in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 55: Social Media Use in Disaster Response: What Helps and What Harms
Clinical Perspectives 45: Common Medical Comorbid Clinical Conundrums: Diagnostic Clarification and Treatment ...
Clinical Perspectives 52: Moodiness in Adolescents and Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Strategies ...
Symposium 16: The What, Where, and When of Childhood Psychopathology: First Steps Towards Identifying the Etiological ...
Clinical Perspectives 46: Suicide Prevention and Resilience at Children's (SPARC) Program: An Innovative Program Aimed ...
Institute 5.5 What's New in Substance Use Disorders, Cigarette Use, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in ...
Institute 4.5 Family-Based Psychosocial Assessment and Intervention in Pediatric Oncology
Institute 4.4 Becoming an Adult With an Illness: Systematic Approach to Families
Institute 5.4 Social Determinants of Child Mental Health
Institute 5.3 Conduct Disorder, Violence, and the Treatment of Aggression
Institute 4.3 Family-Based Treatment for Youth With Chronic Pain
Institute 5.2 Ethical Dilemmas: What Connects Whole Genome Sequencing, Management of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures, ...
Institute 4.2 Family-Based Prevention and Interventions for Obesity and Eating Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 44: Treating Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Using a Multidisciplinary Approach: Tales ...
Clinical Perspectives 36: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists and Attorneys: Advocating Together for the Best Interests ...
Symposium 9: Scientific Update on Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents: Assessment, Comorbidites, and ...
James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum:
Symposium 12: When Depression Strikes in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: From Recognition to Treatment
Symposium 10: Behavioral, Biological, and Epigenetic Consequences of Early Life Adversity in Children, Adolescents, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 39: CImplementing Clinical Pathways for Acute Behavioral Health Issues in Pediatric Medical ...
Clinical Perspectives 42: Stimulants: Issues in Clinical and Ethical Usage
Clinical Perspectives 43: Tell Me About Your Motherboard: Diagnosing and Treating Internet Gaming Disorder and Other ...
Clinical Perspectives 38: Creative Psychotherapies in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Symposium 11: Results From the Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Extended Long-Term Study (CAMELS)
Clinical Perspectives 37: Clinical and Research Insights Into the Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety and ...
Residents as Teachers: Establishing an Inclusive Professional Identity in an Age of Divisiveness
Clinical Perspectives 41: Skill Building in Family-Centered Pediatric Integrated Care
Clinical Perspectives 40: Shame, Stigma, and Challenges for Mental Health Providers: Foundations for Understanding the ...
Institute 4.1 Family-Based Integrated Care for Complex Medical Illness: The Hasbro Childrens' Partial Hospital Model
Institute 5.1 Irritability and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Institute 3.7 Experimental Therapeutics
Institute 3.6 Biomarker Discovery: The Key to Developing New Treatments
Clinical Perspectives 29: Management of Severe Psychopathology in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual ...
Clinical Perspectives 35: When Prevention Is Not Enough: Treatment and Empowerment of Pregnant Teens and Teen Moms
Clinical Perspectives 28: Management of Agitation/Aggression in the Pediatric Emergency Department, Inpatient ...
Honors Presentation 2: TED Talks
Clinical Perspectives 30: Pediatric Medicine Update for the Child Psychiatrist: Medical Therapies for Transgender ...
Clinical Perspectives 27: Considerations in the Assessment and Treatment of Transitional Age Youth Across the ...
Clinical Perspectives 26: An Exploration of Pharmacogenomics (2017 Update): How Do We Apply Current Science to Our ...
Clinical Perspectives 31: Romance on the Internet: A Clinical Perspective
Clinical Perspectives 33: Update on Early Childhood Regulation: Emotion, Sleep, and Feeding
Clinical Perspectives 34: Update on Epilepsy for Child Psychiatrists
Clinical Perspectives 32: Somatic Symptom Disorders: Update on Diagnosis and Treatment
Institute 3.5 Models Systems: Understanding Neurobiology
Institute 3.4 Gene Discovery: Understanding the Architecture of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Honors Presentation 1: Child Psychiatry Inspired Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Goes to College
Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: How Have Longitudinal Study Findings Changed Our Thinking About Families and Children ...
Institute 3.3 Novel Pharmacological Interventions
Institute 3.2 Evidenced-Based Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions
Institute 3.1 Clinical Diagnosis and Gold Standard Assessment
Clinical Perspectives 22: Is Integrated Care the Answer for Childhood Trauma? Approaches, Challenges, and Future ...
Clinical Perspectives 23: Pediatric Autoimmune Encephalopathies: What Should a Child Psychiatrist Know?
Clinical Perspectives 17: Caught in the Net: How Electronic Media Affects Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents
Clinical Perspectives 24: Personality Disorders in Young People: A Primer for the Generalist
Clinical Perspectives 16: Beyond the Prescription Pad: Psychotherapy Interventions for Parents/Caregivers of Youth With ...
Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
Symposium 7: The Story of Risk and Resilience in Youth With Bipolar Disorder, High-Risk Youth, and Low-Risk Youth:
Symposium 6: Childhood Adversity and Psychiatric Disorders: Advances in Neurobiological Research
Clinical Perspectives 20: Innovative Interdisciplinary Approaches to Community Violence in Youth
Clinical Perspectives 19: Identifying, Preventing, and Treating Suicidal Youth
Clinical Perspectives 18: Current Developments in Quality Improvement
Clinical Perspectives 21: Inpatient Treatment of Children With Autism and Intellectual Disability: Three Innovative ...
Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Depression Awareness and Screening in Youth
Symposium 5: Research Symposium: Social Neuroscience and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research Priorities at the ...
Institute 1.8 Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Tics and Tourette's Disorder
Institute 1.7 Pharmacologic Strategies in Treatment-Refractory Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Institute 2.7 Everyone Likes Candi: Data Sharing and Neuroinformatics to Address Big Data Questions
Institute 2.6 Using Brain-Based Mechanisms to Inform Novel Treatments for Severe Irritability
Clinical Perspectives 14: Predicting Violence: The Why, the How, and the What to Do: A Best-Evidence Guide for the ...
Clinical Perspectives 12: International Clinical Perspectives: International Models of Pediatric Integrated Care: ...
Clinical Perspectives 08: Clinical Guidelines for Navigating Media Use
Clinical Perspectives 13: Neurogenetic Syndromes Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Three Syndromes That Include ...
Clinical Perspectives 11: Integrating Care Across the Specialty Pediatric Continuum: Outcomes-Driven Engagement of ...
Symposium 4: As Needed Medications (PRNs): Do We Know What to Do When All Else Fails?
Clinical Perspectives 09: Engaging Youth in Preparation for and Recovery From Disasters and Traumatic Events
Clinical Perspectives 10: Human Sex Trafficking: A Modern Day Slavery
Clinical Perspectives 15: Psychiatric, Cognitive, Legal, and Public Health Challenges Facing Refugee Children: An ...
Institute 1.6 Recognition and Management of Second-Generation Antipsychotic-Associated Adverse Effects
Institute 2.5 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
Institute 1.5 Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Moods, Episodes, and Outbursts
Institute 2.4 Neural Markers of Treatment Effects and Response in Youth With First-Episode Mania
Institute 1.4 Advanced Psychopharmacologic Treatment for the Child and Adolescent With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Institute 2.3 Childhood-Onset Psychosis and Typical Development: Insights From Neuroimaging Studies
Institute 1.3 Anxiety Disorders in Youth: Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Psychopharmacologic Interventions
Clinical Perspectives 03: School Refusal Across the Lifespan: Childhood, Adolescence, and Young Adulthood
Clinical Perspectives 06: Understanding Comorbid Symptom Dimensions in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 04: Sexts, Lies, and Video Chat: Evaluating and Addressing High-Risk Online Behaviors
Symposium 3: Medical Traumatic Stress: Risk, Resilience, and Response
Symposium 1: Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Symposium 2: Hidden Risk Factors for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders: Caffeine Use, Sleep Disturbances, and Their ...
Clinical Perspectives 02: Impact on Youth by Marijuana's Changing Legal Status and Access: Implications for Clinicians
Clinical Perspectives 07: What Primary Care Providers Really Want: Four Models of Collaboration in Early Childhood ...
Clinical Perspectives 05: Should I Use Genetic Data to Guide My Practice?
Clinical Perspectives 01: Health Promotion in Pediatric Mental Health
Institute 2.2 Clinically Useful Brain Imaging for Neuropsychiatry: Can We Get There?
Institute 1.2 Psychopharmacology of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Weighing the Evidence Versus the Risk
Institute 1.1 Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Institute 2.1 Making Neuroimaging More Reproducible and Transparent
S.C.S.P: Discussion & Questions (16937-13)
S.C.S.P: Intervening in the Social Environment to Address Child Traumatic Stress: A Trauma Systems Therapy Approach
S.C.S.P: Living in the Country: Rural Environments and Children's Mental Health
S.C.S.P: Current Status of Empirical Knowledge About Violence Prevention in High Risk Urban Communities: Progress Made ...
S.C.S.P: Panel: Roles for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
S.C.S.P: Community-Based Strategies to Promote Child Well-Being Using a Collective Impact Approach
S.C.S.P: Assessment and Inclusion of Social Ecological Factors in Clinical Practice and Prevention for Latino Youth
S.C.S.P: Epidemiology and Social Determinants of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
S.C.S.P: Federal Initiatives to Address the Needs of Diverse and Under-Resourced Populations in Child and Adolescent ...
S.C.S.P: Systems of Care and Socioecological Approaches to Behavioral Health
S.C.S.P: Welcome
Questions and Answers 5
Collaboration with Pediatricians: Models and Tools
Child and Adolescents' Care of Transgender Youth
Questions and Answers 4
Working With the Child Welfare System: Fostering Better Care / Q&A 4
Trauma-Informed Approaches in Schools
Emerging Schizophrenia: Caring for Young People with First-Episode Psychosis
Questions and Answers 3
Beyond the Usual Suspects: Genes, Environment, and the Endless Interplay Across Development
Questions and Answers 2
Update on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: From Very Young Children Through Adolescence
Questions and Answers 1
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Movement Disorders
Q&A Panel 4
Developmental Approaches to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Pharmacotherapy in Youth
New Trends in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Q&A Panel 3
Treating Depression in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Early Intervention Strategies for Eating Disorders
Q&A Panel 2
Developmental Aspects of Bipolar Disorder and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Diagnosing and Treating PANS/PANDAS in Youth: What Is Known and Not Known
Q&A Panel 1
Targeting Psychotic Symptoms in Children and Adolescents: A Treatment Update
Treating Mood and Anxiety Symptoms in High-Risk Youth
Institute 8.5: Case Studies in Pediatric Psychopharmacology
Institute 8.4: Rational Use of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers in Youth With Aggression in Autism and Bipolar ...
Clinical Perspectives 48: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations in Psychiatric Treatment of Youth With Health Care ...
Symposium 51: Treatment Updates in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Symposium 53: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Evidence-Based Developmental Psychopathology: Honoring the Contributions of ...
Symposium 47: Emerging Biomarkers for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Using Technology to Revolutionize Clinical Trials and ...
Clinical Perspectives 49: Evaluating and Implementing Complex Psychosocial Interventions for Children and Youth
Clinical Perspectives 51: Systems of Care for Youth With Physical Illness
Clinical Perspectives 52: Transgender Identities Emerging During Adolescents' Struggles With Mental Health Problems
Symposium 52: Youth At-Risk for Depression: Evidence for Early Neural Abnormalities in Processing Motivationally ...
Symposium 50: Sexting, Revenge Pornography, and Digital Dating Abuse: New Research on Adolescent Digital Behaviors
Symposium 48: New Developments in the Treatment of Youth Depressive Symptoms and Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 47: Bringing Evidence-Based Treatment to Emerging Adults With Anxiety Disorders in Three Clinical ...
Clinical Perspectives 50: Is War Ever Really Over? War-Affected Youth From Home to Host Country
Symposium 49: Quality of U.S. Child Mental Health Care: National Trends and Target Areas for Improvement
Other Programs 10: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: Child Psychiatry: Population Health's Reluctant Driver
Institute 8.3: Anxiety Disorders: Assessment and Treatment by Primary Care Practitioners and Early Career Psychiatrists
Institute 8.2: Depression in Children and Adolescence: Pharmacotherapy for Primary Care Practitioners and Early Career ...
Institute 8.1: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Focus on Pharmacotherapy
Clinical Perspectives 44: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study and Beyond
Clinical Perspectives 39: Clinical Perspectives on Tourette's Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Pediatric ...
Symposium 45: Nonpharmacological Interventions for Preschool Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 46: Will You Friend Me? Understanding the Complex Interplay Between Social Media, Online Gaming, ...
Symposium 42: Anxiety in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Clinical Assessment, Biology, and Treatments
Clinical Perspectives 42: New Disorders of Early Childhood From DC:0-5™
Clinical Perspectives 41: My Family and Me and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Applications of Evidence-Based Models to ...
Symposium 44: Neural Circuitry Underlying Three Common and Often Co-Occurring Childhood Disorders: Autism Spectrum ...
Clinical Perspectives 43: Pharmacotherapies for Cannabis Use Disorder: Emerging Research Findings
Clinical Perspectives 45: Treatment Challenges and Opportunities in the College-Age Population
Clinical Perspectives 40: Mental Health Care for Medically Complex Children: Focus on the Rehabilitation Setting
Symposium 43: Longitudinal Perspectives on Brain Structure and Function in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
Symposium 46: Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Research Strategies in Pediatric Mental Health
Institute 8.0: Introductory Remarks
Institute 7.7: Assessment and Management of Irritability/Aggression in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Institute 7.6: Assessment and Management of Anxiety in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Symposium 38: Building the Evidence on Diversity, Culture, and Development of Mental Illnesses: New Findings From the ...
Symposium 41: Predictors of Adult Outcome in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 35: Can Brain Imaging Change the Game for Child and Adolescent Mental Health? A Look at Today and ...
Symposium 37: Animal Models for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinical Perspectives 38: Working With Children and Families Affected by Cancer
Clinical Perspectives 34: Beyond the Prescription Pad: Psychotherapy Interventions for Youth With Severe Mental Illness ...
Symposium 39: How to Break the Vicious Cycle of Violence in Early Childhood: Integrating Recent Advances in ...
Clinical Perspectives 37: Updates in Global, Indigenous, and Cross-Cultural Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: The Legacy ...
Clinical Perspectives 36: From Persecution to Resilience: Examining the Mental Health Supports for Lesbian, Gay, ...
Symposium 40: Individual Differences in Environmental Sensitivity: Differential Susceptibility and the Role of ...
Institute 6.6: Evidence-Based Monitoring of Medication Adverse Effects
Institute 7.5: Assessment and Management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Youth With Autism Spectrum ...
Institute 6.5: Evidence-Based Assessment to Improve Psychopharmacological Treatment Outcomes
Other Programs 09: Presidential Interview: Gregory K. Fritz, MD, AACAP President, Interviews Thomas F. Anders, MD
Other Programs 08: Training and Education Lunch
Institute 6.4: Evidence-Based Assessment to Improve Assessment of Suicide Risk, Ideation, and Behavior
Institute 7.4: Behavioral Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of the Evidence
Institute 6.3: Decision Science and Evidence-Based Assessment to Improve Diagnostic Decision Making
Institute 7.3: Genetic Work-Up of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Clinical Setting
Institute 6.2: Structured Diagnostic Interviews
Institute 7.2: Diagnostic Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 28: A Road Map to Establish and Sustain a Telepsychiatry Practice
Symposium 35: Early Environmental Exposures as Shared and Unique Risk Factors in Childhood Mental Illness: Results From ...
Clinical Perspectives 31: Microaggressions Versus Macroaggressions: Injury and Healing
Clinical Perspectives 30: Is the Next School Shooter Sitting Before Me? Critical Issues in School Threat Assessment
Clinical Perspectives 32: Social Skills Training Approaches for Children and Youth: Theory, Research, and Practice
Symposium 34: Community Crisis and Community Resilience: The Children of Flint, Michigan
Symposium 33: Clinical Implications of Biomarkers in Severe Mood Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 33: Therapeutic Possibilities of Neurofeedback: New Developments and Findings
Symposium 36: Early Morning Functioning in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Impact, Measurement, and Treatment ...
Clinical Perspectives 29: Cultural Competence: Training Through Exploration of Individual Bias as It Impacts Our ...
Symposium 32: Big Data in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Will It Really Allow Us to Go Where No Man Has Gone Before?
Institute 6.1: There's an App for That: Evidence-Based Assessment and Rating Scales
Institute 7.1: Clinical Perspective: Caregiver Stress in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Institute 6.0: Introductory Remarks
Honors Presentations 09: The Tarjan Legacy of Prevention: An Update
Institute 4.8: Update on Anxiety Disorders, Gender Variance, Narcissism, and Video Gaming
Institute 5.6: Practice and Policy Tools to Support Schools in Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
Honors Presentations 08: Cultural Considerations in School Mental Health: Lessons Learned From Diverse Settings
Institute 4.7: Updates on Co-Occurring Conditions With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Recognition and Treatment
Institute 5.5: The Positive Approach to the Diagnostic Interview: Is Talking About What's Wrong Necessarily Right?
Honors Presentations 07: Impact of a Mental Health Curriculum on Knowledge and Stigma Among High School Students: A ...
Clinical Perspectives 25: Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression: Understanding the Core of the Interpersonal ...
Clinical Perspectives 27: TED Talks Meet Perspectives: (Clinical) Ideas Worth Spreading
Clinical Perspectives 24: Deprescribing in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Where, When, and How to Safely Reduce ...
Symposium 30: Tic Talk: Research Updates in the Phenomenology and Treatment of Tic Disorders
Symposium 29: Simon Wile Symposium: Screening, Adhering, and Dying: A Collaboration With Subspecialty Pediatrics
Clinical Perspectives 26: Life Members Wisdom: Clinical Perspectives on Integrated Care, Health, Resilience, and the ...
Symposium 27: Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder: Neural and Immunological Markers of Risk, Stress, and Psychotherapeutic ...
Symposium 28: Emerging Measures of Change in Core Features of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Symposium 31: Transmission of Major Depression Across Three Generations: Search for Biomarkers
Clinical Perspectives 23: Childhood Trauma: Personalized Medicine, Community, and Global Developments Led by Child and ...
Institute 5.4: Not Invincible: How Adolescents Make Decisions and Why They Take Risks
Institute 4.6: Update on Mood Disorders, Psychopharmacology, and Prevention
Institute 4.5: AACAP's Recertification Efforts
Institute 4.4: Childhood Adversity, Trauma, and Psychiatric Disorders: Developmental Outcomes and Effective ...
Honors Presentations 06: Brain-Gut-Axis as a Therapeutic Target for Psychotherapy
Institute 5.3: Community Resilience and Disaster Readiness
Institute 4.3: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: From Diagnosis to Pharmacology: What’s New?
Honors Presentations 05: High-Quality Foster Care Mitigates Callous-Unemotional Traits Following Early Deprivation in ...
Other Programs 07: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Understanding Autism in Families: From Leo ...
Institute 5.2: Suicide Risk and Prevention in Youth: Effects of Suicide-Specific and Broader Community Interventions
Institute 4.2: Improving Outcomes for Youth At-Risk for Psychosis or With First-Episode Psychosis
Other Programs 05: Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
Symposium 23: Genetics, Epigenetics, Genomics, and Dynamic Neuroimaging: Research Base for Child and Adolescent ...
Other Programs 06: Talking to Parents About...
Symposium 24: New Investigations on the Relationship Between Working Memory and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Symposium 25: The Role of Social Involvement in Ameliorating Fear, Anxiety, and Depression: Findings in Mice and Humans
Clinical Perspectives 22: Multidisciplinary Interventions for Pediatric Chronic Pain
Clinical Perspectives 20: An Exploration of Pharmacogenomics: Are We Ready to Incorporate Personalized Medicine Into ...
Symposium 21: Abnormal Neural Substrate for Performance Monitoring in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: ...
Symposium 26 Trajectories and Treatment Neuroscience in Pediatric Mania
Clinical Perspectives 21: Asynchronous Telehealth Technologies to Improve the Quality of Children's Mental Health Care
Institute 5.1: Is This Child Safe to Return to School? A Practical Approach to Threat Assessment
Institute 5.0: Introductory Remarks
Institute 4.1: Suicidality, Feeding Problems, Nocturnal Enuresis, Early Intervention, and the Social and Emotional ...
Institute 4.0: Welcoming Remarks
Honors Presentations 03: The Cultural Formulation and Academic Psychiatry
Institute 3.7: Overview on Obesity: Cultural Factors, Epidemiology, and Treatment Considerations
Institute 3.6: Neurobiology and Genetics of Eating Disorders
Symposium 19: Bullying and Adverse Outcomes: An International Perspective
Clinical Perspectives 19: Approaches to Population Health Management for Youth With Behavioral Health Problems
Clinical Perspectives 17: Bath, Bed, and Beyond: Treating Sleep Problems in Children and Adolescents
Honors Presentations 01: Suicidal Cognitions and Behaviors in Early Childhood: Why Does It Arise and What Does It Mean?
Clinical Perspectives 18: Children of Divorce: Breaking News for Clinicians and Forensic Practitioners
Symposium 18: "Prodromal" or "Just a Phase"? Early Indicators of a Trajectory Toward Serious Mental Illness
Symposium 20: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Bench to Bedside
Clinical Perspectives 16: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorders: Science and the ...
Institute 3.5: Integrating Higher Levels of Care as an Effective Component in Treating Children and Adolescents With ...
Symposium 17: Treatment-Resistant Depression in Adolescents: Neurobiology and Novel Approaches for Treatment
Clinical Perspectives 14: Mental Health Challenges for American Muslim Youth in an Age of Terrorism
Clinical Perspectives 15: System-Based Practice and Minority Populations: Bringing Our Differences to Practice
Symposium 16: From Community to Clinic and Back: What Population-Based Samples Can Tell Us About the Genetics of ...
Institute 3.4: When Nutrition and Therapy Aren't Enough: Use of Psychotropic Medications in the Treatment of Eating ...
Symposium 15: Advances in Understanding and Assessing Communication and Language Disorders in Clinical Populations
Other Programs 04: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the ...
Institute 3.3: Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Institute 3.2: Developmental Perspectives of Eating Disorders
Institute 3.1: Screening, Diagnosis, and Comorbidity of Eating Disorders
Other Programs 03: Resident As Teacher: Teaching the Twenty-First Century Learner
Clinical Perspectives 11: Confidently Approaching Borderline Personality Disorder in Young People: A Primer for the ...
Symposium 10: Advances in the Neurobiology of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Related Disorders
Clinical Perspectives 13: Targeting Adolescent Tobacco Use
Symposium 12: Health Prevention and Promotion: More Than Common Sense?
Symposium 14: Overcoming Obstacles to Implementing Evidence-Based Trauma Treatment
Clinical Perspectives 10: Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Clinical Assessment to Novel Treatments
Symposium 11: Balancing Weaknesses and Strengths in Dimensional Psychiatry
Clinical Perspectives 12: Pediatric Medicine Updates for the Child Psychiatrist: Headache, Concussion, and Child ...
Symposium 13: New Intervention Approaches for Disruptive Behavior Disorders: Considering Risks and Underlying Mechanisms
Institute 3.0: Introductory Remarks
Other Programs 02: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: A Common Struggle: A Personal Journey Through the Past and Future of ...
Symposium 09: Research Symposium: Behavioral Neuroscience
Institute 1.7: Pharmacotherapy for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
Institute 2.6: Age-Related DNA Methylation Changes Are Associated With Abnormal Behavior in Offspring
Institute 1.6: Treatment Strategies for Youth With and At-Risk for Bipolar Disorder
Institute 2.5: From One Experience to Another: A Molecular Analysis for Smoking and Subsequent Drug Use
Institute 2.4: Integrating Epigenetic and Genetic Risk in Postmortem Brain Research
Clinical Perspectives 08: Telemedicine Wellness, Intervention, Triage, and Referral Project: A Unique Intervention ...
Symposium 08: Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder and Other Psychopathology: Present and Future
Clinical Perspectives 06: Indigenous Youth and Mental Health and Psychosocial Disparities in the United States and ...
Clinical Perspectives 05: Concerted Care for Foster Children: Results of the Anne E. Casey Bridging the Way Home Study
Clinical Perspectives 07: International Clinical Perspectives: School-Based Resilience-Building Interventions for Youth ...
Clinical Perspectives 09: Updates on the Impact of Families in the Treatment of Child and Adolescent Mood Disorders
Symposium 07: Is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Onset Limited to Childhood?
Symposium 06: Inflammation in Child and Adolescent Mental Illnesses
Institute 1.4: Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
Institute 1.3: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Institute 2.3: Using Epigenetics to Understand How Distress During Pregnancy Impacts Fetal Behavioral Outcomes
Institute 1.2: The Pharmacotherapy of Conduct Disorder and Related Conditions
Symposium 03: The Sixth Annual Child Mind Institute On the Shoulders of Giants Symposium
Clinical Perspectives 04: The Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist: Novel Models of Perinatal Mental Health ...
Symposium 01: Causes, Comorbidities, and Consequences of Chronic Tic Disorders: New Findings and Implications for ...
Clinical Perspectives 02: Improving Emergency Department Care for Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Symposium 02: Intergenerational Aspects of Mood Disorder Development in Children and Adolescents at High-Risk: An ...
Clinical Perspectives 03: Political Violence and Religious Extremism: What Can Be Done to Help Children in Need?
Clinical Perspectives 01: Addressing the Crisis of Indigenous Youth Suicide: Opportunities and Challenges
Institute 2.2: Early Life Experiences, Epigenetics, and the Developing Brain
Symposium 04: Using SMART Methodology to Tailor Evidence Based Treatments
Institute 1.1: Complex Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Focus on Pharmacotherapy
Institute 1.0: Introductory Remarks
Institute 2.1: A Tale of Telomeres
Other Programs 01.09: Financing Integrated Care for Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Children and Adolescents
Other Programs 01.08: The Pediatrician's Experience in Caring for Children With Behavioral Health Issues: What Child ...
Other Programs 01.07: Dealing With the Effects of Trauma in Integrated Care
Other Programs 01.03: Federal initiatives in Integrated Care
Other Programs 01.02: Integrated Care and the Impact on Families
Other Programs 01.01: AACAP Presidential Initiative
Other Programs 01.00: Welcome and Orientation to Meeting Agenda
Questions and Answers 5
Forensic Issues
Normal Human Brain Development and Its Relevance for Understanding the Origins of Neuropsychiatric Illnesses
Child and Adolescent Applications of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Management of Pediatric Psychosis
Questions and Answers 4
ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Substance Abuse
Questions and Answers 3
Clinical Management of Transgendered Youth
Update on Pediatric Neurology for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Developmental Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, and Intellectual Disabilities
Questions and Answers 2
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Major Depressive Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Suicidal Behavior, and Bipolar Disorder
Questions and Answers 1
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Movement Disorders, and ...
Management of Consultation-Liaison Emergencies
Guidance From the Evidence: Advanced Psychopharmacology Treatment Strategies to Treat Youth With Biplolar, Mood, or ...
Q&A Panel 3
Recent Evidence-Based Psychopharmacologic Treatments for Youth With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Clinical Studies That Shape the Psychopharmacological Treatment for the Child With Anxiety Disorder
Q&A Panel 2
Treatment Strategies for Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Reviewing the Evidence Base to Select Psychopharmacological Treatments for the Child and Adolescent With Autism ...
Clinical Trials That Guide the Psychopharmacological Treatment for Children and Adolescents With ADHD
Q&A Panel 1
Evidence-Based Management of Common Adverse Effects of Psychotropic Medications in Youth
Welcoming Remarks / Psychopharmacological Strategies for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
Institute 09.5: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
Clinical Perspectives 65: Juvenile Miranda Waiver and Competency to Stand Trial
Clinical Perspectives 62: Models of Collaborative Care and Intraprofessional Education Within Child Psychiatry Access ...
Clinical Perspectives 64: Strategies to Bridge the Clinical, Scientific, and Policy Worlds to Effect Wellness and ...
Clinical Perspectives 61: Mineral-Vitamin Combinations as Primary Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms in Youth
Clinical Perspectives 63: Neurogenetic Syndromes Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Three Syndromes That Include ...
Symposium 38: Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms in Autism: From Bench to Bedside
Symposium 40: Collaborative Clinical Care for Youth in Child Welfare: A Comparison of Two Innovative Models
Symposium 39: Parent Training for Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Multisite Randomized Trial
Institute 09.4: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
Other Programs 33: Lawrence A. Stone, MD Plenary: An Invitation to Think Globally About Child Psychiatry
Institute 09.3: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
Institute 09.2: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
Clinical Perspectives 55: Gender and Sexuality Clinical Competence: Training and Education Issues for All Child and ...
Clinical Perspectives 60: Caught in the Net: How Electronic Media Affects Mental Illness
Symposium 37: Improving Identification and Treatment of Child Mental Health Conditions Through Pediatrician Education: ...
Clinical Perspectives 56: Innovative Use of Technologies to Improve Quality of Child Mental Health Care
Clinical Perspectives 59: Asian Americans: The Silence You Bear
Clinical Perspectives 57: Models for Trauma-Informed Screening, Prevention, and Care for Children and Families Within ...
Symposium 36: Anxious Depression in Adolescents: From Risk to Remission
Clinical Perspectives 58: Sustaining Youth Experiencing Armed Conflict and Terror
Clinical Perspectives 54: Ethics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Hot Topics in 2015
Institute 09.1: Practical Pediatric Psychopharmacology
Institute 08.9: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
Institute 07.9: Treating the Sickest Kids
Institute 08.8: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
Institute 07.8: Treating the Sickest Kids
Institute 08.7: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
Institute 07.7: Treating the Sickest Kids
Clinical Perspectives 49: Beyond Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Complexities in the Diagnosis and Treatment of ...
Institute 08.6: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
Institute 07.6: Treating the Sickest Kids
Other Programs 26: Previews From the Pipeline: A Data Blitz Featuring Early Career Investigators
Clinical Perspectives 53: The Child Refugee Crisis on the US-Mexico Border: Mental Health Factors and Consequences
Clinical Perspectives 52: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Pediatric Chronic Pain
Clinical Perspectives 50: Ethical Considerations in Assessment and Treatment of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Youth
Clinical Perspectives 51: Pediatric Medicine Updates for the Child Psychiatrist: Normal Development (4YO-14YO), ...
Symposium 33: Potential Biomarkers of Social Cognition in Autism and Schizophrenia
Symposium 34: Adult Outcome in the Multisite Multimodal Treatment Study
Institute 08.5: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
Other Programs 25: Presidential Interview: Paramjit T. Joshi, MD Interviews Savita Malhotra, MD, PhD
Other Programs 24: Training and Education Lunch
Honors Presentations 10: The Michigan Child Collaborative Care Program
Institute 07.5: Treating the Sickest Kids
Institute 08.4: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
Institute 07.4: Treating the Sickest Kids
Honors Presentations 09: Emotional Lability in ADHD: Neurobiology and Treatment Implications
Institute 08.3: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
Institute 07.3: Treating the Sickest Kids
Honors Presentations 08: Prescribing Wellness: The Role of Music, Mindfulness, and Exercise in Child Psychiatry
Institute 08.2: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
Institute 07.2: Treating the Sickest Kids
Symposium 29: Physical Activity and the Adolescent Brain: Impact on Neurodevelopment, Executive Function, and Mood ...
Symposium 28: International Perspectives on Youth at Risk for Bipolar Disorders: Focus on Research and Clinical ...
Clinical Perspectives 48: Cannabis Explained: Answers to Questions You "Crave" to Ask
Clinical Perspectives 42: Electroconvulsive Therapy in Children With Serious Mental Illness: Ethical, Safety, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 44: Pax Good Behavior Game: Using a Population-Based Pediatric Mental Health Intervention as a ...
Clinical Perspectives 46: Towards Establishing Best Practices in Inpatient Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Symposium 30: Update on Tourette's Disorder: Hot Topics in Tics
Clinical Perspectives 40: Binge Eating Disorder and Dysregulated Eating in Youth With Psychiatric Disorders: A Path ...
Clinical Perspectives 41: Creating Trauma-Informed Schools: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective
Clinical Perspectives 43: Parenting 201: When Historical Trauma Becomes Current Events
Symposium 31: Findings From the Collaborative Lithium Trials
Clinical Perspectives 47: Virtual Lives, Real Dilemmas: When Online Behavior Impacts Mental Health
Honors Presentations 07: Early Experience and Brain Development: Opportunities for Treatment
Symposium 32: Gut Microbiota and Psychopathology
Institute 07.1: Treating the Sickest Kids
Institute 08.1: Assessment and Management of Autism and Associated Psychopathology
Institute 06.6: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Institute 05.9: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in ...
Institute 05.8: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in ...
Institute 06.5: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Institute 05.7: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in ...
Symposium 23:The ADHD Diagnosis: A Multidimensional De-Construction From Developmental, Psychodynamic, and ...
Clinical Perspectives 36: Critical Components of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies: How to Discuss High Quality Planning, ...
Clinical Perspectives 38: Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives: A Portrait of E. James Anthony, MD: A Life and ...
Symposium 26: Novel Animal Model Investigations Contributing to Child Psychiatry
Clinical Perspectives 37: Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Limitations and ...
Clinical Perspectives 35: Best Practices for Inpatient Treatment of Children With Autism and Intellectual Disability: ...
Clinical Perspectives 39: Model for Scientist—Clinician—Family Collaboration: Translation of Science to Service Via ...
Symposium 25: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Biomarker Discovery and Treatment Innovation in Children and Youth ...
Symposium 27: Risk and Benefit: Weighing in on Adverse Effects of Psychotropic Medication in Kids
Symposium 24: Tic-Related Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Clinical Implications of the New DSM-5 Specifier
Institute 05.6: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in ...
Institute 06.4: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Institute 05.5: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in ...
Institute 05.4: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in ...
Institute 06.3: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Institute 05.3: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in ...
Institute 05.2: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in ...
Institute 06.2: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Clinical Perspectives 34: Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Challenges and Opportunities for Transition to Adulthood
Clinical Perspectives 30: Gender Identity Variations of Childhood and Psychiatry: The International Classification of ...
Clinical Perspectives 33: When Should Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal ...
Clinical Perspectives 32: The Rhythm of Healing
Clinical Perspectives 28: Charting a Course to Child Wellness Through the Family
Clinical Perspectives 31: Mindfulness/Meditation in Children and Adolescents
Symposium 22: Circuit-Based Disturbances in Control and Reward Processes Across Pediatric Disorders
Symposium 19: Psychopathology and the Developing Brain: New Directions in Neuroscience
Clinical Perspectives 29: Collaborative Care Models: Experiences in Embedding Services Within Pediatrics
Symposium 21: Dysregulation in Childhood: Clinical Characteristics and Developmental Trajectories
Symposium 20: The Effects of Violence and Loss on Infants, Young Children, and the Parent—Child Relationship: ...
Institute 05.1: The Child Psychiatrist's Guide to Pharmacological and Behavioral Interventions for Sleep Disorders in ...
Institute 06.1: Lifelong Learning Institute: Module 12: Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
Other Programs 16: Medical Student and Resident Breakfast: From Learner to Leader in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Other Programs 14: Karl Menninger, MD Plenary: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Era of Healthcare Reform
Institute 03.8: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
Institute 04.8: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, ...
Honors Presentations 06: Telehealth Technologies to Improve the Quality of Care and Outcomes for Children with ADHD ...
Institute 03.7: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
Institute 04.7: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, ...
Honors Presentations 05: Creating a School District Mental Health Plan that Meets the Needs of Students Who Have ...
Institute 04.6: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, ...
Institute 03.6: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
Institute 04.5: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, ...
Symposium 17: Simon Wile Symposium: Innovations and Directions in Behavioral Health Integration and Collaborative Care
Clinical Perspectives 25: Playing With Fire: Clinical Approaches to Using Controlled Substances in Adolescents With ...
Symposium 16: Maternal Trauma and Depression and the Infant's Mental Health: From Animal Models to Clinical Studies
Honors Presentations 04: Efficacy Trial of Two Psychotherapies for Depression in Youth with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Clinical Perspectives 22: Antipsychotic Medication Treatment in Clinical Practice: Beyond the Trends and Headlines
Clinical Perspectives 26: TED Talks Meet Perspectives: (Clinical) Ideas Worth Spreading
Symposium 18: An International Perspective on Comorbidity in Tourette's Disorder: Prevalence and Impact of Mood and ...
Clinical Perspectives 27: Working With Families and Teens About Using Social Media Wisely
Clinical Perspectives 24: New Directions in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Symposium 14: Investigating Key Symptom Domains and Neurofunctional Dysregulation in Youth With or At-Risk for Bipolar ...
Clinical Perspectives 23: Cambridge's Code of the Street: Preventing Violence Among At-Risk Urban Youth
Other Programs 13: Implementing Culturally Sensitive Care Into My Training: A Session for Medical Students, Residents, ...
Symposium 15: Management of ADHD in Complex Presentations
Institute 03.5: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
Other Programs 10: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Making Global Child Mental Health a Political Priority
Institute 03.4: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
Institute 04.4: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, ...
Honors Presentations 03: 30 Years of Helping Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQQ) Youth ...
Other Programs 34: The Poster Docent: Addressing the Challenges to Effective Psychiatric Emergency Care for Children ...
Institute 03.3: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
Institute 04.3: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, ...
Honors Presentations 02: Traumatically Skewed Intersubjectivity
Institute 03.1: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
Institute 04.2: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, ...
Clinical Perspectives 21: The Affordable Care Act and Pediatric Mental Health Care: Changes in the Practice of Child ...
Institute 03.2: The Assessment and Treatment of Preschool Children: Understanding the Essentials
Symposium 09: Neuroimaging Studies of Moderators, Predictors, and Outcomes Associated With Early Life Stress and ...
Clinical Perspectives 18: Unaccompanied Latino Youth: Who Is Taking Care of Them?
Honors Presentations 01: Risk, Resilience, and Intervention in Autism: Implications of Quantitative Trait Studies ...
Symposium 11: Obesity: Challenging the Assumptions of Weight-Focused Approaches to Health in Children and Teens
Symposium 12: Promising Complementary and Integrative Health Strategies in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinical Perspectives 20: Integrating Behavioral Health Care Services in Pediatric Primary Care
Clinical Perspectives 19: Don't Know Where to Start? Practical Clinical Guidelines for the Care of Adolescents With ...
Clinical Perspectives 17: Building a Multidisciplinary Treatment Model for Pediatric Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures
Clinical Perspectives 15: Approaches to Family-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Inpatient and ...
Symposium 10: Novel Approaches to Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents
Symposium 13: The Dangerous Liaison Between Affect Dysregulation and Addiction
Clinical Perspectives 16: Beyond the Prescription Pad: Psychotherapy Interventions for Transitional Age Youth
Institute 04.1: The Developmental Neuropsychiatry of Intellectual Developmental Disability: Advances in Classification, ...
Symposium 08: Research Symposium
Institute 01.95: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 01.94: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 02.7: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
Institute 01.93: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 01.92: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 02.6: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
Institute 01.91: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 01.9: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 02.5: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
Institute 01.8: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Symposium 06: Neuroscience of Irritability
Clinical Perspectives 12: The Meaning of Father in Contemporary Families: Presence, Absence, and the Construction of ...
Clinical Perspectives 08: Ethical Dialectics and Dilemmas in Using Electronic Medical Records in Child Psychiatry ...
Clinical Perspectives 09: Integrated Emergency Mental Health Care: Canadian and American Perspectives
Clinical Perspectives 10: International Clinical Perspectives: Cultural Variations in Parenting: Insights From Asia, ...
Clinical Perspectives 11: Recognizing the Emergence of Borderline Personality Features in Adolescents With Emotional ...
Clinical Perspectives 14: The Nuts and Bolts of Training Child Psychiatrists to Do School Mental Health
Clinical Perspectives 07: Addressing Challenges in the Medical Care of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Clinical Perspectives 13: The Next Best Treatment: When First-Line Treatment Fails. Overview of Standard Treatment and ...
Symposium 07: Treating Military Families in the Post-Combat Transition
Institute 01.7: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 02.4: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
Institute 01.6: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 01.5: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 02.3: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
Institute 01.4: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 01.3: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 02.2: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
Symposium 01: An Update on Research and Treatment in Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With ...
Institute 01.2: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Clinical Perspectives 06: Youth Suicidality Amongst Diverse Populations
Clinical Perspectives 04: We Can Do Better: The Medication of Foster Children
Clinical Perspectives 03: Training Practitioners in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With Youth: Blueprints for Effective ...
Symposium 03: Human Trafficking: Combatting the International and Domestic Sex Trade of Children in Mexico and the ...
Clinical Perspectives 05: What Test Should I Run? An Update on Laboratory Evaluation in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinical Perspectives 02: How to Choose, Find, or Build a Career Path: Unlimited Options Beyond Academia, Inpatient, or ...
Symposium 02: Do You Like Me or Not? The Neural Circuitry of Social Cognition in Adolescent Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Symposium 04: Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: Translating Research Findings Into Clinical Practice
Other Programs 03: Resident as Teacher: Developing Your Media Toolkit From Twitter to Television
Clinical Perspectives 01: Ethics, Professionalism, and Clinical Dilemmas in the Age of the Internet
Institute 01.1: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology With Relevance to Primary Care Consultation
Institute 02.1: Research Institute: What's Up in Child Addiction Research: A Focus on Methodology
Other Programs 01.9: Systems of Care Special Program: Systems of Care and Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Gaps and ...
Other Programs 01.8: Systems of Care Special Program: Systems of Care and Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Gaps and ...
Other Programs 01.7: Systems of Care Special Program: Systems of Care and Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Gaps and ...
Other Programs 01.6: Systems of Care Special Program: Systems of Care and Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Gaps and ...
Other Programs 01.5: Systems of Care Special Program: Systems of Care and Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Gaps and ...
Other Programs 01.4: Systems of Care Special Program: Systems of Care and Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Gaps and ...
Other Programs 01.3: Systems of Care Special Program: Systems of Care and Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Gaps and ...
Other Programs 01.2: Systems of Care Special Program: Systems of Care and Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Gaps and ...
Other Programs 01.1 Systems of Care Special Program: Systems of Care and Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Gaps and ...
Questions and Answers 5
Eating Disorders
Psychotic Disorders
Sleep and Sleep Disorders
Neurology for the Psychiatrist
Questions and Answers 4
Forensic Issues
Consultation Models
Questions and Answers 3
Major Depression Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Suicidal Behavior, and Bipolar Disorder
ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Substance Abuse
Questions and Answers 2
Development, Autism, Learning Disabilities, and Intellectual Disabilities
Questions and Answers 1
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Movement Disorders, and ...
Adolescent Development
Welcoming Remarks
Infant and Child Development
Question and Answer Panel 4
Tips for Consultation of Youth with Sleep Disorders and Treatment Emergent Adverse Events
Advanced Psychopharmacological Treatments of Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Treating the Child and Adolescent with Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs
Question and Answer Panel 3
Tips for Consultation of Youth with Repetitive Movements and Delayed Speech
Advanced Psychopharmacological Treatments for the Child and Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Advanced Psychopharmacological Treatments for the Child and Adolescent Patient with Refractory Repetitive Behaviors: ...
Question and Answer Panel 2
Tips for Consultation of Moody Adolescents with Temper Outbursts
Using Pediatric Psychopharmacology Treatments in Primary Care: Issues and Worries
Advanced Psychopharmacology Treatments for Youth with Depression, Bipolar, Mood, or Temper Dysregulation Disorder
Question and Answer Panel 1
Tips for Consultation of Youth with Comorbid ADHD and Anxiety
Advanced Psychopharmacology Treatments for the Child and Adolescent with Anxiety Disorder: A Modern Perspective
Advanced Psychopharmacology Treatments for the Child and Adolescent with ADHD
Welcoming Remarks / Consulting with Primary Care Practitioners: The Art and the Science
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
Neuroimaging: A Primer on How It Works and What It Means
Psychological Testing, Intellectual Disability, and Learning Disabilities
Suicide and Suicidal Behavior
Substance Abuse
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma, and Stressor-Related Disorders
Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Pediatric Neurology
Childhood Psychosis
Disorders of Infancy and Preschool Period
Educational Law and Consulting for Schools
Genetics and Early Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder
Psychopharmacology: Evidence Base Reviewed and Current Concerns
Normal Development
Panel Discussion 4
Treating the Child and Adolescent with Refractory Psychotic Disorders
Treating the Child and Adolescent with Endocrine Complications of Psychotropic Drugs
Panel Discussion 3
Treating the Child and Adolescent Patient with Difficult-to-Manage Suicidality
Panel Discussion 2
Treating the Child and Adolescent with Refractory Bipolar, Mood, or Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Treating the Child and Adolescent with Refractory Anxiety Disorder: A Modern Perspective
Treating the Child and Adolescent Patient with Refractory Repetitive Behaviours: Tics, Tourette's, Trichotillomania
Panel Discussion 1
Treating the Child and Adolescent Patient with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
Treating the Child and Adolescent with Refractory ADHD
Welcoming Remarks
AACAP 62nd Annual Meeting (2015) Pre-Conference Enrichment Offering
AACAP 63rd Annual Meeting (Click Here to Choose 1 Institute Bundle)
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Substance Abuse (Part 1 ...
Major Depression Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Suicidal Behavior, and Bipolar Disorder (Part 1 & 2)
Developmental Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, and Intellectual Disabilities (Part 1 & 2)
AACAP 64th Annual Meeting (Click Here to Choose 1 Institute Bundle)
Q&A (17564-3-5)
Panel (17564-7-5)
Q&A AM (17409-3-5)
Q&A PM (17409-7-5)
AACAP's Recertification Efforts
Q&A (17507-4-5)
Q&A (17507-7-5)
Panel 1 (AM)
Panel 2 (PM)
Panel 3 (PM)
Q&A (17197-2-5)
Q&A (17197-4-5)
Q&A (17197-7-5)
AACAP 65th Annual Meeting (Click Here to Choose 1 Institute Bundle)
AACAP 65th Annual Meeting - All Mp3 Download
2018 Psychopharmacology Update Institute - All Mp3 Download
AACAP 64th Annual Meeting - All Mp3 Download
2017 Douglas B. Hansen, MD 42nd Annual Review Course - All Mp3 Download
2017 Psychopharmacology Update Institute - All Mp3 Download
63rd Annual Meeting - All Mp3 Download
2016 Douglas B. Hansen, MD 41st Annual Review Course - All Mp3 Download
2016 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute - All Mp3 Download
62nd Annual Meeting - All Mp3 Download
Douglas B. Hansen, MD, 40th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - All Mp3 Download
2015 Psychopharmacology Update Institute - All Mp3 Download
Douglas B. Hansen, M.D. 39th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - All Mp3 Download
2014 Psychopharmacology Update Institute - All Mp3 Download
AACAP 66th Annual Meeting (Click Here to Choose 1 Institute Bundle)
AACAP 66th Annual Meeting - All Mp3 Download
AACAP 67th Annual Meeting (Click Here to Choose 1 Institute Bundle)
AACAP 67th Annual Meeting - All Mp3 Download
2019 Psychopharmacology Update Institute - All Mp3 Download
2020 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute - All Mp3 Download
2021 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute - All Mp3 Download
AACAP 68th Annual Meeting (Click Here to Choose 1 Institute Bundle)
General Sessions 2: Research Symposium: Psychedelics as Therapeutics: Research Advances and Implications for Practice
General Sessions 1: Presidential Interview: CAPture Belonging: Our Global Partners in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
General Sessions 3: Noshpitz Cline History Lecture: Personal Reflections of a Wandering Pediatrician in Search of the ...
General Sessions 4: Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary: Bringing the Village to Our Children: Child Psychiatry's Role in the ...
General Sessions 6: Town Meeting: Transforming Care for America's Children: Systemic Partnerships for Children's Mental ...
General Sessions 7: Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary: The 15 White Coats Legacy: We Ain't Following The Rules
General Sessions 5: James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum: Science, Art, and Community of ...
Institute 7.1: Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Navigating Diagnosis and Assessments for Better Outcomes
Institute 7.2: From Genes to Diagnosis: A Patient-Centered Approach to Medical Genetic Testing
Institute 7.3: Transcending Disability: A Sociocultural Approach to the Management of Intellectual Developmental ...
Institute 7.4: Diagnosing Psychiatric Disorders in Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorder: An Update on ...
Institute 7.5: Modifications to Psychotherapy for Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorder
Institute 7.6: Strategies for Choosing Psychotropic Medications in Treating Individuals With Intellectual Developmental ...
Institute 7.7: Supporting Youth With Intellectual Developmental Disorder Through the Challenges of Transition
Institute 2.1: The Children's Advocacy Center Response to Crisis: Addressing Traumatic Stress and Suicidality Among ...
Institute 2.2: Sharing Lived Experience: A Parent and a Young Adult Discuss Accessing Services
Institute 2.3: Why Has the United States Adolescent Suicide Rate Been Increasing Since 2007?
Institute 2.4: Transforming Systems to Meet the Needs of Youth and Families: The NJ Story
Institute 2.5: Selected Innovations in Response to the Crisis Within Kentucky's System of Care
Institute 2.6: The Child Welfare System's Response to the National Mental Health Crisis
Institute 2.7: Inpatient and Residential Facilities: Building Better Connections With Family and Community
Institute 2.8: The Youth Mental Health Crisis and a Systems of Care Approach: The Emerging Roles of Child Psychiatrists ...
Institute 2.9: Wraparound Is an Effective Strategy for Youth With Complex Needs. How Do We Take It to Scale?
Institute 2.10: Crisis in Child and Youth Behavioral Health: What Are the Issues and What Is Our Federal Response?
Institute 2.11: Multisystemic Therapy: An Intensive Community-Based Treatment and Real Option
Institute 1.1: Getting Started, Part I: Key Concepts and Clinical Pearls for Patient Care
Institute 1.2: Getting Started, Part II: Gender-Affirming Interviews and Patient Perspectives
Institute 1.3: Intersectional and Cultural Considerations When Working With Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth of ...
Institute 1.4: Gender Dysphoria and Co-occurring Disorders: Complex Diagnostics and Treatment Planning
Institute 1.5: Gender Diversity and Suicidality
Institute 1.6: Mental Health and Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth After 2 Years of Hormones
Institute 1.7: Younger vs. Older Adolescents Presenting for Transgender Care: Gender-Related and Mental Health ...
Institute 1.8: Separating Fact From Fiction: Using Scientific Evidence to Confront Bias and Misinformation About ...
Institute 1.9: Adapting and Implementing Evidence-Based Psychotherapeutic Strategies With Families of Transgender and ...
Institute 6.1: Digital Phenotyping A Novel Approach to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment for Youth
Institute 6.2: The Challenges and Opportunities of Big Data for Individual-Level Prediction: Illustration From the ABCD ...
Institute 6.3: Individualized Prediction Models for Psychosis and Related Outcomes in Youth at Clinical High-Risk
Institute 6.4: From Genes to Brain to Behavior in Early Childhood Development
Institute 6.5: Bipolar Polygenic Risk and Person-Level Prediction
Institute 6.6: Using New Technologies to Improve Individual-Level Prediction of Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior
Institute 9.1: Integrating Data-Driven and Pragmatic Approaches to Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Bipolar ...
Institute 9.2: What Happens to Youth With Bipolar Disorder?
Institute 9.3: Bipolar Disorder Runs in Families: The Impact of Family History and Psychosocial Aspects
Institute 9.4: Using Neuroimaging to Characterize Illness Onset and Course in Youth With and At Risk for Bipolar ...
Institute 9.5: Stabilizing Youth Through Mania, Depression, and Everything in Between
Institute 9.6: Diagnostic Stability for Bipolar Disorder With Psychosis in Youth
Institute 3.1: Psychopharmacology of ASD: A Review of the Evidence
Institute 3.2: Pipeline Medications for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Psychotic Disorders
Institute 3.3: Psychopharmacology for Pediatric Psychosis
Institute 3.4: Frontiers in Pharmacology for Youth Depression
Institute 3.5: Emerging Neurotherapeutics for the Treatment of Depression in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Institute 3.6: Pharmacologic Management of Impulsive Aggression
Institute 8.1: Overview of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
Institute 8.2: Cognitive-Behavioral and Behavioral Interventions for Youth Anxiety Disorders
Institute 8.3: Brain-Based Treatment for Childhood Anxiety Disorders and OCD: Can Cognitive Control Help Kids Grow Out ...
Institute 8.4: Navigating the Complexities of Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Closer ...
Institute 8.5: Pharmacogenomics of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
Institute 8.6: Fears, Tears, and Tics: Impact and Interactions
Institute 8.7: Measurement-Based Care of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
Institute 4.1: Looking Back and Moving Forward on Threat Assessment and Management in Schools: Research Evidence, ...
Institute 4.2: Dilemmas, Decisions, and Due Diligence in High-Risk School Threat Assessments
Institute 4.3: Behavioral Threat Assessment as a Community-Level Intervention: Case Study #1
Institute 4.4: The Standards of Care and Practice in Threat Assessment and Management
Institute 4.5: Assessing Threat in the Clinical Setting: How to Avoid Common Pitfalls
Institute 4.6: Influencers, "Incels," Identity, and the Internet: What Schools and Parents Need to Know About Online ...
Institute 4.7: Behavioral Threat Assessment in the Digital Age: Case Study #2
Institute 5.1: What's New in ADHD, Psychosis, Institute 5.2: Mood, and Nicotine Use Disorders?
Institute 5.2: Psychiatric, Medical, and Quality-of-Life Updates on ASD & Asian Mental Health
Institute 5.3: Examining the Barriers and Benefits to Gender-Affirmative Care in Transgender and Gender-Diverse ...
Institute 5.4: Social Media and Psychopathology, Chronic Pain and Somatization, Racial Bias, and Depression Guidelines
Institute 5.5: Do You Really See Us? Holistic Approaches and the Ethics of Inclusive Practice With Children, ...
Institute 5.6: Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors in Minoritized Youth
Institute 5.7: Equitable and Culturally Informed Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Practice Recommendations From the ...
Institute 5.8: AACAP's Recertification Efforts
OCD and Tic Disorders: What To Do Next When Treatments Don't Work
Where Evidence Meets Practice - Navigating "Next Steps": Psychopharmacologic Options in Pediatric Anxiety
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence-based Treatments and What to Do Next
Tonic and Phasic Irritability: Where Did They Come From and How Do We Manage Them?
Sleepless in Psychiatry
Psychosis: What to Do Next When Standard Treatments Do Not Work
How Best to Consult With Others About Medication Management
What To Do When Depression Persists Despite Treatment?
Managing ADHD After an Inadequate Response to Initial Medication Treatment
Treatment of Affective Disorders and ADHD in Early Childhood: The Optimal and the Pragmatic
Saturday Q&A and Self-Assessment Sessions
Sunday Q&A and Self-Assessment Sessions
Institute 1.1: Addressing Sexual Trauma in Girls Across Systems of Care
Institute 1.2: Addressing Eating Disorders in Girls Across Systems of Care
Institute 1.3: The Double-Edged Sword: Impacts of Social Media on Adolescent Girls
Institute 6.4: What Are We Learning From the ABCD Study®? Key Findings for Child and Adolescent Mental Health ...
Institute 3.6: Psychopharmacological Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Youth
Institute 2.6: Transitions in Zero Suicide: Automated Caring Contacts in Pediatric Acute Care Settings
Institute 3.2: Psychopharmacological Management of ASD and Associated Psychopathology
Institute 3.3: Persistent Tic Disorders: Practical Tips on When, What, and How to Treat
Institute 3.5: Youth With Bipolar Disorder: Pharmacologic Interventions and Strategies to Mitigate Adverse Effects
Institute 2.7: Research-Informed Quality Improvement to Reduce Suicide Rates: Past Experience and Current Opportunities
Institute 3.1: Pharmacological Strategies in ADHD: Focus on Pragmatic Management
Institute 6.5: The Future of the ABCD Study®
Institute 5.1: Trauma, Resilience, and Advancing the Prevention of Mental Health Problems in Children and Adolescents
Institute 5.2: What's New in ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorders, and Sports Psychology?
Institute 5.3: New Findings on Youth Substance Use, Addictive Behaviors, and Co-Occurrence With Mental Health Disorders
Institute 5.4: Promises and Pitfalls: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Clinical Practice and the Impacts of Social Media ...
Institute 5.5: Pediatric Crises and Collaborative Care
Institute 5.6: Clinical Considerations for Working With Racially Diverse Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth and Youth ...
Institute 5.7: Psychotherapy, Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, PANDAS and PANS, and Melatonin and Self-Injury
Institute 2.1: Leadership: Suicide Prevention Champions
Institute 2.2: Training to Support Youth Suicide Prevention Programs and Interventions: Lessons from Dissemination in ...
Institute 2.3: Identifying Youth at Risk for Suicide: Helping Practitioners "Seize the Awkward" Through Screening
Institute 2.4: Engaging Youth at Risk: Implementing Clinical Pathways as a Key Suicide Prevention Strategy
Institute 2.5: Treatment Interventions for Suicidal Youth
Institute 1.4: Black and Latinx Girls in the Juvenile Legal System: Ecodevelopmental Trajectories to Suicide Attempts
Institute 1.5: Transforming Systems of Care for Girls: An Interactive Panel
Institute 1.6: Youth and Family Voice and the Experience of Girls
Institute 1.7: Breaking Down Barriers to Healthcare Needs of Commercial Sexually Exploited Adolescent Girls
Institute 8.1: Considering the Contexts of Treatment Planning in Preschoolers
Institute 8.2: The Evaluation and Treatment of Traumatized Young Children and Caregivers: Paths to Resilience
Institute 8.3: Big Fears in Little Kids: Evidence-Based Assessment and Treatments for Preschool Anxiety Disorders
Institute 8.4: Treatment of ADHD in Young Children
Institute 8.5: Treatment of ASD in Young Children
Institute 8.6: Update on Disruptive Behavior, Mood/Anger, and Aggression in Preschoolers
Institute 8.7: Evidence-Based Behavioral Interventions With Preschoolers
Institute 7.1: Irritability and Aggression in Pediatric ADHD: Current Evidence and Treatment Options
Institute 7.2: Mood Disorders in Youth With ADHD
Institute 7.3: ASD and ADHD: Diagnosis and Treatment
Institute 7.4: ADHD and Tics: What to Do When They Co-Occur
Institute 7.5: ADHD and Substance Use Disorders (SUD): An Intoxicating Combination
Institute 7.6: Clinical Implications of ADHD and CNS Stimulants on Weight Gain and Growth
Institute 7.7: Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulants and Sleep
Institute 7.8: Therapeutic Stimulant Class Medications and the Cardiovascular System
Institute 4.1: ASD and Anxiety: Diagnosis and Treatment
Institute 4.2: Identification and Treatment of Catatonia in ASD
Institute 4.3: Depression and Suicide in ASD: Special Considerations in Females
Institute 4.4: Evaluating and Treating Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity in the Context of ASD
Institute 4.5: Clinical Management of Irritability and Bipolar Disorder in ASD
Institute 4.6: Rethinking Social Competence to Advance More Humane Interventions for Youth With ASD
Institute 4.7: ASD Hot Topics: Transition to Adulthood, Technology, and Neurodivergence
Institute 6.1: What is the ABCD Study®?
Institute 6.2: Understanding and Accessing the ABCD Study® Data Set
Institute 6.3: From Data Access to Published Findings From the ABCD Study®
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